Cynis Arada

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Cynis Arada.png Cynis Arada Anima.png

Cynis Arada

Type:       Dragon Dynast    
Caste:      Wood
Motivation: Become greatest musical Sorcerer alive


Str:     2    Cha:     5    Per:     4
Dex:     5    Man:     1    Int:     5
Sta:     2    App:     4    Wit:     3


xArchery      5    Bureau.     1   xOccult     5
Personal W +3                      Terrestrial +3
Athletics     3    Larceny         Inves.      3
Awareness     3    Linguist.   2   xLore       5
                   Music +3
Dodge         5    xPerform.   5   xMedicine   3
                   Music +3
Integrity     3    Presence    4   xGenesis    5
                                   Plants +2
Martial A.    5    Socialize   2   xMagitch    3
Melee         1    xRide       3   xWater      3
Resistance    3    Sail            xWood       3 
Thrown             Stealth          
War           1    xSurvival   3


Backgrounds :                   Languages:
- Breed      5                  - Old Realm
- Sorcery    5                  - High Realm    
- Patron     3 [Cynis Odeda]    - Low Realm
- Family     3 [House Cynis]
- Arsenal    3
            (3) [Ultimately Useful Tube]
            (2) [Silk Armor]
            (1) [Whispersilk Curb Lines]
- Artifact   2 [Monocord]
- Artifact   1 [Green Jade Breatplate]
- Famillar   3 [Giant Centipede]    
- Fame       3 
- Allies     x
- Influence  1 [Imperial City]
Merits + Flaws:
- Unbidden Oracle -1
- Allergy (Milk) -1
- Hungry -1
- Diet (Vegetarian) -2


XP gesamt: 400
XP spent: 399
XP übrig: 1


  • Physical:
Join Combat:     6    
- Monochord Thorn Arrow - Spd 5, Acc 14 (+1), Dmg 8L, Rng 200, Rat 3, Tags 2, B; 1m
- Monochord Bloodthorn - Spd 5, Acc 14 (+1), Dmg 6L, Rng 200, Rat 3, (5L, -/-, -2, 2); 1m
- Emerald Thorn - Spd 5, Acc 12, Dmg 12L, Rng 500, Rat 1 (2 Sorcery Actions); 15m 1WP
- Useful Tube Blowgun - Spd 5, Acc 12 (+2), Def -, Dmg 4L, Rat 2, Tags P; 1m
- Useful Tube Stick - Spd 4, Acc 11 (+1), Def +2, Dmg 8B, Rat 3, Tags M
- Useful Tube Staff - Spd 6, Acc 13 (+3), Def +2, Dmg 10B, Rat 2, Tags 2,R
DV:        6.
PV:        5 (7)
Soak B:     9    
Soak L:     12
Soak A:    2    
  • Social
Join Debate:     6
- Monochord Bass - Spd 5, Acc 15(+2), Rat 3
- Droning Sugestion - Spd 5, Acc 13(+3), Rat 1 (2 Sorcery Actions); 10m 1WP
- Useful Tube Flute -  Spd 4, Acc 14(+1), Rat 3
- Social Honesty - Spd 5, Acc 10, Rat 2    
DMDV:    8
PMDV:    7
  • Virtues:
Com     Tem     Con     Val 
 3       1       5       5
  • Intimacies:
- Musik •••••
- Band •••••
- Dynasty •••
- Family •••
Willpower (10):     
Health: -0 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -4 
Essence: 3    
Personal (18): 18
Peripheral (41[27]): 27     
Other ():
Committed : 14

Charms, Sorcery, Thaumaturgy

  • Charms:
    • Ox Body Technique (-)
    • 2nd Craft Excelency (2m/success)
    • Shaping Hands Style
    • 3rd Occult Excelency (3m)
    • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery (10+m, 1WP)
    • 3rd Dodge Excelency (3m)
    • 2nd Archery Excelency (2m/success)
    • Dragon Graced Arrow (1m) anima dependent bonus; +E dmg
    • 2nd Performance Excelency (2m/success)
    • Invisible Street Performer Technique (m)
    • Tireless String Plucking Meditation (m)
    • Vibrating Strings Defense (m)
  • Martial Arts (Orgiastic Fugitive Style):
    • Clarity of Mind Movement (1m) ignore int pen through drugs or sex
    • Saturnalia Memoriam Kick (2m) raw dmg +MA +pen from drugs
    • Orgiastic Fugitive Form (5m) 1 auto succ to action or DV
    • Drunken Monk looses his Sash (4m) make two clinches at -5 in one action
  • Sorcery:
    • Calling the Stallwart Servitor (10 m)
    • Emerald Circle Countermagic (10+ m)
    • Droning Suggestion (10 m)
    • Sworn Brotherhood's Oath (10m +1/Exalt) (Oath Pool 20 dice)
    • Eye of Alliance (5m per Participant)
    • Summoning of the Harvest (15 m)
    • Sting of Emerald Thorns (15 m) (500y; 20y/tick, no Parry, Dodge -2, Per+Occult, 12L, ignore cover)
  • Art of Husbandry:
    • The Shepherds Whistled Tune (1, Wits, 3, one scene): Summons all animals, that have been marked in a special way as part of the herd previously.
    • White Crane Tea Ceremony (1, Wits, number of participants, one hour): This tea ceremony is the most common within the Realm and the civilized East. The host spends 1 WP to instill his guests with a sense of calm and serenity. For the rest of the day all participants gain a temporary dot of Temperance.
  • Art of Spirit Beckoning:
    • See Spirit (1, , , ): Least perception of spirits.
    • Rite of Exodus (1, , , ): Summons the spirit of a Guild caravan when leaving a major city.