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When cast upon a mount the fur, hide, or hair of the creature slowly changes from color to color, crossing the full spectrum of the rainbow. Though this spell is useless for practical reasons or purposes, it is quite popular for parade and show creatures.
When cast upon a mount the fur, hide, or hair of the creature slowly changes from color to color, crossing the full spectrum of the rainbow. Though this spell is useless for practical reasons or purposes, it is quite popular for parade and show creatures.
Material Component: A handful of different colored berries and some shards of colored glass.
Material Component: A handful of different colored berries and some shards of colored glass.
* '''Telekinesis'''
:Level: 2
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action
:Range: Varies (see below)
:Target: Varies (see below)
:Duration: Concentration
:Defense: Will (negates)
:Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster is able to telekinetically move a target, or multiple targets up to 6 squares in any direction using their magic. As a Standard action you may target one or more characters or objects within 6 squares or within your line of sight. Make a Use Magic check. The result of the check determines the maximum number and size of the targets you can lift (see below). If the target is a creature that resists your attempt, your Use Magic check must also exceed the target's Will Defense. You can hurl the target at (or drop it on) another target in range if your Use Magic check exceeds the second target's Reflex Defense. Both targets take damage according to the rules for falling objects or characters.
<table width=50% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Use Magic DC</b></td><td><b>Targets</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>10</td><td>Move 1 object of Small size.</td></tr>
<tr><td>15</td><td>Move up to 2 objects of Small size, or move 1 object up to Medium size.</td></tr>
<tr><td>20</td><td>Move up to 4 objects of Small size, 2 Medium size, or move 1 object up to Large size.</td></tr>
<tr><td>25</td><td>Move up to 8 objects of Small size, 4 Medium size, 2 Large size, or move 1  object up to Huge size.</td></tr>
<tr><td>30</td><td>Move up to 16 objects of Small size, 8 Medium size, 4 Large size, 2 Huge size, or move 1  object up to Gargantuan size.</td></tr>
<tr><td>35</td><td>Move up to 32 objects of Small size, 16 Medium size, 8 Large size, 4 Huge size, 2 Gargantuan size, or move 1  object up to Colossal size.</td></tr>
You may maintain your concentration on the targeted object to continue to move it from round to round. Maintaining the Magical Horn power is a standard action. If you use Magical Horn against a hovering or flying target (such as a Pegasus or Balloon), the target can oppose your Use Magic check with a Flying, or Drive check as a reaction. If the target wins the opposed check, you are unable to move the target.
You may spend a Harmony Point to increase the maximum size of the object by one category (maximum size Colossal II).

Revision as of 18:33, 29 September 2012

Star Magic

Grade 0

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect
Arcane Mark-1 actiontouchpermanent-Inscribe personal rune (visible, or invisible)
Twinklepinch of Stardust1 actionmedium1 min/lvl-Creates multiple small lightsources
Detect Magic-1 actionclose1 min/lvl- (SR)Detect spells and magic items or -auras
Know Direction-1 actionselfInstant-instantly know direction of north from current position
Prestidigitation-1 action2 squares1 hour(Wil)Perform minor magic tricks

Grade 1

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 2

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Grade 3

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Grade 4

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Grade 5

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Grade 6

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Sky Magic

Grade 0

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect
Dazepinch of wool or fabric1 actionclose1 HD/lvlWilltarget(s) loose next action
Ghost Sound-1 actionclose1 round/lvlWillfigments sound in distance
Message-1 actionmedium10 min/lvl-Whispered conversation at distance
Silent Squeakfine vial of oil1 actioncloseinstant- (SR)negates sound from hinges of single object
Sonic Snap-1 actioncloseinstantFortsonic attack deals 1 dmg to all in range

Grade 1

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Grade 2

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 3

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Grade 4

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Grade 5

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 6

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Mountain Magic

Grade 0

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect
Conjure Gem-Swiftclose1 round/lvl-summons gemstone for short time
Conjure Toolprepared toolSwiftcloseinstant- (SR)summons prepared tool
Mending-1 action2 squaresinstant- (SR)Repairs 1 SP on an object
Pebble-1 actioncloseinstantaneousFortdiminutive stone deals 1d3 dmg
Resistancefine piece of stone1 actiontouch1 min- (Will)subject gains +1 to all Defenses

Grade 1

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 2

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 3

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 4

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 5

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 6

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Earth Magic

Grade 0

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect
Conjure Bouquet-Swiftclose1 round/lvl-summons bouquet of flowers for short time
Detect Poison
Open/Close-1 actioncloseinstant- (SR)opens or closes, doors, small, or light things
Purify Food
Tickle-1 actioncloseinstantWilltelekinetic tickle deals 1d3 dmg

Grade 1

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 2

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 3

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 4

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 5

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 6

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Sea Magic

Grade 0

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect
Amanuensissmall vial of ink1 actionclosepermanent- (SR)copies nonmagical text
Conjure Water-1 actioncloseinstant-Creates diminutive source of fresh water
Quickswim-swiftself1 min/lvl-
Stick-1 actiontouchinstantWill (SR)Glues tiny or smaller target to larger one
Water Splash-1 actioncloseinstantaneousFortdiminutive orb of water deals 1d3 dmg

Grade 1

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Grade 2

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Grade 3

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Grade 4

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 5

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 6

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Sun Magic

Grade 0

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect
Cure Minor Wounds
Light-1 actiontouch1 min/lvl-target object shines with bright light
Flare-1 actioncloseinstantFortblinding light deals 1d3 dmg

Grade 1

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Grade 2

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 3

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 4

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 5

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 6

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Moon Magic

Grade 0

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 1

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Grade 2

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 3

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 4

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Grade 5

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Grade 6

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Void Magic

Grade 0

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect
Inflict Minor Wounds
Touch of Fatigue

Grade 1

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Grade 2

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Grade 3

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Grade 4

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Grade 5

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Grade 6

SpellMaterial ComponentCasting TimeRangeDurationDefenseEffect

Spell Descriptions

  • Conjure Bouquet
Level: 0
Components: V,S
Casting Time: Swift
Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft/2 levels)
Targets: one bouquet of flowers
Duration: 1 minutes/level
Defense: -
Spell Resistance: No

This simple little magical trick summons a handy bouquet of nice flowers, which remain only for a short time.

  • Cloudwalk
Level: 2
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft/2 levels)
Targets: 1 target
Duration: 2 hours/level
Defense: Will (negates)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell confers the ability to walk on clouds and vapor, just as Pegasi do.

  • Cloudwalk, mass
Level: 4
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 action per target
Range: Long (400 ft +40 ft/level)
Targets: one or more humanoid creatures, no two of which can be more than 180 ft. apart.
Duration: 2 hours/level
Defense: Will (negates)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell confers the ability to walk on clouds and vapor, just as Pegasi do, for a greater number of targets.

  • Create Water
Conjuration (Creation) [Water]
Level: 0
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Up to 2 gallons of water/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell generates wholesome, drinkable water, just like clean rain water. Water can be created in an area as small as will actually contain the liquid, or in an area three times as large—possibly creating a downpour or filling many small receptacles. Note: Conjuration spells can’t create substances or objects within a creature. Water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon. One cubic foot of water contains roughly 8 gallons and weighs about 60 pounds.

  • Detect Gems
Level: 2
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft +40 ft/level)
Targets: Area; circle; centered on you with a radius equal to range.
Duration: 1 minutes/level
Defense: None
Spell Resistance: No

You sense the location of non-magical gemstones within the designated area. This spell may be blocked by wards, or lead-sheated chests. Polymorph Object also fools this spell.

  • Detect Poison
Level: 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target or Area: One creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You determine whether a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous. You can determine the exact type of poison with a DC 20 Wisdom check. A character with the Craft (alchemy) skill may try a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check if the Wisdom check fails, or may try the Craft (alchemy) check prior to the Wisdom check. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

  • Discolor Rainbow Pool
Level: 3
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Targets: one Rainbow Pool
Duration: Instantaneous
Defense: None
Spell Resistance: No

This Discordant Spell leaves a Rainbow Pool entirely devoid of color. The content of the pool reverts to normal water. Rainbow fluid flowing into the pool is not affected by the spell until it reaches the surface of the pool. A discolored Rainbow Pool can be dispelled normally.

  • Flutter Wings
Level: 5
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft/2 levels)
Targets: 1 target
Duration: 6 hours/level
Defense: Will (negates)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The target of this magnificent spell gains a set of beautiful magical wings appropriate to the target's personality, which enable it to glide and fly like a creature of the sky. The target gets +4 to its Charisma score and can use her wings to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. The target can glide at a speed of 30 feet (average maneuverability). Even if her maneuverability improves, she can't hover while gliding. The target can't glide while carrying a medium or heavy load. If the target becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, her wings naturally unfurl and powerful ligaments stiffen the wings. The target descends in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter what the actual distance of the fall. The target also gains the ability to fly by the use of their wings at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). The target can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. The target can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to double their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they're fatigued at the end of the flight. They are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because the target can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, it can remain aloft for extended periods (even if it can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued).

  • Glow Tracks
Level: 1
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft/2 levels)
Targets: 1 target
Duration: 2 hours/level
Defense: Will (negates)
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell causes a target’s tracks or foot/hoof prints to glow with a bright, greenish light. The target will continue to make such glowing tracks for the full duration of the spell and likewise during this time the tracks will remain to glow. Once the duration has ended, the tracks will cease glowing and the light thus fades away. While this spell is useful for spies and bounty hunters, it is believed that it first held purpose as a ‘safety and rescue’ spell, allowing nighttime travelers the ability to keep from getting lost when following one another.

  • Hoof Trotting
Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft +5 ft/2 levels)
Target: One quadruped of Large-size or smaller
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Defense: Will (negates)
Spell Resistance: Yes

When cast upon a quadruped, the creature must make a Will save or immediately begin performing a swaying, shuffling, galloping like dance. If a musician is playing nearby, the affected mount will ‘dance’ in perfect rhythm to the music.

  • Instant Decoration
Casting Time:
Spell Resistance:

  • Locate Rainbow Pool
Level: 1
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft +40 ft/level)
Targets: Area; circle; centered on you with a radius equal to range.
Duration: 1 minutes/level
Defense: None
Spell Resistance: No

You sense the location of all Rainbow Pools within the designated area and the direction to the nearest one. This spell may be blocked by wards. Discolored Rainbow Pools cannot be found with this spell.

  • Prismatic Fur
Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Target: One character
Duration: 1 hours/level
Defense: Will (negates)
Spell Resistance: Yes

When cast upon a mount the fur, hide, or hair of the creature slowly changes from color to color, crossing the full spectrum of the rainbow. Though this spell is useless for practical reasons or purposes, it is quite popular for parade and show creatures. Material Component: A handful of different colored berries and some shards of colored glass.

  • Telekinesis
Level: 2

Components: S Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Varies (see below)
Target: Varies (see below)
Duration: Concentration
Defense: Will (negates)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The caster is able to telekinetically move a target, or multiple targets up to 6 squares in any direction using their magic. As a Standard action you may target one or more characters or objects within 6 squares or within your line of sight. Make a Use Magic check. The result of the check determines the maximum number and size of the targets you can lift (see below). If the target is a creature that resists your attempt, your Use Magic check must also exceed the target's Will Defense. You can hurl the target at (or drop it on) another target in range if your Use Magic check exceeds the second target's Reflex Defense. Both targets take damage according to the rules for falling objects or characters.

Use Magic DCTargets
10Move 1 object of Small size.
15Move up to 2 objects of Small size, or move 1 object up to Medium size.
20Move up to 4 objects of Small size, 2 Medium size, or move 1 object up to Large size.
25Move up to 8 objects of Small size, 4 Medium size, 2 Large size, or move 1 object up to Huge size.
30Move up to 16 objects of Small size, 8 Medium size, 4 Large size, 2 Huge size, or move 1 object up to Gargantuan size.
35Move up to 32 objects of Small size, 16 Medium size, 8 Large size, 4 Huge size, 2 Gargantuan size, or move 1 object up to Colossal size.

You may maintain your concentration on the targeted object to continue to move it from round to round. Maintaining the Magical Horn power is a standard action. If you use Magical Horn against a hovering or flying target (such as a Pegasus or Balloon), the target can oppose your Use Magic check with a Flying, or Drive check as a reaction. If the target wins the opposed check, you are unable to move the target. You may spend a Harmony Point to increase the maximum size of the object by one category (maximum size Colossal II).

Old Sorting

Level 1

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense    SR  Source   Effect
- Alarm                (AB)    -                        1 action   close   2 h/lvl       -           N   PHB 199  Wards area, (silent) alarm when entered
+ Animate Rope         (TR)    -                        1 action   medium  1 round/lvl   -           N   PHB 199  Makes a rope move at your command
E Color Spray          (IL)    pinch of red, yellow     1 action   15 ft.  instant       Will neg.   Y   PHB 210  Knocks 1d6 weak creatures unconsious, blinds or stuns
                               and blue powder or sand
- Comprehend Language  (DI)    pinch of soot and salt   1 action   person  10 min/lvl    -           N   PHB 212  Understand all spoken and written languages
- Dead End             (IL)    bent piece of metal      1 action   touch   10 min/lvl    special     Y   CM 101   Removes spoor of one creature/lvl
- Deep Breath          (CO)    -                        1 action   person  1 round/lvl   -           N   SPC 61   Your lungs are filled with air
- Detect Secret Doors  (DI)    -                        1 action   60 ft.  1 min/lvl     -           N   PHB 220  Reveals hidden doors and passages
- Disguise Self        (IL)    -                        1 action   person  10 min/lvl    -           N   PHB 222  Changes your appearance
A Dispel Ward          (AB)    -                        1 action   medium  instant       -           N   SPC 67   As Dispel Magic but affects only wards
E Endure Elements      (AB)    -                        1 action   touch   24 h          Will neg.   Y   PHB 226  Exist comfortably in hot or cold envioronment
+ Enlarge Pony         (TR)    -                        1 round    close   1 min/lvl     For neg.    Y   PHB 227  Humanoid creature increases size by one category
A Erase                (TR)    -                        1 action   close   instant       special     N   PHB 227   Mundane or magical writing vanishes
+ Expeditious Retreat  (TR)    -                        1 action   person  1 min/lvl     -           N   PHB 228   Your land Speed increases by 30 ft.
A Famillar Pocket      (UN)    -                        1 action   touch   1 h/lvl       -           N   SPC 88    Creates extradim. save haven for Pony Friend
+ Feather Fall         (TR)    -                        Immediate  close   1 round/lvl   Will neg.   Y   PHB 229   Creature or object falls slowly
+ Grease               (CO)    bit of fat or butter     1 action   close   1 round/lvl   special     N   PHB 237   Makes 10 ft square or object slippery
- Guided Shot          (DI)    -                        Swift      person  1 round       -           N   SPC 108   You ignore ranged penalties
- Hold Portal          (AB)    -                        1 action   medium  1 min/lvl     -           N   PHB 241   Holds door shut
R Hypnotism            (EN)    -                        1 round    close   2d4 rounds    Will neg.   Y   PHB 242   Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures
A Identify             (DI)    pearl of 100 hs value    1 hour     touch   instant       -           N   PHB 243   Determines properties of magic item
- Jump                 (TR)    grasshoppers hind leg    1 ation    touch   1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   PHB 246   Subject gains bonus on jump checks
R Locate Color Pool
A Mage Armor           (CO)    -                        1 action   touch   1 h/lvl       Will neg.   N   PHB 249   Gives subject +4 magical bonus to AC
- Obscuring Mist       (CO)    -                        1 action   20 ft.  1 min/lvl     -           N   PHB 258   Magic fog surrounds you
R Prismatic Fur
R Rainbow Gaze         (EV)    -                        1 action   person  1 round/lvl   -           N   SPC 135   Your eyes emit light and dazzle creatures
+ Reduce Pony          (TR)    -                        1 round    close   1 min/lvl     Fort neg.   Y   PHB 269   Humanoid creature shrinks in size by one category
- Remove Scent         (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   10 min/lvl    Will neg.   Y   SPC 173   Magically hides subjects scent
- Rouse                (EN)    -                        1 action   close   instant       -           N   PH2 123   Awakens creatures in area
- Scatterspray         (TR)    -                        1 action   close   instant       Ref neg.    N   SPC 180   Group of small objects flies apart in burst
- Shieldbearer         (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 round/lvl   -           N   SPC 188   Shield floats near pony to protect
- Silent Image         (IL)    -                        1 action   long    concentration Will dis.   N   PHB 279   Creates minor optical illusion
+ Sleep                (EN)    -                        1 round    medium  1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   PHB 280   Put 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber
- Slide                (TR)    -                        1 action   close   instant       Will neg.   Y   SPC 191   Move subjet 5 ft.
- Spell Flower         (TR)    -                        1 action   person  1 round/lvl   -           N   SPC 198   Hold charge on one touch spell per hoof
+ Spontaneous Search   (DI)    prism                    1 round    touch   1 round       Will neg.   Y   SPC 204   Instantly search area as if having taken 10
- Stand                (CO)    -                        Immediate  close   Instant       Will neg.   Y   PH2 125   Subject stands up from prone
+ Floating Disk        (EV)    drop of mercury          1 action   close   1 h/lvl       -           N   PHB 294   3 ft diameter disk holding 100 lb./lvl floats near you
+ Unseen Servant       (CO)    piece of string and wood 1 action   close   1 h/lvl       -           N   PHB 297   Invisible force obeys simple commands
- Ventriloquism        (IL)    -                        1 action   close   1 min/lvl     Will dis.   N   PHB 298   Throws voice to near location
- Vigilant Slumber     (DI)    -                        1 round    person  12 h          -           N   CM 122    Sets conditions under which you wake

Level 2

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense    SR  Source   Effect
+ Allied Footsteps     (DI)    -                        1 round    touch   1 day/lvl     Will neg.   Y   CM 95    Subject knows direction and distance to you
- Alter Self           (TR)    -                        1 action   person  10 min/lvl    -           N   PHB 197  Assume form of a similar creature
+ Arcane Lock          (AB)                             1 action   touch   permanent     -           N   PHB 200  Magicaly locks portal or chest
- Attentive Alarm      (AB)    -                        1 action   close   2 h/lvl       -           N   CM 96    Wards area longer
- Balancing Lorecall   (DI)                             1 action   person  1 min/lvl     -           N   SPC 23   +4 to Balance, can balance everywhere
- Bear's Endurance     (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   PHB 203  +4 to Con
R Blinding Color Surge (IL)    -                        1 action   medium  1 round/lvl   Will neg.   Y   PH2 104  Blinds Subject for 1 round, gain temp. invisibility
R Blur
- Bull's Strength      (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   PHB 203  +4 to Str
- Cat's Grace          (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   PHB 203  +4 to Dex
+ Cloak Color Pool
+ Cloudwalk            (TR)    -                        1 action   close   2 hour/lvl    -           Y   -        Walk on clouds as Pegasus
L Darkvision           (TR)                             1 action   touch   1 h/lvl       -           N   PHB 216  See up to 60 ft. in total darkness
- Daze Monster         (EN)    -                        1 action   medium  1 round       Will neg.   Y   PHB 217  Living creature up to 6 HD looses next action
- Detect Thoughts      (DI)    -                        1 action   60 ft.  1 min/lvl     Will neg.   N   PHB 220  Allows listening to surface thoughts
A Dispelling Touch     (AB)    -                        1 action   touch   instant       -           N   PH2 110  Dispel one efect on touched subject
- Eagle's Splendor     (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   PHB 203  +4 to Cha
- Fog Cloud            (CO)    -                        1 action   medium  10 min/lvl    -           N   PHB 232  Fog obscures vision
- Fox' Cunning         (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   PHB 203  +4 to Int
- Glitterdust          (
+ Gust of Wind         (
- Heart of Air         (
R Hypnotic Pattern     (
- Insight of Fortune   (
- Invisibility         (
+ Knock                (
+ Levitate             (
L Light of Celestia    (EV)    blessing of Celestia     1 action   person  10 min/lvl    -           Y   SPC 132   You radiate light; can use two bolts for 1d6 nonlethal dmg
- Lively Step          (
+ Locate Object        (
- Magic Mouth          (
- Marked Object        (
+ Master's Touch       (
- Minor Image          (
- Mirror Image         (
- Owl's Wisdom         (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   PHB 203  +4 to Wis
- Portal Alarm         (
+ Pyrotechnics         (
R Rainbow Beam         (
L Rebuke               (
+ Repair Moderate Dmg  (
E Resist Energy        (
L See Invisibility     (
- Share Talents        (
- Speak to Allies      (
- Spider Climb         (
- Surefooted Stride    (
- Swim                 (
- Web                  (
- Whispering Wind      (

Level 3

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense      SR  Source   Effect
A Arcane Sight
- Bands of Steel
+ Blink
+ Call Lightning
- Capricious Zephyr
- Clairvoiance
- Crown of Clarity
- Crown of Might
- Crown of Protection
- Crown of Veils
L Daylight
+ Deep SLumber
+ Dispel Magic
E Energy Aegis
E Energy Surge
R Flashburst
A Fortify Familiar
- Gaseous Form
L Glowing Orb
- Great Thunderclap
- Halt
+ Heroism
+ Hold Pony
- Karmic Backlash
- Major Image
- Mask of the Ideal
R Mesmerizing Glare
- Nondetection
R Prismatic Mist
E Protection from Energy
R Rainbow Blast
- Regroup
+ Shrink Item
+ Stinking Cloud
+ Summon Object, moderate
- Tiny Hut
- Tounges
L Wall of Light
+ Wind Wall

Level 4

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Battle Hymn
- Call of Stone
+ Cloudwalk, mass
+ Charm Monster
L Darkvision, mass
+ Dimension Door
+ Dimensional Anchor
- Dragon Breath
+ Floating Disk, greater
- Illusory Wall
+ Locate Creature
A Magic Aura           (IL)    -                        1 action   touch   1 day/lvl     -           N   PHB 257   Alter's object's magic aura
- Metal Melt
+ Minor Creation
- Resilient Sphere
+ Secure Shelter
A Suppressing Field
+ Polymorph
R Rainbow Pattern
A Remove Curse
- Repair Critical Dmg
- Resistance, greater
- Scrying
- Solid Fog
- Stoneskin
+ Treasure Scent

Level 5

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Alicorn Blood
+ Animal Growth
+ Break Enchantment
- Dimension Jumper
- Dragon Ally, lesser
- Dragonsight
- Dream
- Enlarge Pony, greater
+ Fabricate
- False Vision
+ Flutter Wings
- Hidden Lodge
+ Hold Monster
- Illusory Feast
- Indomitability
- Major Creation
- Mirage Arcana
- Passwall
A Permanency
- Persistent Image
R Prismatic Ray
- Private Sanctum
L Radiance
- Refusal
- Seeming
+ Sending
+ Stone Shape
+ Symbol of Affection
- Symbol of Sleep
+ Telekinesis
- Telepathic Bond
+ Teleport
- Transmute Mud to Rock
- Transmute Rock to Mud
A Wall of Dispelling
- Wall of Force
- Wall of Stone
A Zone of Respite

Level 6

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
A Analyze Deowmer
A Antimagic Field
- Bear's Endurance, mass
- Bull's Strength, mass
- Cat's Grace, mass
- Chasing Perfection
A Dispel Magic, greater
- Eagle's Splendor, mass
- Endless Slumber
A Familiar Refuge
+ Flesh to Stone
- Fox's Cunning, mass
+ Geas/Quest
- Gemjump
- Globe of Invulnerability
- Guards and Wards
A Imbue Familiar
- Karmic Retribution
- Legend Lore
- Mislead
+ Move Earth
- Overwhelm
- Owl's Wisdom, mass
+ Permanent Image
R Prismatic Aura
- Probe Thoughts
- Programmed Image
L Ray of Light
+ Repulsion
+ Ruby Ray of Reversal (Failsafe Spell)
+ Seal Portal
- Smoky Confinement
- Stone to Flesh
+ Suggestion, Mass
+ Tactical Teleportation
A Transcribe Symbol
+ True Seeing
- Veil

Sea Pony Spells

The Sea Ponies also know, and sometimes teach, the following magic formula.

Level 1

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Wave Blessing
- Wings of the Sea     (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 min/lvl     For neg.    Y   SPC 240  Subject's swim Speed  increases by 30 ft.

Level 2

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Extend Tentacles     (TR)    -                        1 action   person  1 round/lvl    -           N   SPC 86   +5 ft reach to tentacle attack
- Fearsome Grapple     (TR)    -                        immediate  person  1 round/lvl    -           N   SPC 90   You grow tentacles with appropriate natural attacks
- Fins to Hooves       (TR)    -                        1 action   touch   1 h/lvl        -           N   SPC 92   Transforms tails and fins into legs and hooves
- Inky Cloud           (CO)    a few drops of ink       1 action   30 ft   10 min/lvl     -           N   SPC 123  Obscures sight underwater beyound 5 ft
- Sink
- Urchin's Armor

Level 3

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Air Breathing
- Heart of Water
- Sepia Sigil
- Water Breathing

Level 4

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Raise from the Deep
- Siren's Call

Level 5

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Airy Water
- Flowsight
- Transformation of the Deeps

Level 6

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Cloak of the Sea
- Control Water

Dark Spells

The following spells exist, but are not available for normal ponies. Only Dark Ponies, initiated into the teachings of Night Mare Moon may learn them.

Level 1

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Cause Fear           (NE)    -                        1 action   close   special       Will part.  Y    PHB 208  Single creature of max 6 HD flees
- Net of Shadows       (IL)    -                        1 action   close   1d6 rounds    Will neg.   Y    SPC 147  Shadows conceal those in area
- Shock and Awe        (EN)    -                        Swift      close   1 round       -           Y    SPC 189  Flat-footed creatures get -10 on Initiative
- Whelm                (EN)    -                        1 action   close   instant       Will neg.   Y    PH2 128  Deal 1d6 + 1d6/2CL nonlethal dmg

Level 2

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Black Karma Curse    (EN)    -                        1 action   close   instant        Will neg.   Y   PH2 103  Subject damages self with melee attack
- Darkness             (EV)                             1 action   touch   10 min/lvl     -           N   PHB 216  20 ft radius supernatural shadow
- Night Mare Shadow    (EV)    order of Night Mare Moon  1 action   person  10 min/lvl    -           Y   SPC 132  You radiate shadow; can use two bolts for 1d6 nonlethal dmg
- Obscure Object       (       
- Razorfangs           (
- Scare                (
- Shadow Mask          (
- Shadow Radiance      (
- Shadow Spray         (
- Veil of Shadow       (
- Vertigo              (
- Wall of Gloom        (
- Whelming Blast       (

Level 3

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Blacklight
- Cone of Dimness
- Pall of Twilight
- Prickling Torment
- Secret Page
- Shadow Binding
- Shadow Cache
- Shadow Phase

Level 4

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Black Tentacles
- Crushing Despair
- Fear
- Nightmare Terrain
- Shadow Conjuration
- Shadow Well

Level 5

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Dominate Person
- Fever Dream
- Nightmare
- Shadow Form
- Waves of Fatigue

Level 6

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Aura of Terror
- Dream Casting
- Imperious Glare
- Shadow Walk
- Symbol of Fear
- Symbol of Persuasion

Discordant Spells

The following spells exist, but are not available for normal ponies. Only Discordant Ponies, or members of some other Races may learn them.

Level 1

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Charm Person         (EN)    -                        1 action   close   1 h/lvl       Will neg.   Y    PHB 209  Makes one target your friend temporarily
- Cheat                (TR)    -                        1 action   person  1 min/lvl     -           N    SPC 46   Caster may reroll for games of chance
- Distract             (EN)    -                        1 action   medium  1 round/lvl   Will neg.   Y    SPC 69   -4 on Concentration and perception checks
- Incite               (EN)    -                        Swift      close   1 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y    SPC 121  Subject can't ready actions or delay
- Inhibit              (EN)    -                        1 action   medium  instant       Will neg.   Y    SPC 123  Subject delays until next round
- Ray of Clumsiness    (TR)    -                        1 action   close   1 min/lvl     -           Y    SPC 166  Ray deals 1d6 Dex dmg +1 per 2 CL
- Ray of Enfeeblement  (NE)    -                        1 action   close   1 min/lvl     -           Y    PHB 269  Ray deals 1d6 Str dmg +1 per 2 CL
- Serene Visage        (IL)    -                        1 action   person  1 min/lvl     -           N    SPC 182  Gain 1/2 lvl bonus to Bluff checks
- Wall of Smoke        (CO)    -                        1 action   close   1 round/lvl   Fort part.  N    SPC 235  Wall of smoke obscures vision and nauseates

Level 2

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Arcane Turmoil       (AB)                             1 action   close   instant        special     Y   CM 96    Dispel magic on 1 subject, which looses one spell
- Baleful Transposition(CO)    -                        1 action   medium  instant        Will neg.   Y   SPC 23   Two targets switch places
- Blur                 (IL)    -                        1 action   touch   1 min/lvl      Will neg.   Y   PHB 206  Attacks miss 20% of time
- Cloud of Bewilderment(CO)                             1 action   close   1 round/lvl    special     N   SPC 48   Generates nauseating 10 ft. cube
- Delusions of Grandeur(IL)    -                        1 action   medium  10 min/lvl     Will neg.   Y   SPC 65   Subject thinks it is better than it is
- Distracting Ray      (AB)    -                        1 action   close   instant        -           N   SPC 69   Ray forces subject to make concentration check
- Entice Gift          (EN)    -                        1 action   close   1 round        Will neg.   Y   SPC 83   Subject gives caster what it's holding
- Hideous Laughter     (EN)                             1 round    medium  10 min/lvl     -           Y   PHB 292  Subject looses actions for one round
- Misdirection         (IL)    -                        1 action   close   1 h/lvl        special     N   PHB 254  Misleads divinations for subject or object
- Obscure Object       (       
- Ray of Sickness      (
- Ray of Stupidity     (
- Ray of Weakness      (
- Reflective Disguise  (
- Stay the Hand        (
- Sting Ray            (
- Torrent of Tears     (
- Touch of Idiocy      (
- Vertigo              (

Level 3

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Alter Fortune
- Bothersome Babble
- Deceptive Facade
- Hesitate
- Illusory Script
- Inevitable Defeat
- Mind Poison
- Prickling Torment
- Ray of Dizzieness
- Ray of Exhaustion
- Secret Page
- Suggestion
- Unluck
- Vertigo Field

Level 4

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Baleful Blink
- Bestow Curse
- Confusion
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Touch of Years

Level 5

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Feeblemmind
- Form of Discord
- Friend to Foe
- Mana Flux

Level 6

Spell                  School  Material Component       Cast Time  Range   Duration       Defense     SR  Source   Effect
- Ray of Entropy