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(Craft (Int))
(Mental Skills)
Line 216: Line 216:
====Profession (Wis)====
====Profession (Wis)====
for instance Astrology, Clerk, Farmer, Gambler, Instructor, Miner, Teacher, Waitor, Weather Working, ...
for instance Astrology, Clerk, Farmer, Gambler, Instructor, Miner, Teacher, Waitor, Weather Working, ...
====Research (Int)====
====Sense Motive (Wis)====
====Sense Motive (Wis)====

Revision as of 04:07, 8 March 2012

Skills Summary

Trained skills vs. untrained skills

Using Skills

Skill Descriptions

Physical Skills

  • Acrobatics (Dex)
  • Climb (Str)
  • Concentration (Con)
  • Drive (Dex)
  • Endurance (Con)
  • Fly (Dex)
  • Initiative (Dex)
  • Jump (Str)
  • Melee (Str)
  • Stealth (Dex)
  • Swim (Str)

Mental Skills

Appraise (Int)

Craft (Int)

for instance Alchemy, Architecture, Artwork, Cooking, Mechanics, Tailoring, ...

  • Drafting Designs

In order to build any kind of ponymade object, anypony needs to have a plan first. The crafter must determine all of the necessary functions components for the device he wishes to construct and draft or purchase the necessary sketches and diagrams. Designs are needed for each object of moderate or higher complexity to be crafted, as well as for the assembly of the finished project.

To draft a proper set of design, the character must first decide what the function or functions of the item will be. Once she has determined everything that she wants the item to do, she can break it down into component parts. Each object requires a certain amount of units of appropriate crafting material (see Table: Crafting Materials) depending on its object type, size category and complexity.

For instance a Unicorn tailor wanted to create a medium-sized +1 adequate gala-garment. So, she needs a medium sized garment (or has to create one from 2 units of fabric), add one unit of Rainbow Color to create the +1 equipment bonus, and one unit of Flowers, Gemstones, Seafruit or Stardust for the +2 adequate Social Rating bonus to set the finish. In addition, she needs to know how much the components cost and how they affect the difficulty of creating the item.

Designs are drafted by making a Knowledge roll associated to the appropriate Craft skill (see Craft Tables below). The base DC to draft a Design is 10 modified by the scope and the complexity of the object (see Project Scope and Complexity).

  • Table: Crafting Materials
ElementMaterialValue DCMaterialValue DCMaterialValue DC
StarsGlass Stardust Metal (Powders)
SkyClouds Air (Gases) Rainbow (Colors)
MountainsStones Coal Gemstone (Powders)
EarthWood Fruit Flowers
SeaCoral Water (Liquids) Seafruit
Unity(Meat) Animal Products Fabric, Feathers, Fur
  • Table: Project Scope and Complexity
1 (1/4)
Project ScopeDCMaterial UnitsRoll intervallProject ComplexityDCRoll intervall
Fine+201 (1/8)0,5 day
Diminutive+15 0,5 day
Tiny+101 (1/2)0,5 dayVery Simple-10one quarter
Small+510,5 daySimple-5half
Medium+020,5 dayModerate+0full
Large+541 dayComplex+5double
Huge+10163 daysVery Complex+10double
Gargantuan+15641 weekArcane+15tripple
Colossal I+202561 month
Colossal II+2510244 months
Colossal III+3040961 year
  • Craft [Alchemy]
    • Associated Knowledge [Herbology]
    • Associated Projects
      • Brews (Tiny, Arcane)
      • Alchemical Constructs (Tiny to Huge, Very Complex or Arcane)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Stardust, Metal Powders
      • (Sky) Gases, Rainbow Colors
      • (Mountain) Gemstone Powders
      • (Earth) Flowers, Fruit
      • (Sea) Water, Liquids
      • (Unity) Animal Products
  • Craft [Architecture]
    • Associated Knowledge [Geometry]
    • Associated Projects
      • Buildings (Large to Colossal III, Moderate to Complex)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Metal, Glass
      • (Sky) Clouds, Rainbow Colors
      • (Mountain) Stones
      • (Earth) Wood
      • (Sea) Coral
      • (Unity) Fabric
  • Craft [Artwork]
    • Associated Knowledge [Art]
    • Associated Projects
      • Artwork (Tiny to Huge, Simple to Complex)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Stardust, Metal, Glass
      • (Sky) Clouds, Rainbow Colors
      • (Mountain) Stone, Gemstones
      • (Earth) Wood, Flowers
      • (Sea) Coral, Seafruit
      • (Unity) Fabric
  • Craft [Cooking]
    • Associated Knowledge [Cuisine]
    • Associated Projects
      • Food (Fine to Small, Simple to Complex)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Stardust
      • (Sky) Rainbow (also Colors)
      • (Mountain) Gemstone (often Powders as spices)
      • (Earth) Fruits, Flowers
      • (Sea) Liquids, Seafruit
      • (Unity) Animal Products
  • Craft [Mechanics]
    • Associated Knowledge [Engineering]
    • Associated Projects
      • Devices (Fine to Large, Very Simple to Arcane)
      • Vehicles (Large to Colossal I, Moderate to Arcane)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Metal, Glass
      • (Sky) Gases, Rainbow Color
      • (Mountain) Gemstones, Coal
      • (Earth) Fabric, Wood
      • (Sea) Liquids
      • (Unity) Fabric
  • Craft [Tailoring]
    • Associated Knowledge [Fashion]
    • Associated Projects
      • Garments (Tiny to Huge, Very Simple to Very Complex)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Metal
      • (Sky) Rainbow Colors
      • (Mountain) Gemstones
      • (Earth) Flowers
      • (Sea) Seafruit
      • (Unity) Fabric
  • Table: Enhancement/Enchantment Effects
Alchemic Construct Traits
Enhanced AbilityOne of the construct's attribute scores increases by 4.
Enhanced AdequacyIncreases the construct’s maximum Social Access Rating by 2
Enhanced ConfidenceIncreases the construct’s armor bonus to Will Defense by 1.
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the construct’s damage reduction by 1.
Enhanced FortificationIncreases the construct’s equipment bonus to Fortitude Defense by 1.
Enhanced MobilityIncrease the construct’s speed by 1 square.
Enhanced ProtectionIncreases the construct’s armor bonus to Reflex Defense by 1.
Enhanced StructureIncrease the construct's structure by one dice.
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the construct.
Architecture Ehancements
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the edifice's damage reduction by 1
Enhanced StructureThe edifice gains extra structure equal to one-quarter of its base structure.
Enchanted FunctionalitySkill checks made in or on the edifice gain a +2 equipment bonus, or the edifice's existing equipment bonus increases by 2.
Enhanced AdequacyIncreases the edifice's maximum Social Access Rating by 2
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the edifice.
Artwork Enhancements
Enhanced AdequacyIncreases the artwork's maximum Social Access Rating by 2
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the artwork's damage reduction by 1
Enhanced StructureThe artwork gains extra structure equal to one-quarter of its base structure.
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the artwork.
Device Enchantments
Enhanced AccuracyThe device gains a +1 enchantment bonus on attack rolls.
Enhanced StrengthIncrease the device's Strength score by 2.
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the device's damage reduction by 1
Enchanted DeviceSkill checks made using the device gain a +2 equipment bonus, or the device's existing equipment bonus increases by 2.
Enhanced DamageThe device deals +2 damage on a successful hit. This damaged is multiplied on a critical hit, as normal.
Enhanced RangeThe device's ranges all increase by 50%.
Enhanced RuggednessIncrease the device's break and disable DC by 5.
Enhanced StructureThe device gains extra structure equal to one-quarter of its base structure.
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the device.
Garment Enchantments
Enhanced AdequacyIncreases the garment's maximum Social Access Rating by 2
Enhanced AgilityIncreases the garment's maximum Dexterity bonus 1.
Enhanced AppearanceIncrease the garment's equipment bonus to social rating by 1.
Enhanced ConfidenceIncreases the garment's armor bonus to Will Defense by 1.
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the garment's damage reduction by 1.
Enhanced FortificationIncreases the garment's equipment bonus to Fortitude Defense by 1.
Enhanced MobilityReduces the penalty to speed by 1 square.
Enhanced ProtectionIncreases the garment's armor bonus to Reflex Defense by 1.
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the garment.
Vehicle Enchantments
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the vehicle's damage reduction by 1.
Enhanced StructureThe vehicle gains extra structure equal to one-quarter of its base structure.
Enhanced ManeuverabilityIncreases the vehicle's Maneuverability score by 1.
Enchanced SpeedIncreases the vehicle's speed by one-quarter of its base speed (minimum 1 square).
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the vehicle.

Deception (Cha)

Gather Information (Cha)

Handle Animal (Cha)

Heal (Wis)

Knowledge (Int)

for instance Arcana, Creature Lore, Geography, History, Local, Nature, Pony Lore, Religion, ...

Perception (Wis)

Perform (Cha)

Persuasion (Cha)

Profession (Wis)

for instance Astrology, Clerk, Farmer, Gambler, Instructor, Miner, Teacher, Waitor, Weather Working, ...

Sense Motive (Wis)

Survival (Wis)

Use Magic (Int)