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Latest revision as of 13:43, 16 August 2008



Char History[edit]

mit 100xp:[edit]


Lunar Waning Moon Trickster

Combat History[edit]

Eight-and-a-half-Tails, Spieler: Nomad


Physical Social Mental
Str: 4 Cha: 2 Per: 2
Dex: 5 Man: 3 Int: 2
Sta: 3 App: 2 Wit: 3
Dawn Zenith Twilight
Archery: 0 Integrity: 2 Craft: 0
Martial Arts: *5(natural weapons +2) Performance: 0 Investigation: 1
Melee: 0 Presence: 3 Lore: 2
Thrown: 2 Resistance: 0 Medicin: 0
War: 0 Survival: 1 Occult: 3
Night Eclipse Craft
Athletics: 3 (mut +2) Bureaucracy: 0 CraftAir: 0
Awareness: *5 (Combat +2; mut+2) Linguistics: 0 CraftEarth: 0
Dodge: *5 (Challenge +1) Ride: 0 CraftFire: 0
Larceny: 1 Sail: 0 CraftWater: 0
Stealth: 2 Socialize: 1 CraftWood: 0
More Craft
CraftMagetech: 0 CraftGenesis: 0 CraftShaping: 0
Backgrounds Mertis&Flaws Arts&Sciences
Destinty: 1 (become Exalted) Mutaton [enh. sense] Old Realm
Reputation: 1 Mutaton [night vision]
Artifact: 3 [Tattoo of U. M.] Mutaton [fangs and nails]
Artifact: 2 [Silk Armor] Mutaton [fur]
Artifact: 1 [Moons. Typhon Wheels Mutaton [tail]
Mutaton [wolfs pace]
Signature Style [Fivefold Gestures]
Derangement [No-Moon Glossalia]
Other Traits
Willpower Health Essence
8 1*0/2*-1/2*-2/1*-4/1*Inc./2*Dying 1
Compassion: 2 Temperance: 1 Personal: 23 (18 commited)
Conviction: 5 Valor: 3 Peripheral: 0
Combat Pools
Form Atk (S/A/D/R) DV/PV/Soak (B/L/A)
Punch 5////// {{{3}}}
Kick 5////// {{{3}}}
Bite 5////// {{{3}}}
Claw 5////// {{{3}}}
Typhon Wheel 4////// {{{3}}}


Name Cost Mins Type Keywords Duration Prerequisite
===TMA: Fivefold Shadow Hand Style===

Charmwunschliste für später...[edit]
