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Wind-Dancer: Investigation, Occult, Stealth.
Wind-Dancer: Investigation, Occult, Stealth.
aspects 7
swarm form
swarm form
fang and Claw 1
fang and Claw 1
pack bond
nine lives  5
pack bond
extra ordinary specimen 1
gross eater 1
nine lives  5
extra ordinary specimen 1
gross eater 1
bis die funktion von beast magic beschlossen wurde
wird das erst mal nix so!
beast magic 2 death ... eine rote
Beast Magic (• to •••)
Select werebeasts pursue forbidden arts of magic. These
formidable creatures employ arcane secrets and ominous
tools to mimic the spells of human wizards. In return,
though, they impose limits upon their wild hearts. Still, it’s
an impressive trade. While most ferals shun these strange
arts, certain beasts — cats, baboons, goats, foxes, cranes,
spiders, frogs, ravens, even bison — are strongly attuned to
magic. In human form, these creatures are often drawn to
occult practices. And after the First Change, these practices
come to fruition through the odd talent of Beast Magic.
In game terms, this Aspect allows a werebeast to purchase
specifi c mage spells — not Arcana, but spells — to
duplicate the effects of arcane beast-magic. These spells
are not Supernal magic as mages practice it. Werebeasts cannot
be mages, and cannot master those esoteric arts. We
simply suggest using those particular spells to duplicate the
effects of a more limited form of magic. If Sovah Volente,
for example, wants to employ a spell that fakes a corpse’s
aww-bare necessities-beast magic
chapter two building the perfect beast
cause of death, her player could buy the Death •• spell
called “Corpse Mask.” Sovah could not, however, use other
Death •• spells; if the owl-kin also wants to command
the shadows, her player could buy “Animate Shadows” as
a separate spell. She could not simply buy or use Death ••
itself. That power is beyond her control.
Each spell selected counts as a distinct Aspect, and
must be purchased separately. Sovah, for example, would
have Beast Magic: Corpse Mask •• and Beast Magic: Animate
Shadows ••. The cost of buying spells ranges from fi ve
to 30 experience points: • = fi ve points, •• = 15 points,
••• = 30 points. A werebeast may select one or two spells
during character creation, but only if the player also buys
the Occult Skill and presents a very good reason for that
knowledge. These enchantments can be found in Mage:
The Awakening, pp. 133–267, and have the following
parameters when cast by a werebeast:
• The werebeast player rolls Wits + Occult to cast a spell,
rather than the traits that a mage would use. The werebeast
must also spend one point of Essence to complete the spell.
• That werebeast cannot buy a spell with more dots
in it than her rating in the Occult Skill.
• A werebeast cannot combine spells, or have more
than one operating at a time. The single effect is all a
werebeast can achieve.
• Multiple werebeasts can cast a ritual if all have
the Beast Magic Aspect. (See Mage: The Awakening, p.
• A werebeast cannot purchase a spell of a higher
level than •••. The upper reaches of magic are closed to
• A shapechanger with the Beast Magic Aspect cannot
have a Feral Heart rating higher than 3 — his maximum
rating in Beast Magic. In pursuing those studies, he gives
too great a portion of his life over to the arts of Man to fully
embrace his beast. Likewise, he cannot select the Spirit Gifts
Aspect. A beast may pursue magic or spiritual communion,
but not both.
To cast a spell, the feral prepares a ritual with tools,
incantations and gestures that suit the character and story.
A Tothian baboon, for example, may call upon ancient Egyptian
secrets, employing tools and words drawn from esoteric
papyri; a Klinkerash werecat, in contrast, would employ
trappings from medieval Germany to invoke his witch-spell.
In game terms, the player spends a point of Essence, rolls for
success and the spell’s effects (hopefully) take form.
As the name implies, this is a very sketchy Aspect to
master. Beast-magicians have a discomforting smell, especially
those who pursue the arts of Death, Fate, Space and
Spirit. Other shapechangers distrust Bubasti and Tothians .
. . and for good reason. Magic is one of Man’s more chaotic
arts, and while an honest beast may appreciate the skill and
dedication involved in mimicking the secrets of clannish
wizards, he’ll be rightfully skeptical that an animal (even a
human one) could deal with such things and still remain
true to what she is.

Revision as of 12:52, 29 April 2010



  • Band 1: Attribute,Skills

  • Band 2: Merits,Willpower

  • Band 3: Powers,Supernatural-Merits

  • Band 4: Retainer


Mimma Lemnua: The Hungry Darkness

There is crime, and there is punishment. When a now- forgotten king of old Akkad withheld his blessing from the crops, the people starved in droves. Children perished, and elders withered in the beds. Meanwhile, the king and his court gorged themselves on fine wines and honeyed wheat cakes. They never noticed the clicking and skittering of 10,000 little legs, or the hard eyes that gathered until the sun had passed. Nor did the king and his court note the serving girl with equally hard eyes noting each one of them as she fed them succulent dates. When two-score skeletons, stripped as clean as bleached reeds, awaited the morning servants, no one thought to search the darkest corners of the rooms, or find the hard-eyed serving girl whose name no one recalled. And if those servants had, the previous night, heard muffled coughs, as if a fat man or woman were choking on some thick morsel, the servants thought no more about such things. For there is crime, and there is punishment. And sometimes Justice crawls. Quiet and so very often cold, a Mimma Lemnu shapechanger moves with a certain stiffness in her joints. Her dark eyes miss little, and her fingers twitch and crackle as she moves. If you look closely (which few people do), you might notice bumps that seem to slide beneath her skin. When the time has come to act, however, she throws aside her clothes and spills into a scuttling mass of beetles, each governed by a single mind. Her Primal form con- sists of this surging mass of hungry arthropods. There is no War-Beast form for this breed, however — they don’t need one. In human guise, a feral of the Hungry Darkness looks lean and bitter. She’s never moved to emotional displays. If and when she’s angry enough, you’ll know. The scuttling of her tiny feet sounds elo- quent enough.

Breed Favors: Fang and Claw, Pack Bond,Swarm Form

Breed Bonus: In Primal form, this feral is smaller than Size 1, and can scatter in all directions yet stay connected through her hive-mind bond. The swarm cannot use human manual skills, but ignores Defense when attacking. To attack, the swarm must surge over the opponent and remain in place for at least one turn. Once in place, the shapechanger inflicts one lethal Health point per turn until the shapechanger retreats or is harmed by fire, electricity or some other attack that inflicts equal damage on the target.

Common Aspects: Catwalk, Clamber, Culling the Weak, Darksight, Exoskeleton, Gross Eater, Invisible Marking, Many- Legged, Nine Lives, Pack Bond, Resilient Form, Skin Double, Unspeakable, Venomous, Wallwalking

Form Adjustments Primal Beast (swarm form): Mental Attributes: Per character Physical Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4 Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 0, Composure per character Size 5 (of swarm itself), Health 8, Speed 9 (species factor 4 + Dexterity

Wind-Dancer: Flighty, inquisitive, uncanny. Wind-Dancer: Investigation, Occult, Stealth.


swarm form
fang and Claw 1
pack bond
nine lives  5
extra ordinary specimen 1
gross eater 1



Virtue:     Vice: 

Str:         Pre:         Int:     
Dex:         Man:         Wit:     
Sta:         Com:         Res:     

Skills: Academics, Athletics , Animal Ken , Brawl , Computer, Crafts , Drive , 
Empathy , Expression , Firearms , Intimidation , Investigation , Larceny , 
Medicine , Occult , Persuasion , Politics , Science , Socialize , Streetwise , 
Stealth , Subterfuge , Survival , Weaponry


Ini Mod:         Size:         Speed:     
Combat 1:         
Combat 2:         
Defense:        Armor: 



Health (): 
Willpower ():

Power Stat: 
Power Pool ():