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[[Category:Iron Kingdoms]] [[Category:WFT]]
[[Category:Iron Kingdoms]] [[Category:WFT]]
===Clothing & Accesoirs:===
==Hooaga Trade==
Item                                Cost
Hooaga, leafes (1 lb.)              5 sp
Hooaga, raw cut (1 lb.)              1 gp
Hooaga, fine cut (1 lb.)            2 gp
Kaargrot (Trollkin barter) (1 lb.)  * (25 gp)
Smoking Spices, common (1 lb.)      2 gp
Smoking Spices, exotic (1 lb.)      15 gp
Smoking Spices, intoxicating (1 lb.) 20 gp
Cigar, Kaargrot (Trollkin barter)    * (2,5 gp)
Bhidis, (Pack of 20)                5 sp
Cigars, no-name (Box of 25)          5 gp
Regency Gold Gram Robusto            15 gp
Regency Gold Captains Edge          20 gp
Regency Gold Castellans Choice (20)  30 gp
Hearthblend Clipper                  6 gp
Hearthblend Schooner                9 gp
Hearthblend Baird's Select          15 gp
Moskrad Premium Holcheki's Pride    4 gp
Moskrad Premium Moskrad Umber        6 gp
Voxsauny Dark Twikight (10)          40 gp
Voxsauny Dark Eclipse (10)          100 gp
Voxsauny Dark Black Label (5)        200 gp
===Arcane Cigars:===
(Like Potions, sold seperately)
====Gram Beedleroth Special Cigars====
Item                                Cost
Detect Magic / Secret Doors          50 gp
Disguise Self                        50 gp
Endure Elements                      50 gp
Expeditious Retreat                  50 gp
Obscuring Mist                      50 gp
Blur                                300 gp
Darkvision                          300 gp
Glitterdust                          300 gp
Undetectable Alignment              300 gp
====Brother Behemiel's Holy Smokes====
Item                                Cost
Light                                10 gp
Remove Fear                          50 gp
Shield of Faith +2                  50 gp
Protection from Evil                100 gp
Aid                                  300 gp
Lesser Restoration                  300 gp
Consecrate                          300 gp
====Morris Medicinic Smoking Remedies====
Item                                Cost
Calm (own) Emotions                  10 gp
Cure Minor Wounds                    10 gp
Cure Light Wounds                    50 gp
Delay Poison                        300 gp
Remove Paralysis                    300 gp
====Special Trollkin Recipes====
Item                                Cost
Hypnotism                            50 gp
Sleep                                50 gp
Traceless Path                      50 gp
Enlarge Person                      100 gp
Reduce Person                        100 gp
Calm Emotions                        100 gp
Bear's Endurance                    300 gp
Bull's Strength                      300 gp
Cat's Grace                          300 gp
Eagle's Splendor                    300 gp
Fox' Cunning                        300 gp
Owl's Wisdom                        300 gp
Levitation                          300 gp
Spider Climb                        300 gp
==Clothing & Accesoirs:==
  Item                    Cost        Weight
  Item                    Cost        Weight
  Armored Apron            30 gp      20 lb.
  Armored Apron            30 gp      20 lb.
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  Slip dagger harness      15 gp      -
  Slip dagger harness      15 gp      -
===Spy Gear:===
==Spy Gear:==
  Item                    Cost        Weight
  Item                    Cost        Weight
  Caltrops                1 gp        2 lb.
  Caltrops                1 gp        2 lb.
Line 42: Line 118:
  Trapmakers kit          500 gp      12 lb.
  Trapmakers kit          500 gp      12 lb.
===Adventuring Gear:===
==Adventuring Gear:==
  Item                    Cost        Weight
  Item                    Cost        Weight
  Barrel (empty)          2 gp        30 lb.
  Barrel (empty)          2 gp        30 lb.

Revision as of 02:00, 4 November 2007

Hooaga Trade

Item                                 Cost
Hooaga, leafes (1 lb.)               5 sp
Hooaga, raw cut (1 lb.)              1 gp
Hooaga, fine cut (1 lb.)             2 gp
Kaargrot (Trollkin barter) (1 lb.)   * (25 gp)
Smoking Spices, common (1 lb.)       2 gp
Smoking Spices, exotic (1 lb.)       15 gp
Smoking Spices, intoxicating (1 lb.) 20 gp
Cigar, Kaargrot (Trollkin barter)    * (2,5 gp)
Bhidis, (Pack of 20)                 5 sp
Cigars, no-name (Box of 25)          5 gp
Regency Gold Gram Robusto            15 gp
Regency Gold Captains Edge           20 gp
Regency Gold Castellans Choice (20)  30 gp
Hearthblend Clipper                  6 gp
Hearthblend Schooner                 9 gp
Hearthblend Baird's Select           15 gp
Moskrad Premium Holcheki's Pride     4 gp
Moskrad Premium Moskrad Umber        6 gp
Voxsauny Dark Twikight (10)          40 gp
Voxsauny Dark Eclipse (10)           100 gp
Voxsauny Dark Black Label (5)        200 gp

Arcane Cigars:

(Like Potions, sold seperately)

Gram Beedleroth Special Cigars

Item                                 Cost
Detect Magic / Secret Doors          50 gp
Disguise Self                        50 gp
Endure Elements                      50 gp
Expeditious Retreat                  50 gp
Obscuring Mist                       50 gp
Blur                                 300 gp
Darkvision                           300 gp
Glitterdust                          300 gp
Undetectable Alignment               300 gp

Brother Behemiel's Holy Smokes

Item                                 Cost
Light                                10 gp
Remove Fear                          50 gp
Shield of Faith +2                   50 gp
Protection from Evil                 100 gp
Aid                                  300 gp
Lesser Restoration                   300 gp
Consecrate                           300 gp

Morris Medicinic Smoking Remedies

Item                                 Cost
Calm (own) Emotions                  10 gp
Cure Minor Wounds                    10 gp
Cure Light Wounds                    50 gp
Delay Poison                         300 gp
Remove Paralysis                     300 gp

Special Trollkin Recipes

Item                                 Cost 
Hypnotism                            50 gp
Sleep                                50 gp
Traceless Path                       50 gp
Enlarge Person                       100 gp
Reduce Person                        100 gp
Calm Emotions                        100 gp
Bear's Endurance                     300 gp
Bull's Strength                      300 gp
Cat's Grace                          300 gp
Eagle's Splendor                     300 gp
Fox' Cunning                         300 gp
Owl's Wisdom                         300 gp
Levitation                           300 gp
Spider Climb                         300 gp

Clothing & Accesoirs:

Item                     Cost        Weight
Armored Apron            30 gp       20 lb.
Backpack (empty)         2 gp        2 lb.1
Bandolier, ammunition    5 sp        1 lb.
Boots, mechaniks         3 gp        2 lb.
Cloak, waterproof        7 gp        3 lb.
Cloak, weighted          4 gp        4 lb.
Goggles                  4 gp        1 lb.
Greatcoat                20 gp       5 lb.
Greatcoat, armored       75 gp       10 lb.
Greatcoat, rain slicked  30 gp       5 lb.
Greatcoat, reinforced    35 gp       7 lb.
Hat, bowler              2 gp        1/2 lb.
Hat, bicorn              5 sp - 2 gp 1/2-1 lb.
Hat, tricorn             5 sp - 2 gp 1/2-1 lb.
Hat, Khadoran fur        1-5 gp      1 lb.
Hat, stovepipe           1 gp        1 lb.
Holster                  4 gp        1/2 lb.
Holster, wrist-loader    30 gp       1 lb.
Parka, bog trog          50-200 gp   2 lb.
Poncho, gobber           100 gp      1 lb.
Pouch, ammunition        2 gp        1/2 lb.
Pouch, belt              1 gp        1/2 lb.1
Slip dagger harness      15 gp       -

Spy Gear:

Item                     Cost        Weight
Caltrops                 1 gp        2 lb.
Climber’s kit            80 gp       5 lb.
Disguise kit             50 gp       8 lb.
Drillspike               50 gp       1 lb.
Field Glass              20 gp       1 lb.
Grappling hook           1 gp        4 lb.
Spyglass                 10 gp       1 lb.
Spyglass, collapsing     35 gp       1 lb.
Thieves’ tools           30 gp       1 lb.
Thieves’ tools, master.  100 gp      2 lb.
Thieves’ tools, disguis. 80 gp.      1 lb.
Trapmakers kit           500 gp      12 lb.

Adventuring Gear:

Item                     Cost        Weight
Barrel (empty)           2 gp        30 lb.
Basket (empty)           4 sp        1 lb.
Bedroll                  1 sp        5 lb.1
Bell                     1 gp        —
Blanket, winter          5 sp        3 lb.1
Block and tackle         5 gp        5 lb.
Bottle, wine glass       2 gp        —
Bucket (empty)           5 sp        2 lb.
Candle                   1 cp        —
Canvas (sq. yd.)         1 sp        1 lb.
Chain (10 ft.)           30 gp       2 lb.
Chest (empty)            2 gp        25 lb.
Fishhook                 1 sp        —
Fishing net, 25 sq. ft.  4 gp        5 lb.
Flask (empty)            3 cp        1-1/2 lb.
Flare launcher, portab.  6 gp        6 lb.
Flint and steel          1 gp        —
Flintstriker             6 gp        -
Inflatable raft pack     55 gp       11 lb.
Jug, clay                3 cp        9 lb.
Ladder, 10-foot          5 cp        20 lb.
Ladder, collapsible      7 gp        12 lb.
Lamp, common             1 sp        1 lb.
Lantern, bullseye        12 gp       3 lb.
Lantern, hooded          7 gp        2 lb.
Lantern, magni. bullseye 15 gp       3 lb.
Launching flare          8 gp        1 lb.
Lock, Very simple        20 gp       1 lb.
Lock, Average            40 gp       1 lb.
Lock, Good               80 gp       1 lb.
Lock, Amazing            150 gp      1 lb.
Manacles                 15 gp       2 lb.
Manacles, masterwork     50 gp       2 lb.
Mirror, small steel      10 gp       1/2 lb.
Mug/Tankard, clay        2 cp        1 lb.
Musical instr., common   5 gp        3 lb.1
Musical instr., master.  100 gp      3 lb.1
Oar, collapsible         15 gp       2 lb.
Oil (1-pint flask)       1 sp        1 lb.
Pitcher, clay            2 cp        5 lb.
Piton                    1 sp        1/2 lb.
Pole 10-foot             2 sp        8 lb.
Pot, iron                5 sp        10 lb.
Ram, portable            10 gp       20 lb.
Rope, hempen (50 ft.)    1 gp        10 lb.
Rope, silk (50 ft.)      10 gp       5 lb.
Sack (empty)             1 sp        1/2 lb.1
Sewing needle            5 sp        —
Signal whistle           8 sp        —
Soap (per lb.)           5 sp        1 lb.
Tent                     10 gp       20 lb.1
Torch                    1 cp        1 lb.
Waterskin                1 gp        4 lb.1
Whetstone                2 cp        1 lb.
Rations, trail (per day) 5 sp        1 lb.
Rations, cygnaran milit. 7 sp        1 lb.
Rations, khadoran milit. 4 sp        1 lb.