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(New page: Category:Reign of Winter ==Charakterbogen== Alter: 24 Race: Halflin Class: Paladin Sacred Servant Archetyp Lv: 5 Alignement: Lawfull/Good Sprachen: Halfling, Common Domain: ...)
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  '''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/fey-foundling Fey Foundling]'''
  '''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/fey-foundling Fey Foundling]'''
  '''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/greater-mercy Greater Mercy]'''
  '''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/greater-mercy Greater Mercy]'''
  '''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/ultimate-mercy/Ultimate Mercy]'''
  '''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/ultimate-mercy Ultimate Mercy]'''

Revision as of 13:10, 4 October 2014


Alter: 24
Race:  Halflin
Class: Paladin Sacred Servant Archetyp
Lv: 5
Alignement: Lawfull/Good
Sprachen: Halfling, Common
Domain: Travel Domain
HP:  35
Str: 10 (2)
Dex: 10 (2)
Sta: 12 (4)
Int: 8 (0)
Wis: 12 (4)
Cha: 20 (16)

Skills (Mod): 
Diplomacy               : 9 = 1 Ranks + 5 (Cha) + 3 Class
Handle Animal           : 9 = 1 Ranks + 5 (Cha) + 3 Class
Heal                    : 0 = 0 Ranks + 1 (Wis) + 3 Class
Knowledge (Arcana)      : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) 
Knowledge (Geography)   : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) 
Knowledge (History)     : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) 
Knowledge (Local)       : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) 
Knowledge (Nature)      : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) 
Knowledge (Nobility)    : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) + 3 Class
Knowledge (Planes)      : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) 
Knowledge (Religion)    : 3 = 1 Ranks - 1 (Int) + 3 Class 
Linguistics             : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) 
Perception              : 0 = 0 Ranks + 1 (Wis) 
Ride                    : 4 = 1 Ranks + 0 (Dex) + 3 Class
Sense Motive            : 5 = 1 Ranks + 1 (Wis) + 3 Class 
Spellcraft              : 0 = 0 Ranks - 1 (Int) + 3 Class

Fey Foundling
Greater Mercy
Ultimate Mercy

Zustand: Gesund
Fort Save:      11 
Ref Save:        6
Will Save:      11
Initiative:     +0     
Speed:          30
Armor Class:    16
Meele-AB:       +5
Ranged-AB:      +5
Weapon: Greatsword
Damage: 1d10      
Critical: 19-20/x2
Armor:       Breast Plate
Armor Bonus:    6
Max Dex Bonus:  8
Check penalty:  -