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Pegasus swooped in and grabbed the bottle. She flew fast and high, hoping to outrun the dragons, but no matter how fast or high she flew, they always managed to find her, even when she stayed still. She realized that the bottle itself was magic and that the dragons could sense its location, so she took lightning out of its bottle and hid it in the clouds, receiving a terrible shock for her troubles. Sure enough, the dragons found their empty bottle and though furious, never found it hidden in the clouds. However, even today, when a Pegasus flies extra fast, that little piece of lightning makes a thunderous kaboom.
Pegasus swooped in and grabbed the bottle. She flew fast and high, hoping to outrun the dragons, but no matter how fast or high she flew, they always managed to find her, even when she stayed still. She realized that the bottle itself was magic and that the dragons could sense its location, so she took lightning out of its bottle and hid it in the clouds, receiving a terrible shock for her troubles. Sure enough, the dragons found their empty bottle and though furious, never found it hidden in the clouds. However, even today, when a Pegasus flies extra fast, that little piece of lightning makes a thunderous kaboom.
===Looking for Adventure===
(Transcript from [[http://friendshipismagicrpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=deadthreads&action=display&thread=6243#ixzz2PxhFT8FK]] by coolcat and cc)
PixieStar kicked a stone with her front left hoof and sighed, "This is the worst day to be bored.." The sun was up and the pegasi had done a brillant job with clearing the clouds. PixieStar had tried entertaining herself by coming up with new songs, but she was having some trouble.
Every single beautiful day I'm bored, thought PixieStar as she strolled through the park with her head down. She flapped her wings as she walked and pretended she was drumming. Still she couldn't think of a beat or lyrics, but PixieStar wanted something bigger than a song. She was dying for an adventure.
PixieStar sat on the ground and grabbed a stick. She began to draw in the ground, hoping somepony would save her from her endless boredem.
Mist was, for once, unladened with any satchel bags or weapons or even armor. he could be heard whistling a jolly little tune, and occasionally singing a few words that would worry everyone who heard them. The song was quite well known, but most people didn't like him to sing it
"When you're rife with devestation, there's a simple explanation, you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball..." he sang wistfully, glad for his freedom. He'd recently broken free of the nightmare realm, a little place he was glad never to have to go back to. Honestly, if he ever had to tamper with ancient arcane unicorn artifacts, it would be too soon. He walked into the park, the air blasting through his mane and sending it flying back, almost dramatically.
He loved weather like this. Sunny, with just a little bit of wind. If he was better at flying, he'd probably be in the air right about now. Unfortunately, around a year of being ground-bound made it hard for him to fly, especially with the last time having almost shattered his wing. He wasn't really in the mood for visiting Nurse Redheart again, or not for the same problem again at any rate. She would probably be a little bit annoyed that her patient couldn't stay out of a hospital bed for even a month.
As he walked further into the park he saw a strange young mare drawing on the ground with a stick. It was strange, with everyone else playing and laughing around her she seemed to be entranced with the stick.... what was she doing? Mist walked over to her and stood above her, accidentally blocking the light out and giving him what could look like an angelic halo.
"Ma'am, if ya don't mind me askin', what are ya doin'?" He said, his appleloosan accent running through his voice blatantly
PixieStar took a long sigh, "I'm trying to entertain myself, but drawing in the dirt isn't doing the job. I was walking through Ponyville looking for something to do, but the one thing I'm dying for now is an adventure. That's not going to happen..." You could clearly hear she was bored when she spoke. PixieStar let her head hang close to the ground as she stood up and looked at Mist.
PixieStar hoped the pegasi would have an idea and tell her it. She looked down at the drawing in the dirt. There was a flower missing a petal.
Mist raised an eyebrow as he listened to the strange mare's explanation.
"I hate to be obvious, m'dear, but ya really should've seen that comin'. I mean, y'all are drawing in the dirt. What's the fun in that? Of course you're not going to be entertained, I mean it's not like you're fighting a dragon, dueling a manticore, hunting through Everfree for your lost friend, or making the newest and strongest armor that ya ever dun see. I mean, kinda common sense." He said, not realizing that his life was probably a lot more exciting than most other ponies in Ponyville. He had been best friends with a witch, lived in an enchanted tower for around six months, and had to go out dueling wild animals to test out his armor. He was as close as Ponyville came to a knight in shining armor.
"Ya know, ya HAVE a special talent. Why ain't you out there practicing it. Surely that would keep you entertained for an afternoon or two."
"Songwriters block," sighed PixieStar, as she looked at her dirt drawing of the flower. "I write and preform music. I want to one day be a famous popstar, but right now things aren't looking so well. My band fell apart a few weeks ago and now I can't come up with any lyrics." PixieStar kicked the ground, then looked up at Mist. Wait a second, thought PixieStar. "Come with me!" she exclaimed as she raced out of the park hoping that Mist would follow her.
Mist saw the strange mare run off and for a moment he just considered leaving her to her own devices. She wasn't exactly polite, and it was really her own fault that she was stuck like this, but something compelled him to follow her. Maybe it was the fact that there really wasn't much else happening that day, or maybe it was his eternally curious and adventurous nature, he didn't know which. Either way, something was compelling his legs to move, and he knew where they were taking him. To follow the strange mare
"Alright, but ya better not be doin' anythin' stupid." With years of practice, his speed was much superior to the mares and he soon caught up with her, although he was completely relying on her for directions at this point. He had no idea where it was she was wanting them to go, but wherever it was he was going to follow. Either because it'd be interesting, or because the mare might need someone to watch her back.
"I got a awesome idea! And I owe it all to you!" exclaimed PixieStar cheerfully as the two ponies walked towards her music shop. "I already told you I write songs, right? And that I have songwriters block at the time? Well..." PixieStar began to get really excited. This may be my new hit and get me famous across Equestria, thought PixieStar as she bounced around happily.
She looked back to Mist and appoliziged to him for being so hyper. She explained it had always been her dream to be a famous popstar across Equestria and lately she'd been having trouble writing songs. "But your adventures! They might just make me big!" She exclaimed as she jumped high up into the air. She put her hooves together and lay on the ground. "Please, Mr. Mist, will you help me and tell me about your adventures?"
===Ancient Artifice===
(Transcript from [[http://friendshipismagicrpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=deadthreads&action=display&thread=5210#ixzz2PxiNQUtL]] by Dream Gaze, Asteria and Ashti Sandburst)
Dear Jamais
It has come to my attention that many caves and ruins can be found in the desert of Equestria. I have reason to believe that an artifact of interest can be found in the canyon I've marked on your map, I will pay you generously if you can get said artifact to me in one piece. After our previous discussion via letters, I will also pay you for any items I can use for Alchemy and any other sort of magical knowledge or items you can find. The potion I have given to you is dragon fire, you may use it to contact me for any reason. I await your return
Signed Dream Gaze
PS: Given the nature of the ruins, I've hired another to aid in this job. A courier by the name of Asteria. Expect her to come seeking you out and asking about the task at hoof.
Jamais placed the letter back into the bag around her neck and continued her travel through the desert towards a large rock formation in the distance. She was curious about her supposed partner for this but... if it was part of the task she was willing to follow it until the deed was complete.
The sun would set soon and she knew that she would freeze if she didn't set up camp soon. A few hours had passed and she had started a fire and wrapped herself in a warm blanket while she blankly stared at the flames. Jamais knew that she wouldn't sleep tonight, her insomnia wouldn't allow it. She will go through the night keeping the fire going for as long as possible, waiting for morning to come. She knew she was close to the outskirts of a town called Appleloosa, however her destination was in another direction and so there was no real reason to take a detour toward the town... at least, not until the fire died out.
Aaaaah ! Appleloosa... a radiant and burning sun, a large horizon of dusty soil, a little warm wind made of sand... descending from the train, a unicorn glanced to the landscape. Next closing his eyes, sniffing the wind which messed a turban, Ashti smiled, nostalgic.
All these things remembered him his homeland, and he appreciated it. It was some weeks since his wedding and he left Deerham some weeks ago. Putting a hoof on the ground, walking to the city, the Sandlander wore a "Wild west's gentlecolt outfit" : Vest, shirt, ascot tie, elegant coat under by a cloak with cover all, even if he was not from this region he could easy being considered as a rich far-western colt... well he's an aristocrat after-all.But... He didn't go unnoticed. Because he was a stranger and he wore rich cloth, but also he had on his head a headgear, his iconic turban from his far away nation. Some of the town folks stopped their activity when they saw the foreign unicorn.
An eye hidden by an eye-patch, Ashti looked to the city fascinated. It was his first time on this town, and the buildings' style was quite different to Canterlot, Ponyville or... Manehattan. As his habit, the unicorn didn't have any luggages with him except his saddlebag.
The train seemed to be loaded with unusual characters on the scorching summer afternoon as another unicorn, a black mare garbed in an equally dark hooded cloak stepped out behind him. The light breeze blew down her hood, revealing a short cut crimson mane and a stoic expression that seemed as static as a marble sculpture. Fiery red eyes looked the quaint desert town over from the elevation of the station as she searched for signs of a character with a description that was vague at best.
The formerly cowled mare had recently weathered a blizzard in order to deliver an important collection of alchemical supplies to a well trained mage of sorts and at his request, had agreed to do a follow up mission that involved the fiery desert. She was to rendezvous with a mute who was camping on the outskirts of Appleoosa so that the pair could get to work unraveling the mysteries that rested deep within the unforgiving sands of the desert. She had her own preconceptions and predictions of what she was going to face in the immediate future but the mare did her best to keep an open mind, thinking over the most efficient ways to communicate with a wordless pony as she prepared to step off the platform.
A careful step away from the train landed her softly into the coarse sand of the desert town's streets. She knew that her destination lie just outside the reaches of the remote town and it would be in their best interests to get started any later than necessary and used that as motivation to get moving. The tall mare took long, almost exaggerated strides as she made her way through town, giving the reminiscing unicorn a passing glance not particularly interested in his clothing that sharply contrasted her spartan wardrobe.
When the morning came around, Jamais had packed her things and continued on her way. It was once again a sleepless night and it would probably remain this way until the job was complete. Very soon the town of Appleloosa came into view and Jamais decided to wait within view of the exit of the town while she checked her equipment. She traveled extremely lightly, most of her tools could be found in the pouch around her neck or the metal anklets she wore that covered the lower part of her legs. Everything seemed to be functioning properly so Jamais turned her attention back into the town where she saw the train pull into the station from where she was.
It wouldn't be long now.
Slowly, Ashti walked towards a building that he identified as his destination, the "Wild West Nest", the little, and only hotel of the city. This establishment offered normal room, but also some rich suites, and it was one of these suites that his grandfather had reserved for him. Entering into, he just had time to glance than an earth mare came to him. It was the receptionist, and after presentation she led him into his room : it was a relatively luxurious one, but it was enough for him.
So, Mister… Sandburst ? Did you have any requests? We are always happy to see new customers, especially distinguished guest.
^^… ? Well, it is nice. But I have nothing in mind for now, this suite is enough. Thanks you, Miss Lariat.
The receptionist acquiesced and left alone the Ambassador. This one, glanced another time to the room, before takeoff his cloak that he move by telekinesis on a chair. He didn't noticed straightaway, but a letter was putted on the bed. Opening it, he started to read the content. The Ambassador was here in diplomatic mission, and his contact waited him tonight in the saloon.
The travel was quite long and even if Ashti had sleep on the train, he took a little rest. Minutes and hours passed, and when the unicorn woke up, it was the nightfall, but also an occasion to visit Appeloosa by night as someone suggested to him. Then, he took off his cloak, locked his room and left the hotel. There was not very a lot of activity on the city, and only the saloon and a restaurant was open.
The Ambassador chose to enter into the saloon. If he was sure that his contact will be here, was not sure about the hour. Anyway when he entered, anypony turned the head to the Sandlander, silently, but this one don't cared about. Then he walked towards the bar and paid a coffee and took a chair.
Ten minute later a cloaked… pony ? Entered, it had the face hide but it instantly recognized the unicorn, walking towards him, it took another chair. Ashti drank his beverage, frowning when the unknown sat in his front… a silence settle between them. next the cloaked spoke with a low voice
Are you Salamalec Sandburst…?
… No.
Oh, come on. I know you are, because… I know you.
It removed the hood, revealing its head, while Ashti opened wide his eyes. This was a doe, a doe that he hadn't seen her for a couple of years. He was very surprise and happy… and also intrigued.
M-Miss Thizir ?!
Hello, Mister Sandburst ! Happy to see me ?
Of course. Kaise ar-ya ? (how are you ?)
Ana hu thik. Teşekkür edirem ( I am fine. Thank you.)
Both smiled to each other… She and Ashti was member of the "Circle" an international guild of relic-hunters. Unlike Ashti, she was not a " field officer" as him. Ashti explored ruins and took the artifact, while her job was to inform the other members and help them with advices, but also the entire Guild's library knowledges. The last time that he spoke to her, it was for some information about a "foe" treasure hunter.
So, you are my contact ? In this case, what are you doing here ?
Yes… I still work for the Circle, but I know why you're here. And I was around, then I thought I could help you in your task. As old good times.
Wait… how did you knew about my mission?
Hihi. Mister Sandburst, there is rumors here. About an emissary from Celestia, which was send to fix the relationship between Appleloosa and the Buffalo tribe. Then, I asked to your secretary which confirmed it. ^^
Ashti took a gulp of coffee, and smiled.
… Thus, you proposed to be my contact ? Clever. But how can you assist me ?
I know the Buffalo, I could be your guide, what did you say?
Well… it fine for me, Miss Thizir.
Please Mister. Call me Feriel, we know each other since many years, and we are partner now.
Ashti agreed and offered to her a drink. That was a surprise for him, a good one and I had to admit, she was like a mentor to him. Even if she had two years more than him.
Asteria wandered past the famous sand walker, oblivious to his importance as she made her way towards the edge of town. Her gaze was locked ahead, the dark mare was used to ignoring the glances she received from curious and concerned as she weaved carefully through the crowds of pony folk that littered the streets. In a few short minutes she had reached the edge of town, her crimson eyes gazing out into the hot desert. She spotted a strange pony standing silently just beyond the outer reaches of town and the unicorn decided to check to see if this was the character who she was supposed to be working with.
"Are you Lady Jamais?" the cloaked traveler asked calmly with a slightly distant sounding voice.
Jamais watched the town from afar and moments later she was approached by a hooded Unicorn. She did not offer a response when she inquired who she was, Jamais saw no need to speak to this mare and simply reached into the bag around her neck and pulled out a small card with fine print. It will read as follows...
Jamais Gazelle
Traveler for hire
Must offer equivalent exchange for services
The back of this card seemed to have info about her terms and conditions for any job she would take but one might need a magnifying glass just to read it all. While Asteria gave the card a glance (Or however long she might read it for.) Jamais also brought out the note given to her by the mage Dream Gaze and gestured between the note and the unicorn, no doupt inquiring if she was really the one mentioned in the note. Only a select few knew her by name so it was a good idea to confirm if this was the one she was to work with or just another client.
Ashti and his mentor were still in the saloon, chatting about the mission but also their lives.
So… I heard that you are married now ? Mazel tov !
…Eheh…. But I am sorry… I, I know you had some feelings towards me, professor…
The Ambassador looked down a little shamed, since the doe turned back the head, blushing. It was true, she had a crush on him since the first week of their meet, but she never confesses it.
You… you was aware of… this… well, I am happy to hear you. But don't worry… I turned over a new leaf. And I'm sincerely happy for you.
Both took their beverage and cheered to their reunion, laughing. The minutes passed, and suddenly Feriel thought about the last time that Ashti contacted her, it was about a dangerous Treasure-hunter… she tried to remember it.
Mister Sandburst… did… did you remember about the "Antiquarian" ?
… ? Hm… I… yes, Jéricho d'Adhémare… sincerely… I cannot remember of what is happened. I called you for some information, you told me that he was a great and experienced Treasure hunter, and also dangerous and that he do not liked the Circle. But after it… this was nearly a year, weirdly I can not remember.
I see… well. I suppose it's time now. I thing to do. I suppose we will see again… tomorrow ? Or did you have other thing to do, mister ?
... Hm… I do not have still confirmation that the Buffalo will accept my as mediator, then I have nothing to until it.
So, see you tomorrow ?
…with pleasure, Miss Feriel
The unicorn accompanied the doe at the exist of the saloon. After it they said goodbye each other, and after she was gone, Ashti looked to the sky. The starry sky, here too it was beautiful. The stars, the sand, he felt the same thing that his homeland... and it gave him energy.
Ashti didn't eat since this morning, then. He walked in this direction of the restaurant, wondered what was the specialty of the town.
Asteria nodded for her mute counterpart, confirming that she was the courier that had been requested. "Yes I am the courier in question. Sir Gaze requested delivery of alchemical supplies to his remote mountain home and I delivered it to him through his artificial blizzard. I inquired about further work and he felt that my skills could be of use in this specific area, dealing with desert ruins.I could provide additional information about my credentials if that is necessary," she replied simply to the gazelle, her horn glowing a deep red as her masked saddlebags came into vision for her hoofed counterpart. The calm unicorn was used to being critically inspected and maintained her usual casual posture and composure.
The explanation was all the gazelle needed to hear. The unicorn knew the the client personally, she knew her by name and she confirmed what she was here for. Jamais shook her head, no further information was required. She gave one of her anklets a tap with her hoof and in a small puff of smoke, an old parchment appeared under her hoof. The young gazelle had apparently made a lot of notes on where they were headed, she had figured out that the ruins were a day's travel, north-west from the town if they continued in a straight line. She also learned that said ruins were sealed with a magical lock of some description. With the amount of question marks around this note, it would seem that a closer inspection of the device will be needed when they get there. The note that stood out the most though was the one she had marked in red... It was a time limit to get to the ruins by tomorrow evening. After reading this, Jamais looked out to the desert as the wind blew through the sands...
She motioned for Asteria to come with her and started walking into the desert. She left her notes with Asteria in case she wanted to look them over while they walked.
It was a nice, sunny day in the western town. And the sunlight passing through the window, lighted up the room. It was the morning and Ashti was still on his bed, holding the pillow in his forelegs, back turned to the light. Slowly he opened his eye, yawned and left the bed at the sound of the pendulum clock. It was 10 a.m, and the sun's heat gave energy to the Ambassador which dressed-up. Today he planned to spent time with Feriel, and of course he was not aware of how they will spend time…
Clothed, he left the suite and down the floor. Unlike yesterday it was not a mare which greeted him, but an earth stallion. The receptionist saw his guess and did a reverence.
Ah, Greetings Lord Sandburst. "Billy Ye'foal", owner of this establishment. It's an honor to welcome you. Did you spent a good night ?
I… Greeting, sir. Yes, the night was good thank you.
Good, good… Oh, there somepony for you in the dinner room. An doe.
The owner was quite enthusiastic to have such guest and expected that it will do a good publicity for the town, but also mostly for this hotel. And Ashti was aware of this, but it doesn't greatly bother him. Then he thanked Billy and walked to the room. Slowly he walked through the room and saw his contact, sits on a chair, a drink on the table and a newspaper in hoof.
May the sun keep you, Miss Feriel. I hope you do not wait too long.
Ah, good morning mister Sandburst. No, I… no... so, spend a good night ?
At his turn the Ambassador sat himself on the opposite chair and took a cup of coffee.
I… Can I ask you answer, Miss Feriel ?
"Answer"… about what ?
…Your presence in Appleloosa, it is strange. I did not react yesterday, but…
… Hm… well, there is nothing strange. I was in mission for the Circle. You just don't ask me.
Oh… my bad. I said "was", did your mission finished ?
No… I… eheh, no. There is ruins, but… I have some problem with…
Ohoh, ruins ? Tell me more about it, maybe I can help you ?
The doe sighted and smiled. Even if she learned a lot and can easily be a professor, she had few field experience, unlike Ashti which explored ruins and brought artifact since ten years. He was one of the still living elite members of the Circle of the Reliquary. Have him at her side was unexpected, and it make her more confident about their success. At the request of her "student", she took a map from her bag and putted it on the table.
Ok then. Due to some change into the guild, I was sent here for an artifact. Even with the "Iris"* it is impossible to determine the nature of the artifact.
The Iris failed ? Wow, This is odd, I always thought that this artifact was infallible.
This is the case… but some waves, maybe a magic, protect it and prevent the iris to work. I had gone in the ruins, or at the entrance,… but, I was not able to enter and also even if I am not a spellcaster I was able to fell a lot of magic.
I see… well, I suppose I can help you about it. Where are the ruins ?
Here… in this canyon.
The Ambassador whistled. The canyon was at a very good distance, many kilometers into the desert. If he well-evaluate it, it will take a day. But this bothered him just a little, this was some… weeks ? that he didn't do a so long walk… but he was ready to do it.
There is another thing, the story said that the ruins will vanish tonight, for many years.
…Well… I have free time today, anyway. I will prepare myself.
Feriel smiled with relief; with Ashti her task will be easier. Then she acquiesced finishing her coffee, until Ashti come back. After some preparation on the route, both walked in the exist of the city.
Mister Sandburst… thank you.
She then gave a kiss in the cheek of the unicorn. Ashti blushed, before retake the control.
Ahem… my pleasure… … so, if the ruins vanish tonight, we have to be fast, then.
Indeed… Can I propose to His Excellence a race…?
A race…? In the desert, under sun?... well, I do not like challenge but why not.
Then, Ladies first ?
Of course, go ahead.
She didn't wait and started to run, followed by the unicorn. Due to their sandlandic biology, both was nearly immunized to the great heat, and was accustomed to sandy place, notably Ashti which lived into a desert. Even if a bookworm she was pretty athletic, and the unicorn despite have a low health didn't seemed to feel the fatigue. Running during many hours and all the travel, they arrived to the ruins in a record time… exhausted. Both fell on the sand, catching their breaths during a dozens of minute, and their hearts. Drinking, the Ambassador turned the head to the ruins entrance. They were alone for now, and if they wanted it they could spend good time without being bothered. But they were not here for does that.
Ashti walked towards the entrance and when he tried to enter, a force field pushed him back. So the ruins were really protected by magic. He glanced to his teammate which joined him.
So, your opinion ?
…Hm… sincerely I do not know… I do not have spell which allow me to disable this… lock ? Maybe we have to wait… or I can use my magic. We will see if I can break this.
Making sign to the doe to stay back, the Sandlander started to recite a magical formula and casted his spell against the force field… this one was slightly shattered, but the attack was reflected and Ashti pushed his teammate for eschew the back fire. They jumped to the sand and the rock face being them was a little destroyed. Slowly the two Sandlanders raised themselves looking to the wall.
Well… We know what to do now…
The desert was scorching hot as to be expected, although Asteria made no such complaints about the temperature as she trudged through the desolate wasteland. Her horn glowed red as she manipulated her cloak, loosening it to be more comfortable while she altered the coloration to a lighter shade of white to help alleviate some of the heat.
"I understand your terms. I am used to working under specific time constraints," the unicorn replied calmly, her powerful muscles working efficiently in the harsh weather. While not genetically disposed to handle the heat extraordinarily well, Asteria was able to apply her intense conditioning to keep pace with the gazelle. The unicorn's hooves kept a fast pace, limiting contact with the fiery ground beneath her.
This scorching wasteland was rather expansive and the sun shone brightly as it rose higher into the sky. Jamais would rather have this weather instead of the artificial blizzard around her client's home but this wasn't a big enough concern to voice out loud. Soon the two travelers had reached the canyon walls and ventured inside, the cool shade was a nice change after traversing the desert but they didn't have time to stop. The Gazelle didn't want to stop, the ruins were close now and they can rest when they retrieve the item form this ancient place. As they got closer Jamais perked her ears at the familiar sounds of speech coming from the direction they were headed and soon saw two figures standing by the entrance to the ruin.
Jamais didn't care for this much, they weren't obstacles... yet anyway... Still, she decided to keep walking to the entrance so she could examine it. From what she could see at this distance, the two had succeeded in cracking the force field. Further investigation told her that she had to be cautious... if the two strangers tried breaking it again while they approached, then somepony might end up like that rock... Any conversation will be handled by her partner because as far as anyone will be concerned, she is a mute and the gazelle hoped to keep it like that for as long as possible.
When the two sandlanders was arrived, there was the middle of afternoon. Now this was nearly the end. The rock walls were quite damaged, as the force field in when many holes was done. Holes, made par the succession of spells used by Ashti. This one was on the knees, panting, splitting blood from his mouth.
Overuse of magic was dangerous for the health, Ashti knew it, but he was nearly to destroy this shield.
Feriel was in tears, her "student" played with his health for her. And she told him to stop, but the Ambassador was confident. Then he tried another time, piercing the "lock" without broke it.
Lautfan (please) Mister Sandburst! it's enough ! Lauftan, stop it ! lauftan...
Haah haah haah haah haah... ugh! The nightfall... I have another trump to use... Ana. Mali. TUTNA ETH! (I. shall. BREAK IT !)
His ethereal magic crossed his body, and his horn, recovered it with a magic aura, and making the horn glow. Suddenly the aura stored in his horn became electric energy, shining in a flow of bronze-colored, and gilded lightings. All fours in the sand, the Ambassador unleashed these lightings accumulated on the shield which vanished in a hundred of fragment under the pressure and the power of the electric flux.
The doe looked to it, amazed. This attack... she was quite sure that it could reduce any organisms into ashes...
Y...You did it ! Sandburst !
Eheheh... I told..y-
Falling on the ground, Ashti laid nearly-unconscious into the sand. He had gone too far with his stamina, and now he was very exhausted. Feriel nearly to cry, shocked. The Ambassador makes her sign to lake into his saddlebag a flask, his al-iksir. He drank some and rested some minutes, time that his body was cure and recovering his energy. The potion took effect quickly and finally Ashti was anew healthy. Even the doe was quite worried about her teammate. But he reassured her, and both entered into the ruins.
Read more: http://friendshipismagicrpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=deadthreads&action=display&thread=5210&page=2#ixzz2PxkJuQtF

Revision as of 11:57, 9 April 2013

Core Rulebook

The Greatest Lollipop

(Transcript from [[1]] by Ravenskysong )

Citris barely noticed the clicking clock, as she stared intently at her latest batch of lollipops. The clock was annoying most days, but Citris liked it because it annoyed her sister Candice. Candice wanted nothing more then to get rid of it, but she had been overruled. Everypony else seemed to either like the clock, and ponies like her little brothers and sisters liked that it bothered her. Citris glanced up as the birds start to sing. It was already late in the morning! Ponies would be coming into the store soon. Her mother was trotting over to put out the open sign. Citris's heart felt heavy, as she slowly put the tray of her green lemon lollipops and taffy next to the bright orange ones her sister made. To her eyes her sister's looked nicer, brighter colored, better in shape. Each day that month Citris and her sister Candice had sold the exact same amount of lollipops, but Citris wanted to be the best! "Is Chief of the kitchen too much to ask for?" she whispered and looked forlornly at her mother on the far side of the store. Mother was the one who awarded the title. Every Candy-Clan pony wanted to be Chief of the Kitchen, but the moment another member of the family made better candy, came up with an amazing idea, or sold a huge amount of candy, the title went to them. Candice was Chief of the Kitchen for a while now, after making her "Super sweet surprise lollipop". Citris glanced at her lollipops in the tray, snorted and trotted out. She didn't want to hang around, fidgeting until each lollipop was sold. The sad little pony made her way outside, towards the edge of Hoofington. When she was out of ideas she usually went to the edge of the Hayseed Swamps, or visited the farmers. You never knew when you would find inspiration or a bright idea. And she needed a really bright idea to beat Candice! She glanced at the sun, it was heating the town already, and felt nice and warm on her fur. It had been badly overcast lately, but the dark clouds present on the last few days had been blown north towards the horseshoe bay, instead of staying over Hoofington. "Hmm... candy that changes temperature? no... spicy candy? no..." she groaned with frustration and pawed at the ground with her hoof. "Candice has done all the best flavors already, what's a pony to do?!" she sighted, her mane dragging on the ground as she walked down the road. "Just ONE time, just one time I wanna be Chief..." she muttered. She headed towards the farms near the swamp, maybe she could find a berry no one had used in candy yet. But... her brothers did berry candy already. Even if she found a new berry, they would probably make it better then her. She sighted again and kept on sulking, until she passed a fully packed wagon rumbling along the road connecting the farms. The wagon made a huge ruckus rolling along the road. She could see the crumbly old hat atop of the dusty grey mane of Penny Shack rushing about. Citris paused and looked a little confused, waving at the traveling vendor. "Hey! what's all the hurry?" she called out to him. "Sorry too butt in.. just wondering..." she added, as Penny Shack stopped his rolling wagon. "Hey Citris, long time no see. I'm just finished making my tour. With the Zap Apples an' all." The old stallion grinned "I'll catch up when I come back to these parts, take care now ya hear?" He started to pull on his wagon again. Citris stared after him, her eyes wide, frozen as the gears turned inside her head. Zap apples.. the best apples.. the flavor.. the color... "THATS IT!" she hooted, jumping into the air "ZAP APPLES! Ooooooh Candice I'm gonna show you up!" She gallopped after Penny Shack "heyheyhey waitwaitwait" The trader skidded to a halt "Something wrong sweetie?" Citris panted for a moment after the sprint and looked at Penny Shack with eyes that would make a puppy jealous. She blurted out: "IreallyreallyneedthebestlolipopeverandineedcolorandflavorandzapapplesgimmegimeepleaseillbeyourbestistfriendforeverandeverandevercuzI'llbechiefofthekitchen!!!!" Penny Shack blinked. "Say what now sweetie?" Citris took a deep breath. "I need to make the most best lollipops EVER! And for that, I need Zap Apples! Think of all that flavor, in a lollipop! I'll find out how to pay, anything you want, just-" The old sales-stallion looked uncomfortable and raised his hoof in a motion to stop "Easy cheri... I'm afraid it ain't that simple." Citris squeaked "whatwhatwhatbut pleaaasseeeeeeee?" Penny Shack patted her shoulder "Sweetie, you KNOW how popular, and how rare Zap apples are right?" The grey stallion started walking towards his cart, and Citris followed. "Citris, sweetheart, every year people go crazy for the Zap Apples I bring over here from Ponyville. I get more orders then I can fill sometimes, it's hard to know how many apples I'm gonna get. If I sold the apples before I got 'em..." Citris let her head hang, sighting. "Oh I see, you wouldn't have enough for everyone..." The old grey stallion nudged the young pony "Cheerup sweetie, why don't you come round when I come back and I'll see if I can buy up more this time." Citris smiled and nodded "Thanks Penny Shack, I'll let you get back on tour now." She stared up at the trees for a moment, then waved goodbye and headed back. Maybe he WOULD get more apples and she could... She froze as she thought of the crowd asking the trader for Zap Apples the last time he came into town. "Oh come on! who am I kidding, its going to be worse then cider season on a hot day!" she sulked and followed the trader a little on his way down the road. She muttered angrily to herself and sighted, "Can't you help them harvest the Zap Apples to get some more? Must be an awful lot of work..." Penny Shack replied "You have no idea! but at least I don't like to fight off Timberwolves like their granny." Citris trotted beside him. "What do you mean? I can't picture a sweet old granny fighting anything!" The trader giggled "you should have been there, when she told me that story! Granny Smith got the first Zap Apples! She had to get them from the Everfree Forest and the Timberwolves nearly gobbled her up for her trouble! She's a mighty special granny." Citris froze in her tracks. "The Everfree Forest..." Citris said softly, and stared off into the distance for a few moments. A wide grin started to spread over her face. "HA! Wild Zap Apples! I don't need to wait on the delivery at all!" She bolted forward, vanishing down the road.

Into the Dragon's Cave

(Transcript from [[2]] by Arti and Hawk Johensen)

Lion Heart was tired after a long day of wandering through the Everfree. Summer had come and with it the sweltering heat. The young adventurer was tired, thirsty and covered in a thin film of dirt and sweat.

As the sun began to set, Lion Heart sat down in next to a large tree. He closed his eyes and listened to the forest for a while. The nocturnal animals were just getting ready to come out from the sounds of it and the young colt figured that he'd better find shelter for the night.

He stood up and felt a cool breeze from up ahead. Shuddering from the sudden chill, the brave little colt felt compelled to investigate. After wandering through some brush, he found the opening to a large cave and decided to wander inside to explore.

As the young foal ventures into the cave, another creature was already moving deep inside...

The ice covered walls of the main hall in this cave shine brightly, light shimmering all across the room. A large, white dragon lays in the center, claws clutched around a saddlebag with bloodstains on it. A burn arcs across his back, but the cold keeps the pain down. The freezing dragon stretches, yawning widely and looking around himself. His icy domain had been his for a couple years, ever since he flew down from the arctic north, and living here for so long had permanently frozen the cave.

He lays back down, hearing very faint hoofsteps coming from one of his tunnels. He sighs to himself, annoyed that somepony was stupid enough to come down here, especially into a dungeon where he would have an extreme advantage...

Lion Heart walked deeper and deeper into the cave. For a moment, he could have sworn that it went on forever, eventually fading into darkness and a sudden wall as most caves he explored did. This cave was somehow different though as the cold breeze reminded him. The young adventurer followed the chilly trail and soon came a chamber with shimmering, ice-coated walls.

"Whoa..." Lion Heart breathed. He had never seen a place like this before, especially not in Summer. What really got the pony's attention wasn't just the ice, but the moving mass of scales, teeth and claws in the center of the room. The young colt excitedly stepped forward and tried to get a better look at this new creature.

Frostbite looks up at the young pony, rising to his full height. Now the size of a large cart, the dragon moves forward slightly. "Who are you... and what are you doing in my cave?" He had just fought a Thunderbird, and wasn't in the mood for company. And he hadn't invited this colt inside anyway, something that greatly annoyed the dragon. Didn't this foal know about privacy?

He glares at the pony, his cold sapphire eyes gleaming with menace, trying to intimidate the little intruder into leaving.

The young colt stood his ground. The giant creature had just spoken to him and now the chill in his body was from more than just the cold. What did the other ponies call this feeling? Was it fear? THIS was fear?

Lion Heart chuckled a bit to himself. Fear wasn't nearly as bad as he thought and he could find no reason for it to make him retreat. He took a few more steps so that he was right in front of the monster's nose and proudly declared, "I am Lion Heart the Bold, Hero of the Everfree!" and then asked, "Who and what are YOU, Mr. Big Lizard Thing?"

Frostbite stares incredulously at the tiny colt. Any insult he would have taken from being called a lizard was drowned out by the sheer idiocy of this little foal. "I am Frostbite, Frozen Dragon from the Arctic Rookery. This is my lair. And you are trespassing." The dragon leans down to glare at Lionheart at his level, narrowing his eyes in both anger and confusion. Who did this little punk think he was, a grand hero? He had a lot to learn... like not to mess with dragons.

"A dragon?" Lion Heart asked to clarify, "You're a dragon? That is so COOL! Do you have magic breath and armored scales and tre..."

The adventurer suddenly stopped talking. He put a hoof up to his mouth and looked off to the side, thinking. A look of realization slowly crept across his face and he looked up at the dragon. "You have treasure," he said, wide-eyed and smiling, "That's AWESOME! Can I have some?"

"No. I only collect diamonds, and everything else is spent to gain more diamonds. You can't have any. And yes, I do have magical breath. Would you like a demonstration?" A nasty smirk crosses his face as he asks this question. He knew the little foal would say yes to it.

He hadn't been expecting the colt to actually react to him in such a way, though... It made him look both brave and stupid. While Frostbite had no intention of killing the little colt, he was quickly annoying the dragon, and he might have to take the colt away himself...

"Hmmm..." Lion Heart had to think for a moment. It was something he didn't do very often, but he found that when he did do it he spent his days with a lot fewer injuries. He tried to remember what else he could tell about dragons from all the old stories he had heard.

The young colt recalled the story of Beopony, a brave hero that fought a dragon and became a king. The colt muttered under his breath, "I'd like to be a king," before looking up at the dragon, bracing himself and challenging, "Show me what you've got!"

A torrent of icy power flows over the colt's legs, freezing him to the floor and encasing his limbs in ice. Frostbite opens his maw all the way, mist pouring out over the colt, and cold power flowing out. The freezing power chills the colt to the bone, and the dragon snaps his mouth shut less than an inch from his face.

"There. I won't strike you with all my might, as that would instantly kill you. I have no interest in harming you. If I free you from that ice, will you leave me alone?"

Lion Heart struggled against his icy bonds for a few seconds. He strained, he grunted, he pulled and twisted his body but it was to no avail. The young collt became very fed up and started gnawing on his frozen restraints when the dragon offered to free him.

"I don't need help," Lion Heart told him, "I can get out of this on my own. Just, you know, give me a few minutes," he went back to biting at the ice. He soon realized that he was making very little progress and corrected himself, "You better make that hours," before getting back to work.

Frostbite turns and walks back to his position, picking up his saddlebag and dumping the contents in front of him. A foal-sized pile of diamonds falls out, all of them with veins of golden energy running through them. Frostbite leans down, admiring the yellow diamonds, and tentatively picks one up and examines it.

"I have to wonder if all the legends about these are true..." he says to himself. He really hoped they were... Breathing lightning as well as ice would be quite amazing. The dragon glances over to the colt, expecting to see him staring at the diamonds in awe.

"Legends about what?" Lion Heart asked through a mouthful of ice. He glanced up from his work, but kept chewing away. He couldn't help but be curious, but he was also very determined to free himself even if it took all night. At least he wouldn't have to deal with the heat outside tonight.

"About these yellow diamonds. They say that if a dragon eats enough of these charged gems, it will give them the power to breathe a type of power. These yellow ones have electrical power inside them... They would let me breathe lightning if the legends are true!"

Lion Heart spit out a chunk of ice. "Neat!" he cheered as he went back to work and asking, "So, does that work for just dragons or can I..."

When he tried to pull away from his freezing bonds only to find that his tongue was stuck. He pulled a few times, but nothing came of it and soon all he could do was let out a frustrated sigh and mutter, "Ouch."

"It only works for dragons, little one. And are you done struggling? I can break you out of that ice easily, but you have to promise to leave me alone." He gingerly tosses one of the gems into his mouth, biting carefully down on it. Nothing seems to happen, so he chews a bit and swallows the pieces of the diamond. He tosses another into his mouth, and watches the colt as he chews another piece.

Lion Heart tried to talk, but found it hard to pronounce anything right with his tongue frozen to the ice around his legs. The colt grew more and more frustrated the more he tried to speak before becoming completely fed up. He braced himself, gathered as much of his strength as he dared and pulled away from the ice as hard as he could. "OW!"he cried out as his mouth came free from his bonds, "Stupid ice!"

Frostbite shakes his head in annoyance, and eats another yellow diamond. He continues to watch the little colt, both amused and annoyed by his antics. I can't figure this pony out... Is he really that brave, or is he just an idiot? ...I think I'll put my gems on the latter... He doesn't seem like a very bright individual...

The little colt continued to struggle for a few more seconds before stopping to catch his breath. Breathing heavily, he asked, "What? Don't you still want another kind of magic breath? Why'd you stop munching those gems? Does this mean I can have one? I want magic breath! That would SO COOL! Wait... cool... HA! I made a pun! But seriously..."

He continued to ramble on and on and on and on...

The dragon finally snaps, and walks calmly over to the overactive colt. He grabs the pony, breaking him free of the ice, and starts walking out of his cave with the colt. "Where do you live?"

Lion Heart smiled, "I live in a tent out in the Everfree, but it's kind of hot out there tonight. Crazy weather lately, huh? I mean, it's really really hot and humid outside, but it's frozen in here! That's weird unless you're the one that froze the inside of the cave. Why would you do that? Do you not like it really hot either? Sometimes I got to Ponyville and get ice cream when it's this hot, but I don't stay for very long..."

...and on and on and on and on and on...

Frostbite takes to the air, wings flapping heavily against the forest floor. Within seconds, he's flying far above the Everfree, heading back to Ponyville.

As he flies above the school, he swoops down slightly and holds Lionheart down. "Goodbye, Lion Heart. Don't bother me again." He simply drops the young colt on the ground, sending the pony rolling through the empty playground. Afterwards, the dragon turns and flies back towards the Everfree...

"Wait!" Lion Heart called after the dragon, "What am I supposed to do here? Hello?"

The young colt sat down on the ground and growled at his misfortune. He didn't like being at the school. He just felt that he didn't really belong there. After a few minutes, he stood up and started walking back towards the forest. This had been and interesting day with an interesting lesson; dragons are jerks.

World Guide

Old Mare's Tale

(Transcript from [[3]] by Ginger Mint)

As the (modified) story goes, in olden pony times, dragons possessed the power of lightning, but they used it recklessly and irresponsibly. In order to limit the destruction, Celestia asked some of her assistants to take lightning away for safe keeping. Three old and cranky dragons were tasked with guarding lightning, but at night two of them slept while one of them kept watch.

Unicorn used her unicorn magic to turn invisible, she played tricks on the dragons, knocking things off the shelves, banging pans together. The dragons thought they were being haunted by a ghost. Whenever Unicorn picked something up to distract them, they would run towards her and she had to drop it to avoid being trampled. She realized she would never be able to grab the lightning and get away, even invisible, the dragons would see what she was carrying and trample her. She also realized that she if she kept distracting the dragons, they would grow tired and make mistakes, being unable to get a good night's sleep.

One night, when the dragons were very tired, Unicorn left them alone to fall asleep, which they all did. Earth Pony sensed the opening and ran up, grabbing the lightning from its bottle. But lightning makes a loud crash and rumble when it moves, so the dragons awoke to see the Earth Pony stealing their treasure and gave chase. Earth Pony was tireless and brave, running through the forests and plains, but the dragons could fly and she realized they would eventually catch her, so she called to her friend Pegasus.

Pegasus swooped in and grabbed the bottle. She flew fast and high, hoping to outrun the dragons, but no matter how fast or high she flew, they always managed to find her, even when she stayed still. She realized that the bottle itself was magic and that the dragons could sense its location, so she took lightning out of its bottle and hid it in the clouds, receiving a terrible shock for her troubles. Sure enough, the dragons found their empty bottle and though furious, never found it hidden in the clouds. However, even today, when a Pegasus flies extra fast, that little piece of lightning makes a thunderous kaboom.

Looking for Adventure

(Transcript from [[4]] by coolcat and cc)

PixieStar kicked a stone with her front left hoof and sighed, "This is the worst day to be bored.." The sun was up and the pegasi had done a brillant job with clearing the clouds. PixieStar had tried entertaining herself by coming up with new songs, but she was having some trouble.

Every single beautiful day I'm bored, thought PixieStar as she strolled through the park with her head down. She flapped her wings as she walked and pretended she was drumming. Still she couldn't think of a beat or lyrics, but PixieStar wanted something bigger than a song. She was dying for an adventure.

PixieStar sat on the ground and grabbed a stick. She began to draw in the ground, hoping somepony would save her from her endless boredem.

Mist was, for once, unladened with any satchel bags or weapons or even armor. he could be heard whistling a jolly little tune, and occasionally singing a few words that would worry everyone who heard them. The song was quite well known, but most people didn't like him to sing it "When you're rife with devestation, there's a simple explanation, you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball..." he sang wistfully, glad for his freedom. He'd recently broken free of the nightmare realm, a little place he was glad never to have to go back to. Honestly, if he ever had to tamper with ancient arcane unicorn artifacts, it would be too soon. He walked into the park, the air blasting through his mane and sending it flying back, almost dramatically.

He loved weather like this. Sunny, with just a little bit of wind. If he was better at flying, he'd probably be in the air right about now. Unfortunately, around a year of being ground-bound made it hard for him to fly, especially with the last time having almost shattered his wing. He wasn't really in the mood for visiting Nurse Redheart again, or not for the same problem again at any rate. She would probably be a little bit annoyed that her patient couldn't stay out of a hospital bed for even a month.

As he walked further into the park he saw a strange young mare drawing on the ground with a stick. It was strange, with everyone else playing and laughing around her she seemed to be entranced with the stick.... what was she doing? Mist walked over to her and stood above her, accidentally blocking the light out and giving him what could look like an angelic halo. "Ma'am, if ya don't mind me askin', what are ya doin'?" He said, his appleloosan accent running through his voice blatantly

PixieStar took a long sigh, "I'm trying to entertain myself, but drawing in the dirt isn't doing the job. I was walking through Ponyville looking for something to do, but the one thing I'm dying for now is an adventure. That's not going to happen..." You could clearly hear she was bored when she spoke. PixieStar let her head hang close to the ground as she stood up and looked at Mist.

PixieStar hoped the pegasi would have an idea and tell her it. She looked down at the drawing in the dirt. There was a flower missing a petal.

Mist raised an eyebrow as he listened to the strange mare's explanation.

"I hate to be obvious, m'dear, but ya really should've seen that comin'. I mean, y'all are drawing in the dirt. What's the fun in that? Of course you're not going to be entertained, I mean it's not like you're fighting a dragon, dueling a manticore, hunting through Everfree for your lost friend, or making the newest and strongest armor that ya ever dun see. I mean, kinda common sense." He said, not realizing that his life was probably a lot more exciting than most other ponies in Ponyville. He had been best friends with a witch, lived in an enchanted tower for around six months, and had to go out dueling wild animals to test out his armor. He was as close as Ponyville came to a knight in shining armor.

"Ya know, ya HAVE a special talent. Why ain't you out there practicing it. Surely that would keep you entertained for an afternoon or two."

"Songwriters block," sighed PixieStar, as she looked at her dirt drawing of the flower. "I write and preform music. I want to one day be a famous popstar, but right now things aren't looking so well. My band fell apart a few weeks ago and now I can't come up with any lyrics." PixieStar kicked the ground, then looked up at Mist. Wait a second, thought PixieStar. "Come with me!" she exclaimed as she raced out of the park hoping that Mist would follow her.

Mist saw the strange mare run off and for a moment he just considered leaving her to her own devices. She wasn't exactly polite, and it was really her own fault that she was stuck like this, but something compelled him to follow her. Maybe it was the fact that there really wasn't much else happening that day, or maybe it was his eternally curious and adventurous nature, he didn't know which. Either way, something was compelling his legs to move, and he knew where they were taking him. To follow the strange mare

"Alright, but ya better not be doin' anythin' stupid." With years of practice, his speed was much superior to the mares and he soon caught up with her, although he was completely relying on her for directions at this point. He had no idea where it was she was wanting them to go, but wherever it was he was going to follow. Either because it'd be interesting, or because the mare might need someone to watch her back.

"I got a awesome idea! And I owe it all to you!" exclaimed PixieStar cheerfully as the two ponies walked towards her music shop. "I already told you I write songs, right? And that I have songwriters block at the time? Well..." PixieStar began to get really excited. This may be my new hit and get me famous across Equestria, thought PixieStar as she bounced around happily.

She looked back to Mist and appoliziged to him for being so hyper. She explained it had always been her dream to be a famous popstar across Equestria and lately she'd been having trouble writing songs. "But your adventures! They might just make me big!" She exclaimed as she jumped high up into the air. She put her hooves together and lay on the ground. "Please, Mr. Mist, will you help me and tell me about your adventures?"

Ancient Artifice

(Transcript from [[5]] by Dream Gaze, Asteria and Ashti Sandburst)

Dear Jamais

It has come to my attention that many caves and ruins can be found in the desert of Equestria. I have reason to believe that an artifact of interest can be found in the canyon I've marked on your map, I will pay you generously if you can get said artifact to me in one piece. After our previous discussion via letters, I will also pay you for any items I can use for Alchemy and any other sort of magical knowledge or items you can find. The potion I have given to you is dragon fire, you may use it to contact me for any reason. I await your return

Signed Dream Gaze

PS: Given the nature of the ruins, I've hired another to aid in this job. A courier by the name of Asteria. Expect her to come seeking you out and asking about the task at hoof.

Jamais placed the letter back into the bag around her neck and continued her travel through the desert towards a large rock formation in the distance. She was curious about her supposed partner for this but... if it was part of the task she was willing to follow it until the deed was complete.

The sun would set soon and she knew that she would freeze if she didn't set up camp soon. A few hours had passed and she had started a fire and wrapped herself in a warm blanket while she blankly stared at the flames. Jamais knew that she wouldn't sleep tonight, her insomnia wouldn't allow it. She will go through the night keeping the fire going for as long as possible, waiting for morning to come. She knew she was close to the outskirts of a town called Appleloosa, however her destination was in another direction and so there was no real reason to take a detour toward the town... at least, not until the fire died out.

Aaaaah ! Appleloosa... a radiant and burning sun, a large horizon of dusty soil, a little warm wind made of sand... descending from the train, a unicorn glanced to the landscape. Next closing his eyes, sniffing the wind which messed a turban, Ashti smiled, nostalgic.

All these things remembered him his homeland, and he appreciated it. It was some weeks since his wedding and he left Deerham some weeks ago. Putting a hoof on the ground, walking to the city, the Sandlander wore a "Wild west's gentlecolt outfit" : Vest, shirt, ascot tie, elegant coat under by a cloak with cover all, even if he was not from this region he could easy being considered as a rich far-western colt... well he's an aristocrat after-all.But... He didn't go unnoticed. Because he was a stranger and he wore rich cloth, but also he had on his head a headgear, his iconic turban from his far away nation. Some of the town folks stopped their activity when they saw the foreign unicorn.

An eye hidden by an eye-patch, Ashti looked to the city fascinated. It was his first time on this town, and the buildings' style was quite different to Canterlot, Ponyville or... Manehattan. As his habit, the unicorn didn't have any luggages with him except his saddlebag.

The train seemed to be loaded with unusual characters on the scorching summer afternoon as another unicorn, a black mare garbed in an equally dark hooded cloak stepped out behind him. The light breeze blew down her hood, revealing a short cut crimson mane and a stoic expression that seemed as static as a marble sculpture. Fiery red eyes looked the quaint desert town over from the elevation of the station as she searched for signs of a character with a description that was vague at best.

The formerly cowled mare had recently weathered a blizzard in order to deliver an important collection of alchemical supplies to a well trained mage of sorts and at his request, had agreed to do a follow up mission that involved the fiery desert. She was to rendezvous with a mute who was camping on the outskirts of Appleoosa so that the pair could get to work unraveling the mysteries that rested deep within the unforgiving sands of the desert. She had her own preconceptions and predictions of what she was going to face in the immediate future but the mare did her best to keep an open mind, thinking over the most efficient ways to communicate with a wordless pony as she prepared to step off the platform.

A careful step away from the train landed her softly into the coarse sand of the desert town's streets. She knew that her destination lie just outside the reaches of the remote town and it would be in their best interests to get started any later than necessary and used that as motivation to get moving. The tall mare took long, almost exaggerated strides as she made her way through town, giving the reminiscing unicorn a passing glance not particularly interested in his clothing that sharply contrasted her spartan wardrobe.

When the morning came around, Jamais had packed her things and continued on her way. It was once again a sleepless night and it would probably remain this way until the job was complete. Very soon the town of Appleloosa came into view and Jamais decided to wait within view of the exit of the town while she checked her equipment. She traveled extremely lightly, most of her tools could be found in the pouch around her neck or the metal anklets she wore that covered the lower part of her legs. Everything seemed to be functioning properly so Jamais turned her attention back into the town where she saw the train pull into the station from where she was.

It wouldn't be long now.

Slowly, Ashti walked towards a building that he identified as his destination, the "Wild West Nest", the little, and only hotel of the city. This establishment offered normal room, but also some rich suites, and it was one of these suites that his grandfather had reserved for him. Entering into, he just had time to glance than an earth mare came to him. It was the receptionist, and after presentation she led him into his room : it was a relatively luxurious one, but it was enough for him.

So, Mister… Sandburst ? Did you have any requests? We are always happy to see new customers, especially distinguished guest. ^^… ? Well, it is nice. But I have nothing in mind for now, this suite is enough. Thanks you, Miss Lariat.

The receptionist acquiesced and left alone the Ambassador. This one, glanced another time to the room, before takeoff his cloak that he move by telekinesis on a chair. He didn't noticed straightaway, but a letter was putted on the bed. Opening it, he started to read the content. The Ambassador was here in diplomatic mission, and his contact waited him tonight in the saloon.

The travel was quite long and even if Ashti had sleep on the train, he took a little rest. Minutes and hours passed, and when the unicorn woke up, it was the nightfall, but also an occasion to visit Appeloosa by night as someone suggested to him. Then, he took off his cloak, locked his room and left the hotel. There was not very a lot of activity on the city, and only the saloon and a restaurant was open.

The Ambassador chose to enter into the saloon. If he was sure that his contact will be here, was not sure about the hour. Anyway when he entered, anypony turned the head to the Sandlander, silently, but this one don't cared about. Then he walked towards the bar and paid a coffee and took a chair.

Ten minute later a cloaked… pony ? Entered, it had the face hide but it instantly recognized the unicorn, walking towards him, it took another chair. Ashti drank his beverage, frowning when the unknown sat in his front… a silence settle between them. next the cloaked spoke with a low voice

Are you Salamalec Sandburst…? … No. Oh, come on. I know you are, because… I know you.

It removed the hood, revealing its head, while Ashti opened wide his eyes. This was a doe, a doe that he hadn't seen her for a couple of years. He was very surprise and happy… and also intrigued.

M-Miss Thizir ?! Hello, Mister Sandburst ! Happy to see me ? Of course. Kaise ar-ya ? (how are you ?) Ana hu thik. Teşekkür edirem ( I am fine. Thank you.)

Both smiled to each other… She and Ashti was member of the "Circle" an international guild of relic-hunters. Unlike Ashti, she was not a " field officer" as him. Ashti explored ruins and took the artifact, while her job was to inform the other members and help them with advices, but also the entire Guild's library knowledges. The last time that he spoke to her, it was for some information about a "foe" treasure hunter.

So, you are my contact ? In this case, what are you doing here ? Yes… I still work for the Circle, but I know why you're here. And I was around, then I thought I could help you in your task. As old good times. Wait… how did you knew about my mission? Hihi. Mister Sandburst, there is rumors here. About an emissary from Celestia, which was send to fix the relationship between Appleloosa and the Buffalo tribe. Then, I asked to your secretary which confirmed it. ^^

Ashti took a gulp of coffee, and smiled.

… Thus, you proposed to be my contact ? Clever. But how can you assist me ? I know the Buffalo, I could be your guide, what did you say? Well… it fine for me, Miss Thizir. Please Mister. Call me Feriel, we know each other since many years, and we are partner now.

Ashti agreed and offered to her a drink. That was a surprise for him, a good one and I had to admit, she was like a mentor to him. Even if she had two years more than him.

Asteria wandered past the famous sand walker, oblivious to his importance as she made her way towards the edge of town. Her gaze was locked ahead, the dark mare was used to ignoring the glances she received from curious and concerned as she weaved carefully through the crowds of pony folk that littered the streets. In a few short minutes she had reached the edge of town, her crimson eyes gazing out into the hot desert. She spotted a strange pony standing silently just beyond the outer reaches of town and the unicorn decided to check to see if this was the character who she was supposed to be working with.

"Are you Lady Jamais?" the cloaked traveler asked calmly with a slightly distant sounding voice.

Jamais watched the town from afar and moments later she was approached by a hooded Unicorn. She did not offer a response when she inquired who she was, Jamais saw no need to speak to this mare and simply reached into the bag around her neck and pulled out a small card with fine print. It will read as follows...

Jamais Gazelle
Traveler for hire
Must offer equivalent exchange for services

The back of this card seemed to have info about her terms and conditions for any job she would take but one might need a magnifying glass just to read it all. While Asteria gave the card a glance (Or however long she might read it for.) Jamais also brought out the note given to her by the mage Dream Gaze and gestured between the note and the unicorn, no doupt inquiring if she was really the one mentioned in the note. Only a select few knew her by name so it was a good idea to confirm if this was the one she was to work with or just another client.

Ashti and his mentor were still in the saloon, chatting about the mission but also their lives.

So… I heard that you are married now ? Mazel tov ! …Eheh…. But I am sorry… I, I know you had some feelings towards me, professor…

The Ambassador looked down a little shamed, since the doe turned back the head, blushing. It was true, she had a crush on him since the first week of their meet, but she never confesses it.

You… you was aware of… this… well, I am happy to hear you. But don't worry… I turned over a new leaf. And I'm sincerely happy for you.

Both took their beverage and cheered to their reunion, laughing. The minutes passed, and suddenly Feriel thought about the last time that Ashti contacted her, it was about a dangerous Treasure-hunter… she tried to remember it.

Mister Sandburst… did… did you remember about the "Antiquarian" ? … ? Hm… I… yes, Jéricho d'Adhémare… sincerely… I cannot remember of what is happened. I called you for some information, you told me that he was a great and experienced Treasure hunter, and also dangerous and that he do not liked the Circle. But after it… this was nearly a year, weirdly I can not remember. I see… well. I suppose it's time now. I thing to do. I suppose we will see again… tomorrow ? Or did you have other thing to do, mister ? ... Hm… I do not have still confirmation that the Buffalo will accept my as mediator, then I have nothing to until it. So, see you tomorrow ? …with pleasure, Miss Feriel

The unicorn accompanied the doe at the exist of the saloon. After it they said goodbye each other, and after she was gone, Ashti looked to the sky. The starry sky, here too it was beautiful. The stars, the sand, he felt the same thing that his homeland... and it gave him energy. Ashti didn't eat since this morning, then. He walked in this direction of the restaurant, wondered what was the specialty of the town.

Asteria nodded for her mute counterpart, confirming that she was the courier that had been requested. "Yes I am the courier in question. Sir Gaze requested delivery of alchemical supplies to his remote mountain home and I delivered it to him through his artificial blizzard. I inquired about further work and he felt that my skills could be of use in this specific area, dealing with desert ruins.I could provide additional information about my credentials if that is necessary," she replied simply to the gazelle, her horn glowing a deep red as her masked saddlebags came into vision for her hoofed counterpart. The calm unicorn was used to being critically inspected and maintained her usual casual posture and composure.

The explanation was all the gazelle needed to hear. The unicorn knew the the client personally, she knew her by name and she confirmed what she was here for. Jamais shook her head, no further information was required. She gave one of her anklets a tap with her hoof and in a small puff of smoke, an old parchment appeared under her hoof. The young gazelle had apparently made a lot of notes on where they were headed, she had figured out that the ruins were a day's travel, north-west from the town if they continued in a straight line. She also learned that said ruins were sealed with a magical lock of some description. With the amount of question marks around this note, it would seem that a closer inspection of the device will be needed when they get there. The note that stood out the most though was the one she had marked in red... It was a time limit to get to the ruins by tomorrow evening. After reading this, Jamais looked out to the desert as the wind blew through the sands...

She motioned for Asteria to come with her and started walking into the desert. She left her notes with Asteria in case she wanted to look them over while they walked.

It was a nice, sunny day in the western town. And the sunlight passing through the window, lighted up the room. It was the morning and Ashti was still on his bed, holding the pillow in his forelegs, back turned to the light. Slowly he opened his eye, yawned and left the bed at the sound of the pendulum clock. It was 10 a.m, and the sun's heat gave energy to the Ambassador which dressed-up. Today he planned to spent time with Feriel, and of course he was not aware of how they will spend time…

Clothed, he left the suite and down the floor. Unlike yesterday it was not a mare which greeted him, but an earth stallion. The receptionist saw his guess and did a reverence.

Ah, Greetings Lord Sandburst. "Billy Ye'foal", owner of this establishment. It's an honor to welcome you. Did you spent a good night ? I… Greeting, sir. Yes, the night was good thank you. Good, good… Oh, there somepony for you in the dinner room. An doe.

The owner was quite enthusiastic to have such guest and expected that it will do a good publicity for the town, but also mostly for this hotel. And Ashti was aware of this, but it doesn't greatly bother him. Then he thanked Billy and walked to the room. Slowly he walked through the room and saw his contact, sits on a chair, a drink on the table and a newspaper in hoof.

May the sun keep you, Miss Feriel. I hope you do not wait too long. Ah, good morning mister Sandburst. No, I… no... so, spend a good night ? Yes…

At his turn the Ambassador sat himself on the opposite chair and took a cup of coffee.

I… Can I ask you answer, Miss Feriel ? "Answer"… about what ? …Your presence in Appleloosa, it is strange. I did not react yesterday, but… … Hm… well, there is nothing strange. I was in mission for the Circle. You just don't ask me. Oh… my bad. I said "was", did your mission finished ? No… I… eheh, no. There is ruins, but… I have some problem with… Ohoh, ruins ? Tell me more about it, maybe I can help you ?

The doe sighted and smiled. Even if she learned a lot and can easily be a professor, she had few field experience, unlike Ashti which explored ruins and brought artifact since ten years. He was one of the still living elite members of the Circle of the Reliquary. Have him at her side was unexpected, and it make her more confident about their success. At the request of her "student", she took a map from her bag and putted it on the table.

Ok then. Due to some change into the guild, I was sent here for an artifact. Even with the "Iris"* it is impossible to determine the nature of the artifact. The Iris failed ? Wow, This is odd, I always thought that this artifact was infallible. This is the case… but some waves, maybe a magic, protect it and prevent the iris to work. I had gone in the ruins, or at the entrance,… but, I was not able to enter and also even if I am not a spellcaster I was able to fell a lot of magic. I see… well, I suppose I can help you about it. Where are the ruins ? Here… in this canyon.

The Ambassador whistled. The canyon was at a very good distance, many kilometers into the desert. If he well-evaluate it, it will take a day. But this bothered him just a little, this was some… weeks ? that he didn't do a so long walk… but he was ready to do it.

There is another thing, the story said that the ruins will vanish tonight, for many years. …Well… I have free time today, anyway. I will prepare myself.

Feriel smiled with relief; with Ashti her task will be easier. Then she acquiesced finishing her coffee, until Ashti come back. After some preparation on the route, both walked in the exist of the city.

Mister Sandburst… thank you.

She then gave a kiss in the cheek of the unicorn. Ashti blushed, before retake the control.

Ahem… my pleasure… … so, if the ruins vanish tonight, we have to be fast, then. Indeed… Can I propose to His Excellence a race…? A race…? In the desert, under sun?... well, I do not like challenge but why not. Then, Ladies first ? Of course, go ahead.

She didn't wait and started to run, followed by the unicorn. Due to their sandlandic biology, both was nearly immunized to the great heat, and was accustomed to sandy place, notably Ashti which lived into a desert. Even if a bookworm she was pretty athletic, and the unicorn despite have a low health didn't seemed to feel the fatigue. Running during many hours and all the travel, they arrived to the ruins in a record time… exhausted. Both fell on the sand, catching their breaths during a dozens of minute, and their hearts. Drinking, the Ambassador turned the head to the ruins entrance. They were alone for now, and if they wanted it they could spend good time without being bothered. But they were not here for does that.

Ashti walked towards the entrance and when he tried to enter, a force field pushed him back. So the ruins were really protected by magic. He glanced to his teammate which joined him.

So, your opinion ? …Hm… sincerely I do not know… I do not have spell which allow me to disable this… lock ? Maybe we have to wait… or I can use my magic. We will see if I can break this.

Making sign to the doe to stay back, the Sandlander started to recite a magical formula and casted his spell against the force field… this one was slightly shattered, but the attack was reflected and Ashti pushed his teammate for eschew the back fire. They jumped to the sand and the rock face being them was a little destroyed. Slowly the two Sandlanders raised themselves looking to the wall.

Well… We know what to do now…

The desert was scorching hot as to be expected, although Asteria made no such complaints about the temperature as she trudged through the desolate wasteland. Her horn glowed red as she manipulated her cloak, loosening it to be more comfortable while she altered the coloration to a lighter shade of white to help alleviate some of the heat.

"I understand your terms. I am used to working under specific time constraints," the unicorn replied calmly, her powerful muscles working efficiently in the harsh weather. While not genetically disposed to handle the heat extraordinarily well, Asteria was able to apply her intense conditioning to keep pace with the gazelle. The unicorn's hooves kept a fast pace, limiting contact with the fiery ground beneath her.

This scorching wasteland was rather expansive and the sun shone brightly as it rose higher into the sky. Jamais would rather have this weather instead of the artificial blizzard around her client's home but this wasn't a big enough concern to voice out loud. Soon the two travelers had reached the canyon walls and ventured inside, the cool shade was a nice change after traversing the desert but they didn't have time to stop. The Gazelle didn't want to stop, the ruins were close now and they can rest when they retrieve the item form this ancient place. As they got closer Jamais perked her ears at the familiar sounds of speech coming from the direction they were headed and soon saw two figures standing by the entrance to the ruin.

Jamais didn't care for this much, they weren't obstacles... yet anyway... Still, she decided to keep walking to the entrance so she could examine it. From what she could see at this distance, the two had succeeded in cracking the force field. Further investigation told her that she had to be cautious... if the two strangers tried breaking it again while they approached, then somepony might end up like that rock... Any conversation will be handled by her partner because as far as anyone will be concerned, she is a mute and the gazelle hoped to keep it like that for as long as possible.

When the two sandlanders was arrived, there was the middle of afternoon. Now this was nearly the end. The rock walls were quite damaged, as the force field in when many holes was done. Holes, made par the succession of spells used by Ashti. This one was on the knees, panting, splitting blood from his mouth. Overuse of magic was dangerous for the health, Ashti knew it, but he was nearly to destroy this shield.

Feriel was in tears, her "student" played with his health for her. And she told him to stop, but the Ambassador was confident. Then he tried another time, piercing the "lock" without broke it.

Lautfan (please) Mister Sandburst! it's enough ! Lauftan, stop it ! lauftan... Haah haah haah haah haah... ugh! The nightfall... I have another trump to use... Ana. Mali. TUTNA ETH! (I. shall. BREAK IT !)

His ethereal magic crossed his body, and his horn, recovered it with a magic aura, and making the horn glow. Suddenly the aura stored in his horn became electric energy, shining in a flow of bronze-colored, and gilded lightings. All fours in the sand, the Ambassador unleashed these lightings accumulated on the shield which vanished in a hundred of fragment under the pressure and the power of the electric flux. The doe looked to it, amazed. This attack... she was quite sure that it could reduce any organisms into ashes...

Y...You did it ! Sandburst ! Eheheh... I told..y-

Falling on the ground, Ashti laid nearly-unconscious into the sand. He had gone too far with his stamina, and now he was very exhausted. Feriel nearly to cry, shocked. The Ambassador makes her sign to lake into his saddlebag a flask, his al-iksir. He drank some and rested some minutes, time that his body was cure and recovering his energy. The potion took effect quickly and finally Ashti was anew healthy. Even the doe was quite worried about her teammate. But he reassured her, and both entered into the ruins.

Read more: http://friendshipismagicrpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=deadthreads&action=display&thread=5210&page=2#ixzz2PxkJuQtF

Dark Ponies

The Night Mare's Return

In the northernmost outskirts of Equestria, a sinister figure stared towards the country’s boundary from its castle. The full figure of Nightmare Moon stood on the balcony of her new, corrupted home, disdain in her turquoise eyes as she thought back. Two years ago, the Elements of Harmony had torn her soul from Luna, the royal alicorn of Equestria. The malevolent mistress had tried to corrupt the young pony, but failed when the older sister banished her, along with her beloved younger sister, to the moon. After Nightmare Moon’s return and immediate defeat, her soul had been sealed by the royal magicians of Canterlot. Unfortunately for the foals, She though, they forgot that I could slowly drain power from inside my magical prison. After months of biding my strength, escaping had been easy. Now free, I will soon have my revenge!

Her brooding was disrupted by several knocked on a large wooden door. Scowling as thoughts of the destruction diminished, she turned and announced “Enter!” With the creaking of the aged wood, the door parted as an earth pony strode in. His pitch black coat and mane seemed to blend in with the lack of light throughout the castle. The fire in his red eyes swept from side to side until he knew that they were alone, and bowed in deep respect. “Nightmare moon, I have done my best to gather as much forces as I can. With the combined efforts of propaganda along the borders of the lands, I have acquired for you an army of about two thousand ponies who wish to overthrown the princesses.” “Two thousand?” The mistress inquired, the aura of her mane growing stiff in anger. “Two thousand? Is that all you could muster? Your efforts will be worthless if we do not bring more to the cause. Equestria, despite being peaceful, has twice the number of trained guards, while we only have a few militants!” The messenger cowered beneath the fury of his lord. “Your majesty, if I must say… we’ve spent months searching, and if it helps, we have the allegiance of a flock of griffins and a dragon. Is that not enough?”

“With forces like that, we would be better off throwing ourselves into the sea” She seethed, glaring at nothing in particular. It has come to realization that ponies would not be the answer to her desires, and a need for something more would have to take its place. The ebony alicorn softened her gaze, a sly presence creeping inwards. “Yet… all is not lost, my earth pony. What is your name, figure of darkness?” The underling shuddered, as if saying it would surely banish him to somewhere most unpleasant. “Shadow…. S-s-trike, your m-m-ajesty.” He said meekly. “Well Shadow Strike, follow my hoofsteps, as you will have much to learn about the devices of an Alicorn.” Nightmare Moon brushed past the pony she addressed, pacing to the far end of the castle. As Shadow Strike followed, sighing in relief, the fallen goddess continued speaking. “There’s a field of magic a lot of ponies do not know about. Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies all learn the simplest forms of magic, that of physical energy, weather manipulation, or earthly attunement, respectively. They never grasp the abilities that greater magicians have, and are usually left to live their lives in blind ignorance.”

As they proceeded to an unmarked room, Nightmare Moon shoved the door open, revealing a surprisingly small chamber. Vines slithered down the walls, hungrily attaching themselves to every crack and corner. A portion of the cobblestone roof had fallen, letting the moon shine in all of its glory on a pedestal on the center. A smooth, glass orb sat on top of it, a grey haze swirling in the center in mystical patterns. As the two stepped up to the platform, the alicorn set her hoof on the smooth, stone cold, sphere...