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** '''Royal Behavior'''(Prerequisites: Noble Behavior): Same like Noble Behavior but the full difference between your Society Rating and the Society Rating of the lower Pony counts.
** '''Royal Behavior'''(Prerequisites: Noble Behavior): Same like Noble Behavior but the full difference between your Society Rating and the Society Rating of the lower Pony counts.
** '''Very Important Pony'''(Prerequisites: Society Rating 15+): Your Word are law in the Society. Each Society Event you are visit is automatically increasing the requied Society Rating by 1 points (only if you accept the invitation). You will be automatically invited to every Society Event.
** '''Very Important Pony'''(Prerequisites: Society Rating 15+): Your Word are law in the Society. Each Society Event you are visit is automatically increasing the requied Society Rating by 1 points (only if you accept the invitation). You will be automatically invited to every Society Event.
** '''Super VIP'''(Prerequisites: Very Important Pony, Society Rating 25+): Your Presence on a Society Event generates a Super Event. Each Society Event you are visit is automatically increasing the requied Society Rating by 2 points (only if you accept the invitation). In Addition you can declare a Pony as an "Important Pony". This will increase the Society Rating of the affected Pony by 5 (not cumulative). You can remove this Bonus later if you wish (only if you are the Super VIP who has given this bonus).
** '''Super VIP'''(Prerequisites: Very Important Pony, Society Rating 25+): Your Presence on a Society Event generates a Super Event. Each Society Event you are visit is automatically increasing the requied Society Rating by 2 points (only if you accept the invitation). In Addition you can declare a Pony as an "Important Pony". This will increase the Society Rating of the affected Pony by 20% of your own Society Rating (not cumulative, rounded down). You can remove this Bonus later if you wish (only if you are the Super VIP who has given this bonus).
* '''Leadership''' (6/6) -  
* '''Leadership''' (6/6) -  
** '''Born Leader''': Once per encounter, as a swift action, you grant all allies within your line of sight a + 1 insight bonus on attack rolls. This effect lasts for as long as they remain within line of sight of you. An ally loses this bonus immediately if line of sight is broken or if you are unconscious or dead.
** '''Born Leader''': Once per encounter, as a swift action, you grant all allies within your line of sight a + 1 insight bonus on attack rolls. This effect lasts for as long as they remain within line of sight of you. An ally loses this bonus immediately if line of sight is broken or if you are unconscious or dead.

Revision as of 07:08, 29 December 2011

Class Talent Trees

(92/162 Talente fertig; über die Hälfte ist geschafft !!!)


  • Artistry (0/6) -
  • Function (6/6) -
    • Assured Skill: When you select this talent, choose one Cutie mark related crafting skill . Whenever you roll a skill check with that skill, you can choose to lose any competence bonuses to that skill check and instead roll 2 dice, keeping either result. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different Cutie mark related skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
    • Critical Skill Success: Whenever you roll a natural 20 on a skill check, choose one other skill. Once before the end of your next turn, you can choose to gain a +5 competence bonus to a check with that skill as a free action.
    • Reliable Boon: Whenever you spend a Force Point to add to a skill check, you always reroll a result of 1 on any of your Force Point dice, and continue to reroll until you get a result of 2 or higher.
    • Skill Boon(Prerequisite:Assured Skill): When you select this talent, choose one Cutie mark related skill. Whenever you spend a Harmony Point to add to that skill, increase the die type of your Harmony Point by one step (i.e. from d6 to d8, d8 to dlO, or d10 to d12. to a maximum of d12. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different Cutie mark related skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
    • Master Crafted(Prerequisite: Critical Skill Success,Assured Skill, trained in the chosen crafting skill): When you select this talent, choose one Cutie mark related crafing skill. Whenever you roll a natural 19 or a natural 20 on a skill check with that skill, you gain the benefits of the Critical Skill Success talent and also gain bonus hardness equal to your Charisma modifier to the crafted Item.
    • Master Piece(Prerequisite: Reliable Boon, trained in the chosen crafting skill): Whenever you spend a Force Point to add to a skill check, the Equiptment Bonus of the work is increased by 1. This Bonus is only usable with one of the Equiptment bonuses. (Example: A heavy Armor with Reflex Defence 8 ,Fortitude Defence 2 ,Damage Reduction 2 and Maximum Dex Bonus 0. With "Master Piece" you can Rise the Bonus of Reflex Defence ,Fortitude Defence and Damage Reduction but not the Maximum Dex Bonus because there is no Bonus to increase)
  • Inventor (0/6) -


  • Endurance (1/6) -
    • Extreme Effort: You can spend two swift actions to gain a +5 bonus on a single Strength check or Strength based skill check made during the same round.
  • Agility (4/6) -
    • Sports Routine: You may choose to reroll any Acrobatics, Fly, Jump, or Swim check (chose one if this feat is taken), but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
    • Evasion: If you are hit by an area attack or hazzard you take half damage if the attack or the hazzard hit you. If the area attack or the hazzard misses you, you take no damage.
    • Advanced Sprint: When you use the run action, you can move up to one aditional times your speed (instead of the normal four times your speed you are runnig five times your speed. If you have the Sprint Feat you can running six times your speed).
    • Long Stride: Your speed increases by 2 squares if you are wearing light armor or no armor. If you have a natural fly, climb, or swim speed, it increases by 2 squares as well. You cannot use this talent if you are wearing medium or heavy armor.
  • Teamsport (1/6) -
    • Acrobatic Ally (Prerequisite: Dexterity 13, Strength 13): You move an ally around with ease and accuracy by giving him or her a leg up or a helpful toss. You can hoist or toss an ally of your size or smaller up to 2 squares. You and your ally must act on the same initiative number and start in adjacent squares. If you succeed on a DC 20 Acrobatics check as a standard action, your ally ends up in a sq uare of your choosing up to 2 squares above or away from you. This counts as a free action for your ally and ends your turn . Your ally can then continue his or her turn. If you fail your check, both you and your ally immediately become prone in your square. Your turn is ended, but your ally can take his or her turn normally. This can provoke attacks of opportunity against either character.


  • Jack of all Trades (1/6) -
    • Knack: Once per day, you can reroll a skill check and take the better result. You can select this talent multiple times; each time you select this talent, you can use it one additional time per day.
  • Professional (2/6) -
    • Exceptional Profession(Prerequisite: Trained in the chosen skill): When you select this talent, choose one skill. Whenever you roll a skill check with that skill, a result of 2-7 on the die is always treated as though you had rolled an 8. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different skill to gain the benefits of this talent.
    • Leading Profession: Whenever you earn a success in a skill challenge, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your next skill check made with a different skill in the same skill challenge
  • Networker (3/6) -
    • Barter: You may reroll any Persuasion check made to haggle. You must, however, accept the result of the reroll.
    • Contact: The pony cultivates associates and informants. Each time the pony gains a contact, the Stablemaster should develop a supporting character to represent the contact. The player can suggest the type of contact his or her character wants to gain. Contacts may include informants, marketeers, workers, reporters, street people, store clerks, cart drivers, bureaucrats, clerical workers, security guards, and others who can provide limited access to and information regarding material the pony is interested in. A contact will not accompany the pony on missions or risk his or her life. A contact can, however, provide information or equipment, or render a service (make a specific skill check on the pony’s behalf). The pony can’t call on the same contact more than once in a week, and when she does call on a contact, compensation may be required for the assistance he or she renders. In general, a professional associate won’t be compensated monetarily, but instead will consider that the pony owes him or her a favor. The Stablemaster character will call in the favor when the opportunity arises. Contacts with non-pony or unusual connections usually demand compensation for the services they render, and experts in the use of skills normally want to be paid for the services they provide (This expense is represented by a Wealth check against a purchase DC between 10 for the low-level tasks and 15 for the mid-level tasks. For skilled experts, the purchase DC is 10 + the ranks the expert has in the appropriate skill.)
    • Word on the Street The pony filters information constantly and remembers a lot of it. Through gossip, chats, and other contacts, she has a deep knowledge of everyday events and issues. The pony can make a Gather Information check on general or specific information instantaneously, and spends only an hour making a Gather Information check for restricted information. Retries may be made under normal rules. Protected information still requires 1d4+1 hours for a check.


  • Etiquette (6/6) -
    • Natural Grace: Count your Charisma Bonus twice to determine your Society Rating.
    • Courtier: Count your Society Rating 5 points higher to determine the access to Society Events. In Addition you can reroll one skill check per Society Events on Diplomacy, Persuation or Perform and take the better result.
    • Noble Behavior: If a lower Ponys trying to influence you, normaly it dont bother you. Determine the difference between your Society Rating and the Society Rating of the lower Pony. Half of the difference you gain as a bonus to your Will Defence against any Diplomacy, Persuation and Perform try to affect you (except Intimidate attempts).
    • Royal Behavior(Prerequisites: Noble Behavior): Same like Noble Behavior but the full difference between your Society Rating and the Society Rating of the lower Pony counts.
    • Very Important Pony(Prerequisites: Society Rating 15+): Your Word are law in the Society. Each Society Event you are visit is automatically increasing the requied Society Rating by 1 points (only if you accept the invitation). You will be automatically invited to every Society Event.
    • Super VIP(Prerequisites: Very Important Pony, Society Rating 25+): Your Presence on a Society Event generates a Super Event. Each Society Event you are visit is automatically increasing the requied Society Rating by 2 points (only if you accept the invitation). In Addition you can declare a Pony as an "Important Pony". This will increase the Society Rating of the affected Pony by 20% of your own Society Rating (not cumulative, rounded down). You can remove this Bonus later if you wish (only if you are the Super VIP who has given this bonus).
  • Leadership (6/6) -
    • Born Leader: Once per encounter, as a swift action, you grant all allies within your line of sight a + 1 insight bonus on attack rolls. This effect lasts for as long as they remain within line of sight of you. An ally loses this bonus immediately if line of sight is broken or if you are unconscious or dead.
    • Coordinate: A noble with this talent has a knack for getting people to work together. When you use this talent as a standard action, all allies within your line of sight grant an additional + 1 bonus when they use the aid another action until the start of your next turn. You may select this talent multiple times; each time you do, the bonus granted by the coordinate ability increases by + 1 (to a maximum of +5).
    • Distant Command (Prerequisite: Born Leader): Any ally who gains the benefit of your Born Leader talent (see above) does not lose the benefit if their line of sight to you is broken.
    • Fearless Leader (Prerequisite: Born Leader): As a swift action, you can provide a courageous example for your allies. For the remainder of the encounter, your allies receive a +5 morale bonus to their Will Defense against any fear effect. Your allies lose this benefit if they lose line of sight to you, or if you are killed or knocked unconscious.
    • Rally (Prerequisites: Born Leader, Distant Command): Once per encounter, you can rally your allies and bring them back from the edge of defeat. As a swift action, any allies within your line of sight who have less than half their total hit points remaining gain a +2 morale bonus to their Reflex Defense and Will Defense and a +2 bonus to all damage rolls for the remainder of the encounter.
    • Trust (Prerequisites: Born Leader, Coordinate): You can give up your standard action to give one ally within your line of sight an extra standard action or move action on his next turn, to do with as he pleases. The ally does not lose the action if line of sight is later broken.
  • Negotiation (3/6) -
    • Persuading You can choose to reroll an Persuation check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
    • Captivate: Once per Encounter you have the ability to temporarily beguile a target through the use of words and bearing. The target must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be susceptible to a captivate attempt, must be within 30 feet of the hero, must be flat-footed or not in combat, and must be able to see, hear, and understand you. To captivate a target, you must use an attack action and make a Persuation check against targets Will defense. If the saving throw fails, the hero becomes the target’s sole focus. The target pays no attention to anyone else for 1 round per Charisma Bonus and remains flat-footed. This focusing of the target’s attention allows other characters to take actions of which the captivated target is unaware. The effect ends immediately if the target is attacked or threatened.
    • Talk Down(Prerequisites: Captivate, Persuading): Once per Encounter you can talk your way out of trouble. Either prior to the start of hostilities or during combat, you can talk down a single opponent within 15 feet of his or her position or otherwise able to hear your voice. That opponent immediately stops fighting and reverts to an indifferent attitude regarding you and the situation in general. Any hostile action by you or by one of the your allies directed at the opponent allows the opponent to act as he or she sees fit. To initiate this talent, you must spend a full-round action talking to your opponent. The makes a Persuation check against your Opponents Will Defence. If the roll is be successful, the opponent stops fighting. If the roll fail, the opponent continues as normal.


  • Inspiration (6/6) -
    • Bolster Ally: As a standard action, you can bolster an ally within line of sight, moving him + 1 step along the condition track and giving him a number of bonus hit points equal to his character level if he's at one-half his maximum hit points or less. Damage is subtracted from the bonus hit points first, and any bonus hit points remaining at the end of the encounter go away. You can't bolster the same ally more than once in a single encounter, and you can't bolster yourself.
    • Inspiration: The pony can inspire his or her allies, bolstering them and improving their chances of success. An ally must listen to and observe the pony for a full round for the inspiration to take hold, and the pony must make a Charisma check (DC 10). The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the pony’s Charisma modifier. An inspired ally gains a +1 morale bonus on defenses, attack rolls, and damage rolls. The pony can’t inspire him or herself. The pony can inspire a number of allies equal to one-half his or her heroic level, rounded down (to a minimum of one ally).
    • Inspire Confidence (Prerequisite: Inspiration): As a standard action, you can inspire confidence in your allies, granting them a + 1 morale bonus on attack rolls and a + 1 morale bonus on skill checks for the rest of the encounter or until you're unconscious or dead. Once inspired, your allies don't need to remain within line of sight of you. You can't inspire confidence in yourself.
    • Inspire Haste (Prerequisite: Inspiration): As a swift action, you can encourage one of your allies within line of sight to make haste with a skill check. On that ally's next turn, that ally can make a skill check that requires a standard action as a move action instead.
    • Inspire Courage (Prerequisite: Inspire Confidence): As a standard action, the pony can inspire courage in his allies (including himselfs), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to see or hear the pony. The effect lasts for as long as the ally sees or hears the pony and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. This is a mind-affecting ability.
    • Inspire Heroics (Prerequisite: Inspire Courage): As a standard action, the pony can inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet. For every three heroic levels the character attains beyond 10th, he can inspire heroics in one additional creature. To inspire heroics, the pony must make a successful Charisma check (DC 15) and the ally must listen to and observe the pony for a full round. A creature so inspired gains a +4 morale bonus on all defenses. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the pony and for up to 5 rounds thereafter. This is a mind-affecting ability.
  • Performance (0/6) -
  • Presence (4/6) -
    • Bedazzeling Presence (Prerequisite: Charming Presence): The pony has the ability to dazzle a target through sheer force of personality, a winning smile, and fast-talking. The target must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be susceptible to a dazzle attempt, must be within 30 feet of the pony, and must be able to see, hear, and understand the pony. To dazzle a target, the pony must use a social attack action against the target's Will Defense, adding his or her full heroic level as a bonus. If the attack succeeds, the target receives a –1 penalty on attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to half the character’s heroic level. This is a Mind-Affecting ability.
    • Charming Presence: The pony gets a competence bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to influence members of his chosen gender. (Some characters are charming to members of the opposite gender, others to members of the same gender.) The bonus is equal to half the character’s heroic level. A pony character can only charm Stablemaster characters with attitudes of indifferent or better. The charming presence bonus can’t be used against characters who are unfriendly or hostile. This ability can be taken more than once (for another gender).
    • Captivating Presence (Prerequisite: Bedazzeling Presence): The pony has the ability to temporarily beguile a target through the use of words and bearing. The target must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be susceptible to a captivate attempt, must be within 30 feet of the pony, must be flat-footed or not in combat, and must be able to see, hear, and understand the pony. To captivate a target, the pony must use a social attack action against the target's Will Defense, adding his or her full heroic level as a bonus. If the attack succeeds, the hero becomes the target’s sole focus. The target pays no attention to anyone else for 1 round and remains flat-footed. This focusing of the target’s attention allows other characters to take actions of which the captivated target is unaware. The effect ends immediately if the target is attacked or threatened. This is a Mind-Affecting ability.
    • Taunting Presence (Prerequisite: Bedazzeling Presence): The pony has the ability to temporarily rattle a target through the use of insults and goading. The target must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher to be susceptible to a taunt, must be within 30 feet of the pony, and must be able to hear and understand the pony. To taunt a target, the pony must use a social attack action against the target's Will Defense, adding his or her full heroic level as a bonus. If the attack succeeds, the target becomes dazed (unable to act, but can defend normally) for 1 round. A taunt can be played on an opponent any number of times. This is a Mind-Affecting ability.


  • Armor (6/6) -
    • Armored Defense : When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add either your heroic level or your armor bonus, whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
    • Armor Mastery (Prerequisite Armored Defense): max Dex bonus is +1.
    • Improved Armored Defense (Prerequisite Armored Defense): When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add your heroic level plus one-half your armor bonus (rounded down) or your armor bonus, whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
    • Iron Steed (Prerequisite Armored Defense): Your armor does not reduce your speed or the distance you can move while running. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
    • Second Skin (Prerequisite Armored Defense): When wearing armor with which you are proficient, your armor bonus to your Reflex Defense and equipment bonus to your Fortitude Defense increase by +1.
    • Shining Armor (Prerequisite Armored Defense): When using mastercrafted armor you can use half of the Reflex Defense bonus as Moral Bonus on Perform Checks and as enhancement on the Society Rating.
  • Authority (6/6) - Sometimes somepony has to learn his place.
    • Presence of Authority: You can make a Persuasion check to intimidate a creature as a standard action (instead of a full-round action).
    • Demand Surrender (Prerequisite Presence of Authority): Once per encounter, you can make a Persuasion check as a standa rd action to demand surrender from an opponent who has been reduced to one-half or less of its hit points. If your check result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, it surrenders to you and your allies, drops any weapons it is holding, and takes no hostile actions. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Defense. If you or any of your allies attack it, it no longer submits to your will and can act normally. You can only use this talent against a particular target once per encounter. This is a mind-affecting effect.
    • Voice of Power (Prerequisite Presence of Authority): Once per scene, make a Persuation check to inimidate one creature within line of sight as a standard action. On a success, instead of the normal effect of an intimidate application of the Persuation skill, the affected creature can take only a single swift action on its next turn. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 Will Bonus against the skill check.
    • Untouchable Authority(Prerequisite Presence of Authority): Once per encounter, as a reaction, you can make a Persuation check to intimidate one creature that has made a melee, magic or rangeed attack against you if that creature is within line of sight. If you succeed, you impose a -5 penality to that attack roll. If the target is higher level than you, it gains a +5 bonus to its Will Deffense against the Intimidating Defense.
    • Force of Equestria(Prerequisite Presence of Authority): Once per round, when you deal damage equal to or greater than the target's damage threshold, make a Persuasion check as a free action; if the result equals or exceeds the target's Will Defense, you fill the target with terror, causing it to flee from you at top speed for 1 minute. The target can't take standard actions, swift actions, or full-round actions while fleeing, and the target stops fleeing and can act normally if it is wounded. As a free action or reaction, the target can spend a Harmony Point (if it has not already spent one earlier in the round) to negate the effect. The effect is automatically negated if the target's level is equal to or higher than your character level.
    • Great Force of Equestria(Prerequisite Force of Equestria): As "Force of Equestria" except that the target doesn't stop fleeing from you if it is wounded.
  • Enforcer (6/6) -
    • Detective: You are skilled in locating individuals and using research and surveillance to learn some of their most intimate secrets. When you make a Gather Information check to locate an individual, the DC is reduced by 10 and the time is reduced by half.
    • Nonlethal Tactics: When you are using a ranged or melee weapon to inflict stun damage, you gain a + 1 bonus on your attack roll and deal an additional die of stun damage.
    • Pursuit(Prerequisite: Dexterity 13): When running, you are not restricted to a straight line and you can reroll Endurance checks, using the better result, while running.
    • Revealing Secrets (Prerequisite: Detective): Your investigations reveal information that your target thought was secret. When you make a Gather Information check to learn secret information, the DC is reduced by 10 and any wealth DC checks for bribery are reduced by 5.
    • Slowing Stun: When you move a target at least -1 step along the condition track with an attack, its speed is halved until all conditions are removed.
    • Takedown: When you successfully make a melee attack and deal damage at the end of a charge, you knock your target prone as well, provided your opponent is no more than one size category larger than you.


  • Rodeo (1/6) -
    • Who is Boss? The Pony can use the Strenght Bonus instead of the Charisma Bonus on Handle Animal checks.
    • Roping
    • Lasso Mastery
  • Animal Care (5/6) -
    • Animal Affinity: You can choose to reroll an Handle Animal check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
    • Wild Empathy (Prerequisite: Animal Affinity): A Pony can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The Pony rolls Handle Animal against the Will Defence of the Animal. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the Pony and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. A Pony can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 6 or less, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.
    • Animal Friendship: With this talent, the Pony spends a Harmony Point to beguile any creature of the animal type. To use this ability, the hero must be within 30 feet of the intended target animal. Attempting to beguile the animal is a standard action Handle Animal check agains the Will defence of the Animal, that provokes an attack of opportunity. The animal becomes friendly for 1 minute per character level.
    • Advanced Animal Friendship (Prerequisite: Animal Affinity, Wild Empathy, Animal Friendship): With this talent, the Pony spends a Harmony Point to beguile any creature of the Animal, Vermin, or Magical Beast type with an Intelligence of 6 or less. To use this ability, the Pony must be within 30 feet of the intended target creature. Attempting to beguile the animal is a standard action Handle Animal check agains the Will defence of the Animal, that provokes an attack of opportunity. On success the creature becomes friendly for 10 minutes per class level.
    • Call Animal (Prerequisites: Animal Affinity, Animal Friendship): The Pony with this talent can spend an Harmony Point to call a single animal that arrives and assists them. The animal summoned is usually typical of the environment where the Pony is located. If no such creature is available, smaller creatures that are appropriate to the area arrive in a group whose total CR is equal to 2. These summoned animals instinctively assist the Pony who called them. Their primary function is to defend the Pony, but they may also perform other tasks as per the Handle Animal skill. The summoned animal or animals always arrive on the round following the summoning, running to the scene from some nearby location. They will assist the hero who summoned them for one round per level of Dedicated hero.
  • Scout (5/6) -
    • Acute Senses: You may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
    • Expert Tracker(Prerequisite: Acute Senses): You take no penalty on Survival checks made to follow tracks while moving your normal speed. (Without this talent, you take a -5 penalty on Survival checks made to follow tracks while moving your normal speed.)
    • Surehoofed: Your speed is not reduced by difficult terrain.
    • Improved Stealth: You may choose to reroll any Stealth check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
    • Hidden Movement(Prerequisite: Improved Stealth): You're very good at hiding when mobile. You take no penalty on your Stealth check when moving your normal speed.


  • Healer (6/6) -
    • Medical Competence: When making a Heal skill check, you may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent you from doing so.
    • Steady Under Pressure: You can choose to reroll any Heal check, using the better result.
    • Natural Healing: Your extensive knowledge of natural healing allows you to make first aid, treat disease, and treat poison (Heal) checks without a medical kit, if you have access to appropriate natural substitutes (as determined by the Gamemaster).
    • Extra First Aid: You can use the first aid application of the Heal skill one additional time per day on a target that has already received first aid for the day.
    • Emergency TeamYou are skilled at working on and managing an emergency medical team. Allies automatically succeed on aid another attempts when assisting you with Heal checks.
    • Instant Medic (Prerequisite: Steady Under Pressure): You can use the first aid application of the Heal skill on a creature as a standard action instead of a full-round action.
  • Organizer (2/6) -
    • Coordinate: The pony has a knack for getting people to work together. When the pony can spend a full round directing his or her allies and makes a Charisma check (DC 10), the pony provides any of his or her allies within 30 feet a +1 bonus on their attack rolls and skill checks. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the pony’s Charisma modifier. The pony can coordinate a number of allies equal to one-half his or her heroic level, rounded down (to a minimum of one ally).
    • Implacable: The pony selects a number of Intelligence-based skills equal to his Intelligence modifier. When making a check with one of these skills, the pony can take 10 even when distracted or under duress. The Initiative, Flight and Use Magic skills cannot be selected.
  • Researcher (1/6) -
    • Logical Conclusion: The pony can use the theoretical information at his command to help solve real tangentially related problems. Choose any Knowledge in which the pony is trained. He gains a synergy bonus equal to half his Scholar level (round down) to the skill related to that knowledge. The Scholar may take this talent multiple times, but each time it must apply to a different Knowledge.
Knowledge Category	Synergy Bonus
Anatomy	 		Heal
Arcana 			Knowledge (Religion)
Art 			Craft (specific art)
Behavior	 	Sense Motive
Civics 			Diplomacy
History 		Research
Herbology	 	Craft (Alchemy)
Local	 		Gather Information
Technology 		Mechanics
Religion		Knowledge (Arcana)


  • Awareness (3/6) -
    • Acute Senses: You may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
    • Uncanny Dodge I(Prerequisites: Acute Senses): You retain your Dexterity bonus to your Reflex Defense regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden attacker. You still lose your Dexterity bonus to your Reflex Defense if you are immobilized.
    • Uncanny Dodge II(Prerequisites: Uncanny Dodge I): You cannot be flanked. You can react to opponents on opposite sides of you as easily as you can react to a single attacker.
  • Fortune (4/6) -
    • Fool's Luck: As a standard action, you can spend a Harmony Point to gain one of the following benefib for the rest of the encounter: a + 1 luck bonus on attack rolls, a +5 luck bonus on skill checks, or a + 1 luck bonus to all your defenses.
    • Fortune's Favor : Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee or ranged attack or a natural 20 on an oposed skill challenge, you gain a free standard action. You must take the extra standard action before the end of your turn, or else it is lost.
    • Knack: Once per day, you can reroll a skill check and take the better result. You can select this talent multiple times; each time you select this talent, you can use it one additional time per day.
    • Lucky Strike: Once per day, you can reroll an attack roll and take the better result. You can select this talent multiple times; each time you select this talent, you can use it one additional time per day.
  • Trickster (4/6) -
    • Gambler: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Wisdom checks when you gamble. You can select this talent multiple times; each time you take this talent, the competence bonus increases by +2.
    • Disruptive: By spending two swift actions, you can use 'your knack for causing trouble and instigating chaos to disrupt your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, you suppress all morale and insight bonuses applied to enemies in your line of sight.
    • Walk the Line(Prerequisite: Disruptive): As a standard action, you can do or say something that catches your enemies off guard. All opponents within 6 squares of you and in your line of sight take a - 2 penalty to their defenses and opposed skill checks until the start of your next turn. The penalty is negated if line of sight is broken.
    • Blend In: You know how to blend into a variety of cultures and groups with ease. As a swift action, you gain total concealment when adjacent to at least two other creatures. This benefit does not apply to attacks from adjacent creatures.

Racial Talent Trees

Earth Pony

  • Farmer -
    • Harvest: The Pony deals +2d8 extra Damage on all Harvesting rolls and against Plant based Monster. You may select this talent multiple times; each time you do, the bonus granted by the Harvest ability increases by + 2d8 (to a maximum of +6d8) The Damage Type of this is "Harvesting Damage".
    • Green Hoof: No Plant has to fear you. Any Harvesting rolls you are using can not damage the affected plant as long as you does not want it. In addition, once per day, you can reroll a Profession (Farmer) check and take the better result.
    • Get out of my yard!(Prerequisite: Harvest, Green Hoof): The Farmer Pony is Trained to keep any intruder outside of her Yard. The half of the "Harvesting Damage" can be used as damage bonus to deal subdual Bashing Damage.


  • Weather Mastery -
    • Cloud Manipulation: Pegasus ponies are adept at manipulating clouds. A Pegasus with this feat may treat clouds as solid, yet fragile objects. Clouds may be moved, manipulated into various forms, destroyed, and tread upon. For more details see the "Curious physical phenomena of Equestria" article under Equestrian Physics.
    • Weather Manipulator (Prerequisite: Cloud Manipulation): While all pegasi can corrale clouds, you have mastered this to the point that you can exert more complex manipulations of the local weather. So long as the Pegasus is within 100 feet of a cloud, they can stop or start precipitation in a 20 foot column under that cloud. Precipitation created by this power turns the affected area into "difficult terrain". This ability may be performed at will.
    • Zapp ! (Prerequisites: Weather Manipulator): Twice per day, a pegasus pon can call down lightning bolts on their enemies, as the spell Call Lightning as a full round action. Your effective caster level is equal to your character level and the save is Charisma based.


  • Low Magic - Even Starswirrl the bearded had once start low.(see Magic)

Sea Pony


  • Overrun - Fear the Buffalo Herd's hooves...
    • Power Attack
    • Mounted Combat
    • Improved Bull Rush
    • Trample
    • Stampede

Element Talent Trees

(Hier ist allerdings noch bissel was zu tun; 22/72)


  • Enchantment (0/6) -
  • Endowment (0/6) -


  • Empathy (0/6) -
  • Fortitude (0/6) -


  • Providence (2/6) - Some Ponies are devoted to helping others, even to the point of sacrificing their own resources and health.
    • Moral Support: Kind Ponies with this talent can invest their own mental resolve in another intelligent creature by offering words of encouragement and support. By bearing some of the burdens of another character, the Pony helps them through their difficult times of sickness, pain or temptation. Using this talent causes the Pony to suffer a –2 penalty to the Will defence, but imparts a +4 bonus to Will defence to the target Pony. The Pony can maintain this assistance for 1 minute per character level and may use this talent a number of times per day equal to his Wisdom modifier. Assisting another creature in this manner is considered a standard action.
    • Financial Support (Prerequisite: Moral support): By pulling some strings and engaging in some creative accounting, the Pony is able to scrimp some money together and make a loan to a friend in need. This amounts to a –2 to the Pony’s Wealth score, but a +4 bonus to the recipient’s Wealth score.
  • Vindicator (4/6) - Protecting of friends
    • Shocking insight Once per encounter, when a ally within your line of sight moves more than 3 steps down on the condition track, Because of the action of an opponent, you gain one Harmony point to use it in this scene.
    • Righteous fury(Prerequisite: Shocking insight) Once per encounter you can spend a Harmony point when one or more allys within your line of sight has moved more than 3 steps down on the condition track, Because of the action of an opponent, you gain an moral Bonus on your next attack or skill check equivalent to affected allys x 2.
    • Unwavering defender(Prerequisite: Righteous fury) All Vindicator Talents also trigger when allys or you suffers on status effects like, stunned, level drain, petrification, loss of soul, negativ transformation effects, ... (Gamemaster decision what all counts)
    • Resolute defender Nothing can stop you in protecting your Friends. Once per encounter, if an ally within your line of sight has moved more than 3 steps down on the condition track in this Encounter, Because of the action of an opponent, you can spend one Harmony Point to remain consciousness equivalent to your Wisdom Modifier in Combat rounds and ignore the related negativ modifier in this time.


  • Jester (4/6) -
    • Clowning (Prerequisite: Perform 4 ranks): The Pony can engage in comical antics and silly gesticulations either as an attempt to mock another person or even to mock himself. The targets must have an Intelligence score of 6 or higher, must be within 30 feet of the Pony, and must be able to see the Pony to be susceptible to a clowning attempt. To engage in a bout of clowning, the Pony must use a full attack action and make a perform check against the Will defence of the Target. If the clowning attempt is successful, the targets (a number of creatures less than or equal to the Pony’s character level) become filled with mirth and find it difficult to take the hero seriously. This causes them to underestimate the hero and fail to react appropriately against his attacks. They suffer a penalty to defences that is equal to the Pony’s Charisma modifier and they take an equal amount of extra damage from all of his attacks. This condition persists for a number of rounds equal to the Pony's character level. Any Target cannot be affected again by the same ponys clowning for 24 hours.
    • Recurring Success: You know how to make someone fall for the same trick twice. When you select this talent, choose one talent or feat that can normally be used only once per encounter. You can use that talent or feat one additional time per encounter. You can select this talent multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different talent or feat to gain the benefits of this talent.
    • Pranked:
    • Ridicule (Prerequisites: Perform 4 ranks): Heroes with this talent are skilled at hurling scathing insults and humiliating jeers. This barrage of vituperation causes that target creature to become unsure of himself, overly self-conscious, and more prone to making mistakes. To use this talent, the hero must use an action and make a perform check against the Will defence of the Target. The target must have an Intelligence score of 6 or higher, must be within 30 feet of the hero, and must be able to hear and understand the hero to be susceptible to this ability. The target suffers a –2 morale penalties to all attacks, weapon damage rolls, saves and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to the Pony’s character level.
    • Hilarious (Prerequisites: Perform 4 ranks, Clowning, Ridiculous): The Pony can utter such surprising and hilarious quips that those who hear him collapse into fits of laughter. The hero can affect a number of targets equal to his level. The targets must have an Intelligence score of 6 or higher, must be within 30 feet of the hero, and must be able to hear and understand the hero to be susceptible to this ability. A creature whose species is different from the hero’s receives a +4 bonus on its Will defence, because the humor doesn’t “translate” well. To use this talent, the hero must spend a Harmony Point, make a perform check against the Will defence of the Target, and use an action. The subjects are overcome with fits of laughter. They fall prone and can take no actions for a number of rounds equal to the Ponys Charisma modifier. A defender who is prone gains a +4 bonus to Ref defence against ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to Ref defence. Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This target cannot be affected again by the same Ponys hilarious comments for 24 hours.
  • Strawberry (1/6) - Cake or Anvil; maybe something blue ?
    • Prescient Sense: The Pony acquires the ability to predict imminent danger via involuntary body motion. Interpretation of the involuntary motion is limited, however. Upon acquiring this ability, select a maximum of ( [Intelligence Modifier]/2 , minimum 1) simple, yet specific potentially hazard events, such as "a heavy object will fall nearby" or "a creature is approaching". These events are called your Known Triggers. If one of your Known Triggers is satisfied by an event and the immediate result of THAT event is any of the consequences listed below, you instead suffer a mitigated consequence (shown in the second column):
Normal Consequence	        | Mitigated Consequence
Surprise Round: You cannot act	| You can act during the surprise round
Flat footed	                | Not Flat footed
Stunned or Dazed for N rounds	| Stun or Dazed for N-1 rounds
    • Heightened Prescient Sense (Prerequisites: Prescient Sense): The number of your Known Triggers increases by 3.


  • Confidence (3/6) -
    • Virtue: The Dedicated hero gains a +1 bonus to several skill checks. These skills include Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana and Religion), and Perform. The character can select this talent multiple times. Each time it increases the bonus to those skills by 1 point.
    • Aura of Virtue (Prerequisite: Virtue): By spending a Harmony Point, the Loyal Pony can imbue himself and his allies with the powerful force of his faith and dedication. Using this ability is a standard action. When the Pony activates this ability, all allies within 30 feet (including himself, up to a maximum number of creatures equal to his class level) gain a +1 morale bonus to all attack rolls and saving throws against fear effects. This bonus lasts for 1 minute per level.
    • Aura of Righteousness (Prerequisite: Aura of Virtue, Virtue): Loyal Ponies with this talent can spend a Harmony Point to begin radiating an aura that unnerves those that oppose them. This aura persists for one minute per class level of the Pony. Any creature within 30 feet of the Pony and with an Allegiance opposed to one of the Pony’s Allegiances must make a Will save (DC 10 + the Pony’s Charisma modifier + the Ponies class level) or become shaken. These creatures remain shaken until the effect ends or they escape the area.
  • Attentiveness (0/6) -


  • Friendship (0/6) -
  • Low Magic (4/4) - Somtimes even the Earthponies found their way tho Magic.
    • First Hoof Knowlege: Grade 0 cantrips unlocked. Known spells based on Interligence bonus (see on table "Bonus spells by Hight Ability Score). More Spells of unlocked Spell-Levels can be obtained if you take the "Higher Knowlege" Feat.
    • Lesser Spell Knowlege(Prerequisite: First Hoof Knowlege): Grade 1 Spells unlocked. (see First Hoof Knowlege)
    • Apprentice Spell Knowlege(Prerequisite: Lesser Spell Knowlege): Grade 2 Spells unlocked. (see First Hoof Knowlege)
    • Low Magic Mastery(Prerequisite: Apprentice Spell Knowlege): Grade 3 Spells unlocked. (see First Hoof Knowlege)
  • High Magic (3/3) - The real thing not the puny one. Unicorn only
    • Advanced Studies(Prerequisite: Low Magic Mastery): Grade 4 Spells unlocked. (see First Hoof Knowlege)
    • Expert Studies(Prerequisite: Advanced Studies): Grade 5 Spells unlocked. (see First Hoof Knowlege)
    • High Magic Mastery(Prerequisite: Expert Studies): Grade 6 Spells unlocked. (see First Hoof Knowlege)

Other Talent Trees

  • Flying (Prerequisites: Any type of Fly Ability) -
    • Basic Maneuvers: Grade 1 Maneuvers unlocked. Known Maneuvers based on Constitution bonus (see on table "Bonus Maneuvers by Hight Ability Score). More Maneuvers of unlocked Maneuvers-Levels can be obtained if you take the "Flight Training" Feat.
    • Trainees Maneuvers(Prerequisites: Basic Maneuvers): Grade 2 Maneuvers unlocked. (see Basic Maneuvers)
    • Advanced Maneuvers(Prerequisites: Trainees Maneuvers): Grade 3 Maneuvers unlocked. (see Basic Maneuvers)
  • Alchemy -
  • Charioteer - Professional cart and chariot stuff.
  • Dark Magic - Dark Pony magic.