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(General Feats)
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* '''Dashing Strike''': The pony gains +1 to attack and damage for every 20 feet traveled in the same round that an attack is made.
* '''Dashing Strike''': The pony gains +1 to attack and damage for every 20 feet traveled in the same round that an attack is made.
* '''Need for Speed''' (Requires Scout and Trackless Step).  Replace Trackless Step with Need for Speed: Once per encounter, you may increase your speed by 50 feet for 1 round.  You are exhausted for the remainder of the encounter after using this ability.  No immunity or spell may prevent or remove this exhaustion until the end of the encounter.
* '''Pony Friend''' (Ex): The pony gains an affinity to animals, granting the pony an animal companion (see Druid class).  The pony has an effective druid level of 1/2 current character level.  If the Pony already had an animal companion, or later acquires the ability, their effective druid level is now equal to their character level if higher than their current effective druid level.  A paladin pony with the special mount class feature may not gain this feat, or will lose their animal companion (out of jealousy) upon acquiring a special mount.
* '''Pony Friend''' (Ex): The pony gains an affinity to animals, granting the pony an animal companion (see Druid class).  The pony has an effective druid level of 1/2 current character level.  If the Pony already had an animal companion, or later acquires the ability, their effective druid level is now equal to their character level if higher than their current effective druid level.  A paladin pony with the special mount class feature may not gain this feat, or will lose their animal companion (out of jealousy) upon acquiring a special mount.
* '''Radiant Aura''' (Requires Level 8), Unicorns with this quirk are exceptionally beautiful.  Any humanoid who sees them must make a will save DC 14+ Cha Mod or improve their attitude towards the unicorn by one step (max friendly).  Enemy humanoids who see a radiant unicorn, but have not yet been engaged, are subject to this ability, however attacking them will break the effect.
* '''Risky Move''' (Requires Scout and Scout Bonus Feat). Anytime one would receive a Scout Bonus Feat one may choose to select instead Risky Move: You can choose to suffer an AC penalty equal to the bonus you would normally receive from skirmish in exchange for +1d6 skirmish damage per point of AC penalty taken.  The penalty lasts until the start of your next turn.
* '''Sweet Pony Talker''': +1/2 character levels luck bonus to diplomacy checks made against other ponies (including unicorns and pegasi).
* '''Sweet Pony Talker''': +1/2 character levels luck bonus to diplomacy checks made against other ponies (including unicorns and pegasi).
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* '''Incredible Flier''' (Ex) {Aerial Combat}: The pegasus can fly twice as fast as other pegasi with the same number of pegasus levels as you, but you suffer a -2 penalty to constitution on account of the fine bone structure which has enabled your dizzying flying ability.
* '''Incredible Flier''' (Ex) {Aerial Combat}: The pegasus can fly twice as fast as other pegasi with the same number of pegasus levels as you, but you suffer a -2 penalty to constitution on account of the fine bone structure which has enabled your dizzying flying ability.
* '''Need for Speed''' (Requires Scout and Trackless Step).  Replace Trackless Step with Need for Speed: Once per encounter, you may increase your speed by 50 feet for 1 round.  You are exhausted for the remainder of the encounter after using this ability.  No immunity or spell may prevent or remove this exhaustion until the end of the encounter.
* '''Pegasus Vortex (Ex) {Aerial Combat}''' (Requires Level 8) As a full round action and a DC 15 tumble check, a flying pegasus with in 20 feet of the ground can start a small cyclone around them (20 feet tall, 5 feet at the base, 20 feet diameter at the top).  The cyclone requires the full and continued concentration of the pegasus to maintain and is considered flat footed whilst in the vortex.  The vortex grabs any large or smaller creature it moves over grappling them.  The pegasus makes grapple checks at a +4 bonus (as though they were large) and may use their dexterity score in place of strength to resolve the grapple check.  Anyone successfully grappled by the cyclone takes 4d6 damage per round and can only escape the cyclone by taking a full round action to oppose the grapple again.  The cyclone is considered a distracting environment for spell casters.
* '''Pegasus Vortex (Ex) {Aerial Combat}''' (Requires Level 8) As a full round action and a DC 15 tumble check, a flying pegasus with in 20 feet of the ground can start a small cyclone around them (20 feet tall, 5 feet at the base, 20 feet diameter at the top).  The cyclone requires the full and continued concentration of the pegasus to maintain and is considered flat footed whilst in the vortex.  The vortex grabs any large or smaller creature it moves over grappling them.  The pegasus makes grapple checks at a +4 bonus (as though they were large) and may use their dexterity score in place of strength to resolve the grapple check.  Anyone successfully grappled by the cyclone takes 4d6 damage per round and can only escape the cyclone by taking a full round action to oppose the grapple again.  The cyclone is considered a distracting environment for spell casters.
* '''Pony Cannon Ball''' (Ex) {Aerial Combat}: Your dashing strike is now super effective.  When you move 20 feet or more during a round in which you make an attack, you also treat the target as flanked (and receive commensurate attack bonuses).
* '''Pony Cannon Ball''' (Ex) {Aerial Combat}: Your dashing strike is now super effective.  When you move 20 feet or more during a round in which you make an attack, you also treat the target as flanked (and receive commensurate attack bonuses).
* '''Risky Move''' (Requires Scout and Scout Bonus Feat). Anytime one would receive a Scout Bonus Feat one may choose to select instead Risky Move: You can choose to suffer an AC penalty equal to the bonus you would normally receive from skirmish in exchange for +1d6 skirmish damage per point of AC penalty taken.  The penalty lasts until the start of your next turn.
* '''Sky Screamer (Ex)''' (Requires Barbarian and Trap Sense). Trap Sense is replaced by Sky Screamer. While raging, you can also unleash a furious whinny that renders foes within 20 yards shaken for 1 minute if they fail a DC 13+[Con Mod] will save.
* '''Sky Screamer (Ex)''' (Requires Barbarian and Trap Sense). Trap Sense is replaced by Sky Screamer. While raging, you can also unleash a furious whinny that renders foes within 20 yards shaken for 1 minute if they fail a DC 13+[Con Mod] will save.
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* '''Quick to Learn''' The unicorn may add one new spell or invocation of the highest level they know to their spells/invocations known list.  All the same restrictions that may apply during normal acquisition of a spell known apply here (for example a specialist wizard may not select a spell from a prohibited school).  Like other spells acquired during normal level up, a wizard need not pay material costs in order to ink this spell in their spell book.
* '''Quick to Learn''' The unicorn may add one new spell or invocation of the highest level they know to their spells/invocations known list.  All the same restrictions that may apply during normal acquisition of a spell known apply here (for example a specialist wizard may not select a spell from a prohibited school).  Like other spells acquired during normal level up, a wizard need not pay material costs in order to ink this spell in their spell book.
* '''Radiant Aura''' (Requires Level 8), Unicorns with this quirk are exceptionally beautiful.  Any humanoid who sees them must make a will save DC 14+ Cha Mod or improve their attitude towards the unicorn by one step (max friendly).  Enemy humanoids who see a radiant unicorn, but have not yet been engaged, are subject to this ability, however attacking them will break the effect.
* '''Shield Friends''' (Requires Cleric and Turn Undead). Instead of acquiring Turn Undead, the cleric gains Shield Friends: 3 + CHA MOD times per day the pony cleric may shield their allies (self excluded), granting a dodge bonus to AC equal to [WISDOM MOD] for 1 minute as a swift action.  This ability counts as a use of turn undead for the purpose of interaction with Divine Feats.
* '''Shield Friends''' (Requires Cleric and Turn Undead). Instead of acquiring Turn Undead, the cleric gains Shield Friends: 3 + CHA MOD times per day the pony cleric may shield their allies (self excluded), granting a dodge bonus to AC equal to [WISDOM MOD] for 1 minute as a swift action.  This ability counts as a use of turn undead for the purpose of interaction with Divine Feats.
* '''The Horn Points the Way''' +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made with spells and spell-like abilities.
* '''The Horn Points the Way''' +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made with spells and spell-like abilities.
* '''Utterlove Invocation''' (Requires Warlock and Detect Magic). Instead of Detect Magic the warlock gains Utterlove Invocation: The unicorn can transform their eldrich blast into a beam of healing energy.  The beam heals for the same damage that the eldrich blast would have dealt.  This is a positive energy effect.
===Cutie Marks===
===Cutie Marks===

Revision as of 01:59, 30 October 2011

General Feats

  • Belligerent Friend (Requires Barbarian and Damage Reduction 2/-). Replace Damage Reduction 2/- with Belligerent Friend: You're THAT pony, but for some reason they tolerate you. If your rage ends while you are within 5 feet of an ally, you do not suffer fatigue. You can feel the love. Subsequent damage reduction gains still accrue, albeit 2 less than normal.
  • Best Friends Forever: The pony gains a +1 morale bonus on attacks and skill checks made while within 15 feet of a specific ally, chosen when this feat is taken. You can buy this feat multiple times an its effect stacks per additional ally, up to a maximum +3 morale bonus.
  • Dashing Strike: The pony gains +1 to attack and damage for every 20 feet traveled in the same round that an attack is made.
  • Need for Speed (Requires Scout and Trackless Step). Replace Trackless Step with Need for Speed: Once per encounter, you may increase your speed by 50 feet for 1 round. You are exhausted for the remainder of the encounter after using this ability. No immunity or spell may prevent or remove this exhaustion until the end of the encounter.
  • Pony Friend (Ex): The pony gains an affinity to animals, granting the pony an animal companion (see Druid class). The pony has an effective druid level of 1/2 current character level. If the Pony already had an animal companion, or later acquires the ability, their effective druid level is now equal to their character level if higher than their current effective druid level. A paladin pony with the special mount class feature may not gain this feat, or will lose their animal companion (out of jealousy) upon acquiring a special mount.
  • Radiant Aura (Requires Level 8), Unicorns with this quirk are exceptionally beautiful. Any humanoid who sees them must make a will save DC 14+ Cha Mod or improve their attitude towards the unicorn by one step (max friendly). Enemy humanoids who see a radiant unicorn, but have not yet been engaged, are subject to this ability, however attacking them will break the effect.
  • Risky Move (Requires Scout and Scout Bonus Feat). Anytime one would receive a Scout Bonus Feat one may choose to select instead Risky Move: You can choose to suffer an AC penalty equal to the bonus you would normally receive from skirmish in exchange for +1d6 skirmish damage per point of AC penalty taken. The penalty lasts until the start of your next turn.
  • Sweet Pony Talker: +1/2 character levels luck bonus to diplomacy checks made against other ponies (including unicorns and pegasi).

Earth Pony Feats

  • Favored Friend: (Requires Ranger and Favored Enemy). Favored Enemy is replaced by Favored Friend: An earth pony ranger may select a single pony as their favored friend. When within 20 feet of the friend, the ranger gains a +2 untyped bonus on attacks and skill checks.
  • For Pony Justice! (Sp): (Requires level 8) Twice per day, the Earth Pony may teleport up to 1 mile in pursuit of an enemy that they have previously met as a swift action. The Earth Pony need not know their location, but if the target is outside of range this ability fails and is spent. The earth pony must have either held a face to face conversation with the target or have engaged it in combat and landed at least one successful blow. The Earth Pony is placed on the ground in the nearest clear square adjacent to their target of pursuit. If the target is in the air, the pony is placed on the ground in the nearest square to the target of pursuit.
  • Pony Companion: (Requires Ranger and Animal Companion). The pony gains an additional animal companion as a Ranger. Additionally, the animal gains the "cute" template, which generally makes the animal much more adorable and amenable to petting.
  • Pony Rider (Sp): (Requires Paladin and Special Mount). Special Mount is replaced a Pony Rider. The paladin gains a pseudo-dragon rider, who either follows the paladin around or rides the paladin. Advance the pseudo-dragon with dragon HD. Use paladin special mount table to determine the pseudodragon's abilities.
  • Prescient Sense I: The Earth Pony acquires the ability to predict imminent danger via involuntary body motion. Interpretation of the involuntary motion is limited, however. Upon acquiring this ability, select MAX ( [INT MOD]/2 , 1) simple, yet specific potentially hazard events, such as "a heavy object will fall nearby" or "a creature is approaching". These events are called your Known Triggers. If one of your Known Triggers is satisfied by an event and the immediate result of THAT event is any of the consequences listed below, you instead suffer a mitigated consequence (shown in the second column):
Normal Consequence	        | Mitigated Consequence
Surprise Round: You cannot act	| You can act during the surprise round
Flat footed	                | Not Flat footed
Stunned or Dazed for N rounds	| Stun or Dazed for N-1 rounds
  • Prescient Sense II: (Requires Prescient Sense I) The number of your Known Triggers increases by 3.

Powerful Bucking: The Earth Pony's attack gains double strength bonus. Normally two-hooved attacks are resolved as [W]+1.5xSTR and 1 hoof attacks are resolved as [W]+STR. This quirk increases that to [W]+3xSTR and [W]+2xSTR for two and one-hooved attacks respectively.

  • Supporting Friend (Su) : (Requires Paladin and Turn Undead). Turn Undead is replaced by Supporting Friend. When an earth pony reaches fourth level, she may offer supernatural support to nearby friends, up to 3+CHA MOD times per day. Supporting Friend gives all allies (excluding self) within 60 feet a morale bonus on attacks and skill checks, equal to the pony's charisma bonus (minimum 1), for 5 rounds. This ability counts as a use of turn undead for the purpose of interaction with Divine Feats.
  • Whinny of the Elder Ponies (Su): (Requires Monk and Purity of Body). Purity of Body is replaced by Whinny of the Elder Ponies. Once per day, an Earth Pony monk may utter a mantra passed down from ancient ponies in the land before time as a full round action. Doing so gives the monk a sense of inner calm that renders them immune to fear, ability damage, disease, and paralysis for 1 hour.

Pegasus Pony Feats

  • Incredible Flier (Ex) {Aerial Combat}: The pegasus can fly twice as fast as other pegasi with the same number of pegasus levels as you, but you suffer a -2 penalty to constitution on account of the fine bone structure which has enabled your dizzying flying ability.
  • Pegasus Vortex (Ex) {Aerial Combat} (Requires Level 8) As a full round action and a DC 15 tumble check, a flying pegasus with in 20 feet of the ground can start a small cyclone around them (20 feet tall, 5 feet at the base, 20 feet diameter at the top). The cyclone requires the full and continued concentration of the pegasus to maintain and is considered flat footed whilst in the vortex. The vortex grabs any large or smaller creature it moves over grappling them. The pegasus makes grapple checks at a +4 bonus (as though they were large) and may use their dexterity score in place of strength to resolve the grapple check. Anyone successfully grappled by the cyclone takes 4d6 damage per round and can only escape the cyclone by taking a full round action to oppose the grapple again. The cyclone is considered a distracting environment for spell casters.
  • Pony Cannon Ball (Ex) {Aerial Combat}: Your dashing strike is now super effective. When you move 20 feet or more during a round in which you make an attack, you also treat the target as flanked (and receive commensurate attack bonuses).
  • Sky Screamer (Ex) (Requires Barbarian and Trap Sense). Trap Sense is replaced by Sky Screamer. While raging, you can also unleash a furious whinny that renders foes within 20 yards shaken for 1 minute if they fail a DC 13+[Con Mod] will save.
  • Smooth Pony (Requires Rogue and Trap Sense). Replace Trap Sense with Smooth Pony: Twice per day you can add your dexterity modifier to any charisma based skill check you attempt.
  • Soaring Sneak Attack (Requires Rogue and Uncanny Dodge). Uncanny Dodge is replaced by Soaring Sneak Attack: Sneak attacks delivered whilst flying receive +1 damage per sneak attack dice. Subsequent acquisitions of Improved Uncanny Dodge now grant Uncanny Dodge instead.
  • Sonic Rainboom (Ex) {Aerial Combat} (Requires Level 10). If the Pegasus manages to fly over 300 feet in a single round, and pass a DC 15 dexterity check at the end of it, they can produce a sonic rainboom, which deals 10d6 chromatic damage in a 20 foot spread centered around the final destination of the pegasus in that round. In addition, a rainbow will trail the pegasus who has just completed a sonic rainboom for 1 minute. Apart from looking awesome (and preventing any sort of hiding), the rainbow aura grants the pegasus +5 to all attack and damage rolls while it remains. The aura may be dismissed early as a free action. Failing to pass the dexterity check propels the pegasus backwards to their starting point for that round and they are flat footed for the remainder of the encounter.
  • Weak Flyer (Ex) (Only available at level 4) You can only fly half as fast as other Pegasi with the same number of pegasus levels as you, which has given you more time on the ground. You may select any two Earth pony feats for which you meet the requirements. You are no longer eligible for aerial combat feats.
  • Weather Manipulator I (Su) While all pegasi can corrale clouds, you have mastered this to the point that you can exert more complex manipulations of the local weather. So long as the Pegasus is within 100 feet of a cloud, they can stop or start precipitation in a 20 foot column under that cloud. Precipitation created by this power turns the affected area into "difficult terrain". This ability may be performed at will.
  • Weather Manipulator II (Su) (Requires Weather Manipulator I), Twice per day, a pegasus pon can call down lightning bolts on their enemies, as the spell Call Lightning as a full round action. Your effective caster level is equal to your character level and the save is Charisma based.
  • Wing Buffet (Ex) You may make an attack with your wings at your highest base attack bonus with a -2 penalty. This attack deals no damage, but allows you to initiate a trip or disarm attempt. Your wings are treated as a two-handed weapon for these purposes. The attack may be made as a part of a full attack action or by itself as a std action.

Unicorn Pony Feats

  • Befriend Magical Item (Requires Warlock and Deceive Magical Item). Instead of Deceive Magical Item the pony receives Befriend Magical Item: A unicorn may spend 10 minutes studying a magical item, during which time they must make a use magic device check. If they succeed in using the device during this time, the item is becomes their friend. Later uses of the item require no further UMD checks. Should the item be lost or stolen, however, the unicorn will suffer a -2 saddness penalty to all skill checks for 24 hours.
  • Bonus Spell Slot (Requires Wizard and Wizard Bonus Feat). Instead of a Wizard Bonus Feat, the pony receives Bonus Spell Slot: The unicorn receives one extra spell per day for the highest level spell they can cast.
  • Excellent Pupil 1 extra skill point per level, add one skill of your choice as a class-skill.
  • Friendship is Magic Allies may assist a unicorn (via the assist other action) in casting a spell, regardless of whether or not the ponies assisting know how to use magic -- the unicorn simply benefits from their cheerleading. The assisted spell is cast with +1 effective caster level per assisting ally, maximum bonus of character level / 3, miniumum 1, rounded down.
  • Multi-tasking (Requires Wizard and Scribe Scroll). Instead of acquiring Scribe Scroll the wizard gains Multi-tasking: A unicorn may now use their mage hand spell-like ability without concentration. The duration can be indefinite, although most unicorns don't see a pressing need to levitate a five pound object near them at all times.
  • Organized Tactician Whether it's just an innate knack for organization or a peculiar habit to create checklist for everything, all unicorns with this quirk excel at organizing other ponies and this is particularly helpful in battle. If a unicorn pony can spend five minutes organizing their allies prior to an encounter (up to 1 pony per character level), they will all (unicorn included) receive a competence bonus to attack, damage and skill checks equal to the unicorn's charisma or intelligence modifier, whichever is higher, to a maximum of +3 bonus for 30 minutes. This ability may be used twice per day before somepony gets sick of the unicorn's constant ministrations.
  • Pragmatic Magic Unicorns find esoteric and highly specialized uses for their less developed magic ability. +1 / 2 character levels arcane bonus to all profession and crafting skills.
  • Quick to Learn The unicorn may add one new spell or invocation of the highest level they know to their spells/invocations known list. All the same restrictions that may apply during normal acquisition of a spell known apply here (for example a specialist wizard may not select a spell from a prohibited school). Like other spells acquired during normal level up, a wizard need not pay material costs in order to ink this spell in their spell book.
  • Shield Friends (Requires Cleric and Turn Undead). Instead of acquiring Turn Undead, the cleric gains Shield Friends: 3 + CHA MOD times per day the pony cleric may shield their allies (self excluded), granting a dodge bonus to AC equal to [WISDOM MOD] for 1 minute as a swift action. This ability counts as a use of turn undead for the purpose of interaction with Divine Feats.
  • The Horn Points the Way +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made with spells and spell-like abilities.

Cutie Marks

Cutie marks are small iconographic tattoos located on the hind haunch of a pony. In the immortalized words of Scootaloo, "Ugh! These namby-pamby stories aren't getting us any closer to our cutie marks! They're all about finding who you really are and boring stuff like that." Attaining a cutie mark is a rite of passage for all ponies, and they symbolize your pony's life calling. The actual effect of a cutie mark, however, is fairly small.

  • Overview:

Cutie marks cannot be be purchased, only earned. It is very difficult to predict the circumstances in which one will receive it, but some stories suggest that doing an activity which one pony truly enjoys is the best way to go about earning a cutie mark. Cutie marks come in three general categories: Commodity marks, recognition marks, and symbolic marks.

Commodity Marks

Many ponies, especially earth ponies, find that their true calling in life is tied to the production of a specific commodity. Commodity marks all provide a +2 bonus for the profession skill associated with the production of that commodity. Examples include:

  • Raw food goods: Apple, grain, carrots, oranges, etc.
  • Baked/Cooked food goods: pies, tarts, muffins, candy canes, etc
  • Clothing: thread spool, cloth bundle, dye vials, dresses
  • Accessories: boots, hats, fans, etc
  • Pegasus products: snowflakes, rain clouds, lightning and thunder
  • Academic: books, quills, equations, ink.

Recognition Marks

Other times, by performing an extraordinary feat, a pony will earn a recognition mark, commemorating their performance. These marks grant a +2 bonus to diplomacy, intimidate, or bluff checks with ponies who would be impressed by the feat which the mark signifies. These cutie marks are particularly rare. Some examples include:

  • Rainbow colored lightning bolt: signifying the performance of a sonic rainboom
  • Golden Notes: winning a musical contest
  • Brain: winning a quizbowl

Symbolic Marks

If not a commodity mark, most other ponies receive symbolic marks. As it sounds, these marks simply symbolize the primary talent of the pony and grant a +2 bonus to the closest associated skill. Examples include:

  • Magic star: +2 to spellcraft
  • Bunch of bubbles: +2 to swim
  • Cluster of gems: +2 to appraise
  • Musical instrument: +2 to perform (music)
  • Squinty eyes: +2 to spot