Difference between revisions of "Bollwerk"

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* Transformation (Beta) + Flaw: 3 Exp
* Transformation (Beta) + Flaw: 3 Exp (Flaw: One specific Form, Obvious)
* Density Control (Density Increase) Type 1 + Flaw: 3 Exp
* Density Control (Density Increase) Type 1 + Flaw: 3 Exp (Flaw: Linked Power - only aviable during Transformation)
* Mega Atribute (Stamina)+ Flaw 0 auf 2: 15 Exp
* Mega Atribute (Stamina)+ Flaw 0 auf 2: 15 Exp (Flaw: Linked Power - only aviable during Transformation)

Revision as of 20:53, 26 November 2011


  • Start EXP auf alle Bänder: 20

Attribute und Skills

  • 10 Exp Dex 1 auf 2
  • 1 Exp Nutzung für Power Band mit GM genemigung



  • Transformation (Beta) + Flaw: 3 Exp (Flaw: One specific Form, Obvious)
  • Density Control (Density Increase) Type 1 + Flaw: 3 Exp (Flaw: Linked Power - only aviable during Transformation)
  • Mega Atribute (Stamina)+ Flaw 0 auf 2: 15 Exp (Flaw: Linked Power - only aviable during Transformation)


Herkunft: Alpha  Ausrichtung: Elemental
Virtue: Temperance Vice: Zorn 
Str:4        Pre:2        Int:2     
Dex:2        Man:2        Wit:2     
Sta:5        Com:2        Res:3     

Skills: Academics, Athletics, Animal Ken , Brawl , Computer, Crafts , Drive , 
Empathy , Expression , Firearms , Intimidation , Investigation , Larceny , 
Medicine, Occult , Persuasion , Politics , Science , Socialize , Streetwise , 
Stealth , Subterfuge , Survival , Weaponry 

Ini Mod:         Size:         Speed:     
Combat 1:         
Combat 2:         
Defense:2        Armor: 



Health : 
Willpower :

Verv: 1
Verv Pool : 10