Difference between revisions of "Hermann Sonntag"

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Line 14: Line 14:
|Athletics=4(Jump,Lift,Throwing)|Empathy=2|Crafts=2(Explosives, Ammunition)
|Athletics=4(Jump,Lift,Throwing)|Empathy=2|Crafts=2(Explosives, Ammunition)
|Brawl=4(Profession)|Expression=3(Training, Leadership)|Investigation=3(Supersoldatenprogramm, Scientific Experiments)
|Brawl=4(Profession)|Expression=3(Training, Leadership)|Investigation=3(Supersoldatenprogramm, Scientific Experiments)
|Larceny=3(Security Systems)|Intimidation=3(Physical Threats,Interrogation)|Medicin=1(First Aid)
|Drive=4(Car,Motorcycle,Heli)|Persuasion=0|Occult=2(Supersoldaten,Monsters,How to kill certain Supernaturals in 1999)
|Drive=4(Car,Motorcycle,Heli)|Persuasion=0|Occult=2(Supersoldaten,Monsters,How to kill certain Supernaturals in 1999)
|Stealth=4(Moving in Darkness,Shadowing)|Socialize=0|Politics=0
|Weaponry=4(Bundy, Katar)|Subterfuge=0|Science=3(Chemistry,Explosives)
|Weaponry=4(Bundy, Katar)|Subterfuge=3(Ambush,Hidding Emotions,Disguise)|Science=3(Chemistry,Explosives)

Revision as of 01:26, 15 December 2009


Hermann E. Sonntag, Spieler: Deichman


Physical Social Mental
Str: 4 Pre: 3 Int: 2
Dex: 5 Man: 1 Wit: 4
Sta: 3 Com: 5 Res: 3
Physical Social Mental
Athletics: 4(Jump,Lift,Throwing) Animal Ken: 1 Academics: 2(2012 Verschwoerung)
Brawl: 4(Profession) Empathy: 2 Computer: 1
Drive: 4(Car,Motorcycle,Heli) Expression: 3(Training, Leadership) Crafts: 2(Explosives, Ammunition)
Firearms: 4(Profession,Heavy Weapon,Endowment) Intimidation: 3(Physical Threats,Interrogation) Investigation: 3(Supersoldatenprogramm, Scientific Experiments)
Larceny: 3(Security Systems) Persuasion: 0 Medicin: 1(First Aid)
Stealth: 4(Moving in Darkness,Shadowing) Socialize: 0 Occult: 2(Supersoldaten,Monsters,How to kill certain Supernaturals in 1999)
Survival: 3(Navigation) Streetwise: 3 Politics: 0
Weaponry: 4(Bundy, Katar) Subterfuge: 3(Ambush,Hidding Emotions,Disguise) Science: 3(Chemistry,Explosives)


Name Rank
Profession (Soldier) 5
Status(Supersoldat) 4
Ambidextrous 3
Fast Reflexes 2
Fleet of Foot 3
Stunt Driver 3
Strong Back 1
Brawling Dodge 1
Weaponery Dodge 1
Quick Draw (Weaponry) 1
Quick Draw (Firearms) 1
Gunslinger 3
Whirling Blades 1
Deflect and Thrust 2
Focused Attack 3
Vigor 4
Celerity 4
Fortidude 4
Auspecs 2
Hunter Endowment 4
Hunter Endowment 3
Hunter Endowment 2