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  Sta:    2    Com:    3    Res:    3
  Sta:    2    Com:    3    Res:    3
  Skills: Academics 2, Computer 3, xCrafts 3 (Profession, Prototype, Rote), Drive 3 (Prototype), Empathy 2, Expression 1, Firearms 1 (Integrated, Automatic) , xPersuasion 3 (Profession), xScience 3 (Profession, Engineering), Socialize 1,  
  Skills: Academics 2, Computer 3, xCrafts 3 (Profession, Prototype, Rote),  
Drive 3 (Prototype), Empathy 2, Expression 1, Firearms 1 (Integrated, Automatic),
xPersuasion 3 (Profession), xScience 3 (Profession, Engineering), Socialize 1,  
  Merits: Profession [Engineer] 4*, Status [FEAR Corp] 2, Factory 2, Staff [Engineers] 1, Vehicle [A.N.U. X Prototype] 3, Whispers 1*, Bureaucratic Navigator 2*, Language [German] 1*, Language [English] 1*, Contacts [Engineering] 4*, Resources 4*     
  Merits: Profession [Engineer] 4*, Status [FEAR Corp] 2, Factory 2, Staff [Engineers] 1,  
Vehicle [A.N.U. X Prototype] 3, Whispers 1*, Bureaucratic Navigator 2*,  
Language [German] 1*, Language [English] 1*, Contacts [Engineering] 4*, Resources 4*     

Revision as of 18:16, 11 July 2009


42, Chef der A.N.U. Corporation, Top-Ingenieur und Prototypenentwickler. Seine Firma hat gerade den Prototypen eines next-gen Polizeifahrzeugs hergestellt und die ersten Testserien laufen gerade. Der Prototyp sieht aus wie ein schwarzer Sportwagen (nein, nicht K.I.T.T., eher wie 'n Benz oder BMW; hiesige Entwicklung halt...) von unbekanntem Fabrikat und ist mit Computersystemen, Sensorik, Bordwaffen und sogar einer eigenen Aufklärungsdrone bestückt.



Type: Mortal        Faction: FEAR Corp
Virtue: Justice        Vice: Lust

Str:     1    Pre:    3    Int:     3
Dex:     2    Man:    1    Wit:     3
Sta:     2    Com:    3    Res:     3

Skills: Academics 2, Computer 3, xCrafts 3 (Profession, Prototype, Rote), 
Drive 3 (Prototype), Empathy 2, Expression 1, Firearms 1 (Integrated, Automatic),
xPersuasion 3 (Profession), xScience 3 (Profession, Engineering), Socialize 1, 

Merits: Profession [Engineer] 4*, Status [FEAR Corp] 2, Factory 2, Staff [Engineers] 1, 
Vehicle [A.N.U. X Prototype] 3, Whispers 1*, Bureaucratic Navigator 2*, 
Language [German] 1*, Language [English] 1*, Contacts [Engineering] 4*, Resources 4*    

Initiative:         5    
Vehicle SMG:     7 L Rng 25/50/100
Unarmed:         -
Defense:    2    Size:        5
Armor:    -/-    Speed:    3

Rote Actions:
- Int + Craft [Prototypes] (9 to 12) (9-again)

Morality: 7
Derangements: none

Power Stat: 
Health (7):
Willpower (6):                 
Personal ():     


Track            XP spend    XP total
Abilities            8          9
Merits               10         10
Powers                          9
Retainers                       9
- Craft Specialty [Prototype] (2 XP)
- Craft Specialty [Rote]
- Science Specialty [Engineering] (2 XP)
- Rote Action (Craft [Prototypes]) (2 XP)
- Vehicle 2 -> 3 (6 XP)
- Factory 1 -> 2 (4 XP)