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  10 XP when you either sacrifice something you hold dear for the benefit of your team
  10 XP when you either sacrifice something you hold dear for the benefit of your team
  or walk away from your team to avoid that sacrifice.
  or walk away from your team to avoid that sacrifice.
{{1Row9ColHead|Weapon Skill(WS)|Ballistic Skill(BS)|Strenght(S)|Toughness(T)|Agility(Ag)|Intelligence(Int)|Perception(Per)|Will Power(WP)|Fellowship(Fel)}}

Latest revision as of 12:50, 18 December 2014


  • Physical:
  • Emotional:
  • Mental:


  • SOLO: d8
  • BUDDY: d6
  • TEAM: d10


  • Cutting Edge
  • Doing the Job
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent


Xtal Powers[edit]

  • Crystal Weapons: d10
  • Crystal Beam: d10
  • Crystal Mirror: d10
  • Superhuman Durability: d10
  • Gliding: d6

SFX: Xtal Afflict. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting Xtal complication on a target.

SFX: Spiked Body. On a successful reaction against a physical attack action, inflict physical stress with your effect die at no PP cost or step up +1 for 1 PP.

SFX: Invulnerable. Spend 1 PP to ignore physical stress or trauma results unless caused by sonic-based attacks.

Limit: Mutant. Earn 1 PP when affected by mutant-specific Milestones and tech.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Training[edit]

  • Superhuman Reflexes: d10
  • Enhanced Stamina: d8
  • Superhuman Strenght: d10
  • Way of the Shadow: d10

SFX: Focus.In a pool including a S.H.I.E.L.D. Training die, replace two dice of equal steps with one die of +1 step.

SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from aging, disease, fatigue, poison, vacuum or psychic attack.

Limit: Deep Programming. Earn 1 PP to step up emotional stress inflicted by intelligence agencies and their directors by +1.


  • Combat Master: d10
  • Acrobatic Expert: d8
  • Menace Rookie: d6
  • Crime Rookie: d6
  • Covert Expert: d8
  • Tech Expert: d8



Black Ops Betrayal

1 XP when you first use your Covert Specialty in an action and succeed.
3 XP when you convince a team member to make a painful or difficult choice.
10 XP when you either betray a team member in a critical moment or sacrifice yourself
for them.


1 XP when you give support to another hero.
3 XP when you’re given an official place on a team.
10 XP when you either sacrifice something you hold dear for the benefit of your team
or walk away from your team to avoid that sacrifice.