Difference between revisions of "The Guardian"

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(New page: Motivation: Guard the news (building?) {{SolarExaltedSheet |Vorname=The|Name=Guardian|Vollername=The Guardian|Spieler=Frank|Runde=GiZen|CharakterType=SC |Str=4|Cha=2|Per=4 |Dex=5|Man=2|I...)
Line 6: Line 6:
Line 60: Line 60:
===Measure the Blood===
Measure the Blood
Cost: 1m; Mins: Compassion 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple  
Cost: 1m; Mins: Compassion 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple  
Keywords: None  
Keywords: None  
Line 76: Line 74:
Virtues, and eventual Abilities that have a score of three dots or higher.  
Virtues, and eventual Abilities that have a score of three dots or higher.  
===Sense Domain===
Sense Domain
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive  
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive  
Line 93: Line 89:
to the spirit all beings not magically hidden by sorcery or Charms.  
to the spirit all beings not magically hidden by sorcery or Charms.  
===Intrusion Sensing Method===
Intrusion Sensing Method
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple  
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple  
Keywords: Combo Basic  
Keywords: Combo Basic  
Line 110: Line 104:
earth commit the Essence necessary to maintain this Charm continuously.
earth commit the Essence necessary to maintain this Charm continuously.
===Donning Spiritual Armor===
Donning Spiritual Armor
Cost: 5m; Mins: Temperance 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6)  
Cost: 5m; Mins: Temperance 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6)  
Keywords: Combo-Ok  
Keywords: Combo-Ok  
Line 127: Line 115:
point of Willpower, she may also add her Essence to her aggravated soak.  
point of Willpower, she may also add her Essence to her aggravated soak.  
===Hurry Home===
Hurry Home
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Temperance 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive  
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Temperance 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive  
Keywords: None  
Keywords: None  
Line 149: Line 134:
===Principle of Motion===
Principle of Motion
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2;Type: Extra Action  
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2;Type: Extra Action  
Keywords: Combo-OK  
Keywords: Combo-OK  
Line 174: Line 154:
Cost: 5m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple  
Cost: 5m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple  
Keywords: Illusion  
Keywords: Illusion  
Line 188: Line 167:
===Uncanny Prowess===
Uncanny Prowess
Cost: 2m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive  
Cost: 2m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive  
Keywords: Combo-Ok  
Keywords: Combo-Ok  
Line 200: Line 177:
performances, etc.  
performances, etc.  
Cost: 5m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Cost: 5m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Line 217: Line 191:
pictures in light, and no speaking distinct phrases.  
pictures in light, and no speaking distinct phrases.  
Cost: 8m; Mins: Valor: 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Cost: 8m; Mins: Valor: 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple
Line 239: Line 210:
Cost: varies; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple  
Cost: varies; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple  
Keywords: Obvious  
Keywords: Obvious  
Line 287: Line 253:
and lasts for one scene.  
and lasts for one scene.  
===Essence Plethora===
Essence Plethora
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent  
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent  
Keywords: Stackable  
Keywords: Stackable  

Revision as of 23:38, 30 October 2007

Motivation: Guard the news (building?) The Guardian, Spieler: Frank


Physical Social Mental
Str: 4 Cha: 2 Per: 4
Dex: 5 Man: 2 Int: 2
Sta: 4 App: 5 Wit: 5
Dawn Zenith Twilight
Archery: 0 Integrity: 0 Craft: 0
Martial Arts: 3 Performance: 0 Investigation: 0
Melee: 0 Presence: 0 Lore: 3
Thrown: 0 Resistance: 3 Medicin: 0
War: 3 Survival: 0 Occult: 0
Night Eclipse Craft
Athletics: 3 Bureaucracy: 0 CraftAir: 0
Awareness: 3 Linguistics: 3 CraftEarth: 0
Dodge: 3 Ride: 0 CraftFire: 0
Larceny: 0 Sail: 0 CraftWater: 0
Stealth: 0 Socialize: 0 CraftWood: 0
More Craft
CraftMagetech: 0 CraftGenesis: 0 CraftShaping: 0
Backgrounds Mertis&Flaws Arts&Sciences
Destiny: 2
Old Realm
Other Traits
Willpower Health Essence
8 1*0/6*-1/5*-2/1*-4/1*Inc./1*Dying 2
Compassion: 3 Temperance: 3 Personal: 70
Conviction: 1 Valor: 5 Peripheral: -
Combat Pools
Form Atk (S/A/D/R) DV/PV/Soak (B/L/A)
Human 5/11/4B/2 5/6/4B/2L

Liste der gekauften Charms:


Name Cost Mins Type Keywords Duration Prerequisite
Materialize 50m Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Val1
Measure the Blood 1m Instant Simple Effect E1 Com1
Sense Domain Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Com2
Intrusion Sensing Method Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Com1
Donning Spiritual Armor Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Tem1
Hurry Home Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Tem1
Principle of Motion Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Val1
Shapechange Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Val1
Uncanny Prowess Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Val1
Will-o-Wisp Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Val1
Ghostly Presence Cost Duration Type Keyword Effect E1 Val1


Measure the Blood

Cost: 1m; Mins: Compassion 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None

This Charm works much like its counterpart Measure the Wind. It allows the spirit or Ghost to assess the Essence flow of a single living creature, within a number of yards equal to its Willpower. Any being targeted by this charm is instantly recognized as whatever type of being it is, the score of its permanent Essence, its permanent and temporary Willpower rating, its Virtues, and eventual Abilities that have a score of three dots or higher.

Sense Domain

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive Keywords: Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Measure the Wind

The spirit may spend five motes and one temporary Willpower to discern the status of its sphere of influence. The Storyteller makes a (Perception + Awareness) roll for the spirit activating this Charm, adding a number of automatic successes equal to its Compassion. One success alerts the spirit to any direct danger to itself or its sphere of influence. Two successes grant the spirit a catalogue of all events in the area at that given moment. Three or more successes will reveal to the spirit all beings not magically hidden by sorcery or Charms.

Intrusion Sensing Method

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Compassion 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple Keywords: Combo Basic Duration: Special Prerequisite Charms: Sense Domain

Many guardian spirits use this Charm to ward against intrusion by other spirits and powerful enemies. The spirit spends a temporary Willpower and commits five motes of Essence, and whenever a being with an Essence greater than 1 enters its domain or sphere of influence, the Storyteller will be able to make a reflexive (Perception + Awareness) roll, adding a number of automatic successes equal to the dog’s Compassion, for the dog to note the character’s presence. Almost all dogs of the unbroken earth commit the Essence necessary to maintain this Charm continuously.


Donning Spiritual Armor

Cost: 5m; Mins: Temperance 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 6) Keywords: Combo-Ok Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: None

Through the expenditure of five motes, the spirit may add her (Temperance + Essence) to her bashing and lethal soaks. By spending one point of Willpower, she may also add her Essence to her aggravated soak.

Hurry Home

Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Temperance 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive Keywords: None Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: None

Spirits are always in tune with their sphere of influence, and should something go horribly wrong, then the spirit needs to be able to get to its sphere of influence in time to do something about it. This power allows a spirit to return to its home instantaneously. This power costs 10 motes of Essence and one temporary Willpower.The spirit must be dematerialized when it uses this Charm, or it automatically dematerializes when the Charm is activated. The Charm cannot take the spirit beyond Creation. Hurry Home will return a spirit to anywhere in the region of Creation considered its sphere of influence,to the point where its sanctum is located (if it has a sanctum), to the nearest Celestial Gate into Yu-Shan or to the point from which it entered Creation.


Principle of Motion

Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2;Type: Extra Action Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Special Prerequisite Charms: None

Next to Materialize, this Charm is the most powerful magic to which a spirit has access. When five motes of Essence and one temporary Willpower is spent, the spirit gains a number of extra actions equal to its Willpower. This pool of extra actions remains active until all of the extra actions are used up. This Charm can be used only when a spirit has no pool of extra actions, so it cannot be stacked with itself. Extra actions can be used at any time the spirit can act and can be used like regular actions: to attack, dodge, parry or use nonreflexive charms. Every extra action is performed at the spirit’s full dice pool, and a spirit may split its dice pools for multiple actions in an extra action (see pp. 124-125 for more information on splitting die pools).


Cost: 5m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple Keywords: Illusion Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: None

Many spirits have the ability to change their appearance at will. Gods often use this power to make themselves appear more fearful or impressive. This Charm does not change the spirit’s traits in any way, but it can be used in combination with stunts to give a multiple-die bonus to the spirit’s actions. Shapechange lasts for one scene.

Uncanny Prowess

Cost: 2m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive Keywords: Combo-Ok Duration: Special Prerequisite Charms: None

By expending two motes, the spirit may add his Valor to any Dexterity-based roll that has to do with his areas of his godly influence, such as combat, crafts, performances, etc.


Cost: 5m; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 1; Type: Simple Keywords: Duration: One turn Prerequisite Charms: None

The spirit causes brief, somewhat muddled manifestations of sound, smell and light, such as a ball of light or indistinct sounds of conversation. Roll the spirit’s Manipulation + Valor. The more successes, the more noticeable these manifestations are (louder, brighter) and the longer they may last. This Charm may not be used in precise ways — no writing words or making pictures in light, and no speaking distinct phrases.


Cost: 8m; Mins: Valor: 3, Essence 1; Type: Simple Keywords: Duration: One scene Prerequisite Charms: Will-o-Wisp

The spirit may cause the same manifestations as Will-o-Wisp, again making a Manipulation + Valor check. This time, however, it may create distinct patterns. For instance, ghostly writing may be created. This Charm may be used to hold a conversation with a target while the spirit is unmanifested. The number of successes affects how distinct the manifestations are, how precisely controlled they are and just how thoroughly the spirit may manipulate its medium. With five successes, the spirit may paint simple scenes out of light, sound and smell. These scenes may not be larger than 10 feet in any



Cost: varies; Mins: Valor 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple Keywords: Obvious Duration: Indefinite Prerequisite Charms: None

All spirits have the ability to materialize via the Materialize Charm. Materializing is an instantaneous action that requires a spirit to pay a variable amount of Essence to create a temporary corporeal body. Spirits of greater power must make a larger, stronger body to contain their splendor, so the cost to materialize is equal to five times the sum of its Essence and Willpower ([Essence + Willpower] x 5) motes. This corporeal body has all of the same Attributes and Abilities of the incorporeal spirit, including health levels and Essence pool, so any damage taken by the spirit while immaterial remains on the material spirit, and the remaining motes of Essence in its Essence pool remains unchanged. A spirit generally has one shape and form that its corporeal body takes, and this shape is identical or very similar to its form while intangible. Some spirits have additional Charms that give them multiple corporeal forms, and more powerful spirits may have advanced forms of the Materialize Charm that give them corporeal bodies with enhanced Attributes and Abilities, as well as attack modes, natural weapons and armor, for a greater cost. A spirit may dismiss its corporeal form as a reflexive action, but it does not regain any of the Essence spent for materialization by doing so. A corporeal body lasts for a number of days equal to the number of motes spent to materialize, unless it is destroyed. For example, a demon with an Essence trait of 3 and a Willpower of 5 pays 40 motes to materialize and, therefore, can remain materialized in Creation for 40 days. Materialized spirits regain Essence at the same rate as when immaterial, so many spirits who plan on materializing in Creation for a time do so in a private location and spend enough time there to replenish their Essence pool before continuing on their business. Elementals and demons who are summoned via sorcery or other magic are compelled to pay the cost of materialization at the moment they appear, unless otherwise stated by the rules of the specific spell. Spirits may also use a lesser form of Materialize to become visible, though they remain intangible while in Creation. This does not allow them to interact with Creation without the use of Charms, but it does let their presence be known. This power costs only one mote of Essence and lasts for one scene.

Essence Plethora

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent Keywords: Stackable Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: none

A spirit may increase its base Essence pool by 10 with this Charm. This Charm may be taken multiple times, and its effects stack. Spirits cannot purchase this Charm more times than their Conviction rating.