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=WoD Gargoyles Brainstorm=
=WoD Gargoyles Brainstorm=
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargoyle]] Gargoyles Wikipedia
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargoyles_(World_of_Darkness)]] Gargoyles (OWoD Bloodline) Wikipedia
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gargoyles_(TV_series)]] Gargoyles TV-Serie Wikipedia
* [[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?title=Gargoyles:_The_Vigil]] OWoD Fanmod Gargoyle the Vigil
==Gargoyles as Servitors==
==Gargoyles as Prometheans==
siehe Hauptseite
==Gargoyles as seperate Supernatural Class==
:Supernatural Advantage: Natural Armor Trait equal to Sta, Grotesques (6 points)
:Power Stat: Might
:Power Pool: Essence (harnessed from Geomantic Nexi, Loci, Ley Hallows, etc; called Omphallos by Gargoyles)
:Powers: Aspects (4 dots)
:Morality Stat: ?
* Defenders (Symbol: Castle, Shield) - Protectors; Rites of Rookery (some Viscera Powers, Warding, Occultation)
* Daimons (Symbol: Horned Head, Trident) - Predators; Pacts (like Pledges or Demonic Pacts)
* Circle of Medusa (Symbol: Gorgon's Head, Snakes) - Witches; Rites of Medusa (like Cruác Rites or Mage Spells)
* The Monolith (Symbol: Boas, Djed-Column) - Eremites; Meditations (like Coils of the Dragon or Trasmutations)
* Sphinx (Symbol: Sphinx, Hieroglyph) - Enigmas; Riddles (special; can catch Spirits or Ghosts, delay Mortals or Supernaturals, etc.)
===The Clan===
Members of the clan are not necessarily related biologically (bloodlines mean little to most gargoyles). Nevertheless, the gargoyles in a clan will consider themselves members of a single extended family, often referring to others of their generation as "Rookery Brothers" or "Rookery Sisters". This reflects the fact that gargoyles are hatched from eggs, which are stored communally in a rookery. As such, parents are never certain which of the hatchlings is their biological offspring. Rather, hatchlings are "children of the entire clan".
* '''Strength of Atlas''' ()
* '''Might of Colossus''' ()
* '''Guise of Proteus''' ()
====Rites of Rookery====
====Rites of Medusa====
* '''Stronghold''' ()
:Prerequisites: -
* '''Omphallos''' ()
:Prerequisites: Stronghold
* '''Rookery''' ()
:Prerequisites: Stronghold
* '''Bestial Face''' ()
* '''Bestial Limbs''' ()
* '''Bestial Torso''' ()
* '''Wings''' ()

Latest revision as of 21:57, 6 October 2009

WoD Gargoyles Brainstorm[edit]