Difference between revisions of "Braddock die Ratte"

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(New page: ==Charakterbogen== Race: Human (Moridane) Class: Rouge Lv: 4 HP: 23 =8+5+5+5 Str: 10 +0 Dex: 19 +4 Con: 14 +2 Int: 12 +1 Wis: 10 +0 Cha: 10 +0 ===Skills=== Punkte: 10*...)
Line 75: Line 75:
  2 Calm Emotion Zigarren
  2 Calm Emotion Zigarren
  Gut aussehendes Kartenspiel
  Gut aussehendes Kartenspiel
Pferd + Sattel
===Geld werte===
===Geld werte===
  538 Gold
  538 Gold
  Rohdiamanten (27G)
  Rohdiamanten (27G)

Revision as of 18:24, 4 August 2012


Race: Human (Moridane) 
Class: Rouge Lv: 4
HP: 23 =8+5+5+5
Str:  10 +0
Dex:  19 +4
Con:  14 +2
Int:  12 +1
Wis:  10 +0
Cha:  10 +0


Punkte: 10*(lvl+3)=70 
Appraise                  1 = (Int)  Ranks 0
Bluff                     7 = (Cha)  Ranks 7
Climb                     2 = (Str)  Ranks 0 +2 Racial            
Craft [Smal Arms]         8 = (Int)  Ranks 7 
Craft [Alchemy]           7 = (Int)  Ranks 6
Disguise                  1 = (Cha)  Ranks 1
Escape Artist             5 = (Dex)  Ranks 1
Gather Information        6 = (Cha)  Ranks 6
Hide                     13 = (Dex)  Ranks 7 +2 Racial
Intimidate                4 = (Cha)  Ranks 4
Knowledge [Arcana]        2 = (Int)  Ranks 1
Listen                      = (Wis)  Ranks
Move Silently            11 = (Dex)  Ranks 7
Open Lock                11 = (Dex)  Ranks 7
Profession [Gambler]      2 = (Wis)  Ranks 2
Search (Int)              2 = (Int)  Ranks 1
Sense Motive              2 = (Wis)  Ranks 2
Spellcraft(*)             2 = (Int)  Ranks 1 (2 Skillpunkte da Crossclass)
Spot                      7 = (Wis)  Ranks 7 
Lesen und Schreiben (Aktiviert  2 Skillpunke)

Feats & Class Features:

Exotic Weapon Prof. (Small Arms)
Quick Draw
Improved Initiative
Sneak Attack (+2W6)
Trapsense +1
Uncany Doge


2 Gläser Kaktus Marmelade  
Brenerei (50%)
Miene (50%)
2 Portionen Parayse Gift (DC 15)
1/2 Flasche Kadoranischer Wodka
Thief Tools
Gunsmithing Kit
Fonsworths Bündelpistole (Masterwork, Breachlock)
+ 18 Schuß
+ 4 High Precision Rounds
Bandolier (+20 Schuß für Bündelpistole)
9 Flaschen (Bredock Spetzial) (Wiederlich schmeckender hochprozentiger Alkohol)
Studded leather Armor
Abenteuer Paket
5 Dolche (Ausgewogen genug zum Werfen)
Versilberter Taschenspiegel
Armored Greatcoat (Camoflage(Desert), Secret Pocket)
Figurine von Khorva
2 Portionen Dust of Dryness
Poviant für 3 Personen für 18 Tage
Fässer Bier + 1 Lehres Fass
1 Pfund Kaffee
23 Cigarren
2 Calm Emotion Zigarren
Gut aussehendes Kartenspiel
Pferd + Sattel

Geld werte

538 Gold
Rohdiamanten (27G)