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(New page: Category:Iron Kingdoms ===Khossite Woodsman=== :Level: 3 :Race: Human (Khossite) :Class: Commoner 1, Scout 2 STR 10 +0 INT 13 +1 DEX 14 +2 WIS 15 +2 CON 12 +1 CHA 8 -1 Hit Poin...)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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[[Category:Iron Kingdoms]]
[[Category:Iron Kingdoms]] [[Category:NSC]]
===Khossite Woodsman===
===Khossite Woodsman===

Latest revision as of 01:42, 30 June 2012





Khossite Woodsman[edit]

Level: 3
Race: Human (Khossite)
Class: Commoner 1, Scout 2
STR	10	+0	INT	13	+1
DEX	14	+2	WIS	15	+2
CON	12	+1	CHA	8	-1
Hit Points (12):		Fatigue ():
	    	       Armor  Dex   Size Shield Misc
AC: 15    = 	10 +	3 + 	2 +	0 +	0 +	0
Touch: 12		Flatfooted: 13
Fort Save: 4, Ref Save: 5, Will Save: 2
Base Attack: +2	Speed: 30	Initiative: +2
Melee Att: +2, Ranged Att: +4
Skill Pools: Climb 10 (+4+2+2), Craft [Fletchery] 5 (+4), Craft [Wood] 5 (+3), Hide 8 (+4+2), Knowledge [Geography] 7 (+5),
Listen 6 (+4), Move Silent 6 (+4), Ride 6 (+4), Spot 8 (+4+2), Survival 9 (+5+2)
Feats: Alertness, Favoured Enemy (Animal), Track, Wild Empathy, Rapid Shot, Stealthy, Weapon Focus (Composite Bow)
Equipment: Survival Kit, Climbing Kit, Studded Leather Armor (AC +3, MDB +4, SFC 15%),
Composite Longbow (Atk +5, 1d8 dmg, crit x3, rng 110, type P)

Winter Guard[edit]

Level: 3
Race: Human (Khardic)
Class: Commoner 1, Fighter 2
STR	17	+3		INT	13	+1
DEX	14	+2		WIS	10	+0
CON	10	+1		CHA	10	+0
Hit Points (12): 		Fatigue ():
	    	       Armor  Dex   Size Shield Misc
AC: 17    = 	10 +	5 + 	2 +	0 +	0 +	0
Touch: 12		Flatfooted: 15
Fort Save: 5 Ref Save: 2	Will Save: 0
Base Attack: +2	Speed: 30	Initiative: +2
Melee Att: +5,	Ranged Att: +4
Skill Pools: Craft [Small Arms] 9 (+6+2), Handle Animal 3 (+1+2), Intimidate 3 (+1+2), Listen 1 (+1),
Profession [special] 5 (+3+2), Spot 3 (+3), Survival 3 (+3)
Feats: Khadoran Conscript, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Small Arms], Combat Loading, Combined Ranged Attack
Equipment: Winter Guard Uniform, Heavy Boots, Military Tornister, Survival Kit, Gunner's Kit, Breastplate (AC +5, MDB 3, SFC 25%),
Battleaxe (Atk +5, 1d8 dmg, crit x3, rng -, type S), Blunderbuss (Atk +4, 4d4 dmg, crit x3, rng 30, type B+P, reload 2S/DC14),
12 Shots Ammunition 


Level: 6
Race: Human (Skirovite)
Class: Scout 1, Fighter 5, Rifleman 1
STR	10	+0		INT	13	+1
DEX	15	+2		WIS	14	+2
CON	12	+1		CHA	10	+0
Hit Points (12): 		Fatigue ():
	    	       Armor  Dex   Size Shield Misc
AC: 18    = 	10 +	6 + 	2 +	0 +	0 +	0
Touch: 12		Flatfooted: 16
Fort Save: +9 Ref Save: +8 Will Save: +3
Base Attack: +6	Speed: 30	Initiative: +2
Melee Att: +6	Ranged Att: +8
Skill Pools: Climb 10 (+8+2), Craft [Small Arms] 10 (+7+2), Hide 10 (+8), Knowledge [Geography] 6 (+5),
Knowledge [Tactics] 5 (+4), Listen 5 (+5), Move Silent 10,(+8), Search 5 (+5), Spot 10 (+8+2), Survival 10,(+8+2)
Feats: Alertness, Favoured Enemy [Humans], Track, Wild Empathy, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Small Arms], Weapon Focus [Rifle],
Combat Loading, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Far Shot, Sharpshooter, Rifleman
Equipment: Breastplate (AC +5, MDB 3, SFC 25%), Undergarment, Masterworked Boots, Reinforced Greatcoat
(AC +1, MDB -, SFC , DR 3 B/P), Longsword (Atk +6, 1d8 dmg, crit 19-20 x3, rng -, type S), Widowmaker Rifle
(Atk +11, 2d6+2 dmg, crit 19-20 x3, rng 190, type P; Stand and Scope), Bandolier with 12 Shots Precision Ammunition,
Pouch with 3 Resist Elements Cigars

Iron Fang[edit]

Level: 6
Race: Human (Khardic)
Class: Fighter 6
STR	16	+3		INT	10	+0
DEX	12	+1		WIS	11	+0
CON	14	+2		CHA	10	+0
Hit Points (14):		Fatigue (42)
	    	       Armor  Dex   Size Shield Misc
AC: 23    = 	10 +	8 + 	(1) +	0 +	5 +	0
Touch: 11		Flatfooted: 18
Fort Save: 7, Ref Save: 3, Will Save: 2
Base Attack: +6/+1 Speed: 30	Initiative: +5
Melee Att: +9/+4
Skill Pools: Climb 7 (+4), Craft [Demolotions] 7 (+5+2), Intimidate 4 (+4), Ride 6 (+4), Survival 3 (+3)
Feats: Khadoran Conscript, Iron Fang, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Blasting Pike], Weapon Focus [Pike], Combined Melee Attack,
Shield Wall, Power Attack, Improved Initiative
Equipment: Iron Fang Armor (AC +8, MDB +0, SFC 50%), Fured Cloak, Armored Boots, Iron Fang Shield (AC +5, MDB +1, SFC 60%),
Blasting Pike (Atk +10/+5, Spear Head 1d8 dmg, Blasting Cap 3d8 dmg, crit x3, rng -, type P), Short Sword (Atk +9/+4, 1d6 dmg,
crit 19-20 x2, rng -, type S), Demolitions Kit, Pouch with 3 Resistance Cigars

Man'o War[edit]

Level: 6
Race: Human (Khardic)
Class: Expert 1, Fighter 4, Ironhead 1
STR	17 (25) +3 (+7)	INT	12	+1
DEX	14	+2		WIS	10	+0
CON	12	+1		CHA	10	+0
Hit Points (12):   Fatigue (39):   Armor (100):
	    	       Armor  Dex   Size Shield Misc
AC: 23    = 	10 +	10 + 	(2) +	-1 +	3 +	0
Touch: 12		Flatfooted: 19
Fort Save: +6, Ref Save: +3, Will Save: +3
Base Attack: +5 Speed: 	Initiative: +2
Melee Att: +8 (+12) Ranged Att: +8
Skill Pools: Craft [Small Arms] 6 (+5), Craft [Cannoneer] 10 (+8+1), Craft [Mechanika] 10 (+8+1), Handle Animal 3 (+1+2),
Intimidate 7 (+5+2), 'Jack Handling 3 (+3), Knowledge [Tactics] 5 (+4), Listen 3 (+3), Ride 5 (+3), Spot 5 (+5), Survival 3 (+3) 
Feats: Khadoran Conscript, Combat Loading, Weapon Focus [Polearm], Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Shieldgun],
Exotic Armor Profociency [Steam Armor], Craft Steam Armor, Mechanikal Adept (Fabrication Score -10%),
Battle Ready (+1 to STR or DEX based skill rolls in Armor), Full Metal Arm (like Power Attack)
Equipment: Man-o-war Steam Armor (AC +10, MDB 0, SFC 100%, DR 5 [Serriesteel], 100 HP, Size Large, STR 25, Reach 10),
Shield Cannon (AC +3, MDB -, SFC 15%, Atk +7, 3d8 dmg, crit x3, rng 30, type P, reload 3S/DC15), 3 Cannonballs Ammunition,
Annihilator Blade (Atk +14, 1d10+2 dmg, crit 17-20 x3, rng -, type P/S)

Assault Kommando[edit]

Level: 6
Race: Human (Skirovite)
Class: Expert 1, Fighter 5
STR	14	+2		INT	13	+1
DEX	16	+3		WIS	10	+0
CON	12	+1		CHA	10	+0
Hit Points (12): 		Fatigue ():
	    	       Armor  Dex   Size Shield Misc
AC: 20    = 	10 +	5 + 	3 +	0 +	2 +	0
Touch: 13		Flatfooted: 15
Fort Save: +5, Ref Save: +4, Will Save: +3
Base Attack: +5	Speed: 30	Initiative: +3
Melee Att: +7	Ranged Att: +8
Skill Pools 42: Craft [Demolitions] 10 (+7+2, Craft [Small Arms] 10 (+7+2), Disable Device 5 (+4), Knowledge [Tactics] 5 (+4),
Listen 5 (+5), Move Silent 5 (+2), Search 5 (+5), Spot 5 (+3+2), Survival 7 (+5+2)
Feats: Khadoran Conscript, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Small Arms], Weapon Focus [Blunderbuss], Combat Loading, Point Blank Shot,
Dodge, Mobility, Bajonet Charge
Equipment: Breastplate (AC +5, MDB 3, SFC 25%), Heavy Steel Shield (AC +2, MDB -, SFC 15%), Helmet with integrated masterworked
Alchemist's Beard and Goggles, Assault Blunderbuss (Atk +10, 4d4+1 dmg, crit x3, rng 50, type B+P, reload 1S;
Bayonet Atk +8, 1d6 dmg, crit x2, rng -, type P/S), Ammunition Belt with 12 Shots Cartride Ammunition and Quick Loader,
Harness with 2 Smoke-, 2 Acid- and 2 HE Grenades, Demolitions Kit, Gunner's Kit


Level: 6
Race: Human (Kossite)
Class: Scout 3, Fighter 1, Bounty Hunter 2
STR	12	+1		INT	12	+1
DEX	16	+3		WIS	10	+0
CON	12	+1		CHA	11	+1
Hit Points (12): 		Fatigue (33): 
	    	       Armor  Dex   Size Shield Misc
AC: 18    = 	10 +	3 + 	3 +	0 +	0 +	2
Touch: 13		Flatfooted: 12
Fort Save: +6, Ref Save: +8, Will Save: +1
Base Attack: +6/+1 Speed: 30	Initiative: +3
Melee Att: +9/+4
Skill Pools: Climb 10 (+5+2+2), Craft [Wood] 5 (+2+2), Gather Information 10 (+7+2), Hide 8 (+8), Knowledge [Geography] 5 (+4),
Listen 8 (+6+2), Move Silent 5 (+2), Search 10 (+8+2), Spot 8 (+6+2), Survival 7 (+3+2+2), Use Rope 10 (+7)
Feats: Fighting Finesse, Allertness, Favoured Enemy [Human], Track, Swift Tracker, Evasion, Wild Empathy, Investigator,
Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense, Mark (1) (adds Bounty Hunter lvl Insight Bonus to Gather Inf., Listen, Search,
Spot and Survival), Nonlethal Force (deal nonleth. dmg wothout -4 pen.), Ready and Waiting (ready action against marked Target)
Equipment: Light Leather (AC +2, MDB 6, SFC 10%), Reinforced Greatcoat (AC +1, MDB -, SFC , DR 3 B/P),
Masterworked Pair of Axes (Atk +10/+5, d dmg, crit x, rng , type ), Military Tornister, Climbing Kit, Survival Kit

Kayazy Assassins[edit]

Level: 6
Race: Human (Khard)
Class: Rouge 2, Fighter 3, Asassin 1
STR	16	+3		INT	8	-1	
DEX	16	+3		WIS	10	+0
CON	15	+2		CHA	10	+0
Hit Points (15):		Fatigue (36):
	    	       Armor  Dex   Size Shield Misc
AC: 17    = 	10 +	2 + 	3 +	0 +	1 +	1
Touch: 13		Flatfooted: 13
Fort Save: +4, Ref Save: +7, Will Save: +1
Base Attack: +4	Speed: 30	Initiative: +3
Melee Att: +7	Banged Att: +7
Skill Pools: Disguise 5 (+3+2), 15 Hide (+9+2+1), Intimidate 5 (+3+2), Listen 5 (+3+2), Move Silent 15 (+9+2+1), Search 5 (+5),
Spot 5 (+3+2), Tumble 5 (+5)
Feats: Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Dodge, Death Attack, Poison Use, Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus [Short Sword],
Power Attack, Stealthy, Allertness
Equipment: Fine Clothes, Masterworked Cloak and Boots, Light Leather (AC +2, MDB +6, SFC 10%),
Masterworked Shortsword (Atk +9, 1d6 dmg (+poison) , crit 19-20 x2, rng -, type P),