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Latest revision as of 22:45, 29 June 2012

Totems are symbolic representations of an ideal. They have meaning, sometimes only to a few and sometimes to a whole nation. Countries, states, even cities have their symbolic animal, flower, bird and even color. Cultures throughout history have come up with esoteric meanings and properties for creatures, objects, places, whatever sparked the imagination. A spring gains a reputation for healing properties and suddenly it’s a mystical source of healing. Our imaginations invest objects of our fascination with characteristics we desire. Bear is seen by many tribal traditions as a force of healing and protection. The Willow tree is linked with life and death, love, protection and peace. Many cultures revere their ancestors and look to them for guidance. Rose quartz is thought to have healing properties. All of these are sources for totems and minor spirits in this system.

Animal Spirits[edit]


Strong and steadfast but also gentle and merciful, Bear is one of the mightiest spirits and a fierce warrior, although a bit lethargic.

Gift: Once per day gain the benefits of a Bull’s Strength spell.
Taboo: People of the bear gain some their totems lethargy;-2 to Initiative, cannot take Improved Initiative Feat.
0-level: Resistance
1st-level: Cure Light Wound
2nd-level: Bear’s Endurance
3rd-level: Rage
4th-level: Restoration
5th-level: Righteous Might
6th-level: Mass Bear’s Endurance
7th-level: Animal Shape (Bear only)
8th-level: Summon Monster VIII (Celestial Dire Bear)
9th-level: Mass Heal


The Buffalo is the sacred animal of the creator himself and a central symbol of many tribes.

Gift: The character gains +2 to all social rolls towards those who believe in the Old Ways.
Taboo: The character must never kill anyone, even in anger. There are better ways to resolve conflicts than warfare.
0-level: Virtue
1st-level: Consecrate
2nd-level: Bull’s Strength
3rd-level: Magic Vestment
4th-level: Divine Power
5th-level: Hallow
6th-level: Banishment
7th-level: Holy Word (cannot kill)
8th-level: Holy Aura
9th-level: Antipathy/Sympathy


This spirit is a respected advisor on matters of the past, present and future. He is a guide in darkness and void and he changes form to suit his need.

Gift: Blind-fighting feat for free
Taboo: Crow requires that his friends meditate in the dark 1 hour each night. Only in this way may they have the wisdom to accept his guidance.
0-level: Guidance
1st-level: Remove Fear
2nd-level: Augury
3rd-level: Deeper Darkness
4th-level: Polymorph Self
5th-level: Scrying
6th-level: Legend Lore
7th-level: Vision
8th-level: Discern Location
9th-level: Shapechange


Coyote is a trickster, smart and fast, although quite mad. He runs laughing into danger, sure to meet his destiny.

Gift: +2 to Reflex saves
Taboo: Steal something every day.
0-level: Ghost Sound
1st-level: Expeditious Retreat
2nd-level: Hideous Laughter
3rd-level: Glibness
4th-level: Confusion
5th-level: Atonement
6th-level: Mislead
7th-level: Insanity
8th-level: Irresistible Dance
9th-level: Foresight


Snake is the bearer of wisdom and speaker to the spirit world. It is said that a snake of stars stretches across the heavens.

Gift: Once per day the character may reroll any Wisdom based check, or save.
Taboo: Always perform ritual honoring the spirits upon waking (taking at least 30 min.).
0-level: Detect Poison
1st-level: Detect Spirits
2nd-level: Augury
3rd-level: Magic Circle Against Spirits
4th-level: Neutralize Poison
5th-level: True Seeing
6th-level: Eyebite
7th-level: Vision
8th-level: Moment of Prescience
9th-level: Etheralness


The spirit of spiders understands the intricate weavings of fate, respects wisdom and creativity, and penetrates easily the patterns of illusions.

Gift: +2 save vs mind-affecting effects, +2 to disbelieve figments.
Taboo: Never destroy a finely-crafted object or kill any spiders.
0-level: Mending
1st-level: Message
2nd-level: Detect Thoughts
3rd-level: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
4th-level: Minor Creation
5th-level: Major Creation
6th-level: True Seeing
7th-level: Forcecage
8th-level: Maze
9th-level: Time Stop


Vulture is the bearer of death. He guides the souls of the dying into the spirit world and may even retrieve those souls to the land of the living. Vulture despises the Undead, for no one but him shall command the fallen.

Gift: Diehard feat for free.
Taboo: The character may never act to save the life of someone that is not of his tribe.
0-level: Disrupt Undead
1st-level: Cause Fear
2nd-level: Gentle Repose
3rd-level: Speak with Dead
4th-level: Death Ward
5th-level: Journey of Soul Retrieval
6th-level: Undeath to Death
7th-level: Control Undead
8th-level: Trap the Soul
9th-level: Soulbind


Courageous, steadfast and clever, Wolf is a strong social spirit, guiding and protecting his friends, outwitting his enemies, and moving quickly and unseen through the changes of the world.

Gift: +2 competence bonus to Move Silently, Hide in Shadows and Sense Motive rolls
Taboo: Cannot put any ranks in Disguise or Bluff, or take Skill Focus for either of these skills.
0-level: Resistance
1st-level: Detect Snares and Pits
2nd-level: Snare
3rd-level: Displacement
4th-level: Freedom of Movement
5th-level: Dream
6th-level: Summon Nature’s Ally VI
7th-level: Animal Shapes
8th-level: Holy Aura
9th-level: Call the Hunt (Summon Monster IX)

Ancestral Spirits[edit]

Cheok, Hero of the Last Stand at Twostone Pass[edit]

This Ancestral Hero is legendary among his people for the bravery he showed in the final battle at Twostone Pass. If not for his stalwart courage, the enemy would have gotten through and ravaged the countryside.

Gift: Immune to Fear effects.
Taboo: Never surrender.
0-level: Virtue
1st-level: Magic Weapon
2nd-level: Bull’s Strength
3rd-level: Magic Vestment
4th-level: Divine Power
5th-level: Righteous Might
6th-level: Stoneskin
7th-level: Repulsion
8th-level: Holy Aura
9th-level: Summon Monster IX (actually summons Cheok)

Grandfather (founder of the clan)[edit]

Grandfather was known for his wisdom and generosity. He was a true leader of men, and sired many children on his several wives.

Gift: Knowledge (History) is a class skill and +2 to all Diplomacy rolls.
Taboo: Must ensure the continuation of the tribe by marrying and having children.
0-level: Create Water
1st-level: Command
2nd-level: Calm Emotions
3rd-level: Create Food and Water
4th-level: Discern Lies
5th-level: Greater Command
6th-level: Heroes’ Feast
7th-level: Power Word: Stun
8th-level: Command Plants
9th-level: Dominate Monster

Merciful Mother[edit]

This woman roamed the lands freely back in ancient times, helping all she could. Her healing touch saved countless lives. Her compassion knew no limits. (The Merciful Mother is actually the Idrian perception of the goddess Dhunia. A shaman with Merciful Mother as his or her totem counts as a Cleric of Dhunia for all intends and purposes)

Gift: Cast healing spells at +1 caster level
Taboo: Never harm a living creature (note that undead, constructs and many outsiders are not included in this definition).
0-level: Cure Minor Wounds
1st-level: Cure Light Wounds
2nd-level: Cure Moderate Wounds
3rd-level: Cure Serious Wounds
4th-level: Cure Critical Wounds
5th-level: Healing Circle
6th-level: Heal
7th-level: Regenerate
8th-level: Mass Heal
9th-level: True Resurrection


Wendigo is the embodiments of gluttony, greed, and excess: never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, it is constantly searching for new victims (Wendigo is an embodiment of the Devourer)

Gift: Those with wendigo as a totem can gain a measure of power from their victims. If the character feeds on a humanoid of equal HD or greater he gains either +1 bonus hit points per HD of the victim or can restore an equal number hit points lost by wounds. Bonus hit points last for one hour per class level or until depleted. Wounds healed through cannibalism are permanently healed. This ability can only be used once per day and can only be used on victims killed within minutes of eating the grisly meal. This is a full round action and provokes an attack of opportunity. Bonus hit points will not stack with bonus hit points gained from any other source.
Taboo: All things eaten by a follower of wendigo have to be raw. All types of cooked food are strictly taboo.
0-level: Touch of Fatigue
1st-level: Deathwatch
2nd-level: Death Knell
3rd-level: Vampiric Touch
4th-level: Fear
5th-level: Death Ward
6th-level: Symbol of Fear
7th-level: Waves of Exhaustion
8th-level: Create Greater Undead (creates cannibal spirit, see below)
9th-level:Wail of the Banshee

Nature Spirits[edit]

North Wind[edit]

He blows cold down out of the north, freezing all in his path. He is indomitable, merciless and unstoppable.

Gift: Rebuke/Command Air Elementals as a cleric. May use this ability 3 times per day plus Cha modifier.
Taboo: Those who link themselves with the North Wind become severe and unyielding in their dealings with others. This imposes a penalty of –2 on all Cha-based skills except Intimidate.
0-level: Ray of Frost
1st-level: Endure Elements
2nd-level: Shatter
3rd-level: Sleet Storm
4th-level: Ice Storm
5th-level: Control Winds
6th-level: Cone of Cold
7th-level: Control Weather
8th-level: Whirlwind
9th-level: Elemental Swarm

Sacred Valley[edit]

The Valley has been sacred to your people for time out of mind. It holds the spirits of your ancestors, and was the birthplace of your people. The spirit of the valley protects it from incursion, and sometimes lends her strength to you.

Gift: +2 Wilderness Lore and Intuit Direction (the character always knows the way to the Valley and can use that as a compass)
Taboo: Must protect the valley from any sort of destruction, no matter how minor (logging, campfires, humanoid incursions, disease, etc.).
0-level: Cure Minor Wounds
1st-level: Entangle
2nd-level: Tree Shape
3rd-level: Meld Into Stone
4th-level: Reincarnate
5th-level: Commune with Nature
6th-level: Transport Via Plants
7th-level: Creeping Doom
8th-level: Repel Metal or Stone
9th-level: Shambler


Proud and forceful, the thunderbird commands storm and lightning.

Gift: +2 to Intimidation and Spellcraft
Taboo: Always speak in a loud and clear voice, never whisper.
0-level: Ghost Sound
1st-level: Shocking Grasp
2nd-level: Sound Burst
3rd-level: Call Lightning
4th-level: Shout
5th-level: Control Winds
6th-level: Chain Lightning
7th-level: Control Weather
8th-level: Greater Shout
9th-level: Storm of Vengeance