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===Using Skills===
===Using Skills===
"Miscellaneous modifiers" include armor check penalties and bonuses
provided by talents, feats, or equipment.
Some skills can't be used untrained. These skills are noted on Table 4-4:
Skills. If your character is not trained in these particular skills, you are not
allowed to make any kind of check with them.
A character begins play with a number of trained skills based on his or her
starting heroic class (Jedi, noble, scoundrel, scout, or soldier) and Intelligence
modifier. A character must choose his or her trained skills from a larger list
of class skills, as shown in Table 4-1: Trained Skills by Class.
For example, Rorworr (a 1st-level Wookiee scout) gets 5 trained skills
for being a scout. Since his Intelligence score is 12, he gets 1 additional
trained skill, for a total of 6 trained skills. These skills must be selected from
the scout's list of class skills. Rorworr selects Climb, Initiative, Mechanics,
Perception, Pilot, and Stealth as his trained skills.
When your character makes a skill check, roll 1d20 and add one-half your
character level + your key ability modifier + any miscellaneous modifiers +
5 (if the character is trained in the skill). Success depends on the difficulty
of the task at hand.
Example: Rorworr, a 1st-level Wookiee scout with an Intelligence of 12,
tries to open the lock on an Imperial detention cell to free an imprisoned
Rebel operative. First he attempts a Mechanics check. Rorworr is trained in
the skill, so he can attempt the check (Mechanics skill checks cannot be made
untrained). He rolls 1d20 and adds one-half his level (+0), his Intelligence
modifier (+1), and his trained skill bonus (+5). He gets a 13. Unfortunately,
the GM knows that the lock on the cell door as a DC of 15. Having failed his
check and pressed for time, Rorworr shoots the lock with his blaster.
Since a character's skill modifiers are based on character level, they automatically
increase as the character gains levels. When a character reaches 2nd
level, all of his skill modifiers-in both trained and untrained skills-increase
by 1. A character's skill modifiers can also be increased by other means.
When you use a skill, you make a skill check to see how well you do. The higher
the result on your skill check, the better you do. Based on the circumstances,
your result must equal or exceed a particular number (a DC or the result of
an opposed skill check) for you to use the skill successfully. The harder the
task, the higher the number you need to roll.
Circumstances can affect your check. If you're free to work without
distractions, you can make a careful attempt and avoid simple mistakes. If
you have lots of time, you can try over and over again, assuring that you
eventually succeed. If others help you, you may succeed where otherwise
you would fail.
Some skill checks are opposed checks. They are made against a randomized
number, usually another character's skill check result. For example, to sneak
up on a guard, you need to beat the guard's Perception check result with your
Stealth check result. You make a Stealth check, and the GM makes a Perception
check for the guard. Whoever scores the higher result wins the contest.
For ties on opposed checks, the character with the higher skill modifier
wins. For instance, if a Stealth check opposed by a Perception check results in
a tie, the sneaker's Stealth check modifier would be compared to the noticer's
Perception check modifier. If those scores are the same, roll again.
Some checks are made against a Difficulty Class (DC). The DC is a number
set by the GM (using the skill rules as a guideline) that you must score as a
result on your skill check to succeed. For example, climbing the outer wall
of a ruined warehouse may have a DC of 15. To climb the wall, you must get
a result of 15 or better on a Climb check.
Some skills can be used only if you are trained in the skill. If you don't have
Use the Force, for example, regardless of your class, ability scores, and experience
level, you just don't know enough about using the Force to attempt
to manipulate it consciously. Skills that can't be used untrained are marked
with a "No" in the "Untrained" column on Table 4-2: Skills.
In general, you can try a skill check again if you fail, and you can keep trying
indefinitely. Many skills, however, have natural consequences for failing that
must be accounted for. Some skills can't be tried again once a check has
failed for a particular task. For most skills, when a character has succeeded
at a given task, additional successes are meaningless.
For example, if Deel Surool misses a Mechanics check to open a mechanical
lock, he can try again and keep trying. If, however, an alarm sounds
when the Mechanics check is missed by 5 or more, then failing has its own
Similarly, if Rorworr misses a Climb check, he can keep trying, but if he
misses by 5 or more, he falls (after which he can get up and try again if the
fall wasn't too far or too painful).
If a skill carries no penalty for failure, you can take 20 and assume that
you keep trying until you eventually succeed (see Checks without Rolls,
page 60).
Some species traits, talents, and other special abilities allow you to reroll a
skill check. You must declare that you are using this option immediately after
making the check but before any effects are resolved. Furthermore, you must
accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse. For all purposes, the result
of the reroll is treated as the real result of your skill check.
Keeping the Better Result: Some species traits, talents, and other special
abilities are more flexible, allowing you to reroll but keep the better of the
two results. In most cases, this is more restricted and only available a limited
number of times per day (such as the Knack talent, page 46) or requires you
to spend a Force Point (such as the Force Power Adept talent, page 214). As
always, you must declare that you are using this option immediately after
making the check but before any effects are resolved.
Multiple Rerolls: Sometimes you have more than one species trait, talent,
or other special ability that allows you to reroll the same skill check. In this
case, you may choose to take each reroll one at a time in whatever order you
wish, resolving each one before deciding whether to use another.
For example, a Cerean scoundrel makes an Initiative check. Dissatisfied with
the result, he decides to use the Cerean species trait that allows him to reroll his
Initiative check, keeping the new result. Unfortunately, the second roll is even
worse, so he decides to use the Knack talent (page 46) to reroll one more time,
this time keeping the better of the second and third rolls. Alternatively, he could
have opted to use Knack first, keeping the better of the first and second rolls,
and then (if necessary) use his Cerean species trait to roll a third time, keeping
the third result instead of the better of the first two.
Som6situations may make a skill easier or harder to use, resulting in a bonus
or penalty to the skill modifier for the skill check, or a change to the skill
check's DC. It's one thing for Kelko, a Rodian scout, to hunt down enough
food to eat while he's camping for the day on the forest moon of Endor,
using a Survival check. Foraging for food while crossing 100 kilometers of
Tatooine's Jundland Wastes is an entirely different matter.
The GM can alter the odds of success in four ways to take into account
exceptional circumstances:
• Give the skill user a +2 circumstance bonus to represent circumstances
that improve performance, such as having the perfect tool for the job,
getting help from another character (see Combining Skill Attempts,
page 61), or possessing unusually accurate information.
• Give the skill user a -2 circumstance penalty to represent circumstances
that hamper performance, such as being forced to use improvised tools
or possessing misleading information.
• Reduce the DC by 2 (or assign penalties to an opposed check) to represent
circumstances that make the task easier, such as having a friendly
audience or performing work that doesn't have to be perfect.
• Increase the DC by 2 (or add bonuses to an opposed check) to represent
circumstances that make the task harder, such as having a hostile audience
or performing work that must be flawless.
Circumstances that affect your ability to perform the skill change your
skill modifier. Circumstances that modify how well you have to perform the skill to succeed change the DC. A bonus on your skill modifier and a reduction
in the check's DC have the same result-they create a better chance that
you will succeed. But they represent different circumstances, and sometimes
that difference is important.
For example, Deel Surool the Twi'lek scoundrel wants to befriend a group
ofTrandoshan thugs drinking in a cantina. Before beginning his performance,
Deel listens to the Trandoshans so that he can judge their mood. Doing so
improves his chances of taking the right approach when introducing himself,
giving him a +2 bonus to the skill modifier for his Persuasion check. The Trandoshans
are in a good mood because they recently received a sizable payoff,
so the GM reduces the bonus they receive for an indifferent attitude to +0.
(Deel's attempt at diplomacy isn't better just because the Trandoshans are in
a good mood, so he does not get a bonus to add into his skill modifier.)
However, the leader of the gang, a Human bounty hunter, has been unable
to locate the Wookiee he's tracking, and he's suspicious of Deel. (Didn't the
datafile suggest the Wookiee was often seen in the company of a Twi'lek?)
He gains a +2 bonus to his Will Defense to resist being persuaded (in addition
to the normal +2 for being indifferent).
Deel rolls a 6 and adds +8 for his skill modifier (including +2 for his
impromptu research). His result is 14. The Trandoshans have a Will Defense
of 13, so Deel's skill check result is high enough to shift their attitudes to
friendly, but not their leader (Will Defense 16). The Trandoshans applaud Deel
Surool and offer to buy him drinks, but their leader eyes him suspiciously.
A skill's description tells you whether using a skill is a standard action, a
move action, a swift action, a full-round action, or a free action. Some skills
can take minutes or hours to use.
In general, using a skill that requires concentration (and thus distracts you
from being fully aware of what's going on around you) provokes an attack of
opportunity from an opponent if you are within that opponent's threatened
area when you attempt the skill check. See Attacks of Opportunity, page
155, for more information.
A skill check represents an attempt to accomplish some goal, usually in the
face of some sort of time pressure or distraction. Sometimes, though, you
can use a skill under more favorable circumstances and eliminate the luck
When you're not in a rush and not being threatened or distracted, you may
choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate your
result as if you had rolled a 10 (an average roll on a d20). For many relatively
routine tasks, taking 10 results in a success.
Distractions, threats, and danger make it impossible for a character to
take 10. You also can't take 10 when using a skill untrained, though the GM
may allow exceptions for truly routine activities.
Example: Rorworr the Wookiee has a Climb skill modifier of + 10. The
steep, rocky slope he's climbing has a DC of 15. With a little care, he can take
10 and succeed automatically. But partway up the slope, a bounty hunter
begins taking blaster shots at him from up above. Rorworr needs to make a
Climb check to reach the bounty hunter, and this time he can't take 10. He
must make the skill check normally while under attack.
When you have plenty of time (generally 2 minutes for a skill that can normally
be checked in 1 round), and when the skill being attempted carries no
penalty for failure, you can take 20. Taking 20 represents making multiple
rolls, assuming that eventually you will roll a 20. Instead of rolling 1d20 for
the skill check, calculate the result as if you had rolled a 20. Taking 20 means
you keep trying until you get it right. Taking 20 takes twenty times as long
as making a single check.
Example: Rorworr comes to a cliff face. He takes 10 to make the climb,
for a result of 20 (10 plus his +10 skill modifier). However, the DC is 23, and
the GM tells him that he fails to make progress up the cliff. (His check result
is at least high enough that he doesn't faiL) Rorworr can't take 20 because
there is a penalty associated with failure (falling, in this case).
Later Rorworr finds a small bunker in the cliffside and searches it. The
GM not~s in the Perception skill description that each 1-square area takes
a full-round action to search (and she secretly assigns a DC of 15 to the
attempt). She estimates that the floors, walls, and ceiling of the bunker mak~
up about twenty squares (about 45 square meters), so she tells Rorworr's
player that it takes 2 minutes to search the whole bunker. Rorworr rolls 1d20
and adds his +5 skill modifier. The result of " fails. Now Rorworr declares
that he is going to search the bunker high and low, for as long as it takes.
The GM takes the original time of 2 minutes and multiplies it by 20, for 40
minutes. That's how long it takes Rorworr to search the whole bunker in
exacting detail. Now Rorworr's player treats his roll as if it were 20, for a
result of 25. That's more than enough to beat the DC of 15, and Rorworr
finds a datapad discarded in a waste disposal unit.
When more than one character tries the same skill at the same time and for
the same purpose, their efforts may overlap.
Often, several characters attempt some action, and each succeeds or fails
on his or her own.
For example, Rorworr and each of his companions need to climb a slope
to get to the top. Regardless of Rorworr's result, the other characters need
successful checks, too. Every character makes a skill check.
Sometimes the individual heroes react to the same circumstance, and they
can work together to help each other out. In this case, one hero is considered
the leader of the effort and makes a skill check while each helper makes a
skill check against DC 10. (You can't take 10 on this check.) For each helper
who succeeds, the leader gets a +2 circumstance bonus (as per the rule for
favorable circumstances). In many cases, a character's help won't be beneficial,
or only a limited number of characters can help at the same time. The
GM limits cooperation as she sees fit for the circumstances.
For instance, if Kelko has been badly wounded, Vor'en Kurn can try a Treat
Injury check to keep him from dying. One other character can help Vor'en. If
the other hero makes a Treat Injury check against DC 10, then Vor'en gets a
+2 bonus on the Treat Injury check he makes to help Kelko. The GM rules that
two characters can't help Vor'en at the same time because a third person
would just get in the way.
Cooperation may not require all the characters to make the same skill
check. If Kelko and Deel Surool try to find information about an illegal business
on a Hutt's data pad, only one can make a Use Computer check. While
Kelko is actually checking the data pad, Deel Surool realizes his Knowledge
(business) may be able to give hints on what to look for. Surool can make
a DC 10 Knowledge (business) check to give Kelko a +2 bonus to his Use
Computer check.
Sometimes you try to do something to which no specific skill applies. In
these cases, you make an ability check: Roll ld20 and apply the appropriate
ability modifier. The GM assigns a DC, or sets up an opposed check when
two characters are engaged in a contest using one ability against another.
The character who rolls highest acts first.
In some cases, a test of one's ability doesn't involve luck. Just as you
wouldn't make a height check to see who is taller, you don't make a Strength
check to see who is stronger. When two characters arm wrestle, for example,
the stronger character simply wins. In the case of identical scores, then make
opposed Strength checks.
Forcing open a jammed or locked door
Tying a rope
Holding one's breath
Navigating a maze
Remembering to lock a door
Getting yourself noticed in a crowd
==Skill Descriptions==
==Skill Descriptions==
This section describes each skill, including common uses and typical modifiers.
Characters can sometimes use skills for other purposes than those listed
here. For example, you might be able to impress the members of a starfighter
squadron by making a Pilot check.
Here is the format for skill descriptions. Headings that do not apply to a
particular skill are omitted in that skill's description.
Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty
The skill name line and the line beneath it include the following information.
Key Ability: The abbreviation for the ability whose modifier applies to
the skill check.
Trained Only: If "Trained Only" appears on the line beneath the skill name,
you must be trained in that skill to use it. If "Trained Only" is omitted, the
skill can be used untrained except for some uses. If any special notes apply
to trained or untrained use, they are covered in the Special section.
Armor Check Penalty: If "Armor Check Penalty" appears on the line
beneath the skill name, a character takes a penalty on skill checks made with
this skill if he's wearing armor with which he is not proficient. The size of the
armor check penalty depends on the type of armor: light, -2; medium, -5; or
heavy, -10. For example, Rorworr the Wookiee scout is proficient with light
armor only. If he attempts to swim in medium armor, he takes a -5 armor
check penalty on his Swim check.
Retry: Any circumstances that apply to successive attempts to use
the skill successfully. If this paragraph is omitted, the skill check can
be tried again without any inherent penalty other than consuming
additional time.
Special: Any special notes that apply, such as rules regarding untrained
use and whether or not you can take 10 or take 20 when using the skill.
Time: How much time it takes to make a check with this skill, if that
information hasn't already been covered elsewhere.
===Physical Skills===
===Physical Skills===

Revision as of 04:16, 8 March 2012

Skills Summary

Trained skills vs. untrained skills

Using Skills

"Miscellaneous modifiers" include armor check penalties and bonuses provided by talents, feats, or equipment. Some skills can't be used untrained. These skills are noted on Table 4-4: Skills. If your character is not trained in these particular skills, you are not allowed to make any kind of check with them.

How Do SKIL..L..S WORK? A character begins play with a number of trained skills based on his or her starting heroic class (Jedi, noble, scoundrel, scout, or soldier) and Intelligence modifier. A character must choose his or her trained skills from a larger list of class skills, as shown in Table 4-1: Trained Skills by Class. For example, Rorworr (a 1st-level Wookiee scout) gets 5 trained skills for being a scout. Since his Intelligence score is 12, he gets 1 additional trained skill, for a total of 6 trained skills. These skills must be selected from the scout's list of class skills. Rorworr selects Climb, Initiative, Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, and Stealth as his trained skills.

MAKINO SKIL.L. CHECKS When your character makes a skill check, roll 1d20 and add one-half your character level + your key ability modifier + any miscellaneous modifiers + 5 (if the character is trained in the skill). Success depends on the difficulty of the task at hand. Example: Rorworr, a 1st-level Wookiee scout with an Intelligence of 12, tries to open the lock on an Imperial detention cell to free an imprisoned Rebel operative. First he attempts a Mechanics check. Rorworr is trained in the skill, so he can attempt the check (Mechanics skill checks cannot be made untrained). He rolls 1d20 and adds one-half his level (+0), his Intelligence modifier (+1), and his trained skill bonus (+5). He gets a 13. Unfortunately, the GM knows that the lock on the cell door as a DC of 15. Having failed his check and pressed for time, Rorworr shoots the lock with his blaster.

ADVANCINO SKILLS Since a character's skill modifiers are based on character level, they automatically increase as the character gains levels. When a character reaches 2nd level, all of his skill modifiers-in both trained and untrained skills-increase by 1. A character's skill modifiers can also be increased by other means.

TYPES OF SKILL CHECKS When you use a skill, you make a skill check to see how well you do. The higher the result on your skill check, the better you do. Based on the circumstances, your result must equal or exceed a particular number (a DC or the result of an opposed skill check) for you to use the skill successfully. The harder the task, the higher the number you need to roll. Circumstances can affect your check. If you're free to work without distractions, you can make a careful attempt and avoid simple mistakes. If you have lots of time, you can try over and over again, assuring that you eventually succeed. If others help you, you may succeed where otherwise you would fail.

OPPOSED CHECK Some skill checks are opposed checks. They are made against a randomized number, usually another character's skill check result. For example, to sneak up on a guard, you need to beat the guard's Perception check result with your Stealth check result. You make a Stealth check, and the GM makes a Perception check for the guard. Whoever scores the higher result wins the contest. For ties on opposed checks, the character with the higher skill modifier wins. For instance, if a Stealth check opposed by a Perception check results in a tie, the sneaker's Stealth check modifier would be compared to the noticer's Perception check modifier. If those scores are the same, roll again.

CHECK AOAINST A DIFFICULTV CLASS (DC) Some checks are made against a Difficulty Class (DC). The DC is a number set by the GM (using the skill rules as a guideline) that you must score as a result on your skill check to succeed. For example, climbing the outer wall of a ruined warehouse may have a DC of 15. To climb the wall, you must get a result of 15 or better on a Climb check. UNTRAINED CHECKS Some skills can be used only if you are trained in the skill. If you don't have Use the Force, for example, regardless of your class, ability scores, and experience level, you just don't know enough about using the Force to attempt to manipulate it consciously. Skills that can't be used untrained are marked with a "No" in the "Untrained" column on Table 4-2: Skills.

TRYINO AOAIN In general, you can try a skill check again if you fail, and you can keep trying indefinitely. Many skills, however, have natural consequences for failing that must be accounted for. Some skills can't be tried again once a check has failed for a particular task. For most skills, when a character has succeeded at a given task, additional successes are meaningless. For example, if Deel Surool misses a Mechanics check to open a mechanical lock, he can try again and keep trying. If, however, an alarm sounds when the Mechanics check is missed by 5 or more, then failing has its own penalty. Similarly, if Rorworr misses a Climb check, he can keep trying, but if he misses by 5 or more, he falls (after which he can get up and try again if the fall wasn't too far or too painful). If a skill carries no penalty for failure, you can take 20 and assume that you keep trying until you eventually succeed (see Checks without Rolls, page 60).

REROLLINO Some species traits, talents, and other special abilities allow you to reroll a skill check. You must declare that you are using this option immediately after making the check but before any effects are resolved. Furthermore, you must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is worse. For all purposes, the result of the reroll is treated as the real result of your skill check. Keeping the Better Result: Some species traits, talents, and other special abilities are more flexible, allowing you to reroll but keep the better of the two results. In most cases, this is more restricted and only available a limited number of times per day (such as the Knack talent, page 46) or requires you to spend a Force Point (such as the Force Power Adept talent, page 214). As always, you must declare that you are using this option immediately after making the check but before any effects are resolved. Multiple Rerolls: Sometimes you have more than one species trait, talent, or other special ability that allows you to reroll the same skill check. In this case, you may choose to take each reroll one at a time in whatever order you wish, resolving each one before deciding whether to use another. For example, a Cerean scoundrel makes an Initiative check. Dissatisfied with the result, he decides to use the Cerean species trait that allows him to reroll his Initiative check, keeping the new result. Unfortunately, the second roll is even worse, so he decides to use the Knack talent (page 46) to reroll one more time, this time keeping the better of the second and third rolls. Alternatively, he could have opted to use Knack first, keeping the better of the first and second rolls, and then (if necessary) use his Cerean species trait to roll a third time, keeping the third result instead of the better of the first two. FAVORABLE AND UNFAVORABLE

CIRCUMSTANCES Som6situations may make a skill easier or harder to use, resulting in a bonus or penalty to the skill modifier for the skill check, or a change to the skill check's DC. It's one thing for Kelko, a Rodian scout, to hunt down enough food to eat while he's camping for the day on the forest moon of Endor, using a Survival check. Foraging for food while crossing 100 kilometers of Tatooine's Jundland Wastes is an entirely different matter. The GM can alter the odds of success in four ways to take into account exceptional circumstances: • Give the skill user a +2 circumstance bonus to represent circumstances that improve performance, such as having the perfect tool for the job, getting help from another character (see Combining Skill Attempts, page 61), or possessing unusually accurate information. • Give the skill user a -2 circumstance penalty to represent circumstances that hamper performance, such as being forced to use improvised tools or possessing misleading information. • Reduce the DC by 2 (or assign penalties to an opposed check) to represent circumstances that make the task easier, such as having a friendly audience or performing work that doesn't have to be perfect. • Increase the DC by 2 (or add bonuses to an opposed check) to represent circumstances that make the task harder, such as having a hostile audience or performing work that must be flawless. Circumstances that affect your ability to perform the skill change your skill modifier. Circumstances that modify how well you have to perform the skill to succeed change the DC. A bonus on your skill modifier and a reduction in the check's DC have the same result-they create a better chance that you will succeed. But they represent different circumstances, and sometimes that difference is important. For example, Deel Surool the Twi'lek scoundrel wants to befriend a group ofTrandoshan thugs drinking in a cantina. Before beginning his performance, Deel listens to the Trandoshans so that he can judge their mood. Doing so improves his chances of taking the right approach when introducing himself, giving him a +2 bonus to the skill modifier for his Persuasion check. The Trandoshans are in a good mood because they recently received a sizable payoff, so the GM reduces the bonus they receive for an indifferent attitude to +0. (Deel's attempt at diplomacy isn't better just because the Trandoshans are in a good mood, so he does not get a bonus to add into his skill modifier.) However, the leader of the gang, a Human bounty hunter, has been unable to locate the Wookiee he's tracking, and he's suspicious of Deel. (Didn't the datafile suggest the Wookiee was often seen in the company of a Twi'lek?) He gains a +2 bonus to his Will Defense to resist being persuaded (in addition to the normal +2 for being indifferent). Deel rolls a 6 and adds +8 for his skill modifier (including +2 for his impromptu research). His result is 14. The Trandoshans have a Will Defense of 13, so Deel's skill check result is high enough to shift their attitudes to friendly, but not their leader (Will Defense 16). The Trandoshans applaud Deel Surool and offer to buy him drinks, but their leader eyes him suspiciously. TIME AND

SKILL CHECKS A skill's description tells you whether using a skill is a standard action, a move action, a swift action, a full-round action, or a free action. Some skills can take minutes or hours to use. In general, using a skill that requires concentration (and thus distracts you from being fully aware of what's going on around you) provokes an attack of opportunity from an opponent if you are within that opponent's threatened area when you attempt the skill check. See Attacks of Opportunity, page 155, for more information.

CHECKS WITHOUT ROLLS A skill check represents an attempt to accomplish some goal, usually in the face of some sort of time pressure or distraction. Sometimes, though, you can use a skill under more favorable circumstances and eliminate the luck factor.

TAKINO 10 When you're not in a rush and not being threatened or distracted, you may choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate your result as if you had rolled a 10 (an average roll on a d20). For many relatively routine tasks, taking 10 results in a success. Distractions, threats, and danger make it impossible for a character to take 10. You also can't take 10 when using a skill untrained, though the GM may allow exceptions for truly routine activities. Example: Rorworr the Wookiee has a Climb skill modifier of + 10. The steep, rocky slope he's climbing has a DC of 15. With a little care, he can take 10 and succeed automatically. But partway up the slope, a bounty hunter begins taking blaster shots at him from up above. Rorworr needs to make a Climb check to reach the bounty hunter, and this time he can't take 10. He must make the skill check normally while under attack.

TAKINO 20 When you have plenty of time (generally 2 minutes for a skill that can normally be checked in 1 round), and when the skill being attempted carries no penalty for failure, you can take 20. Taking 20 represents making multiple rolls, assuming that eventually you will roll a 20. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate the result as if you had rolled a 20. Taking 20 means you keep trying until you get it right. Taking 20 takes twenty times as long as making a single check. Example: Rorworr comes to a cliff face. He takes 10 to make the climb, for a result of 20 (10 plus his +10 skill modifier). However, the DC is 23, and the GM tells him that he fails to make progress up the cliff. (His check result is at least high enough that he doesn't faiL) Rorworr can't take 20 because there is a penalty associated with failure (falling, in this case). Later Rorworr finds a small bunker in the cliffside and searches it. The GM not~s in the Perception skill description that each 1-square area takes a full-round action to search (and she secretly assigns a DC of 15 to the attempt). She estimates that the floors, walls, and ceiling of the bunker mak~ up about twenty squares (about 45 square meters), so she tells Rorworr's player that it takes 2 minutes to search the whole bunker. Rorworr rolls 1d20 and adds his +5 skill modifier. The result of " fails. Now Rorworr declares that he is going to search the bunker high and low, for as long as it takes. The GM takes the original time of 2 minutes and multiplies it by 20, for 40 minutes. That's how long it takes Rorworr to search the whole bunker in exacting detail. Now Rorworr's player treats his roll as if it were 20, for a result of 25. That's more than enough to beat the DC of 15, and Rorworr finds a datapad discarded in a waste disposal unit.

COMBININO SKILL ATTEMPTS When more than one character tries the same skill at the same time and for the same purpose, their efforts may overlap.

INDIVIDUAL EVENTS Often, several characters attempt some action, and each succeeds or fails on his or her own. For example, Rorworr and each of his companions need to climb a slope to get to the top. Regardless of Rorworr's result, the other characters need successful checks, too. Every character makes a skill check.

COOPERATION Sometimes the individual heroes react to the same circumstance, and they can work together to help each other out. In this case, one hero is considered the leader of the effort and makes a skill check while each helper makes a skill check against DC 10. (You can't take 10 on this check.) For each helper who succeeds, the leader gets a +2 circumstance bonus (as per the rule for favorable circumstances). In many cases, a character's help won't be beneficial, or only a limited number of characters can help at the same time. The GM limits cooperation as she sees fit for the circumstances. For instance, if Kelko has been badly wounded, Vor'en Kurn can try a Treat Injury check to keep him from dying. One other character can help Vor'en. If the other hero makes a Treat Injury check against DC 10, then Vor'en gets a +2 bonus on the Treat Injury check he makes to help Kelko. The GM rules that two characters can't help Vor'en at the same time because a third person would just get in the way. Cooperation may not require all the characters to make the same skill check. If Kelko and Deel Surool try to find information about an illegal business on a Hutt's data pad, only one can make a Use Computer check. While Kelko is actually checking the data pad, Deel Surool realizes his Knowledge (business) may be able to give hints on what to look for. Surool can make a DC 10 Knowledge (business) check to give Kelko a +2 bonus to his Use Computer check.

ASIL.ITY CHECKS Sometimes you try to do something to which no specific skill applies. In these cases, you make an ability check: Roll ld20 and apply the appropriate ability modifier. The GM assigns a DC, or sets up an opposed check when two characters are engaged in a contest using one ability against another. The character who rolls highest acts first. In some cases, a test of one's ability doesn't involve luck. Just as you wouldn't make a height check to see who is taller, you don't make a Strength check to see who is stronger. When two characters arm wrestle, for example, the stronger character simply wins. In the case of identical scores, then make opposed Strength checks.

EXAMPLE ABILITY CHECK Forcing open a jammed or locked door Tying a rope Holding one's breath Navigating a maze Remembering to lock a door Getting yourself noticed in a crowd

KEY ABILITY Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma

Skill Descriptions

This section describes each skill, including common uses and typical modifiers. Characters can sometimes use skills for other purposes than those listed here. For example, you might be able to impress the members of a starfighter squadron by making a Pilot check. Here is the format for skill descriptions. Headings that do not apply to a particular skill are omitted in that skill's description. SKILL NAME (KEY ABILITY) Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty The skill name line and the line beneath it include the following information. Key Ability: The abbreviation for the ability whose modifier applies to the skill check. Trained Only: If "Trained Only" appears on the line beneath the skill name, you must be trained in that skill to use it. If "Trained Only" is omitted, the skill can be used untrained except for some uses. If any special notes apply to trained or untrained use, they are covered in the Special section. Armor Check Penalty: If "Armor Check Penalty" appears on the line beneath the skill name, a character takes a penalty on skill checks made with this skill if he's wearing armor with which he is not proficient. The size of the armor check penalty depends on the type of armor: light, -2; medium, -5; or heavy, -10. For example, Rorworr the Wookiee scout is proficient with light armor only. If he attempts to swim in medium armor, he takes a -5 armor check penalty on his Swim check. Retry: Any circumstances that apply to successive attempts to use the skill successfully. If this paragraph is omitted, the skill check can be tried again without any inherent penalty other than consuming additional time. Special: Any special notes that apply, such as rules regarding untrained use and whether or not you can take 10 or take 20 when using the skill. Time: How much time it takes to make a check with this skill, if that information hasn't already been covered elsewhere.

Physical Skills

  • Acrobatics (Dex)
  • Climb (Str)
  • Concentration (Con)
  • Drive (Dex)
  • Endurance (Con)
  • Fly (Dex)
  • Initiative (Dex)
  • Jump (Str)
  • Melee (Str)
  • Stealth (Dex)
  • Swim (Str)

Mental Skills

Appraise (Int)

Craft (Int)

for instance Alchemy, Architecture, Artwork, Cooking, Mechanics, Tailoring, ...

  • Drafting Designs

In order to build any kind of ponymade object, anypony needs to have a plan first. The crafter must determine all of the necessary functions components for the device he wishes to construct and draft or purchase the necessary sketches and diagrams. Designs are needed for each object of moderate or higher complexity to be crafted, as well as for the assembly of the finished project.

To draft a proper set of design, the character must first decide what the function or functions of the item will be. Once she has determined everything that she wants the item to do, she can break it down into component parts. Each object requires a certain amount of units of appropriate crafting material (see Table: Crafting Materials) depending on its object type, size category and complexity.

For instance a Unicorn tailor wanted to create a medium-sized +1 adequate gala-garment. So, she needs a medium sized garment (or has to create one from 2 units of fabric), add one unit of Rainbow Color to create the +1 equipment bonus, and one unit of Flowers, Gemstones, Seafruit or Stardust for the +2 adequate Social Rating bonus to set the finish. In addition, she needs to know how much the components cost and how they affect the difficulty of creating the item.

Designs are drafted by making a Knowledge roll associated to the appropriate Craft skill (see Craft Tables below). The base DC to draft a Design is 10 modified by the scope and the complexity of the object (see Project Scope and Complexity).

  • Table: Crafting Materials
ElementMaterialValue DCMaterialValue DCMaterialValue DC
StarsGlass Stardust Metal (Powders)
SkyClouds Air (Gases) Rainbow (Colors)
MountainsStones Coal Gemstone (Powders)
EarthWood Fruit Flowers
SeaCoral Water (Liquids) Seafruit
Unity(Meat) Animal Products Fabric, Feathers, Fur
  • Table: Project Scope and Complexity
1 (1/4)
Project ScopeDCMaterial UnitsRoll intervallProject ComplexityDCRoll intervall
Fine+201 (1/8)0,5 day
Diminutive+15 0,5 day
Tiny+101 (1/2)0,5 dayVery Simple-10one quarter
Small+510,5 daySimple-5half
Medium+020,5 dayModerate+0full
Large+541 dayComplex+5double
Huge+10163 daysVery Complex+10double
Gargantuan+15641 weekArcane+15tripple
Colossal I+202561 month
Colossal II+2510244 months
Colossal III+3040961 year
  • Craft [Alchemy]
    • Associated Knowledge [Herbology]
    • Associated Projects
      • Brews (Tiny, Arcane)
      • Alchemical Constructs (Tiny to Huge, Very Complex or Arcane)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Stardust, Metal Powders
      • (Sky) Gases, Rainbow Colors
      • (Mountain) Gemstone Powders
      • (Earth) Flowers, Fruit
      • (Sea) Water, Liquids
      • (Unity) Animal Products
  • Craft [Architecture]
    • Associated Knowledge [Geometry]
    • Associated Projects
      • Buildings (Large to Colossal III, Moderate to Complex)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Metal, Glass
      • (Sky) Clouds, Rainbow Colors
      • (Mountain) Stones
      • (Earth) Wood
      • (Sea) Coral
      • (Unity) Fabric
  • Craft [Artwork]
    • Associated Knowledge [Art]
    • Associated Projects
      • Artwork (Tiny to Huge, Simple to Complex)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Stardust, Metal, Glass
      • (Sky) Clouds, Rainbow Colors
      • (Mountain) Stone, Gemstones
      • (Earth) Wood, Flowers
      • (Sea) Coral, Seafruit
      • (Unity) Fabric
  • Craft [Cooking]
    • Associated Knowledge [Cuisine]
    • Associated Projects
      • Food (Fine to Small, Simple to Complex)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Stardust
      • (Sky) Rainbow (also Colors)
      • (Mountain) Gemstone (often Powders as spices)
      • (Earth) Fruits, Flowers
      • (Sea) Liquids, Seafruit
      • (Unity) Animal Products
  • Craft [Mechanics]
    • Associated Knowledge [Engineering]
    • Associated Projects
      • Devices (Fine to Large, Very Simple to Arcane)
      • Vehicles (Large to Colossal I, Moderate to Arcane)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Metal, Glass
      • (Sky) Gases, Rainbow Color
      • (Mountain) Gemstones, Coal
      • (Earth) Fabric, Wood
      • (Sea) Liquids
      • (Unity) Fabric
  • Craft [Tailoring]
    • Associated Knowledge [Fashion]
    • Associated Projects
      • Garments (Tiny to Huge, Very Simple to Very Complex)
    • Associated Materials
      • (Stars) Metal
      • (Sky) Rainbow Colors
      • (Mountain) Gemstones
      • (Earth) Flowers
      • (Sea) Seafruit
      • (Unity) Fabric
  • Table: Enhancement/Enchantment Effects
Alchemic Construct Traits
Enhanced AbilityOne of the construct's attribute scores increases by 4.
Enhanced AdequacyIncreases the construct’s maximum Social Access Rating by 2
Enhanced ConfidenceIncreases the construct’s armor bonus to Will Defense by 1.
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the construct’s damage reduction by 1.
Enhanced FortificationIncreases the construct’s equipment bonus to Fortitude Defense by 1.
Enhanced MobilityIncrease the construct’s speed by 1 square.
Enhanced ProtectionIncreases the construct’s armor bonus to Reflex Defense by 1.
Enhanced StructureIncrease the construct's structure by one dice.
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the construct.
Architecture Ehancements
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the edifice's damage reduction by 1
Enhanced StructureThe edifice gains extra structure equal to one-quarter of its base structure.
Enchanted FunctionalitySkill checks made in or on the edifice gain a +2 equipment bonus, or the edifice's existing equipment bonus increases by 2.
Enhanced AdequacyIncreases the edifice's maximum Social Access Rating by 2
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the edifice.
Artwork Enhancements
Enhanced AdequacyIncreases the artwork's maximum Social Access Rating by 2
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the artwork's damage reduction by 1
Enhanced StructureThe artwork gains extra structure equal to one-quarter of its base structure.
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the artwork.
Device Enchantments
Enhanced AccuracyThe device gains a +1 enchantment bonus on attack rolls.
Enhanced StrengthIncrease the device's Strength score by 2.
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the device's damage reduction by 1
Enchanted DeviceSkill checks made using the device gain a +2 equipment bonus, or the device's existing equipment bonus increases by 2.
Enhanced DamageThe device deals +2 damage on a successful hit. This damaged is multiplied on a critical hit, as normal.
Enhanced RangeThe device's ranges all increase by 50%.
Enhanced RuggednessIncrease the device's break and disable DC by 5.
Enhanced StructureThe device gains extra structure equal to one-quarter of its base structure.
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the device.
Garment Enchantments
Enhanced AdequacyIncreases the garment's maximum Social Access Rating by 2
Enhanced AgilityIncreases the garment's maximum Dexterity bonus 1.
Enhanced AppearanceIncrease the garment's equipment bonus to social rating by 1.
Enhanced ConfidenceIncreases the garment's armor bonus to Will Defense by 1.
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the garment's damage reduction by 1.
Enhanced FortificationIncreases the garment's equipment bonus to Fortitude Defense by 1.
Enhanced MobilityReduces the penalty to speed by 1 square.
Enhanced ProtectionIncreases the garment's armor bonus to Reflex Defense by 1.
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the garment.
Vehicle Enchantments
Enhanced DurabilityIncrease the vehicle's damage reduction by 1.
Enhanced StructureThe vehicle gains extra structure equal to one-quarter of its base structure.
Enhanced ManeuverabilityIncreases the vehicle's Maneuverability score by 1.
Enchanced SpeedIncreases the vehicle's speed by one-quarter of its base speed (minimum 1 square).
Enchantment EffectImbues a magical effect of a Grade known to the enchanter into the vehicle.

Deception (Cha)

Gather Information (Cha)

Handle Animal (Cha)

Heal (Wis)

Knowledge (Int)

for instance Arcana, Creature Lore, Geography, History, Local, Nature, Pony Lore, Religion, ...

Perception (Wis)

Perform (Cha)

Persuasion (Cha)

Profession (Wis)

for instance Astrology, Clerk, Farmer, Gambler, Instructor, Miner, Teacher, Waitor, Weather Working, ...

Sense Motive (Wis)

Survival (Wis)

Use Magic (Int)