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** '''Lasso Mastery''' | ** '''Lasso Mastery''' | ||
− | === | + | ===Astrology=== |
− | * | + | * Profession [Astrology] |
+ | This advanced study topic bestows the ability to prepare horoscopes for people. Preparing horoscopes requires the ability to observe the night sky for at least one hour plus half an hour per horoscope subject, followed by another half-hour of paperwork per subject (calculations and so forth), typically carried out the following morning, then a DC 20 Knowledge (Astronomy) check for each subject (failures cannot be retried until the following night). If successful, a three-day horoscope for that person will be produced, starting on the morning after the observations were made. For each day of each person's horoscope, roll a d6: a 1 or 2 is an "inauspicious" result, a 3 or 4 is neutral, a 5 or 6 is an "auspicious" result. An inauspicious result confers a -2 Luck penalty on all saving throws and skill checks and a -1 Luck penalty on attack rolls, AC, Spell Resistance (if the character has it), opponent save DC's versus spells cast by that person, and caster level checks to overcome an opponent's Spell Resistance. An auspicious result has the opposite effect, bestowing equivalent Luck bonuses. Multiple successful horoscopes will always produce the same results per day for each subject. Typically, a party might use this information to take a day off on an inauspicious day for most of the party (if circumstances permit), or prepare extra protective spells on such a day, while embarking on risky ventures on a predominantly auspicious day. Specialist equipment is required (spyglass, sextant, star charts) and the astrologer must be familiar with the night sky of the world he/she is operating on: furthermore, the subject's date and place of birth must be known. The subject must be a native of that world, and cannot be a native outsider. The effect of an inauspicious horoscope cannot be avoided: characters should assume that the fluctuating effect of "good days" and "bad days" are normally smothered by the randomness of fate but would happen regardless. At the DM's discretion, an astrologer might also become aware of major imminent events such as natural disasters or the death of kings. | ||
− | * | + | * Occupation [Astrologer] |
+ | Primary Skill: Profession [Astrology] | ||
+ | Secondary Skills: Knowledge [Arcana/Astronomy], Use Magic | ||
+ | Capital: Medium | ||
+ | Resources: High | ||
+ | Risk: Low | ||
− | ** ''' | + | ** ''' ''': |
+ | |||
+ | ===Miner=== | ||
+ | |||
+ | * Profession [Miner]: Prospection - The first step of staking a claim is prospecting for a promising site. After a week of surveying a player makes a Profession [Miner] check to determine the scope of the find. | ||
+ | |||
+ | DC Claim | ||
+ | 20 Flash in a pan (Yield: Profession check x 1/2 Taps out: 2 months) | ||
+ | 25 A few nuggets (Yield: Profession check x 1 Taps out: 2 months) | ||
+ | 30 Decent (Yield: Profession check x 3 Taps out: 6 months) | ||
+ | 35 Bonanza! (Yield: Profession check x 5 Taps out: 1 year) | ||
+ | 40 El Dorado! (Yield: Profession check x 10 Taps out: 2 years) | ||
+ | |||
+ | Typically, a claim is ten to twenty acres in size. One week of work and Profession [Miner] DC 20 check is required to make the necessary preparations (diverting waterways, camp set up etc.). Thereafter, each week the Head Miner takes 10 on a Profession [Miner] check to determine the yield as indicated above. A crew of four is needed to properly work one claim. The Foreman takes a -2 penalty to his Profession check for each miner less than four. | ||
+ | |||
+ | * Granite Quarry (category:Small, Medium x 2, Large x 3, Huge x 4) | ||
+ | Extraction cost/ton: 312.5cp | ||
+ | Monthly supply: 76 tons | ||
+ | Workers: 5 | ||
+ | Monthly worker wage: 200cp | ||
+ | Granite@quarry(1 ton): 350cp | ||
+ | Monthly Quarry profit: 256gp | ||
+ | |||
+ | * Building in Stone | ||
+ | Building in stone, though long desired has been subject to a major limit. Stone must be quarries, transported, prepared. The amount of time required to quarry stone for a fortress can be substantialy greater than the time required to construct the fortress itself. This is why many plunder previous sites and build using cheaper methods. | ||
+ | |||
+ | Tower (1/4 acre) | 1 large tower (60' high x 80' x 80' base)=12,768 tons | 39,900gp | 17 years | ||
+ | Keep (1/4 acre) | As Tower + 1 small round tower (60' high x 50' diameter)= 18,500 ton | 57,813gp | 25 years | ||
+ | Castle (1 Acre) | As Tower + 4 small round towers (30'high x 50 diameter) + Stone Wall (600' long x 20' high x 10' wide)=31,069 ton | 97,136gp | 41 years | ||
+ | Huge Castle (3 acres) | 1 Large rectangle Keep (60' high x 160' long x 80' wide) + 6 Small Rnd Towers (30' high x 50' diameter) + Stone Wall (2670' long x 20' high x 10' wide)=83,310.8 ton | 229,403gp | 110 years | ||
+ | |||
+ | * Occupation [Miner] | ||
+ | Primary Skill: Profession (Miner) | ||
+ | Secondary Skills: Knowledge (Architecture/Engineering/Geology), Appraise | ||
+ | Capital: High | ||
+ | Resources: Medium | ||
+ | Risk: High | ||
+ | |||
+ | * Mining Hazzards | ||
+ | ** Cave-In | ||
+ | ** Flooding | ||
+ | ** Gas-Bubble | ||
+ | ** Lava Bubble | ||
+ | ** Diamond Dog Tunnel | ||
+ | ** Cave Monster | ||
+ | |||
+ | ** '''Find Treasure''' (Sp): A miner can use this ability n times/day. It allows him to detect precious metals and stones within a 20 ft' radius around him. The effect lasts an amount of rounds equal to his class level (max. 10 rounds) 1st Round- The presence is detected 2nd Round- The type of a single precious mineral is detected 3rd round and up- The location of all types in the vicinity is discovered. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ===Fisherman=== | ||
+ | |||
+ | * Profession [Fishing]: Fishing has to do with having the right bait, in the right spot, at the right time. You can resolve that with some die rolls to simulate that some times the fish are biting, some times they're not. A bite does not mean you got a fish, only that you have a chance to reel him in. | ||
+ | |||
+ | So, let's say the PC must wait N units of time until the next "bite", where N is deterimined by rolling 1d20. and the units of time might be rounds, minutes or hours (for slow spots) (perhaps 1d3 1=rounds, 2=minutes, 3=hours). | ||
+ | |||
+ | Now, you the GM need to know what's on the hook, they player won't really know until they pull him up. And the reeling is the real game. So, make yourself a big table of fish, and each one should have a roll to choose the size (because size matters). For each fish, it could be really small (young), or really big, or more likely, somewhere in between. | ||
+ | |||
+ | The size of the fish is what really determines how hard it is. Bigger fish fight harder, and are more likely to break the line. | ||
+ | |||
+ | So now, you know there's a bite, and what's on the line (more importantly, how big it is). | ||
+ | |||
+ | I recommend making it 3 stages (dice rolls/skill checks). The first is to set the hook. Probably the easiest stage make it the easy DC + size of fish modifier. Next, reeling it up. This is harder, so use a higher DC + size of fish modifier. Reeling in a fish in deep water takes awhile. Last, is getting it the last bit of distance and on the boat. This is the hardest. I found that the fish action is stronger, because the line distance and pole distance is so short. Similar formula, except a higher DC. | ||
+ | |||
+ | The size of fish modifier, is something you'll have to work out. Let's try 10, 12, 15 DC for the base DCs of the 3 stages (assuming that for small fish, a person can reasonably catch the fish). | ||
+ | |||
+ | Fine Fish: -5 DC | ||
+ | Diminutive Fish: +0 DC | ||
+ | Tiny Fish: +5 DC | ||
+ | Small Fish: +10 DC | ||
+ | Medium Fish: +15 DC | ||
===Priest=== | ===Priest=== | ||
** '''Clerical Investment''': You have been ordained by a church, cult, or simply the general consensus of your peers, as a holy personage, allowing you to perform the appropriate rites and receive deference from church members and acolytes. Depending on the cult, you can expect charity and respect – or possibly fear and obedience – from common folk as well. | ** '''Clerical Investment''': You have been ordained by a church, cult, or simply the general consensus of your peers, as a holy personage, allowing you to perform the appropriate rites and receive deference from church members and acolytes. Depending on the cult, you can expect charity and respect – or possibly fear and obedience – from common folk as well. | ||
+ | |||
** '''Divine Power''': When you spend a Harmony point in the service of your deity, you add your Charisma bonus to any rolls made that round. | ** '''Divine Power''': When you spend a Harmony point in the service of your deity, you add your Charisma bonus to any rolls made that round. | ||
+ | |||
** '''Divine Inspiration''' (Prerequisite: Divine Power, one talent from the Inspiration talent tree): Once per encounter, you double the effect of any use of a talent from the noble’s Inspiration talent tree. | ** '''Divine Inspiration''' (Prerequisite: Divine Power, one talent from the Inspiration talent tree): Once per encounter, you double the effect of any use of a talent from the noble’s Inspiration talent tree. | ||
+ | |||
** '''Healing Touch''' (Prerequisite: Divine Power): You may make Spellcraft checks in place of Heal checks to treat sick or injured characters. You may perform this ability as if you were trained in Heal, even if you are not. | ** '''Healing Touch''' (Prerequisite: Divine Power): You may make Spellcraft checks in place of Heal checks to treat sick or injured characters. You may perform this ability as if you were trained in Heal, even if you are not. | ||
+ | |||
** '''Sacrifice''' (Prerequisite: Knowledge [arcane] as a trained skill.): You know the rites and incantations to perform ritual sacrifices. (See Sacrifices in the magic section.) Note that sacrificing a living being other than yourself gives you three Discord points. | ** '''Sacrifice''' (Prerequisite: Knowledge [arcane] as a trained skill.): You know the rites and incantations to perform ritual sacrifices. (See Sacrifices in the magic section.) Note that sacrificing a living being other than yourself gives you three Discord points. | ||
− | + | ** '''Antithesis''' (Prerequisite: Conviction): The character’s Conviction toward one cause has led him to see a rival allegiance as that cause’s antithesis, something which must be wiped out at all costs. When acting against that allegiance (which must be approved by the GM), the character gains +2 to all attack and skill checks. When forced to deal with the antithetical allegiance, the character receives a –2 penalty to all Charisma-based skills. | |
− | + | ||
− | + | ** '''Bless''' (Prerequisite: Knowledge (Ritual) +3): The character calls on his Higher Power for protection. The character’s allies gain a morale bonus of +1 on their attack rolls and a morale bonus of +1 on saving throws against fear effects. This effect lasts for 1 minute per skill rank in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters who receive this Blessing and who have the Faith feat to a Higher Power receive double these bonuses, and the effects last for twice as long. | |
− | + | Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. | |
− | + | Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground, the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check. | |
− | ** | + | |
− | ** | + | ** '''Consecrate Ground''' (Prerequisite: Consecrate Item; Knowledge (Ritual) +8): |
− | ** | + | This Ritual allows a character to bless an area with the power of his faith. This Ritual requires a Knowledge (Ritual) skill check (DC 10 +1/10 square feet being consecrated) to perform successfully. A small area is consecrated, granting a +3 sacred bonus to all attempts to turn undead and to all Knowledge (Ritual) skill checks to perform Sacred Rituals made there. Undead in this area take a –1 penalty on attack, damage, and saving throws. This Ritual lasts 24 hours. Successive applications of this Ritual on the same ground have cumulative durations (2 days the second time, 3 days the third and so forth), so that through repeated worship and prayer the effect may become effectively permanent. Materials must be provided for this ritual as well, requiring the character to make a Wealth check (DC 10 +1/10 square feet being Consecrated) each time this ritual is performed. These materials will vary depending on the Higher Power to which the site is being consecrated, but they might include such things as incense, holy water, valuable objects, and so forth. |
− | : | + | Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. |
− | * | + | |
− | + | ** '''Consecrate Item''' (Prerequisite: Knowledge (Ritual) +5): This Ritual allows a character to specially prepare an item to fight evil. If used on a weapon, that weapon gains a +1 Enhancement bonus to hit. If the character wielding the weapon has the Faith feat, the weapon also does +2 damage vs. Fiends and Undead. These effects last one hour per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual) possessed by the person who performed the consecration. This Ritual may also be used to create holy water Each time this ritual is performed, it can make 1 Flask of Holy Water per 5 ranks in Ritual. | |
+ | Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ** '''Conviction''' (Prerequisite: One allegiance) | ||
+ | The character’s conviction (her allegiance) is so strong that she would do anything in support of it. When the character is acting in support of her allegiance, she gains a +2 to attack and skill checks. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ** '''Faith''' (Prerequisite: One allegiance to a Higher Power (almost always a religious or philosophical ideal)): The character’s faith serves to protect him in time of need. The character gains +1 to all Saving Throws. This Feat also serves to increase the power of Rituals on the character, and some FX Items are only usable (or have additional powers) for characters of Faith. | ||
+ | |||
+ | ** '''Investment''' (Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Higher or Dark Power; Knowledge (Theology) +5; Knowledge (Ritual) +5): The character is recognized as a leader of a religious order and is accorded special deference by those who believe. The character gains a +1 bonus to Charisma based skills when dealing with those who have an allegiance to a Higher or Dark Power (depending on which allegiance the character has). The character gains a +2 bonus to Charisma-based skills when dealing with those who have the Faith feat to a Higher or Dark Power. These bonuses stack with the +2 bonus the character normally receives. In addition, the character gains a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Theology) and Knowledge (Ritual) skill checks. | ||
− | + | ** '''Pentagram''' (Prerequisite: Knowledge (Arcane Lore) +5): The character draws a protective symbol to cage a Fiend or other servant of darkness. Successfully drawing a Pentagram requires a Knowledge (Arcane Lore) skill check (DC 20). A Fiend cannot pass over the lines of a properly drawn Pentagram. If the Pentagram is drawn around the creature (requiring it to be held in some way, either physically or magically), the creature is trapped. | |
− | + | Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Arcane Lore) skill when attempting this skill check. | |
− | The | ||
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− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | |||
− | + | ** '''Perdition's Prayer''' (Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Dark Power): The character calls on his Dark Power for protection. By calling on his Dark Power, the character and all allies (those with allegiance to the character’s Dark Power) within 30 ft. gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.Foes within 30 ft. suffer a –1 penalty on such rolls. This Ritual lasts 1 round per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters with the Faith feat gain double these bonuses for twice as long. | |
− | + | Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. | |
− | |||
− | * | ||
− | * | ||
− | |||
− | + | ** '''Prayer''' (Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Higher Power): The character calls on his Higher Power for protection. By calling on his Higher Power, the character and all allies (those with allegiance to a Higher Power) within 30 ft. gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. Foes within 30 ft. suffer a –1 penalty on such rolls. This Ritual lasts 1 round per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters with the Faith feat gain double these bonuses for twice as long. | |
+ | Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. | ||
+ | Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check. | ||
− | + | ** '''Profane Ritual''' (Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Dark Power or Higher Power): The character has delved into the mysteries. This feat allows the character to perform the following rituals at –4 (see Table: Knowledge (Ritual)). | |
+ | Special: A character with this feat takes a –8 penalty on his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check to perform any Sacred Ritual. | ||
− | * | + | ** '''Prophecy''' (Sacred Ritual) (Prerequisite: Faith, Knowledge (Ritual) +10): The character receives visions of things to come from his Higher Power. The character may ask the GM one question per week. The chance of a correct answer is equal to 50% plus 1% per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). These answers will generally be cryptic, but a skill check in Knowledge (Theology) with a DC of 20 will always at least reveal the general meaning. A character with this feat may also receive visions at the GM’s discretion, and these visions do not count against the once per week maximum this ritual normally carries. |
− | : | + | Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. |
+ | Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check. | ||
− | + | Table: Knowledge (Ritual) | |
+ | Ritual Knowledge DC Time to Perform | ||
+ | Simple (Marriage, Funeral) 10 1 Hour | ||
+ | Complex (Communion, Absolution) 15 1–6 Hours | ||
+ | Powerful (see below) | ||
+ | Sacred Ritual | ||
+ | Bless 15 Full Round | ||
+ | Consecrate Ground 10 +1/10 sq. feet 1 Hour | ||
+ | Consecrate Item 15 1 Hour | ||
+ | Prayer 15 Full Round | ||
+ | Prophecy 20 1 minute | ||
+ | Profane Ritual | ||
+ | Perdition’s Prayer 15 Full Round | ||
− | + | ===Master of Intrigue=== | |
− | + | {vielleicht was für Dark Ponies. chris} | |
+ | You are a skilled manipulator and have mastered the art of working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. Flash and spectacle are inferior tools, only suitable for those without your unique talents. | ||
− | * | + | * '''Master Manipulator''': You are a master of making things happen the way you want them to. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter as a swift action on your turn: |
+ | ** Demand Recovery: Select one ally within 5 squares and in your line of sight. That ally moves +5 steps on the condition track and gains a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks until the end of your next turn. | ||
+ | ** Exceptional Control: Roll a d20 and note the result. Once before the end of the encounter, as a reaction you can replace the result of any enemy's or ally's d20 roll with the result you rolled for this ability. The enemy or ally must be within your line of sight. | ||
+ | ** Word of Warning: Select one ally within 5 squares and in your line of sight. Once before the end of the encounter, as a reaction to that ally having any defense score targeted by a skill check or an attack, you can replace that ally's defense score with your same defense score until the attack or skill check is resolved. | ||
+ | :Prerequisite: Advanced Planning, Get into Position. | ||
− | * | + | * '''Retaliation''' (Prerequisite: Advanced Planning): Whenever you move down the condition track as a result of taking damage that equals or exceeds your damage threshold, the next time you hit and damage a creature with a melee or a ranged attack before the end of your next turn, you automatically move the target -1 step on the condition track. |
Latest revision as of 01:05, 7 March 2012
Auch hier mal etwas Brainstorming-Material
- Roping
- Lasso Mastery
- Profession [Astrology]
This advanced study topic bestows the ability to prepare horoscopes for people. Preparing horoscopes requires the ability to observe the night sky for at least one hour plus half an hour per horoscope subject, followed by another half-hour of paperwork per subject (calculations and so forth), typically carried out the following morning, then a DC 20 Knowledge (Astronomy) check for each subject (failures cannot be retried until the following night). If successful, a three-day horoscope for that person will be produced, starting on the morning after the observations were made. For each day of each person's horoscope, roll a d6: a 1 or 2 is an "inauspicious" result, a 3 or 4 is neutral, a 5 or 6 is an "auspicious" result. An inauspicious result confers a -2 Luck penalty on all saving throws and skill checks and a -1 Luck penalty on attack rolls, AC, Spell Resistance (if the character has it), opponent save DC's versus spells cast by that person, and caster level checks to overcome an opponent's Spell Resistance. An auspicious result has the opposite effect, bestowing equivalent Luck bonuses. Multiple successful horoscopes will always produce the same results per day for each subject. Typically, a party might use this information to take a day off on an inauspicious day for most of the party (if circumstances permit), or prepare extra protective spells on such a day, while embarking on risky ventures on a predominantly auspicious day. Specialist equipment is required (spyglass, sextant, star charts) and the astrologer must be familiar with the night sky of the world he/she is operating on: furthermore, the subject's date and place of birth must be known. The subject must be a native of that world, and cannot be a native outsider. The effect of an inauspicious horoscope cannot be avoided: characters should assume that the fluctuating effect of "good days" and "bad days" are normally smothered by the randomness of fate but would happen regardless. At the DM's discretion, an astrologer might also become aware of major imminent events such as natural disasters or the death of kings.
- Occupation [Astrologer]
Primary Skill: Profession [Astrology] Secondary Skills: Knowledge [Arcana/Astronomy], Use Magic Capital: Medium Resources: High Risk: Low
- :
- Profession [Miner]: Prospection - The first step of staking a claim is prospecting for a promising site. After a week of surveying a player makes a Profession [Miner] check to determine the scope of the find.
DC Claim 20 Flash in a pan (Yield: Profession check x 1/2 Taps out: 2 months) 25 A few nuggets (Yield: Profession check x 1 Taps out: 2 months) 30 Decent (Yield: Profession check x 3 Taps out: 6 months) 35 Bonanza! (Yield: Profession check x 5 Taps out: 1 year) 40 El Dorado! (Yield: Profession check x 10 Taps out: 2 years)
Typically, a claim is ten to twenty acres in size. One week of work and Profession [Miner] DC 20 check is required to make the necessary preparations (diverting waterways, camp set up etc.). Thereafter, each week the Head Miner takes 10 on a Profession [Miner] check to determine the yield as indicated above. A crew of four is needed to properly work one claim. The Foreman takes a -2 penalty to his Profession check for each miner less than four.
- Granite Quarry (category:Small, Medium x 2, Large x 3, Huge x 4)
Extraction cost/ton: 312.5cp Monthly supply: 76 tons Workers: 5 Monthly worker wage: 200cp Granite@quarry(1 ton): 350cp Monthly Quarry profit: 256gp
- Building in Stone
Building in stone, though long desired has been subject to a major limit. Stone must be quarries, transported, prepared. The amount of time required to quarry stone for a fortress can be substantialy greater than the time required to construct the fortress itself. This is why many plunder previous sites and build using cheaper methods.
CIVIL WORKS | DESCRIPTION | MATERIAL EXTRACT COST | TIME TO QUARRY (Small Quarry) Tower (1/4 acre) | 1 large tower (60' high x 80' x 80' base)=12,768 tons | 39,900gp | 17 years Keep (1/4 acre) | As Tower + 1 small round tower (60' high x 50' diameter)= 18,500 ton | 57,813gp | 25 years Castle (1 Acre) | As Tower + 4 small round towers (30'high x 50 diameter) + Stone Wall (600' long x 20' high x 10' wide)=31,069 ton | 97,136gp | 41 years Huge Castle (3 acres) | 1 Large rectangle Keep (60' high x 160' long x 80' wide) + 6 Small Rnd Towers (30' high x 50' diameter) + Stone Wall (2670' long x 20' high x 10' wide)=83,310.8 ton | 229,403gp | 110 years
- Occupation [Miner]
Primary Skill: Profession (Miner) Secondary Skills: Knowledge (Architecture/Engineering/Geology), Appraise Capital: High Resources: Medium Risk: High
- Mining Hazzards
- Cave-In
- Flooding
- Gas-Bubble
- Lava Bubble
- Diamond Dog Tunnel
- Cave Monster
- Find Treasure (Sp): A miner can use this ability n times/day. It allows him to detect precious metals and stones within a 20 ft' radius around him. The effect lasts an amount of rounds equal to his class level (max. 10 rounds) 1st Round- The presence is detected 2nd Round- The type of a single precious mineral is detected 3rd round and up- The location of all types in the vicinity is discovered.
- Profession [Fishing]: Fishing has to do with having the right bait, in the right spot, at the right time. You can resolve that with some die rolls to simulate that some times the fish are biting, some times they're not. A bite does not mean you got a fish, only that you have a chance to reel him in.
So, let's say the PC must wait N units of time until the next "bite", where N is deterimined by rolling 1d20. and the units of time might be rounds, minutes or hours (for slow spots) (perhaps 1d3 1=rounds, 2=minutes, 3=hours).
Now, you the GM need to know what's on the hook, they player won't really know until they pull him up. And the reeling is the real game. So, make yourself a big table of fish, and each one should have a roll to choose the size (because size matters). For each fish, it could be really small (young), or really big, or more likely, somewhere in between.
The size of the fish is what really determines how hard it is. Bigger fish fight harder, and are more likely to break the line.
So now, you know there's a bite, and what's on the line (more importantly, how big it is).
I recommend making it 3 stages (dice rolls/skill checks). The first is to set the hook. Probably the easiest stage make it the easy DC + size of fish modifier. Next, reeling it up. This is harder, so use a higher DC + size of fish modifier. Reeling in a fish in deep water takes awhile. Last, is getting it the last bit of distance and on the boat. This is the hardest. I found that the fish action is stronger, because the line distance and pole distance is so short. Similar formula, except a higher DC.
The size of fish modifier, is something you'll have to work out. Let's try 10, 12, 15 DC for the base DCs of the 3 stages (assuming that for small fish, a person can reasonably catch the fish).
Fine Fish: -5 DC Diminutive Fish: +0 DC Tiny Fish: +5 DC Small Fish: +10 DC Medium Fish: +15 DC
- Clerical Investment: You have been ordained by a church, cult, or simply the general consensus of your peers, as a holy personage, allowing you to perform the appropriate rites and receive deference from church members and acolytes. Depending on the cult, you can expect charity and respect – or possibly fear and obedience – from common folk as well.
- Divine Power: When you spend a Harmony point in the service of your deity, you add your Charisma bonus to any rolls made that round.
- Divine Inspiration (Prerequisite: Divine Power, one talent from the Inspiration talent tree): Once per encounter, you double the effect of any use of a talent from the noble’s Inspiration talent tree.
- Healing Touch (Prerequisite: Divine Power): You may make Spellcraft checks in place of Heal checks to treat sick or injured characters. You may perform this ability as if you were trained in Heal, even if you are not.
- Sacrifice (Prerequisite: Knowledge [arcane] as a trained skill.): You know the rites and incantations to perform ritual sacrifices. (See Sacrifices in the magic section.) Note that sacrificing a living being other than yourself gives you three Discord points.
- Antithesis (Prerequisite: Conviction): The character’s Conviction toward one cause has led him to see a rival allegiance as that cause’s antithesis, something which must be wiped out at all costs. When acting against that allegiance (which must be approved by the GM), the character gains +2 to all attack and skill checks. When forced to deal with the antithetical allegiance, the character receives a –2 penalty to all Charisma-based skills.
- Bless (Prerequisite: Knowledge (Ritual) +3): The character calls on his Higher Power for protection. The character’s allies gain a morale bonus of +1 on their attack rolls and a morale bonus of +1 on saving throws against fear effects. This effect lasts for 1 minute per skill rank in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters who receive this Blessing and who have the Faith feat to a Higher Power receive double these bonuses, and the effects last for twice as long.
Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground, the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check.
- Consecrate Ground (Prerequisite: Consecrate Item; Knowledge (Ritual) +8):
This Ritual allows a character to bless an area with the power of his faith. This Ritual requires a Knowledge (Ritual) skill check (DC 10 +1/10 square feet being consecrated) to perform successfully. A small area is consecrated, granting a +3 sacred bonus to all attempts to turn undead and to all Knowledge (Ritual) skill checks to perform Sacred Rituals made there. Undead in this area take a –1 penalty on attack, damage, and saving throws. This Ritual lasts 24 hours. Successive applications of this Ritual on the same ground have cumulative durations (2 days the second time, 3 days the third and so forth), so that through repeated worship and prayer the effect may become effectively permanent. Materials must be provided for this ritual as well, requiring the character to make a Wealth check (DC 10 +1/10 square feet being Consecrated) each time this ritual is performed. These materials will vary depending on the Higher Power to which the site is being consecrated, but they might include such things as incense, holy water, valuable objects, and so forth. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check.
- Consecrate Item (Prerequisite: Knowledge (Ritual) +5): This Ritual allows a character to specially prepare an item to fight evil. If used on a weapon, that weapon gains a +1 Enhancement bonus to hit. If the character wielding the weapon has the Faith feat, the weapon also does +2 damage vs. Fiends and Undead. These effects last one hour per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual) possessed by the person who performed the consecration. This Ritual may also be used to create holy water Each time this ritual is performed, it can make 1 Flask of Holy Water per 5 ranks in Ritual.
Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check.
- Conviction (Prerequisite: One allegiance)
The character’s conviction (her allegiance) is so strong that she would do anything in support of it. When the character is acting in support of her allegiance, she gains a +2 to attack and skill checks.
- Faith (Prerequisite: One allegiance to a Higher Power (almost always a religious or philosophical ideal)): The character’s faith serves to protect him in time of need. The character gains +1 to all Saving Throws. This Feat also serves to increase the power of Rituals on the character, and some FX Items are only usable (or have additional powers) for characters of Faith.
- Investment (Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Higher or Dark Power; Knowledge (Theology) +5; Knowledge (Ritual) +5): The character is recognized as a leader of a religious order and is accorded special deference by those who believe. The character gains a +1 bonus to Charisma based skills when dealing with those who have an allegiance to a Higher or Dark Power (depending on which allegiance the character has). The character gains a +2 bonus to Charisma-based skills when dealing with those who have the Faith feat to a Higher or Dark Power. These bonuses stack with the +2 bonus the character normally receives. In addition, the character gains a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Theology) and Knowledge (Ritual) skill checks.
- Pentagram (Prerequisite: Knowledge (Arcane Lore) +5): The character draws a protective symbol to cage a Fiend or other servant of darkness. Successfully drawing a Pentagram requires a Knowledge (Arcane Lore) skill check (DC 20). A Fiend cannot pass over the lines of a properly drawn Pentagram. If the Pentagram is drawn around the creature (requiring it to be held in some way, either physically or magically), the creature is trapped.
Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Arcane Lore) skill when attempting this skill check.
- Perdition's Prayer (Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Dark Power): The character calls on his Dark Power for protection. By calling on his Dark Power, the character and all allies (those with allegiance to the character’s Dark Power) within 30 ft. gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.Foes within 30 ft. suffer a –1 penalty on such rolls. This Ritual lasts 1 round per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters with the Faith feat gain double these bonuses for twice as long.
Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check.
- Prayer (Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Higher Power): The character calls on his Higher Power for protection. By calling on his Higher Power, the character and all allies (those with allegiance to a Higher Power) within 30 ft. gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. Foes within 30 ft. suffer a –1 penalty on such rolls. This Ritual lasts 1 round per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters with the Faith feat gain double these bonuses for twice as long.
Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check.
- Profane Ritual (Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Dark Power or Higher Power): The character has delved into the mysteries. This feat allows the character to perform the following rituals at –4 (see Table: Knowledge (Ritual)).
Special: A character with this feat takes a –8 penalty on his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check to perform any Sacred Ritual.
- Prophecy (Sacred Ritual) (Prerequisite: Faith, Knowledge (Ritual) +10): The character receives visions of things to come from his Higher Power. The character may ask the GM one question per week. The chance of a correct answer is equal to 50% plus 1% per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). These answers will generally be cryptic, but a skill check in Knowledge (Theology) with a DC of 20 will always at least reveal the general meaning. A character with this feat may also receive visions at the GM’s discretion, and these visions do not count against the once per week maximum this ritual normally carries.
Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check.
Table: Knowledge (Ritual)
Ritual Knowledge DC Time to Perform Simple (Marriage, Funeral) 10 1 Hour Complex (Communion, Absolution) 15 1–6 Hours Powerful (see below) Sacred Ritual Bless 15 Full Round Consecrate Ground 10 +1/10 sq. feet 1 Hour Consecrate Item 15 1 Hour Prayer 15 Full Round Prophecy 20 1 minute Profane Ritual Perdition’s Prayer 15 Full Round
Master of Intrigue[edit]
{vielleicht was für Dark Ponies. chris} You are a skilled manipulator and have mastered the art of working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. Flash and spectacle are inferior tools, only suitable for those without your unique talents.
- Master Manipulator: You are a master of making things happen the way you want them to. You can use each of the following actions once per encounter as a swift action on your turn:
- Demand Recovery: Select one ally within 5 squares and in your line of sight. That ally moves +5 steps on the condition track and gains a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks until the end of your next turn.
- Exceptional Control: Roll a d20 and note the result. Once before the end of the encounter, as a reaction you can replace the result of any enemy's or ally's d20 roll with the result you rolled for this ability. The enemy or ally must be within your line of sight.
- Word of Warning: Select one ally within 5 squares and in your line of sight. Once before the end of the encounter, as a reaction to that ally having any defense score targeted by a skill check or an attack, you can replace that ally's defense score with your same defense score until the attack or skill check is resolved.
- Prerequisite: Advanced Planning, Get into Position.
- Retaliation (Prerequisite: Advanced Planning): Whenever you move down the condition track as a result of taking damage that equals or exceeds your damage threshold, the next time you hit and damage a creature with a melee or a ranged attack before the end of your next turn, you automatically move the target -1 step on the condition track.