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(Bloodline Feats)
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* '''Elemental Mane''' () []:
* '''Elemental Mane''' () []:
:Benefit: Access to special Spell list.
:Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
* '''Luminous Mane''' () []:
* '''Luminous Mane''' () []:
:Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
:Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
:Benefit: Access to special Spell list.
:Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
* '''Rainbow Mane''' () []:
* '''Rainbow Mane''' () []:
:Benefit: Access to special Spell list.
:Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
* '''Shadow Mane''' () []:
* '''Shadow Mane''' () []:
:Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
:Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
:Benefit: Access to special Spell list.
:Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
===Generosity Feats===
===Generosity Feats===

Revision as of 22:52, 6 January 2012

Im Prinzip ist hier alles noch nicht fest und muss am Schluss and die endgültigen Klassen und anderen Gegebenheiten des Systems angepasst werden. Alles was hier steht ist erstmal aus Sammlungsgründen da.

General Feats

Item Creation Feats

  • Brew Potion
  • Craft Garment
  • Craft Jewelry
  • Craft Wand
  • Craft Wonderous Item

Faith Feats


The character’s Conviction toward one cause has led him to see a rival allegiance as that cause’s antithesis, something which must be wiped out at all costs. Prerequisite: Conviction Effect: When acting against that allegiance (which must be approved by the GM), the character gains +2 to all attack and skill checks. When forced to deal with the antithetical allegiance, the character receives a –2 penalty to all Charisma-based skills.


The character calls on his Higher Power for protection. Prerequisite: Knowledge (Ritual) +3 Effect: The character’s allies gain a morale bonus of +1 on their attack rolls and a morale bonus of +1 on saving throws against fear effects. This effect lasts for 1 minute per skill rank in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters who receive this Blessing and who have the Faith feat to a Higher Power receive double these bonuses, and the effects last for twice as long. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground, the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check.


This Ritual allows a character to bless an area with the power of his faith. Prerequisite: Consecrate Item; Knowledge (Ritual) +8 Effect: This Ritual requires a Knowledge (Ritual) skill check (DC 10 +1/10 square feet being consecrated) to perform successfully. A small area is consecrated, granting a +3 sacred bonus to all attempts to turn undead and to all Knowledge (Ritual) skill checks to perform Sacred Rituals made there. Undead in this area take a –1 penalty on attack, damage, and saving throws. This Ritual lasts 24 hours. Successive applications of this Ritual on the same ground have cumulative durations (2 days the second time, 3 days the third and so forth), so that through repeated worship and prayer the effect may become effectively permanent. Materials must be provided for this ritual as well, requiring the character to make a Wealth check (DC 10 +1/10 square feet being Consecrated) each time this ritual is performed. These materials will vary depending on the Higher Power to which the site is being consecrated, but they might include such things as incense, holy water, valuable objects, and so forth. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check.


This Ritual allows a character to specially prepare an item to fight evil. Prerequisite: Knowledge (Ritual) +5 Effect: If used on a weapon, that weapon gains a +1 Enhancement bonus to hit. If the character wielding the weapon has the Faith feat, the weapon also does +2 damage vs. Fiends and Undead. These effects last one hour per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual) possessed by the person who performed the consecration. This Ritual may also be used to create holy water Each time this ritual is performed, it can make 1 Flask of Holy Water per 5 ranks in Ritual. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check.


The character’s conviction (her allegiance) is so strong that she would do anything in support of it. Prerequisite: One allegiance Effect: When the character is acting in support of her allegiance, she gains a +2 to attack and skill checks.


The character’s faith serves to protect him in time of need. Prerequisite: One allegiance to a Higher Power (almost always a religious or philosophical ideal). Effect: The character gains +1 to all Saving Throws. This Feat also serves to increase the power of Rituals on the character, and some FX Items are only usable (or have additional powers) for characters of Faith.


The character is recognized as a leader of a religious order and is accorded special deference by those who believe. Prerequisites: Allegiance to a Higher or Dark Power; Knowledge (Theology) +5; Knowledge (Ritual) +5 Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Charismabased skills when dealing with those who have an allegiance to a Higher or Dark Power (depending on which allegiance the character has). The character gains a +2 bonus to Charisma-based skills when dealing with those who have the Faith feat to a Higher or Dark Power. These bonuses stack with the +2 bonus the character normally receives. In addition, the character gains a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Theology) and Knowledge (Ritual) skill checks.


The character draws a protective symbol to cage a Fiend or other servant of darkness. Prerequisite: Knowledge (Arcane Lore) +5 Effect: Successfully drawing a Pentagram requires a Knowledge (Arcane Lore) skill check (DC 20). A Fiend cannot pass over the lines of a properly drawn Pentagram. If the Pentagram is drawn around the creature (requiring it to be held in some way, either physically or magically), the creature is trapped. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Arcane Lore) skill when attempting this skill check.


The character calls on his Dark Power for protection. Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Dark Power Effect: By calling on his Dark Power, the character and all allies (those with allegiance to the character’s Dark Power) within 30 ft. gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.Foes within 30 ft. suffer a –1 penalty on such rolls. This Ritual lasts 1 round per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters with the Faith feat gain double these bonuses for twice as long. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check.


The character calls on his Higher Power for protection. Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Higher Power Effect: By calling on his Higher Power, the character and all allies (those with allegiance to a Higher Power) within 30 ft. gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. Foes within 30 ft. suffer a –1 penalty on such rolls. This Ritual lasts 1 round per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). Characters with the Faith feat gain double these bonuses for twice as long. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check.


The character has delved into the mysteries. Prerequisite: Allegiance to a Dark Power or Higher Power Effect: This feat allows the character to perform the following rituals at –4: . Special: A character with this feat takes a –8 penalty on his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check to perform any Sacred Ritual.


The character receives visions of things to come from his Higher Power. Prerequisite: Faith, Knowledge (Ritual) +10 Effect: The character may ask the GM one question per week. The chance of a correct answer is equal to 50% plus 1% per point of skill in Knowledge (Ritual). These answers will generally be cryptic, but a skill check in Knowledge (Theology) with a DC of 20 will always at least reveal the general meaning. A character with this feat may also receive visions at the GM’s discretion, and these visions do not count against the once per week maximum this ritual normally carries. Normal: Characters without this feat suffer –4 to their Knowledge (Ritual) skill when attempting this skill check. Special: If this ritual is performed on consecrated ground the character gains a +3 to his Knowledge (Ritual) skill check.

Ritual Knowledge DC Time to Perform
Simple (Marriage, Funeral) 10 1 Hour
Complex (Communion, Absolution) 15 1–6 Hours
Powerful (see below)
Sacred Ritual
Bless 15 Full Round
Consecrate Ground 10 +1/10 sq. feet 1 Hour
Consecrate Item 15 1 Hour
Prayer 15 Full Round
Prophecy 20 1 minute
Profane Ritual
Perdition’s Prayer 15 Full Round

Dressage Feats

  • Half Pass [Dressage]:
Prerequisites: Dexterity 15+.
Benefit: The half pass is a dressage movement and is very acrobatic in nature. With this Feat, the pony is capable of a sudden shift sideways while continuing forward in an open trot or canter. This sudden shift is unpredictable and can allow the pony to avoid blows. The pony receives a +4 Dodge Bonus to Armor class caused by Attacks of Opportunity. Circumstances which make the pony lose its Dexterity Bonus to Armor Class (if any) also cost it this Dodge Bonus.
  • Pirouette [Dressage]:
Prerequisites: Half Pass.
Benefit: The dangerous and difficult pirouette is a complete 360-degree turn in a steed’s canter, altering the course of its direction without losing any of its speed or impact. If the steed possesses this Feat, its charge does not have to be in a straight line, so long as it covers the requisite distance.
  • Shoulder In [Dressage]:
Prerequisites: Improved Charge.
Benefit: With this Feat, the steed performs a slanted lateral movement with the shoulder leading. While running or trotting, it uses its weight and momentum to pass against its attacker, keeping his or her weapon tied up so that it cannot harm the steed or its rider. The Shoulder In Feat allows the steed to move through an area without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. The steed’s opponent in that area

takes Id4 points of damage if a successful attack roll is made by the steed.

  • Trick Riding [Dressage]:
Benefit: This feat encompasses all sorts of minor tricks - spinning, rearing, acrobatic abilities - but has no real bonus. It will allow the steed to perform any number of small tricks with ease.

Combat Feats

Bloodline Feats

  • Apple Family () []:
Prerequisites: Earth Pony
  • Hay Family () []:
Prerequisites: Earth-, or Unicorn Pony
  • Arcane Mare () []:
Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
Benefit: Access to special Spell list.
  • Elemental Mane () []:
Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
  • Luminous Mane () []:
Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
  • Rainbow Mane () []:
Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.
  • Shadow Mane () []:
Prerequisites: Stablemaster permission.
Benefit: Access to special Spell list and Flight maneuver.

Generosity Feats

Honesty Feats

  • Front Strike () []:
Benefit: The opposite of a Back Stab. Proof that you can be direct and still surprising.
  • Trap Sense () []:
Benefit: You know when a Trap is nearby but not where exactly.
  • Accurate () []:
Benefit: +2 to Melee and Thrown Weapon strikes.

Kindness Feats

  • Soothing Words () []:
Benefit: The character is able to calm Fear effects and anger, making others more amenable.
  • Ranged Heal () []:
Benefit: Can heal 1 ally within 30 ft. instead of laying on hooves. 1 Harmony Point to add this effect..
  • Advanced Healing () []:
Benefit: Healing goes from d6 to d8.
  • Area Healing () []:
Benefit: An effect added to a healing spell. Costs 1 Harmony Point to add this affect. 10 Ft. Radius.
  • Regeneration () []:
Benefit: 1 Harmony Point. Restores HP every Round equal to Caster’s Wis. Mod.

Laughter Feats

  • Don’t Give Up! () []:
Benefit: Allows a Pony to keep fighting or continue physical exertion when exhausted.
  • You Can Do It! () []:
Benefit: Adds a +5 Bonus to Skill Checks
  • You’re Stronger Than That! () []:
Benefit: Add +2 Str. to an ally for (Cha. Mod.) Rounds
  • Look Out! () []:
Benefit: +2 AC to an ally for (Cha. Mod) Rounds.

Loyalty Feats

  • I Don’t Want to Fight () []:
Benefit: The quickest fight is the one never started. Loyalties can end aggression with a stern look or word. 1 Harmony Point.
  • Take a Hit () []:
Benefit: The character can shield an ally who is adjacent to you. Make a Reflex Save for ½ Dmg.
  • Hard Hitter () []:
Benefit: +2 Melee Dmg.
  • Shake It Off () []:
Benefit: Damage Reduction 1/-.
  • Shake It Off II () []:
Benefit: Damage Reduction 2/-. Prerequisite – Shake It Off
  • Bolster () []:
Benefit: 1 Harmony Point to temporarily increases HP by 2/Level.
  • Strength Under Duress () []:
Benefit: 1 Harmony Point to temporarily increase your Strength by +3 in a tense situation.

Magic Feats

  • Telekinetic Battle () []:
Benefit: You can attack without penalty with objects you can lift with telekinesis.
  • Magical Mimic () []:
Benefit: Can mimic the powers of another class. 2 Harmony Points.

Earth Pony Feats

  • Bucking Bronco () []:
Prerequisites: Str 13+
Benefit: The pony counts as one size category larger for the purpose of resisting/breaking grapple.
  • Favored Friend () []:
Benefit: An earth pony may select a single pony as their favored friend. When within 20 feet of the friend, the character gains a +2 harmony bonus on attacks and skill checks.
  • For Pony Justice! (Sp) []:
Prerequisites: Lvl 8
Benefit: Twice per day, the Earth Pony may teleport up to 1 mile in pursuit of an enemy that they have previously met as a swift action. The Earth Pony need not know their location, but if the target is outside of range this ability fails and is spent. The earth pony must have either held a face to face conversation with the target or have engaged it in combat and landed at least one successful blow. The Earth Pony is placed on the ground in the nearest clear square adjacent to their target of pursuit. If the target is in the air, the pony is placed on the ground in the nearest square to the target of pursuit.
  • Powerful Bucking []:
Prerequisites: Bucking Bronco
Benefit: The Earth Pony's attack gains double strength bonus. Normally two-hooved attacks are resolved as [W]+1.5xSTR and 1 hoof attacks are resolved as [W]+STR. This quirk increases that to [W]+3xSTR and [W]+2xSTR for two and one-hooved attacks respectively.
  • Supporting Friend (Su) []:
Prerequisites: lvl 4
Benefit: When an earth pony reaches fourth level, she may offer supernatural support to nearby friends, up to 3+CHA MOD times per day. Supporting Friend gives all allies (excluding self) within 60 feet a morale bonus on attacks and skill checks, equal to the pony's charisma bonus (minimum 1), for 5 rounds.
  • Whinny of the Elder Ponies (Su) []:
Benefit: Once per day, a Pony cleric may utter a mantra passed down from ancient ponies in the land before time as a full round action. Doing so gives the cleric a sense of inner calm that renders them immune to fear, ability damage, disease, and paralysis for 1 hour.

Pegasus Pony Feats

  • Flyby Attack (Ex) [General, Aerial Combat]:
Prerequisite: Fly speed. When flying, you can take a move action (including a dive) and another standard action at any point during the move.
Benefit: You cannot take a second move action during a round when you make a flyby attack.
Normal: Without this feat, a character takes a standard action either before or after its move.
  • Incredible Flier (Ex) [Aerial Combat]:
Benefit: The pegasus can fly twice as fast as other pegasi with the same number of pegasus levels as you, but you suffer a -2 penalty to constitution on account of the fine bone structure which has enabled your dizzying flying ability.
  • Pegasus Vortex (Ex) [Aerial Combat]
Prerequisites: Level 8
Benefit: As a full round action and a DC 15 tumble check, a flying pegasus with in 20 feet of the ground can start a small cyclone around them (20 feet tall, 5 feet at the base, 20 feet diameter at the top). The cyclone requires the full and continued concentration of the pegasus to maintain and is considered flat footed whilst in the vortex. The vortex grabs any large or smaller creature it moves over grappling them. The pegasus makes grapple checks at a +4 bonus (as though they were large) and may use their dexterity score in place of strength to resolve the grapple check. Anyone successfully grappled by the cyclone takes 4d6 damage per round and can only escape the cyclone by taking a full round action to oppose the grapple again. The cyclone is considered a distracting environment for spell casters.
  • Pony Cannon Ball (Ex) [Aerial Combat]:
Benefit: Your dashing strike is now super effective. When you move 20 feet or more during a round in which you make an attack, you also treat the target as flanked (and receive commensurate attack bonuses).
  • Sonic Rainboom (Ex) [Aerial Combat]:
Prerequisites: Level 10
Benefit: If the Pegasus manages to fly over 300 feet in a single round, and pass a DC 15 dexterity check at the end of it, they can produce a sonic rainboom, which deals 10d6 chromatic damage in a 20 foot spread centered around the final destination of the pegasus in that round. In addition, a rainbow will trail the pegasus who has just completed a sonic rainboom for 1 minute. Apart from looking awesome (and preventing any sort of hiding), the rainbow aura grants the pegasus +5 to all attack and damage rolls while it remains. The aura may be dismissed early as a free action. Failing to pass the dexterity check propels the pegasus backwards to their starting point for that round and they are flat footed for the remainder of the encounter.
  • Swoop Attack () [Flight, Aerial Combat]:
Prerequisite: Flight, Dexterity 15+
Benefit: This flying steed is extremely agile and knows how to use its maneuverability and dexterity to assault opponents. When making an attack from flight against a land-bound opponent, the flighted steed may move both before and after the attack, provided that the total distance moved is not greater than its speed.
  • Weak Flyer (Ex) []:
Prerequisites: (Only available at level 1 or 2)
Benefit: You can only fly half as fast as other Pegasi with the same number of pegasus levels as you, which has given you more time on the ground. You may select any two Earth pony feats for which you meet the requirements. You are no longer eligible for aerial combat feats.
  • Wing Buffet (Ex) [Species]:
Benefit: You may make an attack with your wings at your highest base attack bonus with a -2 penalty. This attack deals no damage, but allows you to initiate a trip or disarm attempt. Your wings are treated as a two-handed weapon for these purposes. The attack may be made as a part of a full attack action or by itself as a std action.
  • Wingover [General, Aerial Combat]:
Prerequisites: Fly speed.
Benefits: You can change direction quickly once each round while flying as a free action. This feat allows you to turn up to 180 degrees regardless of your maneuverability, in addition to any other turns you are normally allowed. You cannot gain altitude during a round when you execute a wingover, but you can dive. The change of direction consumes 10 feet of flying movement.

Unicorn Pony Feats

  • Effortless Telekinesis () []:

Benefit: The unicorn may now use their mage hand spell-like ability without concentration. The duration can be indefinite, although most unicorns don't see a pressing need to levitate a five pound object near them at all times.

  • Organized Tactician () []:
Benefit: Whether it's just an innate knack for organization or a peculiar habit to create checklist for everything, all unicorns with this quirk excel at organizing other ponies and this is particularly helpful in battle. If a unicorn pony can spend five minutes organizing their allies prior to an encounter (up to 1 pony per character level), they will all (unicorn included) receive a competence bonus to attack, damage and skill checks equal to the unicorn's charisma or intelligence modifier, whichever is higher, to a maximum of +3 bonus for 30 minutes. This ability may be used twice per day before somepony gets sick of the unicorn's constant ministrations.
  • Pragmatic Magic () []:
Benefit: Some Unicorns find esoteric and highly specialized uses for their less developed magic ability. +1/2 character levels arcane bonus to all profession and crafting skills.
  • Quick to Learn () []:
Benefit: The unicorn may add one new spell or invocation of the highest level they know to their spells/invocations known list. All the same restrictions that may apply during normal acquisition of a spell known apply here (for example a specialist wizard may not select a spell from a prohibited school). Like other spells acquired during normal level up, a wizard need not pay material costs in order to ink this spell in their spell book.
  • Radiant Aura () []:
Requirements: Lvl 8
Benefit: Unicorns with this feat are exceptionally beautiful. Any humanoid who sees them must make a will save DC 14+ Cha Mod or improve their attitude towards the unicorn by one step (max friendly). Enemy humanoids who see a radiant unicorn, but have not yet been engaged, are subject to this ability, however attacking them will break the effect.
  • Shield Friends () []:
Benefit: 3 + CHA MOD times per day the pony may shield their allies (self excluded), granting a dodge bonus to AC equal to [WISDOM MOD] for 1 minute as a swift action.
  • The Horn Points the Way () []:
Benefit: +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made with spells and spell-like abilities.