Difference between revisions of "MLP Dictionary"

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(New page: Category:d20 MLP Category:Sonstiges == A == * == B == == C == == D == == E == == F == == G == == H == == I == == J == == K == == L == == M == == N == == O == == P ...)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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== A ==
== A ==
* Alicorn - A special species of pony which has the traits of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi combined.
* Annual Rabbit Roundup - The yearly bunny census.
* Anypony - Anybody.
* Appleoosa - A frontier city in Equestria.
== B ==
== B ==
* Bit - A golden coin used for Equestrian currency.
* Blank Flank - A derogatory term for a pony that has yet to earn their cutie mark.
* Buck - To shake apples out of trees using a hind kick.
* Buffalo - Native animals of the Mild West.
== C ==
== C ==
* Canterlot - Capital city of Equestria.
* Celestia - Demigodess Princess of Equestria. Raises the sun and keeps order troughout the land.
* Cloudsdale - A pegasus city of clouds located in the skies of Equestria.
* Colt - A young male pony.
* Cutecaeñera - A celebration thrown for a filly or colt who has just earned their cutie mark.
* Cutie Mark - An image on the flank of a pony who has discovered their special talent.
* Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome (CMFIS) - The result of a pony’s special talent backfiring. Symptoms include a loss of sanity and histrionics.
== D ==
== D ==
* Diamond Dog - A sentient canine species that seems to have an affinity for gems, and a low tolerance for whining.
== E ==
== E ==
* Earth Pony - One of the three species of ponies. Has a mystical connection to the land.
* Elements of Harmony - Six traits associated with friendship manifested. The six traits consist of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. Capable of defeating the darkness in the hearts of ponies.
* Equestria - A country populated primarily by pastel equines.
* Everfree Forest - A forest in which nature works on its own, without equine intervention.
* Everypony - Everybody.
== F ==
== F ==
* Filly - A young female pony.
* Fillydelphia - A city in Equestria. Suffered an infestation.
* Flank - The rear of a pony.
* Foal - A child pony.
== G ==
== G ==
* Griffon - A species that is half eagle, half lion, and varying amounts of awesome.
== H ==
== H ==
* Hoofington - Town in Equestria. Site of The Great and Powerful Trixie’s alleged victory over an Ursa Major.
== I ==
== I ==
== J ==
== J ==
* Jade - A venerable old Pony.
== K ==
== K ==
== L ==
== L ==
* Luna - Demigodess Princess of Equestria. Sister of Celestia. Raises the moon. See Night Mare Moon.
== M ==
== M ==
* Mane - Hair on the head and neck of a pony.
* Manehattan - The most cosmopolitan city in all of Equestria.
* Mare - An adult female pony.
== N ==
== N ==
* Nightmare Night - Annual commemoration holiday of Night Mare Moon's Exile, during which she was free to roam Equestria according to legend.
* Nightmare Moon - The wicked mare of darkness Luna transformed into after her heart was overcome with bitterness.
* Nopony - Nobody.
== O ==
== O ==
== P ==
== P ==
* Parasprite - Tiny, ravenous creatures of arguable adorability.
* Pegasus - One of the three species of ponies. Capable of flight and manipulating weather.
* Pony’s Tale - Old legend.
* Ponyville - A city in Equestria. Where the majority of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic takes place.
== Q ==
== Q ==
== R ==
== R ==
* Running of the Leaves - Annual ceremony to bring in winter, in which participants race through Whitetail Woods in order to shake the leaves off of the trees.
== S ==
== S ==
* Salt - Powdery substance, or solid block, which has intoxicating effects on ponies.
* Somepony - Somebody.
* Stallion - An adult male pony.
* Stalliongrad - A city in Equestria
* Summer Sun Celebration - Annual all-night event celebrating the start of the summer solstice. The day on which Nightmare Moon escaped from exile.
== T ==
== T ==
== U ==
== U ==
* Unicorn - One of the three species of ponies. Capable of manipulating magic.
* Ursa Major - A very large bear with a transparent purple coat in the pattern of the night sky.
* Ursa Minor - A large bear with a transparent blue coat in the pattern of the night sky.
== V ==
== V ==
== W ==
== W ==
* Wheanling - A baby pony.
* Whitetail Wood - A forest near Ponyville and site of the Running of the Leaves.
* Winter Moon Celebration - Annual Celebration of the winter solstice.
* Winter Wrap Up - Annual ceremony to bring in Spring. Takes place after three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays.
== X ==
== X ==
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== Z ==
== Z ==
* Zebra - An equine race from a land far-off from Equestria.

Latest revision as of 02:15, 22 November 2011


  • Alicorn - A special species of pony which has the traits of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi combined.
  • Annual Rabbit Roundup - The yearly bunny census.
  • Anypony - Anybody.
  • Appleoosa - A frontier city in Equestria.


  • Bit - A golden coin used for Equestrian currency.
  • Blank Flank - A derogatory term for a pony that has yet to earn their cutie mark.
  • Buck - To shake apples out of trees using a hind kick.
  • Buffalo - Native animals of the Mild West.


  • Canterlot - Capital city of Equestria.
  • Celestia - Demigodess Princess of Equestria. Raises the sun and keeps order troughout the land.
  • Cloudsdale - A pegasus city of clouds located in the skies of Equestria.
  • Colt - A young male pony.
  • Cutecaeñera - A celebration thrown for a filly or colt who has just earned their cutie mark.
  • Cutie Mark - An image on the flank of a pony who has discovered their special talent.
  • Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome (CMFIS) - The result of a pony’s special talent backfiring. Symptoms include a loss of sanity and histrionics.


  • Diamond Dog - A sentient canine species that seems to have an affinity for gems, and a low tolerance for whining.


  • Earth Pony - One of the three species of ponies. Has a mystical connection to the land.
  • Elements of Harmony - Six traits associated with friendship manifested. The six traits consist of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. Capable of defeating the darkness in the hearts of ponies.
  • Equestria - A country populated primarily by pastel equines.
  • Everfree Forest - A forest in which nature works on its own, without equine intervention.
  • Everypony - Everybody.


  • Filly - A young female pony.
  • Fillydelphia - A city in Equestria. Suffered an infestation.
  • Flank - The rear of a pony.
  • Foal - A child pony.


  • Griffon - A species that is half eagle, half lion, and varying amounts of awesome.


  • Hoofington - Town in Equestria. Site of The Great and Powerful Trixie’s alleged victory over an Ursa Major.



  • Jade - A venerable old Pony.



  • Luna - Demigodess Princess of Equestria. Sister of Celestia. Raises the moon. See Night Mare Moon.


  • Mane - Hair on the head and neck of a pony.
  • Manehattan - The most cosmopolitan city in all of Equestria.
  • Mare - An adult female pony.


  • Nightmare Night - Annual commemoration holiday of Night Mare Moon's Exile, during which she was free to roam Equestria according to legend.
  • Nightmare Moon - The wicked mare of darkness Luna transformed into after her heart was overcome with bitterness.
  • Nopony - Nobody.



  • Parasprite - Tiny, ravenous creatures of arguable adorability.
  • Pegasus - One of the three species of ponies. Capable of flight and manipulating weather.
  • Pony’s Tale - Old legend.
  • Ponyville - A city in Equestria. Where the majority of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic takes place.



  • Running of the Leaves - Annual ceremony to bring in winter, in which participants race through Whitetail Woods in order to shake the leaves off of the trees.


  • Salt - Powdery substance, or solid block, which has intoxicating effects on ponies.
  • Somepony - Somebody.
  • Stallion - An adult male pony.
  • Stalliongrad - A city in Equestria
  • Summer Sun Celebration - Annual all-night event celebrating the start of the summer solstice. The day on which Nightmare Moon escaped from exile.



  • Unicorn - One of the three species of ponies. Capable of manipulating magic.
  • Ursa Major - A very large bear with a transparent purple coat in the pattern of the night sky.
  • Ursa Minor - A large bear with a transparent blue coat in the pattern of the night sky.



  • Wheanling - A baby pony.
  • Whitetail Wood - A forest near Ponyville and site of the Running of the Leaves.
  • Winter Moon Celebration - Annual Celebration of the winter solstice.
  • Winter Wrap Up - Annual ceremony to bring in Spring. Takes place after three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays.




  • Zebra - An equine race from a land far-off from Equestria.