Difference between revisions of "IKNN"

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* [[]]
** Status:
** User:
** Funktion:
Virtue: *    Vice: *
Pow: , Fin: , Res:
Ini Mod:      Size:  -    Speed:       
Virtual Combat: 
Defense:      Armor: -
Merits: none
Morality: -
Derangements: none
Essence (/):
HL ():
WP ():
* [[Horst_Richter#Q-Lain_.28Artificial_Retainer.29|Q-Lain]]
* [[Horst_Richter#Q-Lain_.28Artificial_Retainer.29|Q-Lain]]
** Status: Offline
** Status: Offline

Revision as of 14:30, 6 September 2010


Externe Virtual Locations:

  • ANU-Corp
    • Status: Online
    • User: ANU-Corp, Horst Richter, Contractor
    • Funktion: Firmen-Intranet
    • Network Rating: 3 (+2)
    • Security Rating: 17
    • Encryption: 3
    • Admin: ANU Admin


  • [[]]
    • Status:
    • User:
    • Funktion:
Virtue: *    Vice: *
Pow: , Fin: , Res: 
Ini Mod:       Size:   -     Speed:         
Virtual Combat:   
Defense:       Armor: -
Merits: none
Morality: -
Derangements: none
Essence (/): 
HL (): 
WP ():
  • Q-Lain
    • Status: Offline
    • User: ANU-Corp & IKNN, Joint-Venture
    • Funktion: Cybernetic Organism
Virtue: *        Vice: *
Str: 5 (+2), Pre: 3 (+1), Int: 5 (+3)
Dex: 5 (+2), Man: 1 (+0), Wit: 5 (+4)
Sta: 5 (+2), Com: 4 (+2), Res: 5 (+2)
Skills: Academics 1, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Computer 3 (Uplink, Rote), Crafts 2 (Repair), Drive 1,
Expression 2, Firearms 3 (Calibrated, SMP, Auto), Investigation , Science 1, Socialize  2, Weaponry 1
Ini Mod:     9    Size:     5    Speed: 15 (F5)
Unarmed:         10B
Muon Trap:       7 (9-again)
Countermagic:    10   
SMG-Arm:         13L (9-again), 50/100/200, [31+1]
Operate Robot:   10
Virtual Combat:  10   
Defense:     5    Armor: 7/8
Merits: Device [Computer Network] •••, Device [Indernal SMG] •••, Device [Internal Toolkit] •,
Prototype Device [Witch Buster] •, Prototype Device [Etheric Sensory] ••••, Prototype Device 
[Gugnir Targeting System] ••••, Prototype Device [Muon Trap] ••••, Imbued Device [Thaumium 
Skeleton] ••••• ••
Morality: -
Derangements: -
Synthesis: 3
Essence (20/3): 
Mana Capacity (10): 
Aspects: Greater Influence (Robot KI), Chorus, Fetter, Mechanical Posession, 
         Generate Platonic Code, Ghost Eater, Mana Conversion
Health (10): 
Willpower (9):


  • Baue WWW's Virtuelle Locations auf
