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1st Attainment: Blood of Silver
Prerequisites: Gnosis 3, Life 2, Mind 1, Expression 2, Athletics 1
1st Attainment: Blood of
The mage learns to enhance his body and his health, giving him the
Silver Prerequisites: Gnosis 3, Life 2, Mind
benefits of the Life 2 spell “Body Control” (Mage: The Awakening, p.
1, Expression 2, Athletics 1
182). Each dot the mage has in Life can be used to halve the amount of
The mage learns to enhance his
oxygen he requires, double the time he can go before suffering deprivation or
body and his health, giving him the
fatigue, add 1 to his Initiative, double t h e time it takes for poisons or toxins to
benefits of the Life 2 spell “Body
affect him or halve the healing time of bashing wounds. The mage must choose how the bonus
Control” (Mage: The Awakening, p.
182). Each dot the mage has in Life
can be used to halve the amount of
oxygen he requires, double the time he
can go before suffering deprivation or
fatigue, add 1 to his Initiative, double
t h e time it takes for poisons or toxins to
affect him or halve the healing time of bashing
wounds. The mage must choose how the bonus
from each of his dots in the Life Arcana is applied.
from each of his dots in the Life Arcana is applied.
All these effects are continuous and the mage can
All these effects are continuous and the mage can divide these bonuses as desired. The mage must
divide these bonuses as desired. The mage must
take a reflexive action if he wishes to switch how these bonuses are applied. With 3 dots of Life,
take a reflexive action if he wishes to switch how
the mage could give himself +2 to Initiative in a fight and halve the time it takes bashing damage
these bonuses are applied. With 3 dots of Life,
to heal. After the fight, the mage could switch the bonuses and cause all his bashing damage to heal four
the mage could give himself +2 to Initiative
times as rapidly as normal and double the time before he suffers deprivation or fatigue. No rolls are required
to use this ability. As a side benefit, the mage also learns to affect his
in a fight and halve the time it takes bashing damage
own instinctual drives and emotions in exactly the same manner as if he were using the Mind 2 spell
to heal. After the fight, the mage could switch the
“Emotional Urgings” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 207-208) or the Life 3 spell “Control Median Life”
bonuses and cause all his bashing damage to heal four
upon his own mind and body. By making a Resolve + Expression + Life roll, he can feel happiness, perfectly suppress rage or seem appropriately submissive to an authority figure in whom he actually has no trust or
times as rapidly as normal and double the time before
he suffers deprivation or fatigue. No rolls are required
to use this ability.
As a side benefit, the mage also learns to affect his
own instinctual drives and emotions in exactly the
same manner as if he were using the Mind 2 spell
“Emotional Urgings” (Mage: The Awakening, pp.
207-208) or the Life 3 spell “Control Median Life”
upon his own mind and body. By making a Resolve +
Expression + Life roll, he can feel happiness, perfectly
suppress rage or seem appropriately submissive to an
authority figure in whom he actually has no trust or
Optional Arcanum: Mind 2
Optional Arcanum: Mind 2
By studying the Mind Arcanum, the mage also
gains the ability to alter the workings of his own
By studying the Mind Arcanum, the mage also gains the ability to alter the workings of his own mind. The first step in doing so is learning to control it. By learning Mind 2, the mage is able to edit his memories in a manner similar to the “Memory Hole” Spell (Mage: The Awakening, p. 208). By making a Resolve + Expression + Mind roll, he can subtract the desired memories for up to 1 hour. In addition, while he does not know what he has forgotten, as long as the mage makes another roll every hour, he can keep from remembering the information as long as he remains awake.  
mind. The first step in doing so is learning to control
it. By learning Mind 2, the mage is able to edit his
2nd Attainment: Flesh of Gold  
memories in a manner similar to the “Memory Hole”
Prerequisites: Gnosis 5, Life 3
spell (Mage: The Awakening, p. 208). By making a
Resolve + Expression + Mind roll, he can subtract
The mage now heals more rapidly and ages more slowly. Each dot of the Life Arcana the mage possesses allows the mage to halve the time (round down) it takes to heal bashing, lethal and aggravated damage. Possessing 3 dots of Life allows a mage to heal 1   Lethal wound in 6 hours and one aggravated wound in around 18 hours. This healing is compatible with the Quick Healer Merit, but t the healing bonuses to bashing damage from the previous Attainment. Each dot in Life magic also acts as 1 automatic success on ill extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs. Finally, the character’s lifespan is increased by 25 years
the desired memories for up to 1 hour. In addition,
for every dot of the Life Arcana he possesses.  
while he does not know what he has forgotten, as
long as the mage makes another roll every hour, he
can keep from remembering the information as long
as he remains awake.
2nd Attainment: Flesh of Gold Prerequisites: Gnosis 5, Life 3
The mage now heals more rapidly and ages more
slowly. Each dot of the Life Arcana the mage possesses
allows the mage to halve the time (round down) it
takes to heal bashing, lethal and aggravated damage.
Possessing 3 dots of Life allows a mage to heal 1 lethal
wound in 6 hours and one aggravated wound in around
18 hours. This healing is compatible with the Quick
Healer Merit, but not the healing bonuses to bashing
damage from the previous Attainment. Each dot in Life
magic also acts as 1 automatic success on all extended
and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs.
Finally, the character’s lifespan is increased by 25 years
for every dot of the Life Arcana he possesses.
Optional Arcanum: Mind 3
Optional Arcanum: Mind 3
By learning Mind 3, the mage learns to greatly
enhance his mind, enabling him to perform multiple
By learning Mind 3, the mage learns to greatly enhance his mind, enabling him to perform multiple mental actions, in a manner Smilar to the Mind 3 spell “Multi-Tasking” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 211-212). The mage can use this effect as often as desired, for as long as desired without any effort or discomfort. No rolls are required to use this ability.  
mental actions, in a manner similar to the Mind 3 spell
“Multi-Tasking” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 211-212).
3rd Attainment: Incarnation of Diamond  
The mage can use this effect as often as desired, for as
Prerequisites: Gnosis 7, Life 4
long as desired without any effort or discomfort. No
rolls are required to use this ability.
The mage gains an almost complete mastery of her physical form. She can reshape her body so as to look like any other person, own to precisely duplicating finger or retina prints or even vocal patterns. The character accomplishes this transformation sing an effect similar to the Life 4 spell “Doppelganger” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 188-189). The character can maintain a new form as long as desired, even while sleeping. Changing her appearance requires the mage to roll Intelligence + Expression + Life. Impersonating someone else’s appearance sufficiently to fool individuals who know the person being impersonated well Imposes penalties upon this roll, depending upon how familiar the mage is with the person she is trying to imitate. These Penalties range from -0 for imitating a close friend or someone the mage has spent at least a week watching closely, to -5 for someone the mage has never seen in person and of whom all she has seen are a few video images and photographs.
3rd Attainment: Incarnation of Diamond Prerequisites: Gnosis 7, Life 4
The mage gains an almost complete mastery of her
physical form. She can reshape her body so as to look
like any other person, down to precisely duplicating
finger or retina prints or even vocal patterns. The
character accomplishes this transformation using an
effect similar to the Life 4 spell “Doppelganger” (Mage:
The Awakening, pp. 188-189). The character can
maintain a new form as long as desired, even while
sleeping. Changing her appearance requires the mage
to roll Intelligence + Expression + Life.
Impersonating someone else’s appearance sufficiently
to fool individuals who know the person
being impersonated well imposes penalties upon this
roll, depending upon how familiar the mage is with
the person she is trying to imitate. These penalties
range from -0 for imitating a close friend or someone
the mage has spent at least a week watching closely,
to -5 for someone the mage has never seen in person
and of whom all she has seen are a few video images
and photographs.

Revision as of 17:21, 8 August 2010


Gespielt: 4

  • Der Untergang des Hauses Zimmermann - 2exp Story
  • Halloween spez 1&2 + 4 ending
  • Regen im November solo mit niki&Lain
  • Zombie hatz in Tesperhude
  • Es Lebt
  • Ein ganz normaler Sommertag solo niki&lain

ending exp: 6
Netz exp: 1

  • Band 1: Atribute,Skills
    • Resolve 4 20xp
    • Weaponary 0-2 9xp

  • Band 2: Merits,Willpower

  • Band 3: Powers,Supernatural-Merits
    • Barrier Jacket MKII 28
    • Space 2 11xp
      • 0-1 2xp (7xp-5xp Mentor)
      • 1-2 9xp (14xp-5xp Mentor)
    • Matter 2 11xp
      • 0-1 2xp (7xp-5xp Mentor)
      • 1-2 9xp (14xp-5xp Mentor)

  • Band 4: Retainer

  • Band 5: Freie

  • Band 6: Teen Angels (hier landet immer ein punkt wenn die Teen Angels zusammen einen auftritt hatten)


14, Schülerin, lebt mit ihrer Mutter (34, freiberufliche Fotographin) , ihrer älteren Schwester (16) und ihrem jüngeren Halbbruder (4)in einem besseren Viertel [noch offen]. Die Eltern sind geschieden, ihre Mutter ist inzwischen neu verheiratet, kann ihren Mann jedoch nicht regelmäßig sehen, da er (noch) in England lebt. Wenn sie ihn besucht, besuchen die Mädchen ihren Vater. Hobbies: Voltigieren (2-mal in der Woche mit ihrer Schwester, seit sie 8 ist), Tanz (1-mal in der Woche), shoppen

D346400.pngNikki 1.png

Ihr My Space-Account (ihr müsst euch vorstellen, dass sie etwa 200 My Space-"Freunde" hat): http://my.anuanu.de/pg/profile/Nikki_Altenberg (noch nicht ganz fertig)


Hat nen Groß-Onkel in Vegas der dort nen kleines Casino betreibt Dessen ex sie jetzt mentor't

pretty cure vorspann(slightly out of sync) Lain und Nikki !?! kommentare?


Benutzte Rotes

  • Space 2 Apportieren
  • Life 2 Selfhealing


Virtue:     Vice: 

Str:  2       Pre:  2       Int:  2   
Dex:  3       Man:  2       Wit:  2   
Sta:  2       Com:  3       Res:  5   

Skills: 6
Athletics     :3
Brawl         :
Drive         :
Firearms      :
Larceny       :
Stealth       :1
Survival      :
Weaponry      :2
Animal Ken    :2 
Empathy       :3 
Expression    :2
Intimidation  :
Persuasion    :1 
Socialize     :2
Streetwise    :
Subterfuge    :1
Academics     :2
Computer      :2
Crafts        :1
Investigation :1
Medicine      :1       
Occult        : 
Politics      :
Science       :


Athletics - Unter Druck

Athletics - Reiten Dex+Athletics 6w 9again

Ini Mod:         Size: 5        Speed:     
Combat 1:         
Combat 2:         
Defense:        Armor: 

High Speach
Mentor 5 (Legacy Arcana,Space,Matter,Mind, )


Health (7): 
Willpower (8):

Power Stat: 3
Power Pool (13/3):

Prime  :2
Forces :2
Life   :2
Space  :2
Matter :2


1st Attainment: Blood of Silver Prerequisites: Gnosis 3, Life 2, Mind 1, Expression 2, Athletics 1

The mage learns to enhance his body and his health, giving him the benefits of the Life 2 spell “Body Control” (Mage: The Awakening, p. 182). Each dot the mage has in Life can be used to halve the amount of oxygen he requires, double the time he can go before suffering deprivation or fatigue, add 1 to his Initiative, double t h e time it takes for poisons or toxins to affect him or halve the healing time of bashing wounds. The mage must choose how the bonus from each of his dots in the Life Arcana is applied. All these effects are continuous and the mage can divide these bonuses as desired. The mage must take a reflexive action if he wishes to switch how these bonuses are applied. With 3 dots of Life, the mage could give himself +2 to Initiative in a fight and halve the time it takes bashing damage to heal. After the fight, the mage could switch the bonuses and cause all his bashing damage to heal four times as rapidly as normal and double the time before he suffers deprivation or fatigue. No rolls are required to use this ability. As a side benefit, the mage also learns to affect his own instinctual drives and emotions in exactly the same manner as if he were using the Mind 2 spell “Emotional Urgings” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 207-208) or the Life 3 spell “Control Median Life” upon his own mind and body. By making a Resolve + Expression + Life roll, he can feel happiness, perfectly suppress rage or seem appropriately submissive to an authority figure in whom he actually has no trust or belief.

Optional Arcanum: Mind 2

By studying the Mind Arcanum, the mage also gains the ability to alter the workings of his own mind. The first step in doing so is learning to control it. By learning Mind 2, the mage is able to edit his memories in a manner similar to the “Memory Hole” Spell (Mage: The Awakening, p. 208). By making a Resolve + Expression + Mind roll, he can subtract the desired memories for up to 1 hour. In addition, while he does not know what he has forgotten, as long as the mage makes another roll every hour, he can keep from remembering the information as long as he remains awake.

2nd Attainment: Flesh of Gold Prerequisites: Gnosis 5, Life 3

The mage now heals more rapidly and ages more slowly. Each dot of the Life Arcana the mage possesses allows the mage to halve the time (round down) it takes to heal bashing, lethal and aggravated damage. Possessing 3 dots of Life allows a mage to heal 1 Lethal wound in 6 hours and one aggravated wound in around 18 hours. This healing is compatible with the Quick Healer Merit, but t the healing bonuses to bashing damage from the previous Attainment. Each dot in Life magic also acts as 1 automatic success on ill extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs. Finally, the character’s lifespan is increased by 25 years for every dot of the Life Arcana he possesses.

Optional Arcanum: Mind 3

By learning Mind 3, the mage learns to greatly enhance his mind, enabling him to perform multiple mental actions, in a manner Smilar to the Mind 3 spell “Multi-Tasking” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 211-212). The mage can use this effect as often as desired, for as long as desired without any effort or discomfort. No rolls are required to use this ability.

3rd Attainment: Incarnation of Diamond Prerequisites: Gnosis 7, Life 4

The mage gains an almost complete mastery of her physical form. She can reshape her body so as to look like any other person, own to precisely duplicating finger or retina prints or even vocal patterns. The character accomplishes this transformation sing an effect similar to the Life 4 spell “Doppelganger” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 188-189). The character can maintain a new form as long as desired, even while sleeping. Changing her appearance requires the mage to roll Intelligence + Expression + Life. Impersonating someone else’s appearance sufficiently to fool individuals who know the person being impersonated well Imposes penalties upon this roll, depending upon how familiar the mage is with the person she is trying to imitate. These Penalties range from -0 for imitating a close friend or someone the mage has spent at least a week watching closely, to -5 for someone the mage has never seen in person and of whom all she has seen are a few video images and photographs.