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==World of Darkness Bloody Empire==
==World of Darkness Bloody Empire==

Latest revision as of 21:53, 1 August 2008

World of Darkness Bloody Empire[edit]


Nation - Signature Stadt - Vorherrschende Factions - Theme/Mood

  • Rom - Rom - Camarilla Vampire - Intrigue/Modern Elite
  • Ägypten - Alexandria - Mages - Mystery/Ancient
  • Gallien - Alesia - Moon Tribes Werwölfe, Ferals - Resistance/Occupied
  • Germanien - ? - Pure Tribes Werwölfe, Ferals - Conflict/Barbaric
  • Griechenland - Athen - Seers, Order of Reason - Vision/Civilized
  • Phönizien - Karthago - Baal's Brut Vampire - Total War/Demonic



Adventure Seeds[edit]


This category has only the following subcategory.