Difference between revisions of "Category:WoDBE"
From Anu Anu RPG
(→Shapeshifter) |
(→Mages) |
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===Mages=== | ===Mages=== | ||
− | * Antike Traditionen | + | * Antike Traditionen (Rote Specialties) |
− | ** Collegium der Pontificati, Priester des Imperialen Pantheon | + | ** Concilium |
− | ** Hoher Thing der Druiden | + | *** Collegium der Pontificati (Religion, Expression, Occult) - Priester des Imperialen Pantheon; Orden des Hermes, Silver Ladder |
− | ** Bund der Nekromanten | + | *** Adamantine Adepten (Warfare, Empathy, Athletics) - Akashic Brotherhood, Adamantine Arrows |
− | + | *** Grantapfel Deme (Investigation, Stealth, Politics) - Euthanatos, Guardians of the Veil | |
+ | *** Bacchanten (Academics, Socialize, Subterfuge) - Cult of Extasy, Free Council | ||
+ | *** Schwestern der Vesta (Religion, Empathy, Persuasion) - Verbena, Mysterium | ||
+ | *** Hoher Thing der Druiden (Craft, Intimidation, Survival) - Dreamspeakers | ||
+ | *** Bund der Nekromanten (Medicine, Streetwise, Craft) - | ||
** Daedaleanische Liga | ** Daedaleanische Liga | ||
− | ** Bruderschaft der Seher | + | *** Bruderschaft der Seher (Religion, Empathy, Investigation) - New World Order, Seers of the Throne |
+ | *** Pythagoräischer Zirkel (Academics, Expression, Persuasion) - Virtual Adepts | ||
+ | *** Hippokratischer Zirkel (Medicine, Socialize, Survival) - Stammväter | ||
+ | *** Bund des Archimedes (Craft, Archery, Warfare) - Iteration X | ||
+ | *** Collegium Aurum (Politics, Persuasion, Larceny) - Syndikat | ||
* Antike Pfade | * Antike Pfade | ||
− | ** Saturn/Chronos/Amun/Cernunnos (Time) | + | ** Saturn/Chronos/Amun/Cernunnos (Ruling: Time, Inferior: ) |
− | ** Fortuna/Tycho/Amunet/Danu (Fate) | + | ** Fortuna/Tycho/Amunet/Danu (Ruling: Fate, Inferior: ) |
− | ** Apollo/Apollon/Horus/Bellenus (Prime) | + | ** Apollo/Apollon/Horus/Bellenus (Ruling: Prime, Inferior: ) |
− | ** Jupiter/Zeus/Osiris/Taranis (Forces) | + | ** Jupiter/Zeus/Osiris/Taranis (Ruling: Forces, Inferior: ) |
− | ** Juno/Hera/Maat/Morrigan (Spirit) | + | ** Juno/Hera/Maat/Morrigan (Ruling: Spirit, Inferior: ) |
− | ** Ceres/Demeter/Nephtys/Brigid (Life) | + | ** Ceres/Demeter/Nephtys/Brigid (Ruling: Life, Inferior: ) |
− | ** Merkur/Hermes/Toth/Esus ( | + | ** Merkur/Hermes/Toth/Esus (Ruling: Space, Inferior: ) |
− | ** Minerva/Athene/Neith/Sulis (Mind) | + | ** Minerva/Athene/Neith/Sulis (Ruling: Mind, Inferior: ) |
− | ** Pluto/Hades/Anubis/Keltos (Death) | + | ** Pluto/Hades/Anubis/Keltos (Ruling: Death, Inferior: Life) |
− | ** Vulcanos/Hephaistos/Ptah/Carpentus (Matter) | + | ** Vulcanos/Hephaistos/Ptah/Carpentus (Ruling: Matter, Inferior: ) |
* Antike Legacies | * Antike Legacies |
Revision as of 03:25, 20 January 2008
Hi Leute, hab' mir schonmal 'n paar Gedanken zur Antiken WoD gemacht und hier hingeworfen. Wie immer mit der bitte um Ideen, Ergänzungen und Feedback. - Chris
Nation - Signature Stadt - Vorherrschende Factions - Theme/Mood
- Rom - Rom - Camarilla Vampire - Intrigue/Modern Elite
- Ägypten - Alexandria - Mages - Mystery/Ancient
- Gallien - Alesia - Moon Tribes Werwölfe, Ferals - Resistance/Occupied
- Germanien - ? - Pure Tribes Werwölfe, Ferals - Conflict/Barbaric
- Griechenland - Athen - Seers, Order of Reason - Vision/Civilized
- Phönizien - Karthago - Baal's Brut Vampire - Total War/Demonic
Adventure Seeds
- Colloseum
- Geheimnisse des alten Reiches
- Germania Superior
- Hüter der Tempel
- Kinder der Schwarzen Götter
- Antike Covenants
- Covenants der Carmarilla
- Der Senex - Herrschender Vampirsenat aus Patriziern
- Legio Mortuum - Exekutive aus Vampir-Legionären und -Kriegern
- Kult der Auguren - Anhänger der römischen Mysterienkulte
- Das Peregrine Kollegium - Versammlung der Plebäischen Vampire
- Lancea et Sanctum - Neuster Zugang der Camarilla, Anhänger des Einen Gottes
- Barbarische Covenants
- Kinder des Seth - Ägyptischer Geheimkult
- Covenants der Carmarilla
- Antike Clans
- Julii - Römische Vampirelite, vornehmlich aus Patriziern, Proto-Ventrue
- Daeva - Persischer Ursprung
- Gangrel -
- Nosferatu -
- Mekhet - Aus Ägypten und Afrika stammend
- Antike Bloodlines
- Agonistes - Mekhet, Bloodlines: the Chosen
- Khaibit - Mekhet, Bloodlines: the Hidden
- Morbus - Mekhet, Requiem for Rome
- Osites - Mekhet, Lancea Sanctum
- Qedeshah - Mekhet, Bloodlines: the Hidden
- Annunaku - Gangrel, Invictus
- Childer of the Morrigan - Gangrel, Circle of the Crone
- Mara - Gangrel, Circle of the Crone
- Vedma - Gangrel, Ordo Dracul
- Anvari - Daeva, Bloodlines: the Hidden
- Childern of Judas - Daeva, Bloodlines: the Legedary
- Gulikan - Daeva, Bloodlines: the Legedary
- Bron - Ventrue, Bloodlines: the Legedary
- Gorgons - Ventrue, Circle of the Crone
- Macellarius - Ventrue, Bloodlines: the Legedary
- Galloi - Nosferatu, Bloodlines: the Legedary
- Rakshasa - Nosferatu, Bloodlines: the Hidden
- Antike Traditionen (Rote Specialties)
- Concilium
- Collegium der Pontificati (Religion, Expression, Occult) - Priester des Imperialen Pantheon; Orden des Hermes, Silver Ladder
- Adamantine Adepten (Warfare, Empathy, Athletics) - Akashic Brotherhood, Adamantine Arrows
- Grantapfel Deme (Investigation, Stealth, Politics) - Euthanatos, Guardians of the Veil
- Bacchanten (Academics, Socialize, Subterfuge) - Cult of Extasy, Free Council
- Schwestern der Vesta (Religion, Empathy, Persuasion) - Verbena, Mysterium
- Hoher Thing der Druiden (Craft, Intimidation, Survival) - Dreamspeakers
- Bund der Nekromanten (Medicine, Streetwise, Craft) -
- Daedaleanische Liga
- Bruderschaft der Seher (Religion, Empathy, Investigation) - New World Order, Seers of the Throne
- Pythagoräischer Zirkel (Academics, Expression, Persuasion) - Virtual Adepts
- Hippokratischer Zirkel (Medicine, Socialize, Survival) - Stammväter
- Bund des Archimedes (Craft, Archery, Warfare) - Iteration X
- Collegium Aurum (Politics, Persuasion, Larceny) - Syndikat
- Concilium
- Antike Pfade
- Saturn/Chronos/Amun/Cernunnos (Ruling: Time, Inferior: )
- Fortuna/Tycho/Amunet/Danu (Ruling: Fate, Inferior: )
- Apollo/Apollon/Horus/Bellenus (Ruling: Prime, Inferior: )
- Jupiter/Zeus/Osiris/Taranis (Ruling: Forces, Inferior: )
- Juno/Hera/Maat/Morrigan (Ruling: Spirit, Inferior: )
- Ceres/Demeter/Nephtys/Brigid (Ruling: Life, Inferior: )
- Merkur/Hermes/Toth/Esus (Ruling: Space, Inferior: )
- Minerva/Athene/Neith/Sulis (Ruling: Mind, Inferior: )
- Pluto/Hades/Anubis/Keltos (Ruling: Death, Inferior: Life)
- Vulcanos/Hephaistos/Ptah/Carpentus (Ruling: Matter, Inferior: )
- Antike Legacies
- Mars/Ares/Moth/Teutates
- Neptun/Posseidon/Hapi/Benacus
- Diana/Artemis/Anat/Sirona
- Venus/Aphrodite/Isis/?
- Aesculapius/Asklepios/Imhotep/?
- Bacchus/Dyonisos/Tenem/?
- Janus/Baphomet/Sobek/?
- Proserpina/Persephone/Tenemet/?
- Vesta/Hestia/?/?
- Carna/Discordia/?/?
- Vertumnis/Metis/?/?
- Antike Tribes
- Tribes of the Moon
- Blood Talons
- Storm Lords
- Hunters In Darkness
- Bone Shadows
- Iron Wolves
- Ursara - Bären
- Pure Tribes
- Fire Touched
- Ivory Claws
- Predator Kings
- Lost Tribes
- Chimera
- Vargr
- Feral Tribes
- Bastet - Katzen
- Land Titans - Dickhäuter
- Laughing Strangers - Trickster wie Hasen, Ratten, Waschbären und Coyoten
- The Pack - Hunde
- Royal Apes - Primaten
- Spinner Kin - Arachniden
- Wind Runners - Paarhufer, Pferde
- Wingfolk - Vögel
- Tribes of the Moon
- Antike Auspices und Accords
- Auspices (nur Tribes of the Moon)
- Rahu - Full Moon, Warrior
- Cahalith - Gibbous Moon, Visionary
- Elodoth - Half Moon, Walker Between
- Ithaeur - Crescent Moon, Spirit Master
- Irraka - New Moon, Stalker
- Accords
- Den-Warder
- Heart-Ripper
- Root-Weaver
- Sun-Chaser
- Wind-Dancer
- Auspices (nur Tribes of the Moon)
- Antike Lodges
- Lodge of Cernunnos
- Lodge of Thunder
Andere Supernaturals
- Changelings: zurückgedrängt in wylde Gegenden
- Prometheans: vereinzelt in Ägypten, Karthago, Gallien
- Posessed: überall möglich Geister, Demons; siehe Strigori (Requiem for Rome)
- Immortals: einzelne Highlander und Mithras-Kult
Pages in category "WoDBE"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.