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(Mesmero d'Feral, Hypnotiseur Noir)
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[[Category:Iron Kingdoms]] [[Category:NPC]]
==Mesmero d'Feral, Hypnotiseur==
==Mesmero d'Freal, Hypnotiseur Noir==
:Level: 10        XP:  
:Level: 10        XP:  
:Alignement: Chaotic Neutral
:Alignement: Chaotic Neutral

Latest revision as of 01:26, 21 November 2007

Mesmero d'Freal, Hypnotiseur Noir[edit]

Level: 10 XP:
Alignement: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Human
Class: Sholar Lvl 5
Class: Wizard Lvl 5
STR    8    -1        INT    16    +3
DEX    14    +2       WIS    10    0
CON    10    0        CHA    20    +5

Skills (97)[edit]

x Appraise              *(Int) 3 + 2 + =     5
x Bluff                 *(Cha) 5 + 10 + =    15
x Concentrarion         *(Con) 0 + 10 + =    10
x Craft [Clockwork]     *(Int) 3 + 2 + =     5
x Creature Lore          (Int) 3 + 2 + =     5
x Decipher Script        (Int) 3 + 2 + =     5
x Diplomacy             *(Cha) 5 + 8 + 2 =   15
  Escape Artist         *(Dex) 2 + 3 + =     5
x Gather Information    *(Cha) 5 + 5 + =     10
  Hide                  *(Dex) 2 + 3 + =     5
x Knowledge [Arcana]     (Int) 3 + 7 + =     10
x Knowledge [Psychol.]   (Int) 3 + 7 + =     10
x Profession [Psychol.]  (Wis) 0 + 8 + 2 =   10
x Search                *(Int) 3 + 7 + =     10
x Sense Motive          *(Wis) 0 + 8 + 2 =   10
x Spellcraft             (Int) 3 + 7 + =     10


Hit Points (28):
                     Armor  Dex   Size   Misc
Armor Class:  = 12 +   0  +  2  +   0  +    
Fort Save:    2 = 0 + 2 + 
Ref Save:     4 = 2 + 2 + 
Will Save:    8 = 0 + 8 + 
Base Attack: +5    Speed: 30    Initiative: +2
Melee Att:       5 = (Str) 0 + 5 + 
Ranged Att:      7 = (Dex) 2 + 5 + 
Grapple Att:     5 = (Str) 0 + 5 +


- Wepon Proficiency [Simple Weapons]
- Exotic Wepon Proficiency [Small Arms]
- Armor Proficiency [Light Armor]

- Literacy
- University Education
- Wealth of Knowledge
- Bonus Language ()
- Higher Learning
   2x Dabbler
   Student of Magical Arts

- Summon Familliar
- Scribe Scroll
- Craft Wonderous Item

- Combat Casting
- Spell Focus [Enchantment]
- Spell Mastery (Hypnotism, Hypnotic Pattern, Mesmerizing Gaze)
- Spell Penetration


Spells per Day
 0    1    2    3    4    5    6
 4    4    4    4    -    -    -
Spells Known
Lvl 0
- Arcane Mark     (Uni)    Inscribes a personal rune (visible or not).
- Detect Magic    (Div)    Detects spells and magic items in 60 ft.
- Read Magic      (Div)    Read scrolls and spellbooks.
- Daze            (Enc)    Humanoid up to 4HD looses next action.
- Ghost Sound     (Ill)    Figments sound.
- Luminous Gaze   (Evo)    Eyes emmit light or dazzle creatures.
- Prestidigation  (Uni)    Perform minor tricks

Lvl 1
- Charm Person    (Enc)    Make one person your friend.
- Distract        (Enc)    target -4 on Concentration, Listen, Search, Spot
- Distract Assail.(Enc)    Creature is flatfooted for one round.
- Hypnotism       (Enc)    FascinateS 2d4HD of Creatures.
- Incite          (Enc)    Target can't ready actions or delay.
- Inhibit         (Enc)    Target delays its action one round.
- Sleep           (Enc)    Put 4HD of creatures into magical sleep.
- Whelm           (Enc)    Deal 1d6 + 1d/2CL nonlethal dmg.

Lvl 2
- Black Karma     (Enc)    Target attacks self with melee attack.
- Daze Monster    (Enc)    Creature of up to 6HD looses next action.
- Hide. Laughter  (Enc)    Target looses actions for 1 round per CL.
- Hypn. Pattern   (Enc)    Fascinates 2d4+1HD of creatures.
- Mindless Rage   (Enc)    Compell target to randomly attack.
- Ray of Stupidity(Enc)    Deals 1d4+1 Int dmg.
- Rebuke          (Enc)    Target is dazed one round, then shaken.
- Stay the Hand   (Enc)    Tarets attitude is helpful for 1 round.
- Sting Ray       (Enc)    Target can only take standard or move actions.

Lvl 3
- Deep Slumber    (Enc)    Put 10HD of creatures into magical sleep.
- Heroism         (Enc)    +2 on attacks, saves and skills
- Hesitate        (Enc)    Forces target to loose next action.
- Hold Person     (Enc)    Paralize humanoid for 1 round/CL.
- Inevit. Defeat  (Enc)    Target take 3d6 nonlethal dmg/round.
- Mesm. Glare     (Enc)    Fascinate 2d4/2Cl HD of creatures.
- Suggestion      (Enc)    Compell Subject to follow course of act.


- Elegant Suit with Tie
- Slim Metalframed Glasses
- Concealed Legstrap Holster (Tiny Pistol)

- Hypnotic Watch    (6.400 gp) Masterworked Pocket Watch with Hypnotism  Spell CL5 usable three times per day.
- Suggestive Letter (750 gp) Letter with Suggestion Spell CL5
- Explosive Letter (600 gp) Letter with Explosive Runes Spell CL4

- Concealed Tiny Pistol
  Pistol, tiny            175 gp    2d3        20 x3        20    3 lb.        P    1S/DC8