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(New page: ==Charakterbogen== Race: Human (Thurian) Class: Scholar 6 Lv: 6 HP: 27 =7+4+4+4+4+4 Str: 10 +0 Dex: 14 +2 Con: 12 +1 Int: 19 +4 Wis: 8 -1 Cha: 12 +2 ===Skills=== Pun...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 13:11, 9 September 2014


Race: Human (Thurian) 
Class: Scholar 6
Lv: 6
HP: 27 =7+4+4+4+4+4
Str:  10 +0
Dex:  14 +2
Con:  12 +1
Int:  19 +4
Wis:   8 -1
Cha:  12 +2


Punkte: 10*(lvl+3)=90 
Appraise                   8 =+4 (Int) +4 Ranks
Bluff                      7 =+1 (Cha) +6 Ranks
Concentration              5 =+1 (Con) +4 Ranks            
Craft [Surgery]           20 =+4 (Int) +9 Ranks +2Feat +3(+1/2lvl) +2syn
Craft [Vivisection]       15 =+4 (Int) +9 Ranks +2syn
Craft [Alchemy]           13 =+4 (Int) +9 Ranks
Diplomacy                  5 =+1 (Cha) +4 Ranks
Gather Information         5 =+1 (Cha) +4 Ranks
Knowledge [Medicin]       22 =+4 (Int) +9 Ranks +2Feat +2Feat +2Feat +3(+1/2lvl)
Knowledge [Nature]        20 =+4 (Int) +9 Ranks +2Feat +3(+1/2lvl) +2 syn
Knowledge [Creature Lore] 15 =+4 (Int) +9 Ranks +2Feat
Profession [Doc]          10 =-1 (Wis) +9 Ranks +2Feat
Search (Int)
Sense Motive               4 =-1 (Wis) +5 Ranks
Decipher Script (Int)



obscure knowledge (+4 auf bardic knowledge)(human) 
Surgeon (+2 craft (surgery)+2 knowledge(medicine) )(lvl1) 
Doctor (+2 profession(arzt)+2 knowledge(medicine))(lvl3) 
universety education (+2 competece auf 3 knowleges(bonus) )
Aurum Omnius Alchemist (-lvl xp bei brew potion min 1)

Wealth of Knowledge:Bardic Knowledge  13 = lvl+Int+4
Field of Study :Human Anatomy
Logical conclution Knowledge Medicin
Savant Knowledge Medicin
Bonus Language :Iridianisch
Bonus Feat: Aurum Omnius Alchemist
Expert Assistant +4 durch Assist take 10 gibt als ergebnis 12 take 20 = 24

Animal Companion wie druide gleicher stufe
   Itirianisches Pferd

Fort Save: 2= +1 +1     
Ref Save : 3= +1 +2      
Will Save: 3= +4 -1
Initiative: +2        
Speed: 30         
Armor Class: 14   
Meele-AB: 0      
Ranged-AB: +2


Armor: Armored Longcoat  
Armor Bonus:   +2
Max Dex Bonus:  6
Check penalty:  -1
Spell Failure:  5%
Special: DR 5 (stumpfe hiebwaffen gehen durch)
masterwork Docktors bag
+2 craft surgery 
+1d6+1 healing bei DC15
1GP mats pro use

200 uses
Adventurer Pack
Wagen + Pferd
Die Praxis
1p Corvous Wundheiler
3p Corbens Wundheiler
1p 50% verdünnte cryptspider acid
30gp an tabac
4 Flaschen Good Stuff
1 Fass Methyl alkohol aka 14 Flaschen

Geld werte[edit]

470 GP
0 SP


Horse, Light iridian bronco
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (39 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+9 Attack: Hoof –1 melee (1d4+2*)
Full Attack: 2 hooves –1 melee (1d4+2*)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent , link
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Endurance, Run , Evasion , Surefooted

Wolfsstamm überlebende[edit]

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Kuwanyuma (Schmetterling der schöne flügel zeigt) Sprechstunden azubi lvl1 expert
Tolinka (Flatterndes Ohr des Koyoten)Sprechstunden azubi lvl1 expert