Editing MLP Skills

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:Key Ability: The abbreviation for the ability whose modifier applies to the skill check.
:Key Ability: The abbreviation for the ability whose modifier applies to the skill check.
:Trained Only: If "Trained Only" appears on the line beneath the skill name, you must be trained in that skill to use it. If "Trained Only" is omitted, the skill can be used untrained except for some uses. If any special notes apply to trained or untrained use, they are covered in the Special section.
:Trained Only: If "Trained Only" appears on the line beneath the skill name, you must be trained in that skill to use it. If "Trained Only" is omitted, the skill can be used untrained except for some uses. If any special notes apply to trained or untrained use, they are covered in the Special section.
:Skill Check Penalty: If "Skill Check Penalty" appears on the line beneath the skill name, a character takes a penalty on skill checks made with this skill if he's wearing armor with which he is not proficient. The size of the armor check penalty depends on the type of armor: light, -2; medium, -5; or heavy, -10. For example, Woody the Earth Pony scout is proficient with light armor only. If he attempts to swim in medium armor, he takes a -5 armor check penalty on his Swim check.
:Skill Check Penalty: If "Skill Check Penalty" appears on the line beneath the skill name, a character takes a penalty on skill checks made with this skill if he's wearing armor with which he is not proficient. The size of the armor check penalty depends on the type of armor: light, -2; medium, -5; or heavy, -10. For example, Woody the Earth Pony scout is proficient with light armor only. If he attempts to swim in medium armor, he takes a -5 armor
check penalty on his Swim check.
:Retry: Any circumstances that apply to successive attempts to use the skill successfully. If this paragraph is omitted, the skill check can be tried again without any inherent penalty other than consuming additional time.
:Retry: Any circumstances that apply to successive attempts to use the skill successfully. If this paragraph is omitted, the skill check can be tried again without any inherent penalty other than consuming additional time.
:Special: Any special notes that apply, such as rules regarding untrained use and whether or not you can take 10 or take 20 when using the skill.
:Special: Any special notes that apply, such as rules regarding untrained use and whether or not you can take 10 or take 20 when using the skill.
:Time: How much time it takes to make a check with this skill, if that information hasn't already been covered elsewhere.
:Time: How much time it takes to make a check with this skill, if that information hasn't already been covered elsewhere.
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Armor Check Penalty
Armor Check Penalty
for instance Baseball, Basketball, Football, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, ...
You can move at normal speed across difficult terrain, keep your balance while walking on a narrow surface, take less damage from a fall, slip free of restraints or a grappling foe, and get up from prone safely. In addition to the specific options listed below, you can use Acrobatics to perform typical tumbling, flipping, or gymnastic maneuvers.
Acrobatics encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Acrobatics represents your capability in certain types of sports. Each time you select Acrobatics as a trained skill, you can choose a type of sport from the example list below or create a new one. Also You can move at normal speed across difficult terrain, keep your balance while walking on a narrow surface, take less damage from a fall, slip free of restraints or a grappling foe, and get up from prone safely. In addition to the specific options listed below, you can use Acrobatics to perform typical tumbling, flipping, or gymnastic maneuvers.
<table width=40% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Subcategory</b></td><td><b>Example</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>Baseball</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Basketball</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Football</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Golf</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Lacrosse</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Soccer</td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Tennis</td><td> </td></tr>
* Balance: A successful Acrobatics check allows you to move at half speed along a narrow surface such as a ledge or wire. The DC of the Acrobatics check varies with the width of the surface (see below). If the surface is slippery or unstable, increase the DC by 5. A failed check means you fall prone and must make a DC 25 Reflex save to catch the ledge or wire.
* Balance: A successful Acrobatics check allows you to move at half speed along a narrow surface such as a ledge or wire. The DC of the Acrobatics check varies with the width of the surface (see below). If the surface is slippery or unstable, increase the DC by 5. A failed check means you fall prone and must make a DC 25 Reflex save to catch the ledge or wire.
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Special: You can take 10 when making a Jump check. If there is no danger associated with failing, you can take 20. Distance covered by a long jump or high jump counts against your maximum movement in a round; distance covered by jumping down does not.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Jump check. If there is no danger associated with failing, you can take 20. Distance covered by a long jump or high jump counts against your maximum movement in a round; distance covered by jumping down does not.
====Melee (Str)====
====Melee (Str)====
The Melee skill represents your ability to strike someone or something in close combat. When you make an Melee roll and your result equals or surpasses the target's Reflex Defense modified by your size, you are able to hit and deal damage. If your skill check succeeds, you deal damage. The type of weapon used, or your size together with your Strength bonus, and bonuses from other sources if applicable, determine the amount of fatigue lost by that individual. When the fatigue loss exceeds the physical damage threshold, the target move down one step on the physical condition track. If the fatigue loss exceeds double the physical damage threshold the physical condition track is moved by two steps, but one of those is considered persistent. If it happens that the fatigue loss exceeds three times the physical damage threshold, the physical condition track is moved by three steps but one of those is considered persistent and another one is considered a crippling condition (see page xxx for more information about the condition track).
* Damaging inanimate objects: The basic difficulty of a melee roll against an inanimate object is 10, modified according to the stablemaster, if complicating circumstances exist. When your melee roll is successful you make a normal damage roll. If the result exceeds the object's Damage Reduction, it is compared to the damage threshold of the object. If higher, the physical condition of the object moves down one persistent step on the physical condition track for every time the result exceeds the damage threshold. Most objects have no fatigue score, therefore damage that did not exceeded the damage threshold has no effect. Some objects, like clouds, plants, or gemstone caches have an equivalent to fatigue points. In that case, damage that has not exceeded the threshold can be used for a Harvest result, but the base difficulty for the melee roll is 15 instead of 10 (see page xxx).
<table width=40% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Size</b></td><td><b>Base Damage</b></td><td><b>Melee Check Modifier</b></td></tr>
Special: You can take 10 on a Melee check in a non-dramatic situation, but you can't take 20.
====Ranged (Dex)====
The Ranged skill represents your ability to strike someone or something on Long range. Ranged is working the same way like Melee with some exceptions. With a ranged weapon or  some sport equipment, you can shoot or throw at any target that is within the items's maximum range and in line of sight. The maximum range for a thrown weapon is five range increments. For projectile weapons and some sport equipment, it is 10 range increments. Some ranged items have shorter maximum ranges, as specified in their descriptions. In addition it should be noted that some Range equipment not add the Strength Modifier to the Damage. Penalty through poor visibility are doubled on close range, tripled on medium range and quadrupled on long range.
Special: You can take 10 on a Ranged check in non-dramatic situations, but you can't take 20.
====Stealth (Dex)====
====Stealth (Dex)====
Armor Check Penalty
Armor Check Penalty
Use th is skill to slink past a sentry without being heard, catch your enemy
Use this skill to hide from someone, slink past a sentry without being heard, or perform sleight of hand.
off-guard, snipe from a concealed location, or perform sleight of hand.
Sneak: Your Stealth check sets the DC for Perception checks made to
* Sneak: Your Stealth check sets the DC for Perception checks made to notice you. If an opponent's Perception check equals or exceeds your Stealth check, your opponent notices you. Any circumstance that hampers your ability to sneak imposes a -2 penalty on your check, while favorable circumstances grant a +2 bonus. For example, sneaking across a surface littered with debris imposes a -2 penalty on your Stealth check, while a room filled with abundant hiding places grants a +2 bonus on your check. If you move more than your speed in any given round, you take a -5 penalty on your Stealth check. If you move more than twice your speed in any given round, you take a -10 penalty on your Stealth check. Your size provides a modifier to your Stealth checks: Fine, +20; Diminutive, +15; Tiny, +10; Small, +5; Medium, +0; Large, -5; Huge, -10; Gargantuan, -15; Colossal, -20.
notice you. If an opponent's Perception check equals or exceeds your Stealth
check, your opponent notices you.
* Conceal Item: As a standard action, you can attempt to conceal an item on your person. The concealed object must be at least one size smaller than you, and you get a modifier on your skill check based on the object's relative size: One size smaller, -5; two sizes smaller, +0; three sizes smaller, +5; four or more sizes smaller, + 10. Other characters may notice a concealed object with a successful Perception check (opposed by your Stealth check result), but only if you do not have total concealment. A character gains a +10 circumstance bonus on his Perception check if he physically touches you to search for concealed items; this requires a full-round action that can only be performed if you're a willing, pinned, or helpless target. Drawing a concealed item is a move action.
Any circumstance that hampers your ability to sneak imposes a -2 penalty
on your check, while favorable circumstances grant a +2 bonus. For example,
* Create a Diversion to Hide: You can use the Deception skill to help you be stealthy. A successful Deception gives you the momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check even though people are aware of you. While the others turn their attention from you, you can make a Stealth check (as normal, and at no penalty) if you can reach a hiding place of some kind as a move action.
sneaking across a surface littered with debris imposes a -2 penalty on your
Stealth check, while a room filled with abundant hiding places grants a +2
* Pick Pocket: With a successful Stealth check, you can pilfer a small, hand-sized object from a target within reach. Your Stealth check is opposed by the target's Perception check, and the target gains a +5 bonus. If you fail by 4 or less, you are unable to take the item, but the target does not notice the effort. If you fail by 5 or more, you are unable to take the item and the target catches you in the act.
bonus on your check.
If you move more than your speed in any given round, you take a -5
* Sleight of Hand: You can palm hand-sized objects, perform minor feats of legerdemain, or attempt to perform a minor action without being noticed (such as flipping a switch, or pulling out a joke article without being noticed). All such efforts are opposed by observer's perception check. Any observer that beats your Stealth check notices the action you attempted, and knows how you did it.
penalty on your Stealth check. If you move more than twice your speed in
any given round, you take a -10 penalty on your Stealth check.
* Snipe: After making a ranged attack from hiding, you can try to hide again. You must be at least 2 squares from the target, and you must already have successfully used Stealth to hide from the target. Make a new Stealth check (as normal, but with a -10 penalty) as a move action. If you succeed, you remain hidden; otherwise, your location is revealed.
Your size provides a modifier to your Stealth checks: Fine, +20; Diminutive,
+15; Tiny, +10; Small, +5; Medium, +0; Large, -5; Huge, -10; Gargantuan,
Special: You can take 10 when making a Stealth check in a non-dramatic situation, but you can't take 20.
-15; Colossal, -20.
Conceal Item: As a standard action, you can attempt to conceal an item
(such as a weapon) on your person. The concealed object must be at least
one size smaller than you, and you get a modifier on your skill check based
on the object's relative size: One size smaller, -5; two sizes smaller, +0; three
sizes smaller, +5; four or more sizes smaller, + 10.
Other characters may notice a concealed object with a successful Perception
check (opposed by your Stealth check result), but only if you do not
have total concealment. A character gains a +10 circumstance bonus on
his Perception check if he physically touches you to search for concealed  
items; this requires a full-round action that can only be performed if you're
a willing, pinned, or helpless target.
Drawing a concealed item is a move action.
Create a Diversion to Hide: You can use the Deception skill (page 64)
to help you be stealthy. A successful Deception gives you the momentary
diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check even though people are aware
of you. While the others turn their attention from you, you can make a Stealth
check (as normal, and at no penalty) if you can reach a hiding place of some
kind as a move action.
Pick Pocket: With a successful Stealth check, you can pilfer a small,
hand-sized object from a target within reach. Your Stealth check is opposed
by the target's Perception check, and the target gains a +5 bonus. If you fail
by 4 or less, you are unable to take the item, but the target does not notice
the effort. If you fail by 5 or more, you are unable to take the item and the
target catches you in the act.
Sleight of Hand: You can palm hand-sized objects, perform minor feats
of legerdemain, or attempt to perform a minor action without being noticed
(such as flipping a switch, pulling out a thermal detonator, or drawing a
pistol under the cover of a table). All such efforts are opposed by observer's
Perception check. Any observer that beats your Stealth check notices the
action you attempted, and knows how you did it.
Snipe: After making a ranged attack from hiding, you can try to hide
again. You must be at least 2 squares from the target, and you must already
have successfully used Stealth to hide from the target. Make a new Stealth
check (as normal, but with a -10 penalty) as a move action. If you succeed,
you remain hidden; otherwise, your location is revealed.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Stealth check, but you can't
take 20.
====Swim (Str)====
====Swim (Str)====
Armor Check Penalty
Armor Check Penalty
Using this skill, a land-based creature can swim, dive, navigate underwater
Using this skill, a land-based creature can swim, dive, navigate underwater obstacles, and so on.
obstacles, and so on.
Swim: A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter your
* Swim: A successful Swim check allows you to swim one-quarter your speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action. Roll once per round. If you fail, you make no progress through the water. If you fail by 5 or more, you go underwater and must hold your breath (see the Endurance skill) until you reach the surface by succeeding on a Swim check.
speed as a move action or one-half your speed as a full-round action. Roll
once per round. If you fail, you make no progress through the water. If you
fail by 5 or more, you go underwater and must hold your breath (see the
Endurance skill, page 66) until you reach the surface by succeeding on a
Swim check.
The DC for the Swim check depends on the situation:
The DC for the Swim check depends on the situation:
<table width=30% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
Calm water 10
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Situation</b></td><td><b>DC</b></td></tr>
Rough water
<tr><td>Calm water</td><td>15</td></tr>
Stormy water
<tr><td>Rough water</td><td>20</td></tr>
<tr><td>Stormy water</td><td>25</td></tr>
Retry: A new check is allowed the round after a check is failed.
Retry: A new check is allowed the round after a check is failed.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Swim check, but you can't take
Special: You can take 10 when making a Swim check, but you can't take 20.
===Mental Skills===
===Mental Skills===
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Jury-Rig: You can make temporary repairs to any disabled mechanical or electronic device, from a simple tool to a complex starship component. Jury-rigging is a full-round action and requires a successful DC 25 check. If you use a tool kit, you gain a +5 equipment bonus on the check. A juryrigged
Jury-Rig: You can make temporary repairs to any disabled mechanical
device gains +2 steps on the condition track. At the end of the scene or encounter, the jury-rigged device moves -5 steps along the track and
or electronic device, from a simple tool to a complex starship component.
becomes disabled again. (See Conditions, page xxx)
Jury-rigging is a full-round action and requires a successful DC 25 check.
If you use a tool kit, you gain a +5 equipment bonus on the check. A juryrigged
Repair Device (requires tool kit) : You can repair a damaged or disabled droid or object (including devices and vehicles). This requires at least 1 hour of work, at the end of which time you must make a Mechanics check. Only one character may repair a given droid or object at a time, but other characters may use the aid another action to assist (see page 151) .
device gains +2 steps on the condition track. At the end of the scene
or encounter, the jury-rigged device moves -5 steps along the track and
becomes disabled again . (See Conditions, page 14B.)
Repair Object: You can spend 1 hour and make a DC 20 Mechanics check to repair a damaged or disabled object, restoring 1dB hit points and removing any persistent conditions currently affecting the device or vehicle. If you are on boa rd a damaged vehicle while you attempt to repair it, apply any penalties from the vehicle's position on the condition track on your Mechanics check.
Repair Device (requires tool kit) : You can repair a damaged or disabled droid
(Major vehicle repairs are best attempted in a garage, hangar, dry dock, or other specialized facility.)
or object (including devices and vehicles). This requires at least 1 hour of
work, at the end of which time you must make a Mechanics check. Only one
character may repair a given droid or object at a time, but other characters
may use the aid another action to assist (see page 151) .
Retry : You can usually retry a Mechanics check. In some specific cases, however, a failed Mechanics check has negative ramifications that prevent repeated checks (see Disable Device, above, for example).
Repair Object: You can spend 1 hour and make a DC 20 Mechanics check
to repair a damaged or disabled object, restoring 1dB hit points and removing
Special : You can take 10 or take 20 on a Mechanics check. When making a Mechanics check to accomplish a jury-rig repair, you can't take 20.
any persistent conditions currently affecting the device or vehicle. If you are
on boa rd a damaged vehicle while you attempt to repair it, apply any penalties
from the vehicle's position on the condition track on your Mechanics check.
(Major vehicle repairs are best attempted in a garage, hangar, dry dock, or
other specialized facility.)
Retry : You can usually retry a Mechanics check. In some specific cases,
however, a failed Mechanics check has negative ramifications that prevent
repeated checks (see Disable Device, above, for example).
Special : You can take 10 or take 20 on a Mechanics check. When making
a Mechanics check to accomplish a jury-rig repair, you can't take 20.
* Drafting Designs
* Drafting Designs
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====Deception (Cha)====
====Deception (Cha)====
You can make the untrue seem true, the outrageous seem plausible, and the nefarious seem ordinary. The skill encompasses conning, fast-talking, misdirection, forgery, disguise, and outright lying. Use a Deception check to sow temporary confusion, pass as someone you're not, get someone to turn his head in the direction you point, or pass faked documents off as genuine.  
You can make the untrue seem true, the outrageous seem plausible, and the
nefarious seem ordinary. The skill encompasses conning, fast-talking, misdirection,
* Deceive: When you want to make another character believe something that is untrue, you can attempt to deceive them. You can deceive a target in one of two ways: by producing a deceptive appearance or by communicating deceptive information.
forgery, disguise, and outright lying. Use a Deception check to sow
** Deceptive Appearance: When you produce a deceptive appearance, such as disguising your appearance or producing forged documents, make a Deception check opposed by the Wits Defense of any target that sees the deception. If you succeed, that character believes that the appearance is authentic. If you fail, the target detects the deception. Creating a deceptive appearance requires at least 10 rounds for small deceptions, one scene for medium deceptions, 2 scenes for large deceptions, 3 scenes for huge deceptions, or a whole session for gargantuan deceptions. You can rush and create the deception in less time (treating it as if it were one step easier, to a minimum of small), but you take a -10 penalty on your Deception check. In all cases, make a single Deception check at the time you create the deceptive appearance and compare your check result to the Perception check of any character who encounters it.
temporary confusion, pass as someone you're not, get someone to turn his
** Deceptive Information: When you communicate deceptive information, such as telling a lie or distorting facts to lead the target to a false conclusion, make a Deception check against the Wits Defense of any target that can understand you. If you succeed, the target believes that what you're telling them is true. While most cases of deceptive information are either verbal or written (requiring the target to be able to understand you), you can deceive with gestures, body language, facial expressions, and so forth. Communicating deceptive information requires at least a standard action for small deceptions, a full-round action for medium deceptions, 10 rounds for difficult (large), a scene or even more for huge, or gargantuan deceptions.
head in the direction you point, or pass faked documents off as genuine.
You can rush and communicate your deception in less time (treating as if it were one step easier, to a minimum of small), but you take a -10 penalty on your Deception check. If your deceptive information is written, recorded, or otherwise preserved for later viewing, your original Deception check result is compared to the Wits Defense of all targets who later read or observe your deception.
Deceive: When you want to make another character believe something
that is untrue, you can attempt to deceive them. You can deceive a target in
In some cases, you convey both a deceptive appearance and deceptive information. For example, if you create a falsified document (such as an official report, a letter from a mayor, or orders from the Royal Guard), you have to produce something that looks authentic (deceptive appearance) while also creating believable content (deceptive information). In this case, make a single Deception check and compare it to the target's Wits Defense.  
one of two ways: by producing a deceptive appearance or by communicating
Similarly, you might disguise yourself as an Officer from the Royal Guard (deceptive appearance) and then give fake orders to other Royal Guards (deceptive information). In this example, you make one Deception check ahead of time to create the disguise and another Deception check at the
deceptive information.
* Deceptive Appearance: When you produce a deceptive appearance,
such as disguising your appearance or producing forged documents, make
a Deception check opposed by the Wits Defence of any target that sees
the deception. If you succeed, that character believes that the appearance is
authentic. If you fail, the target detects the deception. Creating a deceptive
appearance requires at least 1 minute (10 rounds) for simple deceptions, 10
minutes for moderate deceptions, 1 hour for difficult deceptions, 1 day for
incredible deceptions, or 2 weeks (10 days) for outrageous deceptions. You
can rush and create the deception in less time (treating it as if it were one
step easier, to a minimum of simple), but you take a -10 penalty on your
Deception check. In all cases, make a single Deception check at the time
you create the deceptive appearance and compare your check result to the
Perception check of any character who encounters it.
* Deceptive Information: When you communicate deceptive information,
such as telling a lie or distorting facts to lead the target to a false conclusion,
make a Deception check against the Will Defense of any target that
can understand you. If you succeed, the target believes that what you're
telling them is true. While most cases of deceptive information are either
verbal or written (requiring the target to be able to understand you), you
can deceive with gestures, body language, facial expressions, and so forth.
Communicating deceptive information requires at least a standard action
for small deceptions, a full-round action for moderate deceptions, and 1
minute (10 rounds) or even more for difficult(Large), incredible(Huge), or outrageous(Gargantuan) deceptions.
You can rush and communicate your deception in less time (treating as if it were one step easier, to a minimum of small), but you take a -10
penalty on your Deception check. If your deceptive information is written,
recorded, or otherwise preserved for later viewing, your original Deception
check result is compared to the Wits Defense of all targets who later read
or observe your deception.
In some cases, you convey both a deceptive appearance and deceptive
information. For example, if you create a falsified document (such as an
official report, a letter from a mayor, or orders from the Royal Guard),
you have to produce something that looks authentic (deceptive appearance)
while also creating believable content (deceptive information). In this case,
make a single Deception check and compare it to the target's Wits Defense.  
Similarly, you might disguise yourself as an Officer from the Royal Guard
(deceptive appearance) and then give fake orders to other Royal Guards
(deceptive information). In this example, you make one Deception check
ahead of time to create the disguise and another Deception check at the
time you give the Guards his new orders.
time you give the Guards his new orders.
Favorable and unfavorable circumstances weigh heavily on the outcome
Favorable and unfavorable circumstances weigh heavily on the outcome of a deception. Two circumstances can weigh against you: The deception is hard to believe, or the action that the deception requires the target to take goes against the target's self-interest, nature, personality, or orders.
of a deception. Two circumstances can weigh against you: The deception is
If it's important, the Stablemaster can distinguish between a deception that fails because the target doesn't believe it and one that fails because it just asks too much of the target. For instance, if the deception demands something risky of the target, and your Deception check fails by 10 or less, then the target didn't so much see through the deception as prove reluctant to go along with it even if he believes it's true. In this case the Deceptive argument is used for Social Combat (see xxx).
hard to believe, or the action that the deception requires the target to take
goes against the target's self-interest, nature, personality, or orders.
* Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use Deception to help you hide. A successful Deception check that equals or exceeds the target's Wits Defense gives you the momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check while the target is aware of you (see the Stealth skill, page xxx).
If it's important, the Stablemaster can distinguish between a deception that fails
because the target doesn't believe it and one that fails because it just asks
Retry: Generally, a failed Deception check makes the target too suspicious for you to try another deception in the same circumstances.  
too much of the target. For instance, if the deception demands something
risky of the target, and your Deception check fails by 10 or less, then the target didn't so much see through the deception as prove reluctant to go along with it even if he believes it's true. In this case
Special: You can take 10 when making a deception (except for feinting in dramatic situations), but you can't take 20.
the Deceptive argument is used for Social Combat (see xxx).
* Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use Deception to help you hide. A
Time: A deception takes at least a standard action, but can take much longer if you try something elaborate. Disguises that require major changes to your physical outline, or forged documents with many safeguards, can take hours or even days.
successful Deception check that equals or exceeds the target's Wits Defense
gives you the momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check while
the target is aware of you (see the Stealth skill, page xxx).
* Retry: Generally, a failed Deception check makes the target too suspicious
for you to try another deception in the same circumstances.  
* Special: You can take 10 when making a deception (except for feinting
in dramatic situations), but you can't take 20.
* Time: A deception takes at least a standard action, but can take much
longer if you try something elaborate. Disguises that require major changes
to your physical outline, or forged documents with many safeguards, can
take hours or even days.
Line 755: Line 820:
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Deception Size</b></td><td><b>Skill Modifier</b></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Deception Size</b></td><td><b>Skill Modifier</b></td></tr>
Line 761: Line 826:
Small deceptions include convincing a black market trader to buy some stolen artifacts; disguising yourself as someone nonspecific of similar size, species, and gender; and creating a false document that will pass casual inspection but not careful scrutiny.
* Small deceptions include convincing a Blackmarket Trader to buy some stolen artifacts; disguising yourself as someone nonspecific of similar size, species, and gender; and creating a false Document that will pass casual inspection but not careful scrutiny.
* A moderate deception is believable and doesn't affect the target much one way or the other, and you have most of the props you
A medium deception is believable and doesn't affect the target much one way or the other, and you have most of the props you need. Medium deceptions include convincing a suspicious guard that you're not a thief; disguising yourself as a member of another species or gender; and creating a false document good enough to pass visual scrutiny but not magical screening.
need. Moderate deceptions include convincing a suspicious guard that you're not a thief; disguising yourself as a member of another species or gender; and creating a false Document good enough to pass visual scrutiny but not magical screening.
* A Large deception is a little hard to believe, puts the target at some kind of risk, or undergoes scrutiny. Examples include convincing a group of thugs that you're willing and able to beat them in a fight, forging Military Documents, impersonating an officer well enough to give troops orders, and creating false official documents good enough to pass simple magical screening.
A large deception is a little hard to believe, puts the target at some kind of risk, or undergoes scrutiny. Examples include convincing a group of thugs that you're willing and able to beat them in a fight, forging military documents, impersonating an officer well enough to give troops orders, and creating false official documents good enough to pass simple magical screening.
* An Huge deception is hard to believe, presents a sizable risk to the target, or requires passing intense scrutiny. Incredible
deceptions include convincing a reputable dealer to buy obvious stolen goods, impersonating someone well enough to
A huge deception is hard to believe, presents a sizable risk to the target, or requires passing intense scrutiny. Huge deceptions include convincing a reputable dealer to buy obvious stolen goods, impersonating someone well enough to convince an old friend, and forging Bits.
convince an old friend, and forging false Bits.
* An Gargantuan deceptions include impersonating a Alicorn well enough to fool another Princess, claiming to be the Celestria in disguise and giving orders to Guards, and forging important documents with no proper tools or examples to work with.
A gargantuan deceptions include impersonating an Alicorn well enough to fool another princess, claiming to be the Celestria in disguise and giving orders to guards, and forging important documents with no proper tools or examples to work with.
====Empathy (Wis)====
====Empathy (Cha)====
Use this skill to to realize that a friend has a problem, to help someone to deal with his mental problems, to see through deceptions, or to to find out that someone is under the influence of someone else.
Use this skill to to realize that a friend has a problem, to help someone to deal with his mental problems, to see through deceptions, or to to find out that someone is under the influence of someone else.
* Sense Deception : You can use Empathy to see through deceptive appearances made using the Deception skill. Instead of using your Wits defense, you can make an Empathy check. If your Empathy check meets or exceeds the result of the Deception check, you realize that you're being deceived. Your Empathy check to sense the deception is a reaction.
* Sense Influence: Make an Empathy check to determine whether someone is under the influence of a mind-affecting spell or other method of coercion (assuming the effect isn't obvious). This requires a full-round action and a successful DC 20 check.
* Sense Influence: Make an Empathy check to determine whether someone is under the influence of a mind-affecting spell or other method of coercion (assuming the effect isn't obvious). This requires a full-round action and a successful DC 20 check.
* Examine Psyche: Make an Empathy check, against the Wits defense of the target, to obtain information about her mental condition track. As a result a statment is generated (see table). This statement can be used to treat the problem (see Soothe). The target can use Deception in a skill challenge instead of the Wits defense.
<table width=40% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Mental Condition</b></td><td><b>Statement Size</b></td></tr>
* Soothe: As a full-round action, you can analyze an creature to learn how to calm it. If you succeed on a Empathy check against the Wits Defense of the target (-5 if it is an ally), you gain the opportunity to make a persuasion check against the Will Defense of the target (again -5 if it is an ally) to calm it down. The creature regains a number of fatigue points equal to its character level, + 1 for every point by which your check result exceeds the Will Defense. If you score both the Will and the Wits Defense +5 on your checks, you can step down a persistant mental condition track of your target by a level. Using an applicable statement of at leased Medium size (see page xxx) normally grants a +2 equipment bonus on your skill check. Bigger statements could convey a better bonus (Stablemaster's decision). If the skill checks succeeds, no further attempt can be made if no new mental damage occurs. You can't administer this skill application to yourself.
* Therapy (Trained Only; requires a quiet location and repeated visits): You can perform therapy to heal mental damage to a despaired creature, or remove a persistent or crippling mental condition. This treatment requires up to a session (persistent), or even a whole campaign (crippling) worth of time of quietness and peace to treat the target. At the end of the time you make a Empathy check. If you fail your check, the therapy does not yield any benefit. In addition, if you fail your check by 5 or more, the creature move persistent down on the mental condition track by one step. For every 5 points that you're lying over the difficulty reduces the time required by half.
====Gather Information (Cha)====
====Gather Information (Cha)====
Use this skill to make contacts, learn local new stories and gossip, or acquire secrets.
Use this skill to make contacts, learn local new stories and gossip, and acquire secrets.
* Learn News and Rumors: Major news stories and popular local rumors can be unearthed with a DC 10 Gather Information check. Learning the detailed, unclassified facts of a news story or determining the veracity of a rumor requires a DC 20 check and maybe some lesser Gifts or services in order to convince  the source to reveal the information. To gain hoofs on irrefutable evidence for the Argument it requires a DC 25 check and some mayor Gifts or services to gain the evidence. An unconfirmed rumor is an Argument of maximum medium size, but if the Argument is Confirmed the Size can be Large. If you have irrefutable evidence the Size of the Argument can be Huge.
* Learn News and Rumors: Major news stories and popular local rumors can be unearthed with a DC 10 Gather Information check. Learning the detailed, unclassified facts of a news story or determining the veracity of a rumor requires a DC 20 check and maybe some small gifts or services in order to convince  the source to reveal the information. To get your hoofs on irrefutable evidence for a Statement, it requires a DC 25 check and some larger gifts or services to gain the evidence. An unconfirmed rumor is a Statement of maximum medium size, but if the Statement is confirmed the size can be Large. If you have irrefutable evidence the size of the Statement can be Huge.
* Learn Secret Information: "Secret information" includes anything unavailable to the general public. Examples include a classified guard report, a hidden location, secret plans of a new invention, secret call-sign, and maybe even forbidden Magic Spells. Learning a piece of secret information typically requires a DC 25 check and some mayor Gifts or services to gain the information.; however, information that's especially difficult to obtain (such as a banished Magic Spells) might require a DC 30 or higher skill check and cost a some present of great importance or more, at the Stablemaster's discretion. If the check fails by 5 or more, someone notices that you're asking questions and comes to investigate or arrest you.
* Locate Individual : Make a Gather Information check to locate a specific individual-either someone you know by name or someone with the skill, item, or information you need. The DC of the check is 15 if the target is relatively easy to locate; if the target isn't well known or has taken strides to conceal his or her presence and/or activities, the DC is 25 and the information costs something nice to convince a informant.  
* Learn Secret Information: "Secret information" includes anything unavailable to the general public. Examples include a classified guard report, a hidden location, secret plans of a new invention, secret call-signs, and maybe even forbidden magic spells. Learning a piece of secret information typically requires a DC 25 check and some mayor gifts or services to gain the information.; however, information that's especially difficult to obtain (such as a banished magic spell) might require a DC 30 or higher skill check and require some present of great importance to the pony in question, or more, at the Stablemaster's discretion. If the check fails by 5 or more, someone notices that you're asking questions you should not, and comes to investigate or arrests you.
* Special: You can take 10 on a Gather Information check, but you can't take 20. A successful Persuasion check can reduce the cost of a Gather Information check (see the Persuasion skill, page xxx). Some information is beyond the reach of a Gather Information skill check.
* Time: Each Gather Information check represents 1 d6 hours of time spent talking to informants, interview local Trader, or perusing information boards.
* Locate Individual: Make a Gather Information check to locate a specific individual - either someone you know by name or someone with the skill, item, or information you need. The DC of the check is 15 if the target is relatively easy to locate; if the target isn't well known or has taken strides to conceal his or her presence and/or activities, the DC is 25 and the information costs something nice to convince a informant.  
Special: You can take 10 on a Gather Information check, but you can't take 20. A successful Persuasion check can reduce the cost of a Gather Information check (see the Persuasion skill, page xxx). Some information is beyond the reach of a Gather Information skill check.  
Time: Each Gather Information check represents a scene worth of time spent talking to informants, interview local Trader, or perusing information boards.
====Handle Animal (Cha)====
====Heal (Wis)====
====Heal (Wis)====
Use this skill to keep a badly wounded friend from dying, to heal the injured, or to treat a diseased or poisoned character.
Use this skill to keep a badly wounded friend from dying, to heal the injured, or to treat a diseased or poisoned character.
* First Aid (requires medical equipment): As a full-round action, you can administer first aid to an unconscious or wounded creature. If you succeed on a DC 15 Heal check, the creature regains a number of fatigue points equal to its character level, + 1 for every point by which your check result exceeds the DC. If you reach DC 20 on your Heal check you can step the condition Track down one Level of your patient. Using a medical equipment normally grants a +2 equipment bonus on your skill check. If the skill check succeeds, then no further attempt can be made when no new injuries occurring. You can administer first aid on yourself, but you take a -5 penalty on your Heal check.
* First Aid (requires medical equipment): As a full-round action, you can administer first aid to an unconscious or wounded creature. If you succeed on a DC 15 Heal check, the creature regains a number of fatigue points equal to its character level, + 1 for every point by which your check result exceeds the DC. If you reach DC 20 on your Heal check you can step the condition Track down one Level of your patient. Using a medical equipment normally grants a +2 equipment bonus on your skill check. If the skill check succeeds, then no further attempt can be made when no new injuries occurring. You can administer first aid on yourself, but you take a -5 penalty on your Heal check.
* Long-Term Care: If you tend to a creature for 8 consecutive hours, that creature regains the maximum on usable fatigue points and the recovery rate of the Damage Threshold is doubled. A creature can only benefit from long-term care once in a 24-hour period. You can tend one creature at a time if untrained, or up to six simultaneously if trained. You can't give long-term care to yourself.
* Long-Term Care: If you tend to a creature for 2 consecutive scenes, that creature regains the maximum on usable fatigue points and the recovery rate of the Damage Threshold is doubled. A creature can only benefit from long-term care once in a 24-hour period. You can tend one creature at a time if untrained, or up to six simultaneously if trained. You can't give long-term care to yourself.
* Perform Surgery (Trained Only; requires a surgery equipment): You can perform surgery to heal damage to a wounded creature, remove a crippling condition (if possible), or install a  prosthesis for lost Limbs. Any of these operations requires 1 hour of uninterrupted work, at the end of which time you must make a Heal check. If you fail your check, the surgery does not yield any benefit (but any resources used are still lost). In addition, if you fail your check by 5 or more, the creature move persistent down on the condition track by one step.
* Perform Surgery (Trained Only; requires surgery equipment): You can perform surgery to heal damage to a wounded creature, replace a crippling condition with a persistent one (if possible), or install a  prosthesis for lost limbs. Any of these operations requires one scene of uninterrupted work, at the end of which you make a Heal check. If you fail your check, the surgery does not yield any benefit (but any resources used are still lost). In addition, if you fail your check by 5 or more, the creature moves a down on the condition track by one persistent step.
* Heal Damage: You can make a DC 20 Heal check to perform surgery on a wounded creature, healing an amount of fatigue equal to the creature's Constitution bonus (minimum 1) x the creature's level and move one step up on the condition track. If you fail the check, the creature instead step down on the condition track. If the creature was already at the bottom of the condition track, it dies. You can perform surgery on yourself to heal damage, but you take a -5 penalty on your skill check. Performing surgery to heal damage also removes most persistent conditions afflicting the target.
* Heal Damage: You can make a DC 20 Heal check to perform surgery on a wounded creature, healing an amount of fatigue equal to the creature's Constitution bonus (minimum 1) x the creature's level and move one step up on the condition track. If you fail the check, the creature instead step down on the condition track. If the creature was already at the bottom of the condition track, it dies. You can perform surgery on yourself to heal damage, but you take a -5 penalty on your skill check. Performing surgery to heal damage also removes most persistent conditions afflicting the target.
* Revivify (Trained Only; requires a medical Equipment): As a full-round action, you can revive a creature that has just died. You must reach the dead creature within 1 round of its death to revive it, and you must succeed on a DC 25 Heal check. Using medical equipment grants normally a +2 equipment bonus on the skill check. If the check succeeds, the creature is unconscious instead of dead and have no fatigue Points left. If the check fails, you are unable to revive the creature.  
* Revivify (Trained Only; requires medical equipment): As a full-round action, you can revive a creature that has just fallen unconscious. You must reach the dead creature within 1 round of its death to revive it, and you must succeed on a DC 25 Heal check. Using medical equipment grants normally a +2 equipment bonus on the skill check. If the check succeeds, the creature is unconscious instead of dead and have no fatigue Points left. If the check fails, you are unable to revive the creature.  
* Treat Disease (Trained Only; requires a medical equipment): Treating a diseased character requires 8 hours. At the end of that time, make a Heal check against the nonmagical disease's DC (see Disease, page xxx). If the check succeeds, the patient is cured and no longer suffers any ill effects but persistent conditions track caused by the disease are recovering in a normal rate of Time. You can treat one creature at a time if untrained, or up to six simultaneously if trained.
* Treat Poison (Trained Only; requires a medical equipment): As a full-round action, you can treat a poisoned character. Make a Heal check; if the result equals or exceeds the nonmagical poison's DC (see Poison, page xxx), you successfully detoxify the poison in the character's system and the patient no longer suffers any ill effects but persistent conditions track caused by the disease are recovering in a normal rate of Time.
* Treat Disease (Trained Only; requires medical equipment): Treating a diseased character requires 2 scenes. At the end of that time, make a Heal check against the nonmagical disease's DC (see Disease, page xxx). If the check succeeds, the patient is cured and no longer suffers any ill effects. Persistent conditions caused by the disease are recovering in a normal rate of time. You can treat one creature at a time if untrained, or up to six simultaneously if trained.
* Treat Poison (Trained Only; requires medical equipment): As a full-round action, you can treat a poisoned character. Make a Heal check; if the result equals or exceeds the nonmagical poison's DC (see Poison, page xxx), you successfully detoxify the poison in the character's system and the patient no longer suffers any ill effects. Persistent conditions caused by the disease are recovering in a normal rate of time.
====Knowledge (Int)====
====Knowledge (Int)====
for instance Arcana, Creature Lore, Geography, History, Local, Nature, Pony Lore, ...
for instance Arcana, Creature Lore, Geography, History, Local, Nature, Pony Lore, ...
Knowledge encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline. Each time you select Knowledge as a trained skill, you can choose a field of study from the example list below or create a new one.
Knowledge encompasses a number of unrelated skills. Knowledge represents a study of some body of lore, possibly an academic or even scientific discipline. Each time you select Knowledge as a trained skill, you must choose a field of study from the list below:
* Arcana: Famos Magican of the Past, Spell Lore, and Knowledge about Magic hazards.
<table width=40% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
* Creature lore: feeding, habitats, behavior and special features.
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Subcategory</b></td><td><b>Example</b></td></tr>
* Geography: travel routes, regional features and landmarks.
<tr><td>Arcana</td><td>Famous Magicians of the Past, Spell Lore, and Knowledge about Magic hazards</td></tr>
* History: General history, Historical personages and chronological structure.
<tr><td>Creature Lore</td><td>feeding, habitats, behavior and special features</td></tr>
* Local: Legends of the region, gossip, Ponies you should know and places of interest.
<tr><td>Geography</td><td>travel routes, regional features and landmarks</td></tr>
* Nature: edible plants, medicinal herbs, environmental hazards, natural hiding places.
<tr><td>History</td><td>General history, Historical personages and chronological structure</td></tr>
* Pony Lore: Knowledge about subspecies, cultural characteristics, traditions, Holidays and their meanings.
<tr><td>Local</td><td>Legends of the region, gossip, Ponies you should know and places of interest</td></tr>
<tr><td>Nature</td><td>edible plants, medicinal herbs, environmental hazards, natural hiding places</td></tr>
<tr><td>Pony Lore</td><td>Knowledge about subspecies, cultural characteristics, traditions, Holidays and their meanings</td></tr>
* Common Knowledge: You can answer a basic question about a subject related to your field of study with a DC 10 check. For example, a DC 10 Knowledge (Creature lore) check is enough to know that Panther are stealthy hunters.
* Common Knowledge: You can answer a basic question about a subject related to your field of study with a DC 10 check. For example, a DC 10 Knowledge (Creature lore) check is enough to know that Panther are stealthy hunters.
* Appraise (Trained Only): If you have a corresponding field of knowledge you can make a DC 20 Knowlege check to determines the value of a common item. If you succeed by 5 or more, you also determine if the item has magic properties, although this success does not grant knowledge of the magic item’s abilities. If you fail the check by less than 5, you determine the price of that item to within 20% of its actual value. If you fail this check by 5 or more, the price is wildly inaccurate, subject to Stablemasters discretion. Particularly rare or exotic items might increase the DC of this check by 5 or more.
* Appraise (Trained Only): If you have a corresponding field of knowledge you can make a DC 20 Knowlege check to determines the value of a common item. If you succeed by 5 or more, you also determine if the item has magic properties, although this success does not grant knowledge of the magic item’s abilities. If you fail the check by less than 5, you determine the price of that item to within 20% of its actual value. If you fail this check by 5 or more, the price is wildly inaccurate, subject to Stablemasters discretion. Particularly rare or exotic items might increase the DC of this check by 5 or more.
* Expert Knowledge (Trained Only): You can make a Knowledge check as a swift action to answer a question within your field of study that requires some level of expertise. The DC of the check ranges from 15 (for simple questions) to 25 (for tough questions). The Stablemaster may adjust the DC depending on the character's personal experience. For example, a DC 20 Knowledge (Pony Lore) check might reveal specific information about the general behavior of the inhabitants of Fillydelphia, but the DC may be lower if the character making the check has actually been there.
* Expert Knowledge (Trained Only): You can make a Knowledge check as a swift action to answer a question within your field of study that requires some level of expertise. The DC of the check ranges from 15 (for simple questions) to 25 (for tough questions). The Stablemaster may adjust the DC depending on the character's personal experience. For example, a DC 20 Knowledge (Pony Lore) check might reveal specific information about the general behavior of the inhabitants of Fillydelphia, but the DC may be lower if the character making the check has actually been there.
* Retry: No, you can't reroll a failed Knowledge check. The roll represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn't let you know something you never learned in the first place.
Retry: No, you can't reroll a failed Knowledge check. The roll represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn't let you know something you never learned in the first place.
* Special: You can take 10 when making a Knowledge check, but you can't take 20.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Knowledge check, but you can't take 20.
====Perception (Wis)====
====Perception (Wis)====
Use this skill to perceive hidden danger as well as your surroundings. The distance between you and whatever you're trying to perceive affects your Perception check, as do solid barriers and concealment.
Use this skill to perceive hidden danger as well as your surroundings. The distance between you and whatever you're trying to perceive affects your Perception check, as do solid barriers and concealment.
* Avoid Surprise : A Perception check made at the start of a dramatic sceen determines whether or not you are surprised (see Surprise, page 149). A Perception check made to avoid surprise is a reaction.  
* Avoid Surprise: A Perception check made at the start of a dramatic sceen determines whether or not you are surprised (see Surprise, page xxx). A Perception check made to avoid surprise is a reaction.  
* Eavesdrop : A DC 10 Perception check allows you to eavesdrop on a conversation. You must be able to understand the language being spoken. The DC increases to 15 in relatively noisy areas (such as a Market) or 25 in particularly loud areas (such as loud and well visited sport event). Eavesdropping on a conversation is a standard action.
* Hear Distant or Ambient Noises : A DC 10 Perception check allows you to detect and identify distant or ambient noises. Actively listening for distant or ambient noises is a standard action.
* Eavesdrop: A DC 10 Perception check allows you to eavesdrop on a conversation. You must be able to understand the language being spoken. The DC increases to 15 in relatively noisy areas (such as a Market) or 25 in particularly loud areas (such as loud and well visited sports event). Eavesdropping on a conversation is a standard action.
* Notice Stalker : A Perception check lets you hear or spot other targets or detect someone or something sneaking up on you from behind. If the target is actively attempting to remain undetected, your Perception check is opposed by the target's Stealth check. If the target is not making any special effort to avoid detection, the Perception check DC is determined by the target's size:
* Colossal, DC -15;
* Hear Distant or Ambient Noises: A DC 10 Perception check allows you to detect and identify distant or ambient noises. Actively listening for distant or ambient noises is a standard action.
* Gargantuan, DC -10;
* Huge, DC -5;
* Notice Stalker: A Perception check lets you hear or spot other targets or detect someone or something sneaking up on you from behind. If the target is actively attempting to remain undetected, your Perception check is opposed by the target's Stealth check. If the target is not making any special effort to avoid detection, the Perception check DC is determined by the target's size:
* Large, DC 0;
* Medium, DC 5;
<table width=40% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
* Small, DC 10;
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Target Size</b></td><td><b>Perception DC</b></td></tr>
* Tiny, DC 15;
* Diminutive, DC 20;
* Fine, DC 25.
For every 10 squares of distance between you and the target. you take a -5 penalty on your Perception check. You also take a -5 penalty if the target has concealment or cover, or a -10 penalty if it has total concealment or total cover. Detecting a target that enters your line of sight is a reaction. Actively looking or listening for someone hidden  including those to whom you do not have a line of sight) is a standard action.  
For every 10 squares of distance between you and the target. you take a -5 penalty on your Perception check. You also take a -5 penalty if the target has concealment or cover, or a -10 penalty if it has total concealment or total cover. Detecting a target that enters your line of sight is a reaction. Actively looking or listening for someone hidden  including those to whom you do not have a line of sight) is a standard action.  
* Search : You can carefully examine a 1-square area or a 1-cubic-meter volume of goods as a full-round action. A DC 15 Perception check allows you to find clues, hidden compartments, secret doors, traps, irregularities, and other details not readily apparent within that area . The Stablemaster may increase the DC for especially obscure well-hidden features.
You can also search a character for concealed objects. Make a Perception check opposed by the target's Stealth check result. If you win the opposed check, you find the concealed object. You receive a + 10 circumstance bonus on your Perception check if you physically check the cloak and saddlebags of the target to search for concealed items; this requires a ful l-round action and can only be used on a willing, pinned, or helpless target.
* Sense Deception : You can use Perception to see through deceptive appearances made using the Deception skill. If your Perception check meets or exceeds the result of the Deception check, you realize that you're being deceived. Your Perception check to sense the deception is a reaction.
* Sense Influence: Make a Perception check to determine whether someone is under the influence of a mind-affecting Spell or other method of coercion (assuming the effect isn't obvious). This requires a full-round action and a successful DC 20 check.
* Retry: You can make a Perception check every time you have the opportunity to notice something as a reaction. As a swift action, you may attempt to see or hear something that you failed (or believe you failed) to notice previously.
* Special: You can take 10 or take 20 when making a Perception check. Taking 20 means you spend 2 minutes attempting to notice something that mayor may not be there.
* Search: You can carefully examine a 1-square area or a 1-cubic volume of goods as a full-round action. A DC 15 Perception check allows you to find clues, hidden compartments, secret doors, traps, irregularities, and other details not readily apparent within that area . The Stablemaster may increase the DC for especially obscure well-hidden features. You can also search a character for concealed objects. Make a Perception check opposed by the target's Stealth check result. If you win the opposed check, you find the concealed object. You receive a + 10 circumstance bonus on your Perception check if you physically check the cloak and saddlebags of the target to search for concealed items; this requires a full-round action and can only be used on a willing, pinned, or helpless target.
* ATTITUDE (??? mus noch richtig zugeordnet werden)
Retry: You can make a Perception check every time you have the opportunity to notice something as a reaction. As a swift action, you may attempt to see or hear something that you failed (or believe you failed) to notice previously.
Special: You can take 10 or take 20 when making a Perception check. Taking 20 means you spend 2 minutes attempting to notice something that mayor may not be there.
Takes risks to harm you, usually attacking on sight
Wishes you ill but won't go out of its way to harm you
Regard you as neither a threat nor an ally and probably doesn't attack you
Wishes you well but won't take life-threatening risks on your behalf
Take risks to help you
====Perform (Cha)====
====Perform (Cha)====
You are skilled at one form of entertainment, from singing to acting to playing an instrument. Like Craft, Knowledge, and Profession, Perform is actually a number of separate skills. You could have several Perform skills if you wish. The The difficulty of the Perform check is based on the Social Access Rating of the Event (see page xxx). The degree of success is determined by the DC in addition achieved after the Base difficulty (see table). The result represents the percentage of listeners that can be targeted by a Event Social Maneuver and the maximum harmonic aura of the Event.
Each of the nine categories of the Perform skill includes a variety of methods, instruments, or techniques, a small sample of which is provided for each category below.
<table width=70% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Perform DC</b></td><td><b>Size</b></td><td><b>Example</b></td><td><b>Interested viewers</b></td><td><b>Harmonic Aura Level</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>+0</td><td>Small performance</td><td>Spontaneous performance</td><td>20%</td><td>maximum harmonic aura is one</td></tr>
<tr><td>+5</td><td>Normal performance</td><td>Normal sideshow</td><td>40%</td><td>maximum harmonic aura is one</td></tr>
<tr><td>+10</td><td>Large performance</td><td>Main performance</td><td>60%</td><td>maximum harmonic aura is two</td></tr>
<tr><td>+15</td><td>Huge performance</td><td>Great presentation of Art</td><td>80%</td><td>maximum harmonic aura is two</td></tr>
<tr><td>+20</td><td>Gargantuan performance</td><td>Unforgettable experience</td><td>100%</td><td>maximum harmonic aura is three</td></tr>
* Acting (comedy, drama, pantomime)
* Comedy (buffoonery, limericks, joke-telling)
* Dance (ballet, waltz, jig)
* Keyboard instruments (harpsichord, piano, pipe organ)
* Oratory (epic, ode, storytelling)
* Percussion instruments (bells, chimes, drums, gong)
* String instruments (fiddle, harp, lute, mandolin)
* Wind instruments (flute, pan pipes, trumpet)
* Singing (ballad, chant, melody)
Check: You can impress audiences with your talent and skill in your chosen performance type. The base DC of the performance check is equal to the Social Event Rating, it is modified by the quality of target performance (see table).
A masterwork musical instrument gives you a +2 circumstance bonus on all Perform checks that involve its use. Decorations can provide additional bonuses.
Action: Varies. Trying to earn money by playing in public requires anywhere from an evening's work to a full day's performance.
Try Again: Yes. Retries are allowed, but they don't negate previous failures, and an audience that has been unimpressed in the past is likely to be prejudiced against future performances. (Increase the DC by 2 for each previous failure.)
====Persuasion (Cha)====
====Persuasion (Cha)====
You can influence others with your tact, subtlety, and social grace, or you
You can influence others with your tact, subtlety, and social grace, or you can threaten them into being more cooperative.  
can threaten them into being more cooperative.
Change Attitude: As a full-round action, you can make a Persuasion
* Change Attitude: As a full-round action, you can make a Persuasion check to adjust the attitude of a creature with an Intelligence of 2 or higher using words, body language, or a combination of the two. The target must be able to see you. Apply a modifier to the check based on the target's current
check to adjust the attitude of a creature with an Intelligence of 2 or higher
attitude toward you (see table). If the check equals or exceeds the target's Wits Defense, the target's attitude shifts one step in your favor. If the target creature cannot understand your speech, apply a -5 penalty on your Persuasion check. You may attempt to change the attitude of a given creature only once per encounter without additional Maneuvers or Talents to allow you further attempts.
using words, body language, or a combination of the two. The target must be
able to see you. Apply a modifier to the check based on the target's current
<table width=80% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
attitude toward you: hostile -10, unfriendly -5, indifferent -2, friendly +0
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Atittude</b></td><td><b>Creatures Reaction</b></td><td><b>Diplomacy Modifier</b></td><td><b>Haggle DC</b></td></tr>
(see Table 4-4: Attitude Steps). If the check equals or exceeds the target's
<tr><td>Hostile</td><td>Takes risks to harm you, usually attacking on sight</td><td>-10</td><td>not posible</td></tr>
Will Defense, the target's attitude shifts one step in your favor. If the target
<tr><td>Unfriendly</td><td>Wishes you ill but won't go out of its way to harm you</td><td>-5</td><td>30</td></tr>
creature cannot understand your speech, apply a -5 penalty on your Persuasion
<tr><td>Indifferent</td><td>Regard you as neither a threat nor an ally and probably doesn't attack you</td><td>-2</td><td>25</td></tr>
check. You may attempt to change the attitude of a given creature
<tr><td>Friendly</td><td>Wishes you well but won't take life-threatening risks on your behalf</td><td>+2</td><td>20</td></tr>
only once per encounter.
<tr><td>Helpful</td><td>Take risks to help you</td><td>+5</td><td>15</td></tr>
Haggle: Whenever you use the Gather Information skill, you can make a
Persuasion check as a swift action to reduce by half the amount you must
pay to acquire the information you desire. Conversely, you can use this skill
* Haggle: Whenever you use the Gather Information skill, you can make a Persuasion check as a swift action to reduce by half the amount you have to pay to acquire the information you desire. Conversely, you can use this skill as a full-round action to increase or reduce the selling price of a desired item by 50%. The DC depends on the attitude of the individual (or individuals) with whom you're dealing (see table). You can't haggle with creatures that are hostile toward you or creatures that have an Intelligence of 2 or lower. No matter how adept you are at haggling, a creature won't pay more for an item that can easily be obtained elsewhere for the standard listed price.
as a full-round action to increase or reduce the sell price of a desired item
by 50%. The DC depends on the attitude of the individual (or individuals)
* Intimidate: As a full-round action, you can make a Persuasion check to force a single creature with an Intelligence of 1 or higher to back down from a confrontation, surrender one of its possessions, reveal a piece of secret information, or flee from you for a short time. The creature must be able to see you. Your check result must equal or exceed the target's Will Defense for the intimidation attempt to succeed. Apply a modifier to the check based on the threat the target perceives from you by the size of the Statement you are using (see table). You can't force the target to obey your every command or do something that endangers its life or the lives of its allies. A creature you successfully intimidate can become one step more hostile toward you (Stablemaster decision) as soon as you are no longer an imminent threat. In most of the cases is a intimidation a discordant action and can cause discord Points.
with whom you're dealing: unfriendly DC 30, indifferent DC 25, friendly DC
20, helpful DC 15, You can't haggle with creatures that are hostile toward
<table width=40% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
you or creatures that have an Intelligence of 2 or lower. No matter how adept
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Intimidaton Statement size</b></td><td><b>DC modification</b></td></tr>
you are at haggling, a creature won't pay more for an item that can easily
be obtained elsewhere for the standard listed price.
Intimidate: As a full-round action, you can make a Persuasion check to
force a single creature with an Intelligence of 1 or higher to back down from
a confrontation, surrender one of its possessions, reveal a piece of secret
information, or flee from you for a short time. The creature must be able to
see you. Your check result must equal or exceed the target's Will Defense
<tr><td>Tiny or less</td><td>not posible</td></tr>
for the intimidation attempt to succeed. Apply a modifier to the check based
on the threat the target perceives from you:
Retry: If you fail a Persuasion check, you cannot make any further Persuasion checks against the targeted creature for 24 hours.
Target is helpless or completely at your mercy
Target is clearly outnumbered or disadvantaged
Special: You can take 10 on a Persuasion check in a non-dramatic situation, but you can't take 20.
Target is evenly matched with you
You are clearly outnumbered or disadvantaged
You are helpless or completely at the target's mercy
You can't force the target to obey your every command or do something
that endangers its life or the lives of its allies. A creature you successfully
intimidate becomes one step more hostile toward you as soon as you are no
longer an imminent threat (see Table 4-4: Attitude Steps).
Retry: If you fail a Persuasion check, you cannot make any further Persuasion
checks against the targeted creature for 24 hours.
Special: You can take 10 on a Persuasion check, but you can't take 20.
====Profession (Wis)====
====Profession (Wis)====
You are skilled at a specific job. Like Astrology, Clerk, Farmer, Gambler, Instructor, Miner, Teacher, Waitor and Weather Working, Profession is actually a number of separate skills. You could have several Profession skills, each with its own ranks. While a Craft skill represents ability in creating an item, a Profession skill represents an aptitude in a vocation requiring a broader range of less specific knowledge.
for instance Astrology, Clerk, Farmer, Gambler, Instructor, Miner, Teacher, Waitor, Weather Working, ...
* Harvest: Most of the Professions allow a roll to gather profession-related resources. To harvest basic resources you have to make a profession check against 10 or the Reflex Defense of the target if applicable. Every 5 points over the base DC you get +1 on the following Harvest roll. The Harvest roll is handled as a damage roll and a critical success on the previous Profession roll double the outcome on the Harvest roll. The calculation of the Harvest roll is as follows:
Basic Size or Tool damage + Strength Modifier + (Profession roll vs. 10 or Reflex Defense)/5 + other Modifications
The result can be reduced by Damage Reduction. For each point exceeding the difficulty you get the same amount of the corresponding resource. If the result is greater than 10 or the Damage Threshold of the target (if applicable) you get one Ley Material for each time your harvesting roll pass the Threshold.
* Common Task: You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the profession's daily tasks, how to supervise helpers, and how to handle common problems. You can also answer questions about your Profession. Basic questions are DC 10, while more complex questions are DC 15 or higher.
Action: A single check normally represents a day of work. Harvesting is a Simple Action.
Try Again: Varies. An attempt to use a Profession skill to earn income cannot be retried. You are stuck with whatever weekly wage your check result brought you. Another check may be made to determine a new income for the next period of time. An attempt to accomplish some specific task can usually be retried. Harvest rolls normally cannot be retried.
====Survival (Wis)====
====Survival (Wis)====
Use this skill to forage, guide a party safely through arid wastelands, identify signs that dangerous creatures live nearby, or avoid Poison Joke and other natural hazards.
Use this skill to hunt and forage, guide a party safely through arid wastelands,
identify signs that gundarks live nearby, or avoid quicksand and other
* Basic Survival: Once per day, you can make a DC 15 Survival check to avoid natural hazards and keep yourself safe for the next 24 hours. You can provide shelter for one additional Pony for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.
natural hazards.
Basic Survival: Once per day, you can make a DC 15 Survival check to
* Foraging: A Foraging roll works similar to a Harvest roll (see Profession side xxx). But before you can make a Survival-based Harvest roll, you have to localize a source of food or water. To find foraging resources you make a Survival check against a DC depending on the Location (Stablemaster decision). If you beat the roll by 10 or more you may be able to make some special discovery. If you miss the DC by 10 or more, it results in a critical failure. This may be resulting in a dramatic situation (Hazard, Wild Creature, etc...)
avoid natural hazards and keep yourself safe and fed in the wild for the next
24 hours. You can provide food and water for one additional person for every
<table width=80% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Example Location</b></td><td><b>Foraging DC</b></td><td><b>Danger</b></td><td><b>Example Special Discovery</b></td></tr>
Endure Extreme Temperatures (requires field kit): Once per day, you can
<tr><td>Normal Desert</td><td>20</td><td>scorpions, dessert storm, quicksand</td><td>oasis, caravan</td></tr>
make a DC 20 Survival check to ignore the effects of extreme cold or extreme
<tr><td>Snow Desert</td><td>25</td><td>ice storm, crevasse, creatures</td><td>settlement</td></tr>
heat for the next 24 hours (see Extreme Temperatures, page 254) .
<tr><td>Normal Wood</td><td>10</td><td>unfriendly creature, poisonous plants</td><td>logging camp, medicinal herbs</td></tr>
Know Direction: As a full-round action, you can ascertain which direction
<tr><td>Deep Wood</td><td>12</td><td>hostile animal, outcast</td><td>hidden hidout, glade</td></tr>
is north by succeeding on a DC 10 Survival check (assuming you're somewhere
<tr><td>Cursed Wood</td><td>15</td><td>cursed plants, macical beasts</td><td>mystic plants, place of power</td></tr>
where cardinal directions matter).
<tr><td>Swamp</td><td>15</td><td>unfriendly creature, slough, swamp gas</td><td>ruins, medicinal herbs</td></tr>
Track (Trained Only): To find tracks or to follow them requires a fullround
<tr><td>Montain</td><td>20</td><td>unfriendly creature, crevasse, rock slide</td><td>crystal cave</td></tr>
action and a successful Survival check. The DC of the check depends
on the surface and the prevailing circumstances, as given below. You must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow,
such as when other tracks cross them or when the terrain or prevailing
* Endure extreme climate conditions (requires appropriate equipment): Once per day, you can make a DC 20 Survival check to ignore the effects of extreme cold or extreme heat for the next 24 hours (see Extreme Temperatures, page xxx).
circumstances change.
You move at half normal speed while tracking. You can choose to move
* Know Direction: As a full-round action, you can ascertain which direction is north by succeeding on a DC 10 Survival check (assuming you're somewhere where cardinal directions matter).
your normal speed instead, but you take a -5 penalty on Survival checks
made to follow tracks.
* Track (Trained Only): To find tracks or to follow them requires a full-round action and a successful Survival check. The DC of the check depends on the surface and the prevailing circumstances, as given below. You must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow,
such as when other tracks cross them or when the terrain or prevailing circumstances change. You move at half normal speed while tracking. You can choose to move your normal speed instead, but you take a -5 penalty on Survival checks made to follow tracks.
Soft ground
Firm ground
Hard ground
:Soft Ground (DC 10): Any surface (fresh snow, thick ash, wet mud) that holds clear impressions of footprints.
:Firm Ground (DC 20): Any outdoor surface (lawns, fields, woods) or exceptionally soft or dirty indoor surface (dusty floors, thick carpets) that can capture footprints of a creature's passage.
Soft Ground: Any surface (fresh snow, thick ash, wet mud) that holds
:Hard Ground (DC 30): Any surface that doesn't hold footprints at all (bare rock, concrete, metal or wood deck plates).
clear impressions of footprints.
Firm Ground: Any outdoor surface (lawns, fields, woods) or exceptionally
<table width=40% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
soft or dirty indoor surface (dusty floors, thick carpets) that can capture
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Circumstance</b></td><td><b>Track DC modifier</b></td></tr>
footprints of a creature's passage.
<tr><td>Every 3 creatures in the group being tracked</td><td>-1</td></tr>
Hard Ground: Any surface that doesn't hold footprints at all (bare rock,
<tr><td>Every day since the trail was made</td><td>+1</td></tr>
concrete, metal deck plates).
<tr><td>Every hour of rain since the trail was made</td><td>+1</td></tr>
<tr><td>Fresh snow cover since the trail was made</td><td>+5</td></tr>
Every 3 creatures in the group being tracked -1
<tr><td>Poor visibility</td><td>+5</td></tr>
Every day since the trail was made +1
<tr><td>Tracked target hides trail (and moves at half speed)</td><td>+5</td></tr>
Every hour of rain since the trail was made +1
<tr><td>Size of the target is Huge or Bigger</td><td>-10</td></tr>
Fresh snow cover since the trail was made +5
<tr><td>Size of the target is Large</td><td>-5</td></tr>
Poor visibility +5
<tr><td>Size of the target is Medium</td><td>0</td></tr>
Tracked target hides trail (and moves at half speed) +5
<tr><td>Size of the target is Small</td><td>+5</td></tr>
Largest creature being tracked
<tr><td>Size of the target is Tiny or smaller</td><td>+10</td></tr>
Huge or bigger -10
Large -5
Medium +0
Special: You can take 10 when making a Survival check. You can take 20 if there is no danger or penalty for failure, but it takes twenty times as long as normal to do so.
Small +5
Tiny or smaller +10
Special: You can take 10 when making a Survival check. You can take
20 if there is no danger or penalty for failure, but it takes twenty times as
long as normal to do so.
====Use Magic (Int)====
====Use Magic (Int)====
While Earth and Pegasus Ponies possess subtle types of subconscious magic, Unicorns are unique in their ability to actively perform magic. Every Pony can try to learn the art of Magic but the mastery can only be achieved by Unicorns (and maybe some rare and alien species).
Requires the Force Sensitivity feat
You draw upon the Force to help you recover from injuries, gain special
* Cast Magic Spell (Trained Only, Lesser Spell Knowlege): You make a Use Magic check to use a Magic Maneuver (see Maneuver, page xxx). This use of the skill requires no separate action, instead refer to the individual spell description to see which kind of action is required to cast that spell.
insights, or perform other remarkable acts. You must have the Force Sensitivity
feat (page 85) to be trained in this skill.
* Light Telekinesis (Unicorn Only): As a move action, you can use the Magic to telekinetically lift and move a relatively light object within your line of sight. A successful DC 10 Use Magic check allows you to move an object weighing up to 5 kg a distance of 6 squares in any direction. As a standard action, you can perform normal tasks with the object without the +5 Difficulty from Non-Dexterous but you are need 1 Fatigue more than normal.  
Activate Force Power (Trained Only): You make a Use the Force check
to use a Force power (see Force Powers, page 95). This use of the skill
Special: You can improve your Use Magic check by using material components or a focus as an equipment bonus. The benefit from using material components or a focus varies between +1 and +5 and depends on how expensive or rare it is. The horn of a Unicorn always counts as a +1 focus, or as a +2 focus for all Star magic spells.
requires no action.
Use Magic is a Class- Skill for ALL Unicorns.
Force Trance (Trained Only): As a full-round action, you can enter a
Force trance with a DC 10 Use the Force check. In this state, you remain
You can take 10 on a Use Magic check in non-dramatic situations, but you can't take 20.
fully aware of your surroundings. Each hour you remain in the trance, you
regain a number of hit points equal to your character level. You can emerge
from the trance as a swift action. If you remain in a Force trance for 4 consecutive
hours, you emerge from the trance fully rested (as though you'd
rested for 8 hours).
While you're in a Force trance, you can go ten times as long as normal
without food or water (see the Endurance skill, page 66).
Move Light Object (Trained Only): As a move action, you can use the
Force to telekinetically lift and move a relatively light object within your
line of sight. A successful DC 10 Use the Force check allows you to move
an object weighing up to 5 kg a distance of 6 squares in any direction. As a
standard action, you can use the object as a projectile weapon, but the DC
increases to 15. If your Use the Force check beats the target's Reflex Defense,
the object hits and deals ld6 points of bludgeoning damage.
Search Your Feelings: As a full-round action, you can make a DC
15 Use the Force check to determine whether a particular action will
yield favorable or unfavorable results to you in the immediate future
(10 minutes or less). For example, you can make the check to determine
whether destroying a dark side artifact will have immediate unforeseen
repercussions. The answer does not take into account the long-term
consequences of a contemplated action. Using the above example, a
successful check would not portend a future encounter with vengeful
darksiders angered by the destruction of the dark side artifact. (The GM
must assess the immediate consequences of the action, based on what
he knows about the circumstances.)
Sense Force (Trained Only): You automatically sense disturbances in
the Force. A location that is strong in the dark side of the Force can be
sensed out to a range of 1 kilometer. A relative, companion, or close friend
in mortal danger or great pain can be sensed out to a range of 10,000 light
years. A great disturbance, such as the destruction of an entire populated
planet or the distress of a whole order of allies, can be sensed anywhere
in the same galaxy. As a full-round action, you can make a DC 15 Use the
Force check to determine the distance and general direction to the location
of the disturbance.
As a full-round action, you can use this ability to actively sense other
Force-users out to a range of 100 kilometers. If you succeed on a DC 15 Use
the Force check, you know how many Force-users are within range, their
approximate distance and direction from you, and whether you've met them
before or not. Another Force-user within range can try to conceal her presence
from you by making an opposed Use the Force check. If she equals or
exceeds your Use the Force check, you don't sense her presence at all.
Sense Surroundings: As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Use the
Force check to ignore the effects of cover and concealment when making
Perception checks to detect or observe targets. Increase the DC by 5 if this
ability is used against targets with total cover.
Telepathy: As a standard action, you can establish a telepathic link
with a distant creature. Through the link, you can exchange emotions or a
single thought, such as "Go!", "Help!", or "Danger!" The target must have
an Intelligence of 2 or higher, and the distance between you and the target
determines the DC (see beloW). Against an unwilling target, you must make
a Use the Force check against the target's Will Defense; if the check fails,
you cannot establish a telepathic link or attempt to telepathically contact
the target for 24 hours unless the target becomes a willing one.
Same planet
Same system
Same region/quadrant of the galaxy
Different region/quadrant of the galaxy
Special: You can't make Use the Force checks unless you have the Force
Sensitivity feat (see page 85). Use the Force is a class skill for any character
with the Force Sensitivity feat.
You can take 10 on a Use the Force check, but you can't take 20.

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