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* '''Stability''': A Buffalo gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
* '''Stability''': A Buffalo gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
* '''Resilient''': Buffaloes gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation, and Fortitude saves against poisons that do not inflict stat damage.
* '''Resilient''': Buffaloes gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation, and Fortitude saves against poisons that do not inflict stat damage.
* '''Natural Armor''': The thick hides of the Buffaloes give them a +1 natural Fortitude Save bonus.
* '''Natural Armor''': The thick hides of the Buffaloes give them a +1 natural AC bonus.
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Buffaloes can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Buffaloes also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid chracters from other settings.)
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Buffaloes can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Buffaloes also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid chracters from other settings.)
* '''Skills''': Buffaloes always gain  Endurance as an automatic Class Skill
* '''Skills''': Buffaloes always gain  Endurance as an automatic Class Skill
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* '''Speed''': 40 feet (land)
* '''Speed''': 40 feet (land)
* '''Quadraped''': A Cervidian Deer may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* '''Quadraped''': A Cervidian Deer may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* '''Magical Antlers''': Most Cerviadians have an innate ability for magic. Cervidian Deer with an Intelligence Score of 11 or higher may use Mage Hand and Prestidigitation as at-will spell-like abilities with a caster level equal to their character level. Cervidans receive a +2 racial bonus on Use Magic checks to overcome spell resistance.
* '''Magical Antler''':  
* '''Antlers''': All Cervidians may make a natural attack with their horns. The Antler deals 1d6 piercing damage
* ''' ''':
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Cervidian Deer can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Cervidan Deer also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid chracters from other settings.)
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Cervidian Deer can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Cervidan Deer also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid chracters from other settings.)
* '''Skills''': Cervidian Deer always gain Use Magic as an automatic Class Skill
* '''Talents''': Cervidian Deer have access to special racial Talent Trees (Low Magic, Acrobatics; see Racial Talents). Whenever they gain a talent from a class or otherwise, they may choose a racial talent instead.
* '''Languages''': Cervidian Deer begin play speaking Cervidan. Cervidian Deer with a high Int score can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Equine, Griffin, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican
* '''Languages''': Cervidian Deer begin play speaking Cervidan. Cervidian Deer with a high Int score can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Equine, Griffin, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican
* '''Level Adjustment''': + (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
* '''Level Adjustment''': + (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
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* '''Speed''': 40 feet (land)
* '''Speed''': 40 feet (land)
* '''Quadraped''': A Cervidian Elk may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* '''Quadraped''': A Cervidian Elk may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* '''Magical Antlers''': Most Cerviadians have an innate ability for magic. Cervidian Elk with an Intelligence Score of 11 or higher may use Mage Hand and Prestidigitation as at-will spell-like abilities with a caster level equal to their character level. Cervidans receive a +2 racial bonus on Use Magic checks to overcome spell resistance.
* ''' ''':
* '''Antlers''': All Cervidians may make a natural attack with their horns. The Antler deals 1d6 piercing damage
* ''' ''':
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Cervidian Elk can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Cervidan Elk also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid chracters from other settings.)
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Cervidian Elk can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Cervidan Elk also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid chracters from other settings.)
* '''Skills''': Cervidian Elk always gain Use Magic as an automatic Class Skill
* '''Talents''': Cervidian Elk have access to special racial Talent Trees (Low Magic, High Magic; see Racial Talents). Whenever they gain a talent from a class or otherwise, they may choose a racial talent instead.
* '''Languages''': Cervidian Elk begin play speaking Cervidan. Cervidian Elk with a high Int score can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Equine, Griffin, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican
* '''Languages''': Cervidian Elk begin play speaking Cervidan. Cervidian Elk with a high Int score can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Equine, Griffin, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican
* '''Level Adjustment''': + (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
* '''Level Adjustment''': + (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
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* '''Physical Description''': The bulkest of the cervids, the Moose are hulking creatures with massive antlers, easily larger than most elk. They have longer muzzles and their antlers' shape is distinct to their race.
* '''Physical Description''':
* '''Society''': The moose consider their ships and sea ports their homes. They spend most of their lives out at sea, usually on vessels they built themselves.
* '''Society''':
They make for the best shipwrights and navigators, if you can convince one to join your crew. They are seldom motivated by wealth and revenge – preferring adventure.
The moose are the only Cervids that can't use magic. However, they have the uncanny ability to detect the flow of ley in the sea, which allows them to navigate even the most perilous of seas. Some say this sense even extends to a very simple kind of precognition when on the sea.
* '''Relations''': The quiet big guy in the family that makes up Cervidia. They are often said to be master's of water, and can shape it like pegusi do clouds. This is wrong. However, more often than not, the moose you are looking at right now was probably born in a boat, or at least in a port city you probably could not even find on a map.
* '''Relations''': The quiet big guy in the family that makes up Cervidia. They are often said to be master's of water, and can shape it like pegusi do clouds. This is wrong. However, more often than not, the moose you are looking at right now was probably born in a boat, or at least in a port city you probably could not even find on a map.
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====Cervidian Moose Racial Traits====
====Cervidian Moose Racial Traits====
* Stat Adjustments: +2 Strength +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom
* Stat Adjustments: +2 Strength +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom
* '''Medium''': Cervidian Moose are medium creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* '''Medium''': Cervidian Moose are medium creatures and gain no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* '''Humanoid''': For the purposes of D&D rules, a Cervidian Moose is considered to be a humanoid.
* '''Humanoid''': For the purposes of D&D rules, a Cervidian Moose is considered to be a humanoid.
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* '''Quadraped''': A Cervidian Moose may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* '''Quadraped''': A Cervidian Moose may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* ''' ''':
* ''' ''':
* '''Antler''': All Cervidians may make a natural attack with their horns. The Antler deals 1d6 piercing damage
* ''' ''':
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Cervidian Moose can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Cervidian Moose also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Cervidian Moose can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Cervidian Moose also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
* '''Skills''': Cervidian Moose always gain Swim as an automatic Class Skill
* '''Talents''': Cervidian Moose have access to special racial Talent Trees (Fisherman, Wave Working; see Racial Talents). Whenever they gain a talent from a class or otherwise, they may choose a racial talent instead.
* '''Languages''': Cervidian Moose begin play speaking Cervidan. Cervidian Moose with a high Int score can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Equine, Griffin, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican
* '''Languages''': Cervidian Moose begin play speaking Cervidan. Cervidian Moose with a high Int score can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Equine, Griffin, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican
* '''Level Adjustment''': + (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
* '''Level Adjustment''': + (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
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* '''Physical Description''': Reindeer have the lightest frames among the Cervids, with a thinner muzzle and forward reaching antlers. When using magic, their antlers glow the color of their eyes.
* '''Physical Description''':
* '''Society''': Reindeer are a strange lot. Tending to live up north, they are known to be able to fly without wings. Having a sort of kindred to the frost and snow, they are known to be experts in the fields they choose to learn about. Some have said that there minds are "up in the clouds" because of there strange ideas, some saying that there magic effects there minds. Most reindeer have a capacity for magic which far exceeds their mind's capacity, allowing them to wield an unimaginable amount of power, but at the cost of their sanity. They slowly lose control of emotions and cognitive ability, becoming savage, and in some fringe cases, disintegrating the host.
* '''Society''':
* '''Relations''': The reindeer take to secluded mountain-tops and forests anywhere in the Known World (except for the Old World), though they don't usually want to be found.  
* '''Relations''': Reindeer are a strange lot. Tending to live up north, they are known to be able to fly without wings. Having a sort of kindred to the frost and snow, they are known to be experts in the fields they choose to learn about. Some have said that there minds are "up in the clouds" because of there strange ideas, some saying that there magic effects there minds.
* '''Alignment and Religion''':
* '''Alignment and Religion''':
* '''Adventurers''': Due to their incredible potential for magic, the reindeer are reclusive and try to avoid confrontation and attention. They often become bodyguards or couriers.
* '''Adventurers''':
* '''Male Names''':
* '''Male Names''':
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* '''Quadraped''': A Cervidian Reindeer may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* '''Quadraped''': A Cervidian Reindeer may be considered to be mounted for the purpose of mounted feats.
* '''Magical Flight''': Reindeer have the ability to fly as Pegasi, but without wings. However, they take -5 to any check while flying, due to the magical nature of there flight requiring constant attention and vigilance.
* '''Magical Flight''': Reindeer have the ability to fly as Pegasi, but without wings. However, they take -5 to any check while flying, due to the magical nature of there flight requiring constant attention and vigilance.
* '''Magical Antlers''': Most Cerviadians have an innate ability for magic. Cervidian Reindeer with an Intelligence Score of 11 or higher may use Mage Hand and Prestidigitation as at-will spell-like abilities with a caster level equal to their character level. Cervidans receive a +2 racial bonus on Use Magic checks to overcome spell resistance.
* '''Gift That Keeps On Giving''': Reindeer get a +4 bonus when assisting allies instead of the normal +2 bonus.
* '''Antlers''': All Cervidians may make a natural attack with their horns. The Antler deals 1d6 piercing damage
* '''Rein's Folly''': This curse is referred to as Rein's Folly, and comes from a fawntale in Cervid mythology where two thieves (one a reindeer, one a moose) stole magic from the elk. The magic was too great for the reindeer to contain, destroying him and cursing all reindeer for his folly. Whenever a Reindeer succeeds on a Use Magic roll, roll another d20 and consult the following table.
Table: Rein's Folly
<table width=90% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Roll Result</b></td><td><b>Effect</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>1</td><td>character permanently looses 1 Wisdom</td></tr>
<tr><td>2-3</td><td>spell deals 1d4 mental levels to character</td></tr>
<tr><td>4-5</td><td>spell drains additional fatigue from all allied characters in range</td></tr>
<tr><td>6-7</td><td>spell deals 1d3 Wisdom damage to character</td></tr>
<tr><td>8-9</td><td>spell drains additional fatigue from random allied character</td></tr>
<tr><td>10–11</td><td>spell deals one mental level to character</td></tr>
<tr><td>12-13</td><td>spell drains double fatigue from character</td></tr>
<tr><td>14–19</td><td>spell works normal</td></tr>
<tr><td>20</td><td>spell doubles range, duration or effect</td></tr>
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Cervidian Reindeer can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Cervidian Reindeer also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
* '''Non-Dextrous''': Cervidian Reindeer can only grasp one item at a time (with their mouth). They are able to use two handed weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack, when doing so with a melee-, or unmodified ranged weapon. Cervidian Reindeer also suffer -10 to all checks needing fingers, due to the low dexterity of their hooves. (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
* '''Skills''': Cervidian Reindeer always gain Use Magic and Fly as automatic Class Skills
* '''Talents''': Cervidian Reindeer have access to special racial Talent Trees (Flying, Low-Magic; see Racial Talents). Whenever they gain a talent from a class or otherwise, they may choose a racial talent instead.
* '''Languages''': Cervidian Reindeer begin play speaking Cervidan. Cervidian Reindeer with a high Int score can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Equine, Griffin, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican
* '''Languages''': Cervidian Reindeer begin play speaking Cervidan. Cervidian Reindeer with a high Int score can choose from the following list of bonus languages: Camelu, Equine, Griffin, Herd Tounge, Ursic, Zebrican
* '''Level Adjustment''': +1 (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)
* '''Level Adjustment''': +1 (Optional; most useful if combined with humanoid characters from other settings.)

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