Editing Susanne Schneider

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[[Category:WoD]] [[Category:Spring Court]]
[[Category:WoD]] [[Category:Summer Court]]
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|Athletics=1|AnimalKen=1|Academics=2 ( Handel )
|Athletics=1|AnimalKen=1|Academics=2 ( Handel )
Line 15: Line 15:
|Drive=1|Expression=1|Crafts=3 ( Hedgespun, Token )
|Drive=1|Expression=1|Crafts=3 ( Hedgespun, Token )
|Stealth=3 ( Schleichen )|Socialize=1|Occult=3
|Stealth=3 ( Schleichen )|Socialize=1|Occult=3
|Survival=3 ( Hedge, Wayfinding )|Streetwise=2|Politics=0
|Survival=3 (Hedge, Wayfinding )|Streetwise=1|Politics=0
Line 25: Line 25:
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Professinal Training: Professional|Rank= 4 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Professinal Training: Professional|Rank= 4 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Ressources|Rank= 4 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Ressources|Rank= 4 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Contacts ( Lierferanten: Spoiled Items, Hedgecrafted Items, Imbued Items, Fetish Items )|Rank= 4}}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Contacts ( Campingausrüster, Kunden, Lieferanten, Hedgecrafter )|Rank= 4}}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Dualkith|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Dualkith|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Outdoorsman|Rank= 2 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Outdoorsman|Rank= 2 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Status: Pilgirims of the Endless Road|Rank= 1 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Status: Pilgirims of the Endless Road|Rank= 1 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Hollow ( includs Wards 2, Workshop 3 )|Rank= 3 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Hollow ( includs Wards 2, Workshop 2 )|Rank= 3 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Hobkin|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Hobkin|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Edifice (includs Staff 2 and Workshop 3 )|Rank= 3 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Edifice (includs Staff 2 and Workshop 4 )|Rank= 3 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Fence|Rank= 2 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Fence|Rank= 3 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Brownies Boon|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Brownies Boon|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Market Sense|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Market Sense|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Tokenmaker|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Tokenmaker|Rank= None }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Retainer|Rank= 3 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= |Rank= 0 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Mantle|Rank= 1 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= |Rank= 0 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= Mentor|Rank= 3 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= |Rank= 0 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= |Rank= 0 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= |Rank= 0 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= |Rank= 0 }}
{{NWoDMerit |Merit= |Rank= 0 }}
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== Other Stats ==
== Other Stats ==
Powerstat: 3
Willpower: 6
Willpower: 6
Line 65: Line 66:
Gärtnerei ( Herstellung in der Werkstatt ) : Int + Crafts + Spezialisierungen
Gärtnerei ( Herstellung in der Werkstatt ) : Int + Crafts + Spezialisierungen
Armory ( Herstellung in der Werkstatt ) : Int + Crafts + Spezialisierung
Waffen ( Herstellung in der Werkstatt ) : Int + Crafts + Spezialisierung
Drive ( Autofahren ) : Dex + Drive ( Auto )
Tokencreation: Wyrd + Crafts + sonstiges
Fallensteller: Dex + Crafts + sonstiges
== Powers ==
== Powers ==
Affinity Contracts: Artifice, Forgery, Animation, Hearth, Smoke, Mirror, Dream, Omen, Moon, Hours,
Affinity Contracts: Artifice, Forgery, Animation, Hearth, Smoke, Mirror, Dream, Omen, Moon, Hours,
Contracts of Animation:
Knowing Touch (•)
The character talks to an object or device and learns of any damage it has suffered and the location and nature of all of its weak points. The object also tells her about any hidden spaces or secret compartments within it. To use this clause, the character must handle, examine and talk or whisper to the object or device for at least half a minute.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wyrd + Crafts ( Modifiers: –1 The character is distracted and not concentrating entirely on the object. Burglars who keep an ear out
for guards or the owners of a house they are breaking into suffer this penalty.
+1 The character examines the object for at least five
Action: Instant
Catch: The owner of the device asked the changeling to examine it. This catch does not function if the changeling owns the object in question.
Dramatic Failure: The changeling misunderstands the device and for the next scene gains a penalty of –2 to any roll to repair or modify this device.
Failure: The clause provides the character with no information about the object or device.
Success: The character understands the details of the object’s construction. She gains a bonus equal to her Wyrd to repair or modify a damaged  object or device. In addition, she knows what piece to remove to most effectively disable a device, or exactly where to hit an object to do the most damage. She can halve the object’s Durability (round down) for any attack she makes on it during the next scene.
Exceptional Success: The character also automatically learns of any hidden compartments or spaces within the object she is examining.
Instant Expertise (••)
By touching a device and listening to its spirit, the changeling gains an instinctive knowledge of how to use it. This clause allows characters who have no idea how to use a particular device to use it without penalty and also provides characters trained in its use with additional expertise. To use this clause, the character must touch and fiddle with the device for two full turns before using it. This clause can be used on weapons, vehicles, scientific instruments, individual computer programs or any other device or tool. Changelings can even use this to gain bonuses at picking locks or disarming security systems.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Wyrd ( Modifiers: –2 The character refrains from even whispering to the device. +1 The character speaks to the device in a normal conversational volume. )
Action: Instant
Catch: The character has at least 10 minutes to talk with the device to learn the secrets of its use.
Dramatic Failure: The character misinterprets the device’s suggestions and suffers a –2 penalty when using the device for the next scene.
Failure: The clause does not affect the character’s use of the device.
Success: The character gains a temporary specialty with the device she is touching. This supernatural benefit manifests as a bonus to dice rolls made to use the specific object equal to the number of successes. Thus, if the player rolled three successes to have his Wizened learn to ride a particular motorcycle, the Wizened would gain three dice to any Drive rolls made to drive that specific vehicle. This bonus lasts for three turns per point of the character’s Wyrd. It also counts as temporary dots in a Skill for the purpose of eliminating untrained penalties.
Exceptional Success: The bonus lasts for the entire scene.
Inanimate Communion (•••)
The character directly senses and experiences events that happened to the object or device he is handling. The changeling experiences these events from the point of view of the object he is touching. While doing this, he hears and feels how the object was used and who used it.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wyrd + Empathy ( Modifiers: –2 The character does not touch the objects with both hands. +1 The character polishes, cleans or performs minor maintenance on the various objects.
Action: Instant
Catch: The object has not been used or handled for at least a year
Dramatic Failure: The character gains a few vague and utterly incorrect impressions from any object he touches.
Failure: The character gains no impressions from the object.
Success: The character can touch or handle an item and learn about the last few times it was extensively used, moved or handled. This clause works equally well on a bottle opener that was used a few hours before and an ancient Roman necklace last worn 2,100 years ago. The character
learns who used the object, gaining a clear impression of the user’s appearance and manner. The character also learns where and how the object was used. One of the major limitations on this clause is that the character can only see and hear people and objects that actually touched the object. The character will know who or what a melee weapon was used upon, but not who a gun was fired at, unless the gun actually touched the target. The character requires only a minute or two to learn the past of any single object.
Exceptional Success: The character can clearly see and hear a greater number of the events surrounding the object or device as it was used or handled. Her vision includes people who were not in physical contact with the object, up to a radius of five yards from the object.
Contracts of Fang and Talon:
Tongues of Birds and Words of Wolves (•)- Nagetiere
The changeling can communicate with the general type of animal represented in the Contract. This communication is partially empathic, but the changeling must either whisper to the animal in her own language or attempt to imitate whatever sounds the animal uses to express itself. Most animals make some sort of noise while responding, but they need not do so. Animals tied to the changeling by kith or this Contract instinctively feel a kinship with the changeling and readily communicate unless immediate circumstances, such as an obvious threat, intervene. Simpler, less intelligent animals communicate with less complexity. Mammals and birds are relatively easy to speak with. However, reptiles, invertebrates and most fish can provide only very simple information, such as whether or not any humans recently came near or the general location of fresh water.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wyrd + Animal Ken ( Modifiers: +1 The character imitates the animal’s sounds and body language. –1 The animal is frightened or hurt.)
Action: Instant
Catch: The changeling gives the animal a new name.
Dramatic Failure: The character angers or scares the animal he tries to approach and cannot use this clause for one full scene.
Failure: No communication occurs.
Success: The changeling can speak to all animals of the specified type for the next scene.
Exceptional Success: The animal feels affection and loyalty toward the character. The animal is actively helpful and volunteers information  unasked if it considers that information important (so far as its intelligence allows).
Beast’s Keen Senses (••)
The changeling gains the senses of a specific type of animal, selected when the changeling learns this clause. This clause enhances the changeling’s natural senses, and may well grant him entirely new senses such as a viper’s infrared pits or a bat’s echolocation.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Wyrd ( Modifiers: +1 The changeling is touching an animal of the correct type. +1 The changeling is wearing a mask or other large image (such as a painting on the back of a jacket of an animal of the correct type). –1 The environment is one that the animal would
find uncomfortable and unnatural, such as a jungle animal in winter snow. )
Action: Instant
Catch: The changeling sees or touches an animal of the type being imitated.
Dramatic Failure: The character’s senses become slightly muddied and confused. The character experiences a –1 die penalty to all Perception rolls for the next scene.
Failure: The Contract fails, and the character’s senses are unaffected.
Success: The character gains a +2 dice bonus to all Wits rolls relating to perception for the next full scene. In addition, he gains the chosen animal’s most notable sensory ability — a wolf or dog’s sense of smell, including the ability to identify people and track by scent, an owl
or cat’s night vision and so on. If the character’s particular animal has no significant exceptional sense (such as a goat or monkey), he instead gains a +4 dice bonus to all Wits rolls relating to perception. These bonuses last for the next full scene.
Exceptional Success: The character gains an additional +1 die to all Perception rolls for the scene.
Pathfinder (•)
The first and most basic clause allows the changeling to divine the nature of the Hedge in a certain area. Pathfinder can find Hollows, trods, paths to and from Faerie and other details of the local Hedge, such as what sorts of goblin fruits grow there.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Wyrd (Modifiers: –1 The changeling has never witnessed the local Hedge before, as with visiting a new freehold or
otherwise finding the “Hedge-scape” vastly different than what she may have expected.)
Action: Instant
Catch: The changeling must have plucked a Thorn from the local Hedge and shed a single drop of blood while doing so within the last day.
Dramatic Failure: The Contract yields wholly inaccurate information about the Hedge, suggesting paths where there are none, marking poisonous fruits as beneficial or otherwise utterly confounding otherwise useful information.
Failure: The changeling learns no useful information about the local Hedge.
Success: For each success on the roll, the changeling learns a single pertinent fact about the local Hedge. In most cases, this information is just that — a statement about whether something exists. It doesn’t necessarily point out where a Hollow or pathway might exist, just the fact of its presence. The distance in which such information-drawing is effective is the changeling’s line of sight. Therefore, this power may be curtailed by a mysterious fog in the Hedge or a smoke cast by the Hedge’s burning.
Exceptional Success: As with an ordinary success, but the achievement of the exceptional success yields information about the location of features known to be in the Hedge.
Fickle Fate (•)
It’s easier to curse than to bless. The individual affected by Fickle Fate seems to perform poorly in whatever task he sets himself to. It’s almost unheard of to invoke Fickle Fate for oneself — who wants to fail at what he attempts?
Cost: 1 Glamour
Effect: The subject of Fickle Fate makes the roll for his next actively attempted instant action, whatever it is, at a –2 dice penalty. Actively attempted actions are those things the character consciously undergoes the effort of doing, not things that occur automatically or reflexively. For example, jumping from a moving car or performing an oratory before the duke would be an actively attempted action, while
seeing if wounds force a character into unconsciousness or reflexively resisting some supernatural power would not be.
Action: Instant
Ban: The character invoking Fickle Fate may not use it to affect the same subject more than once an hour. If he does, the Fickle Fate visits him on his next attempted action instead of his intended victim.
== Charakterbeschreibung ==
== Charakterbeschreibung ==
Line 232: Line 79:
Susanne ist eine wuselige kleine Frau. Sie ist sehr freundlich, offenherzig und aufgeschlossen. Kundenzufriedenheit ist ihr OBERSTES Gebot. Außerdem ist sie sehr neugierig und fragt Neukunden gerne auch mal Löcher in den Bauch um herauszufinden was sie BRAUCHEN und nicht was sie GLAUBEN zu brauchen. Zwar verschreckt sie damit manchen ein wenig, doch diejenigen die ihr diese kleinen Verschrobenheiten verzeihen stellen häufig fest, dass sie davon einen großen Nutzen haben. Mancher der sie nicht gut kennt traut ihr nicht wirklich zu, dass dieses kleine Energiebündel durchaus in der Lage ist sich problemlos durch die Hecke durchzuschlagen ohne ihr Leben zu riskieren... aber Susanne ist IMMER gut vorbereitet und geht keine Risiken ein, welche sie vorher nicht genau kalkuliert hat!!! Für sie sind alle Lebewesen gleich: Supers, Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen, Gegenstände!
Susanne ist eine wuselige kleine Frau. Sie ist sehr freundlich, offenherzig und aufgeschlossen. Kundenzufriedenheit ist ihr OBERSTES Gebot. Außerdem ist sie sehr neugierig und fragt Neukunden gerne auch mal Löcher in den Bauch um herauszufinden was sie BRAUCHEN und nicht was sie GLAUBEN zu brauchen. Zwar verschreckt sie damit manchen ein wenig, doch diejenigen die ihr diese kleinen Verschrobenheiten verzeihen stellen häufig fest, dass sie davon einen großen Nutzen haben. Mancher der sie nicht gut kennt traut ihr nicht wirklich zu, dass dieses kleine Energiebündel durchaus in der Lage ist sich problemlos durch die Hecke durchzuschlagen ohne ihr Leben zu riskieren... aber Susanne ist IMMER gut vorbereitet und geht keine Risiken ein, welche sie vorher nicht genau kalkuliert hat!!!
Virtue: Prudence
Virtue: Prudence
Line 246: Line 93:
Drei Spezialisierungen durch PT: Professional Academics ( Handel ), Crafts ( Hedgespun, Token )  
Drei Spezialisierungen durch PT: Professional Academics ( Handel ), Crafts ( Hedgespun, Token )  
Mundane Vorteile bei Erschaffung: PT: Professional 4: Assetskills- Academics, Persuasion, Crafts; Fence 2
Mundane Vorteile bei Erschaffung: PT: Professional 4: Assetskills- Academics, Persuasion, Crafts; Fence 3
4 zusätzliche Vorteilspunkte durch Clarity 5
=== Template ===
=== Template ===
Line 254: Line 99:
Kostenlose Spezialisierung auf Stealth ( Schleichen )
Kostenlose Spezialisierung auf Stealth ( Schleichen )
Vorteile: -Dualkith ( 3 Punkte ), Tokenmaker ( 3 Punkte ), Wyrd 3- Insgesamt 12 Punkte ( 4 wg. Clarity, 1 Übertrag wg. nur 6 benutzter Vorteile für die mundanen Vorteilspunkte)
Vorteile: -Dualkith ( 3 Punkte ), Brownies Boon ( 1 Punkt ), Tokenmaker ( 3 Punkte )  
(Seeming) Wizend:
(Seeming) Wizend:
Line 260: Line 105:
- Blessing: for one point of glamour the character can use the 9 again rule on all dice pools involving Dexterity for the rest of the scene. The player can also spend one point of Glamour to add the character’s Wyrd dots to his Dodge total.
- Blessing: for one point of glamour the character can use the 9 again rule on all dice pools involving Dexterity for the rest of the scene. The player can also spend one point of Glamour to add the character’s Wyrd dots to his Dodge total.
- Curse: Wizened don’t benefit from the 10 again rule on dice pools involving Presence. They also suffer a –2 dice untrained penalty when trying to use a Social Skill in which they have no dots, rather than the usual –1.
- Curse: Wizened don’t benefit from the 10 again rule on dice pools involving Presence. They also suffer a –2dice untrained penalty when trying to use a Social Skill in which they have no dots, rather than the usual –1.
Kith 1: Artist- Impeccable Craftsmanship: The changeling enjoys the benefit of the 8 again rule on any dice pool using Crafts, and can choose to spend a point of Glamour to re-roll any failed dice on one Crafts roll (so if, for example, an Artist who rolls five dice and gets 1, 4, 6, 8 and 9 can spend a point of Glamour and re-roll the 1, 4 and 6). This blessing can be used only once per roll.
Kith 1: Artist- Impeccable Craftsmanship: The changeling enjoys the benefit of the 8 again rule on any dice pool using Crafts, and can choose to spend a point of Glamour to re-roll any failed dice on one Crafts roll (so if, for example, an Artist who rolls five dice and gets 1, 4, 6, 8 and 9 can spend a point of Glamour and re-roll the 1, 4 and 6). This blessing can be used only once per roll.
Line 266: Line 111:
Kith 2: Nöcker ( Neues Wizend- Seeming )- Nöcker halten die Dinge am laufen. Sie haben eine extrem blasse , bis ins bläuliche gehende Haut und auffallend gerötete Nasen und Wangen. Sie sind furchtbar perfektionistisch, was manchmal mit Mürrischkeit verwechselt werden kann. Da ihnen nichts gut genug ist neigen sie eher dazu Altes zu erhalten und zu verbessern, als Neues zu schaffen. Dennoch finden sich unter ihnen auch begnadete Erfinder. Sie sind Meister der Improvisation und unter widrigsten Verhältnissen arbeiten. Glotterdemon: Keine Abzüge durch fehlendes Werkzeug und Umgebung, etc., wenn Werkzeug und eine passende Umgebung vorhanden sind  erhält man zusätzlich einen Bonuswürfel ( Bsp. : Man benutzt Werkzeug welches normalerweise einen Bonuswürfel macht und ist in einem Haus ( macht auch + 1- obs stimmt weiß ich nicht genau aber es soll nur ein Beispiel sein ) man bekommt insgesamt 4 Würfel ).
Kith 2: Nöcker ( Neues Wizend- Seeming )- Nöcker halten die Dinge am laufen. Sie haben eine extrem blasse , bis ins bläuliche gehende Haut und auffallend gerötete Nasen und Wangen. Sie sind furchtbar perfektionistisch, was manchmal mit Mürrischkeit verwechselt werden kann. Da ihnen nichts gut genug ist neigen sie eher dazu Altes zu erhalten und zu verbessern, als Neues zu schaffen. Dennoch finden sich unter ihnen auch begnadete Erfinder. Sie sind Meister der Improvisation und unter widrigsten Verhältnissen arbeiten. Glotterdemon: Keine Abzüge durch fehlendes Werkzeug und Umgebung, etc., wenn Werkzeug und eine passende Umgebung vorhanden sind  erhält man zusätzlich einen Bonuswürfel ( Bsp. : Man benutzt Werkzeug welches normalerweise einen Bonuswürfel macht und ist in einem Haus ( macht auch + 1- obs stimmt weiß ich nicht genau aber es soll nur ein Beispiel sein ) man bekommt insgesamt 4 Würfel ).
Kith 3: Sweet Animal ( Neues Beast- Seeming )- Beast- Wechselbälger welche mit Wildtieren assoziiert werden die niedlich sind, z. Bsp. Eichhörnchen, Fenneks, Wannabees, Kanninchen, Wasserschweine, Giraffen, ect., aber auch Schmiegehäschen und Wolpertingerwelpen (aus dem " Lexikon der erklärungbedürtigen Wunder und Daseinsformen Zamoniens ";-) ). Über Pheromone wecken sie in dem Betrachter das Gefühl sie streicheln, füttern und liebhaben zu wollen. Charming: 9 again bei Persuasion, Socialize und Subterfuge
Kith 3: Sweet Pet ( Neues Beast- Seeming )- Beast- Wechselbälger welche mit Tieren assoziiert werden die niedlich sind, z. Bsp. Eichhörnchen, Fenneks, Wannabees, Kanninchen, Meerschweinchen, aber auch Schmiegehäschen und Wolpertingerwelpen (aus den " Lexikon der erklärungbedürtigen Wunder und Daseinsformen Zamoniens ";-) ). Über Pheromone wecken sie in dem Betrachter das Gefühl sie streicheln, füttern und liebhaben zu wollen. Charming: 9 again bei Persuasion, Socialize und Subterfuge
Contracts 5 Punkte: Contracts of Animation 3, Contracts of Fang and Talon 2;
=== Powers and Powerstat ===
=== Powers and Powerstat ===
Wyrd 1 + 2= 3
Wyrd 1 + 2 = 3
Clarity -2 = + 2 Wyrd
Auftritte: Der Buchplott- 6+ 1 (die Bar)+ 3 (Tafeln des Wächters)+ 3 Bilder
Auftritte: 0
Storyending- XP: 9 + 1 mal erwähnt
69+ 13 = 82
*Band 1: Atribute,Skills: 79 Basis + 7 Storyending- XP = 86
**Ausgegeben: 86- Attribute: Stamina 2 (5 durch Mentor), Wits auf 2 (5 Punkte durch Mentor)>Regain wegen dem Degen, Stamina 3 (10 duch Mentor), Wits 3 (10 durch Mentor); Neue Skills- Athletics 1, Drive 1, Larceny 1, Weaponary 1 , Animalken 1, Subterfuge 1, Computer 1, Science 1 (23), Spezialiserungen: -Survival ( Hedge, Wayfinding )(6), Rotes: Crafts- Kochen, Armory,Tokencreation, Fallensteller, Drive- Auto fahren(11); Steigerungen: Weaponery auf 3 (2 Punkte wg. Mentor), Athletics 2 (4 Punkte), Crafts auf 4 (3 Punkte wg. Mentor), Survival von 1 auf 3 (6 Punkte wg. Mentor)(16)
*Band 2: Merits,Willpower: 79 Basis = 79
**Ausgegeben: 62 - Retainer: Tyra Watson 3 ( 12 Punkte ), Mentor 5 ( 12 Punkte ): Bruder Boris Donnerklaue Waidmann vom Sommerhof( Elemental von den Pilgern Manikin/ Levinquick /Hunterheart ): Mentor (Körperliche Attribute, Geistige Attribute, Mentale Attribute, Weaponery, Survival) Outdoorsman ( 6 Punkte ), Mantle of Spring 3 ( 12 Punkte ),
*Band 3: Powers,Supernatural-Merits: 79 Basis  + 3 Storyending- Xp + 4 SL- XP= 86
**Ausgegeben: 86 - : Hedge- Gate- Sense ( 2 Punkte ), Market- Sense ( 2 Punkte ), Hollow: Size 3 ( 12 Punkte ), Wards 2 ( 6 Punkte ), Workshop 3: Werkzeug , Garten, Armory ( 12 Punkte ), Hobkin ( 6 Punkte ), Status 1 : Pilgrims of the Endless Road ( 2 Punkte ), Contracts of Dream 1 ( 4 Punkte ), Contracts of Heard 1 ( 4 Punkte ),Contracts of Animation von 3 auf 5 (36)
*Band 4: Retainer: 79 Basis= 79
*Band 1: Atribute,Skills: 43 Basis
**Ausgegeben: - 41: Stamina 2, Drive 1, Weaponary 1, Animalken 1, Expression 1, Subterfuge 1, Computer 1, Science 1, Spezialiserungen: -Survival ( Hedge, Wayfinding ), Rotes: Crafts- Gärtnerei, Armoory
**Ausgegeben: 58- Edifice: Size 4 (25 Punkte), Staff 1 (2 Punkte)- Verkäufer, Lieferanten, Workshop 3 (12 Punkte)- Schneiderei, Schlosserei, Küche, Archive 1 (2 Punkte), Lager 3 (12 Punkte) , Security 2(6 Punkte)
*Band 2: Merits,Willpower: 43 Basis + 1 für Charakterbeschreibung  + 5 SL- XP = 49
**Ausgegeben: - 32: Edifice 3 ( 12 Punkte ): Staff 2 ( 6 Punkte )- Verkäufer, Lieferanten, Workshop 3 ( 12 Punkte )- Schneiderei, Schlosserei, Küche, Archive 1 ( 2 Punkte )- Armory ( also Waffen und Rüstung wenns geht ); Outdoorsman ( 6 Punkte )
*Band 3: Powers,Supernatural-Merits: 43 Basis
**Ausgegeben: - 42: Hedge- Gate- Sense ( 2 Punkte ), Market- Sense ( 2 Punkte ), Hollow 3 ( 12 Punkte ):- Wards 2( 6 Punkte ), Workshop 3: Lederei, Garten, Waffenschmiede ( 12 Punkte ), Hobkin ( 6 Punkte ), Status 1 : Pilgrims of the Endless Road ( 2 Punkte )
*Band 4: Retainer: 43 Basis
**Ausgegeben: 0
== Equipment ==
== Equipment ==
Welcome Gift: [[Lain-Glasses]] Susanne hat sie von einem Magier des Rates der Träume im Austausch gegen ein gleichwertiges Token bekommen. Ihr Modell ist eine Brille Modell Dyson;-)
Welcome Gift: [[Lain-Glasses]] Susanne hat sie von einem Magier des Rates der Träume im Austausch gegen ein gleichwertiges Token bekommen. Ihr Modell ist eine Brille Modell Dyson;-)
[[Crimson Step]]
Der Degen von Fabian
Die Katalysator- Kasse
vier [[Lain-Glasses]] zum verteilen
gepimpte Gargoylenrüstung>> müssen noch schauen was die machen
[[Category:WoD]] [[Category:Spring Court]]

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