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[[:Category:d20 MLP]] [[Category:Powers]]
[[:Category:d20 MLP]] [[Category:Powers]]
==Acrobatic Maneuvers==
Maneuers are a set of special options which can be used together with a specific skill. "Basic Maneuver" are options that anypony can use, but Advanced Maneuver have to be learned through practice and training. Advanced Maneuver are be divided into specific Ranks. To learn a new maneuver Rank you have to learn the nesesary Talent. Additional Maneuver can be learned by selecting a Extra Training Feat (see page xxx). When you learn a new maneuver, make sure that maneuver may only be learned if you have a higher or the same amount of maneuvers in every lower maneuver Rank.
==Athletic Maneuvers==
===Grade 1===
===Grade 1===
* '''Dodge''' (Ex) [Style]:
* '''Buck Kick''' (Ex) [Combat]:
You are adept at dodging blows.
:Prerequisite: Dexterity 13
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: During your turn, you designate an creature or character and receive a + 1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense against attacks her. You can select a new target on any action. A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.
* '''Kip Up''' (Ex)
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect:  You can stand up from a prone position as a swift action instead of a Move Action.
* '''Spurt''' (Ex) [General]
A short burst of speed.
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: DC 10+ on Athletic check to increase your speed this Turn.
<table width=50% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Athletic DC</b></td><td><b>Speed Increase</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>10</td><td>1 Square</td></tr>
<tr><td>15</td><td>2 Squares</td></tr>
<tr><td>20</td><td>4 Squares</td></tr>
<tr><td>25</td><td>6 Squares</td></tr>
* '''To the Ground''' (Ex)
:Activation: Reaction
:Effect: If you are not already in a prone position you can drop to the ground as a reaction to avoid to get hit by something. This increase your Reflex Defense by +5 against this action but after the reaction you are in prone position.
* '''Lunge''' (Ex)
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: Move two additional squares as a swift action.
===Grade 2===
* '''Final Spurt''' (Ex) [General]
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You can stress your body to boost your speed. By moving down one step on the physical condition track you can increase your speed by your Constitution modifier until end of Round.
* '''Mobility''' (Ex) [General]:
:Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Dodge
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You get a additional +5 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense when running (see running side xxx)for this round. A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.
* '''Nimble Hooves''' (Ex) [General]
You run nimbly, able to turn corners without losing momentum.
:Benefit: When running or charging (see Charge maneuver), you can make a single direction change of 90 degrees or less. You can’t use this maneuver in medium or heavy armor, refined or exclusive garderobe or if you’re carrying a medium or heavier load. If you are charging, you must move in a straight line for 10 feet (2 squares) after the turn to maintain the charge.
:Normal: Without this maneuver you can run or charge only in a straight line.
* '''Readiness''' (Ex) [General]
:Activation: Full Round action
:Benefit: When you prepare a Ready action (see page xxx) you can ready a full round action.
:Normal:  Without this maneuver you can ready only a single standard action or move action.
* '''Slide''' (Ex) [General]:
:Activation: Reaction or Swift Action
:Benefit: When in prone position (see page xxx) and moved 10 feet (2 squares) in a straight line with your last non free action you are able to move in the prone position half of the squares you moved in your last action( rounded down). Instead of the normal cost of this maneuver you lose one fatigue for each square moving this way. A Slippery floor can reduce the cost by half.
===Grade 3===
* '''Charge'''
:Activation: Standard Action
:Effect: As a standard action, you can move your speed (minimum 2 squares) in a straight line through unobstructed terrain, and then make a strength related standard action at the end of your movement. You gain a -1 on your skill roll and take a -1 penalty to your Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn for every two squares that you have crossed. In addition your maneuver gets more energy due to the distant. For every squares that you have crossed increases the strength by one point which can be used to determine the effect of this Maneuver. You cannot charge through low objects, difficult terrain, or squares occupied by hostile creatures, but allies and neutral bystanders normally not hinder your charge (except the stablemaster decides otherwise). The charge maneuver can be used for Harvest.
* '''Chase''' (Ex) [Style]
:Activation: Swift Action (Full Round Action to upkeep)
:Effect: As long as you are chasing somepony, your base speed is the same or higher and you're not farther away than 4 squares from your target you can activate this Style as a swift action. By using one Full Round action every round you can keep step with your target. You are moving in your Initiative segment the same number of squares your target moved last round. The fatigue cost to upkeep this style is equal the fatigue cost that your target payed to get this speed minus one.
* '''Exploit Weaknesses''' (Ex) [General]
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: To deplete your opposed players energy you can try to take advantage of her mistakes. If you have activate this maneuver and the opposed player performs a reaction to prevent your action, she is unable to use any rerolls to stop your action. If her skill roll is lower than yours she can pay the differce between your rolls to still achieve a success or are unable to stop your action at all. 
* '''Interlude''' (Ex)  [Social]
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: Once per round you can use a single social maneuver during a Athletic Performance, but the DC for the Athletic check and the Perform or Persuade check increase by +2. This social maneuver can not use more than a standard, move or swift action.
* '''Strong Flinger''' (Ex) [General]
:Prerequisite: Strength 15, Throw Anything feat
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You are able to throw objects that are of the same size as you. The range increment of objects used in conjunction with this maneuver is 2 squares. You also can throw smaller objects farther. Objects of two size categories smaller than you gain a range increment of 4 instead of 2 squares.
===Grade 4===
* '''Intercept''' (Ex) [General]
:Activation: Reaction
:Effect: As long as you have not yet acted in this round you can interupt to a suitable opportunity the initiative order. For each step in the sequence you want to act sooner you have to spend a point of fatigue to activate this maneuver (minimum 4).
* '''On the Limit''' (Ex) [Style]
:Activation: Swift Action
:Duration: 1 fatigue per round, or until activating another Style
:Effect: As long as this maneuver is active, negate all penalties from the physical condition track. As soon as this maneuver ends, count all penalties as normal again and the character is moved one step down on the physical condition track.
* '''Tough Horse''' (Ex) [General]
Your increased training lowers the loss of fatigue.
:Activation: Standard Action
:Duration: Encounter, or until activating another Style
:Effect: Reduce the fatigue cost or upkeep for Acrobatic Maneuvers by one point (minimum 1 fatigue point).
===Grade 5===
* '''Go for Broke''' (Ex) [Style]
:Activation: Standard Action, 2 fatigue per round after the first
:Duration: max. 1 round per level
:Effect: You can readjust your body to boost one physical ability score at the expense of one or more other scores. Select one ability score you would like to boost, and increase it by the same amount that you decrease one or more other scores. All score decreases are treated as a special form of ability damage, called ability burn, which cannot be magically healed - it goes away only through natural healing. You can boost your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score by an amount equal to half your character level (or any lesser amount), assuming you can afford to burn your other ability scores to such an extent. When the duration of this maneuver expires, your ability boost also ends, but your ability burn remains until it is healed naturally.
* '''Mighty Hurler''' (Ex) [General]
:Prerequisite: Strength 19, Throw Anything feat
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You are able to throw objects that are up to two size categories larger than you. The range increment of objects used in conjunction with this maneuver is 2 squares. You also can throw objects of up to the same size as you farther. Objects of your size category gain a range increment of 4 instead of 2 squares.
===Grade 6===
* '''Iron Pony''' (Ex) [Style]
:Activation: Standard Action
:Duration: Encounter, or until activating another Style
:Effect: Reduce the fatique cost or upkeep for Acrobatic Maneuvers by half, to a minimum of one.
* '''Storm Runner''' (Ex) [Style]
:Activation: Swift Action
:Duration: 2 fatigue per round, or until activating another Style
:Effect: As long as this maneuver is active, negate all penalties from the both condition tracks and environmental penalties. As soon as this maneuver ends, count all penalties as normal again.
* '''Quicksilver Evasion''' (Ex) [General]
:Prerequisite: Dexterity 21, active Dodge Style
:Activation: Reaction
:Effect: Once per round, when struck by an attack from an opponent you have designated as the object of your dodge, you may automatically avoid all damage from the attack.
==Meele Maneuvers==
===Grade 1===
* '''Buck Kick''' (Ex) [Combat, Harvest]:
:Effect: If you remain stationary, you can kick with your hind hooves, making a single attack at +1 to hit. This kick deals 2d8 + Strength Bonus. The target of a successful Buck Kick must make a Fort Save at DC 15 + your Strength Bonus, or be knocked back 10 feet.
:Effect: If you remain stationary, you can kick with your hind hooves, making a single attack at +1 to hit. This kick deals 2d8 + Strength Bonus. The target of a successful Buck Kick must make a Fort Save at DC 15 + your Strength Bonus, or be knocked back 10 feet.
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:Effect: After making a successful melee attack against an opponent up to one size category larger than you, you can choose to move that opponent 1 square in any direction as a free action. You can't bantha rush an opponent that's being grabbed or grappled, and you can't bantha rush your opponent into a solid object or another creature's fighting space.
:Effect: After making a successful melee attack against an opponent up to one size category larger than you, you can choose to move that opponent 1 square in any direction as a free action. You can't bantha rush an opponent that's being grabbed or grappled, and you can't bantha rush your opponent into a solid object or another creature's fighting space.
* '''Power Attack''' (Ex) [Combat, Harvest]:
* '''Dodge''' (Ex) [General]:
You are adept at dodging blows.
:Prerequisite: Dexterity 13
:Effect: During your turn, you designate an opponent and receive a + 1 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense against attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any action. A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Also, dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most other types of bonuses.
* '''Point Blank Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]:
You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons at point blank range.
:Effect: You get a + 1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within point blank range (see Table: Weapon Ranges).
* '''Power Attack''' (Ex) [Combat]:
You can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks.
You can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks.
:Prerequisite: Strength 13.
:Prerequisite: Strength 13.
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:Effect: The pony gains +1 to attack and damage for every 4 squares traveled in the same round that an attack is made.
:Effect: The pony gains +1 to attack and damage for every 4 squares traveled in the same round that an attack is made.
* '''Far Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]:
You are better at shooting great distances.
:Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot
:Effect: When you use a ranged weapon against targets at short, medium, or long range, the range category is considered one less. In other words, you take no penalty on ranged attack rolls against targets at short range, a -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls made against targets at medium range, and a -5 penalty on a ranged attack rolls made against targets at long range.
:Normal: When making a ranged attack roll, a character takes a -2 penalty against targets at short range, a -5 penalty against targets at medium range, and a -10 penalty against targets at long range.
* '''Improved Bull Rush''' (Ex) [General]:
* '''Improved Bull Rush''' (Ex) [General]:
When using the Bull Rush feat, you push your opponent add ition al squares away from you.
When using the Bull Rush feat, you push your opponent add ition al squares away from you.
:Prerequisites: Bull Rush, Strength 15
:Prerequisites: Bull Rush, Strength 15
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: When making a Bull Rush, you push your opponent a number of additional squares away from you equal to half your Strength modifier (round down, minimum 2 squares pushed total).
:Effect: When making a Bull Rush, you push your opponent a number of additional squares away from you equal to half your Strength modifier (round down, minimum 2 squares pushed total).
:Normal: When using Bull Rush, you normally push your opponent only 1 square away from you.
:Normal: When using Bull Rush, you normally push your opponent only 1 square away from you.
* '''Improved Overrun''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Mobility''' (Ex) [General]:
:Activation: Free Action
You are skilled at moving past opponents and avoiding opportunistic attacks.
:Effect: When you attempt to overrun an opponent, the target may not choose to avoid you. You also gain a +4 bonus on your Strength check to knock down your opponent.  
:Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Dodge
:Normal: Without this maneuver, the target of an overrun can choose to avoid you or to block you.
:Effect: You get a +5 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or into a threatened area (see Attacks of Opportunity). A situation that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.
* '''Precise Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]:
You are skilled at timing your ranged attacks so that you don't hit your allies by mistake.
:Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot
:Effect: You can shoot or throw a ranged weapon at an opponent engaged in melee combat with one or more of your allies without taking the standard -5 penalty (see Shooting or Throwing into a Melee).
===Grade 3===
===Grade 3===
* '''Chevron Dash''' (Ex) [General]:
* '''Coordinated Attack''' (Ex) [General]:
:Prerequisite: Dashing Strike
:Effect: Your dashing strike is now super effective. When you move 8 or more squares during a round in which you make an attack, you also treat the target as flanked (and receive commensurate attack bonuses).
* '''Coordinated Attack''' (Ex) [General]
You are skilled at coordinating your attacks with your allies.
You are skilled at coordinating your attacks with your allies.
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:Normal: You must make an attack roll against a Reflex Defense of 10 to gain the benefits of the aid another action.
:Normal: You must make an attack roll against a Reflex Defense of 10 to gain the benefits of the aid another action.
* '''Pickup''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Pony Cannon Ball''' (Ex) [Combat]:
:Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+
:Prerequisite: Dashing Strike
:Activation: Full-Round Action Action
:Effect: You can take a double move action and a grappling attack action at any point during the move. If the target of the grapple is not resisting actively you may pull it onto your back, if target is of appropriate size, or put it into your saddlebag when wearing one. You cannot take an additional move action during a round when you make a Pickup.
:Effect: Your dashing strike is now super effective. When you move 8 or more squares during a round in which you make an attack, you also treat the target as flanked (and receive commensurate attack bonuses).
:Normal: Without this Maneuver, a character takes a standard action either before or after its move.
* '''Rampaging Bull Rush''' (Ex) [General]:
* '''Rampaging Bull Rush''' (Ex) [General]:
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:Prerequisite: Improved Bull Rush, Strength 17
:Prerequisite: Improved Bull Rush, Strength 17
:Effect: You can attempt to knock down any creature that you successfully bull rush (that is, that you push back at least 5 feet with a bull rush attempt). You take a -4 penalty on your Strength check to bull rush the opponent, but if you win, the opponent is knocked prone at the end of the bull rush.
:Effect: While in a rage, you can attempt to knock down any creature that you successfully bull rush (that is, that you push back at least 5 feet with a bull rush attempt). You take a -4 penalty on your Strength check to bull rush the opponent, but if you win, the opponent is knocked prone at the end of the bull rush.
===Grade 4===
* '''Cascading Bull Rush''' (Ex) [General]:
You can plow into enemies, pushing them even further back than usual.
:Prerequisites: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Strength 15
:Effect: When you perform a bull rush, you gain an additional +4 bonus to the check. This stacks with Improved Bull Rush. You also learn two new bull rush techniques. First, you can push back bull-rushed opponents up to 10 feet initially, plus up to another 10 feet for every 5 points by which you beat their score. The distance you can push them is effectively doubled. Secondly, you can push opponents back through other opponents (or allies). If a creature blocks the area into which you’re trying to push back a successfully bull-rushed opponent, you can try to shove it out of the way, too. Make a bull rush check against that second creature. If you fail, your progress in the initial bull rush is blocked. If you win (by any margin), you can push back both enemies at the “cost” (based on the available movement distance from the first bull rush) of 5 feet per creature per 5 feet moved. That is, shoving two creatures back 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement from the total distance of the first bull rush. In this manner, you can cascade the impact of a bull rush through an entire row of invaders.
* '''Flying Kick''' (Ex) [Combat, Harvest]
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Effect: This maneuver may only be used as a charge. Your kick damage is increased by one die size (e.g. from 1d8 to 1d10). You add one-half the number of ranks you have in the Jump skill to the damage inflicted by any kick attack made as a charge. Furthermore, you add one-and-a-half times your Strength modifier to the damage from this attack. If you miss with this attack, you must make a Athletics check (DC 15), or be prone. If you succeed at this check, you are flat-footed until the start of your next action.
===Grade 5===
* '''Flurry''' (Ex) [General]
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: You gain one additional Standard Action this turn. Only for Acrobatic maneuvers.
* '''Tremor Stomp''' (Su) [Combat, Harvest]
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Effect: If the character passes a DC 25 acrobatics or melee check, it is able to produce a tremor, which deals 5d6 bludgeoning damage in a 8 square spread centered around the character. All characters affected by this maneuver have to take a DC 15 athletics check, or go prone.
===Grade 6===
==Ranged Maneuvers==
===Grade 1===
* '''Point Blank Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]:
You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons at point blank range.
:Effect: You get a + 1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within point blank range (see Table: Weapon Ranges).
===Grade 2===
* '''Far Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]:
You are better at shooting great distances.
:Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: When you use a ranged weapon against targets at short, medium, or long range, the range category is considered one less. In other words, you take no penalty on ranged attack rolls against targets at short range, a -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls made against targets at medium range, and a -5 penalty on a ranged attack rolls made against targets at long range.
:Normal: When making a ranged attack roll, a character takes a -2 penalty against targets at short range, a -5 penalty against targets at medium range, and a -10 penalty against targets at long range.
===Grade 3===
* '''Strong Flinger''' (Ex) [General]
:Prerequisite: Strength 15, Throw Anything feat
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You are able to throw objects that are of the same size as you. The range increment of objects used in conjunction with this maneuver is 2 squares. You also can throw smaller objects farther. Objects of two size categories smaller than you gain a range increment of 4 instead of 2 squares.
* '''Rapid Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]:
* '''Rapid Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]:
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===Grade 4===
===Grade 4===
* '''Cascade Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]
* '''Cascading Bull Rush''' (Ex) [General]:
:Prerequisites: Rapid Shot
You can plow into enemies, pushing them even further back than usual.
:Prerequisites: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Strength 15
:Effect: When using a ranged weapon, you may fire two shots as a single attack against a single target. You take a -2 penalty on your attack roll, but you deal + 1 die of damage with a successful attack. For every five points of physical base bonus you have above +6, you may add one additional damage die to a maximum of four at a physical base bonus of +16. However, each ranged attack after the second adds a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll (for a total penalty of -6 for three shots and -8 for four).  
:Effect: When you perform a bull rush, you gain an additional +4 bonus to the check. This stacks with Improved Bull Rush. You also learn two new bull rush techniques. First, you can push back bull-rushed opponents up to 10 feet initially, plus up to another 10 feet for every 5 points by which you beat their score. The distance you can push them is effectively doubled. Secondly, you can push opponents back through other opponents (or allies). If a creature blocks the area into which you’re trying to push back a successfully bull-rushed opponent, you can try to shove it out of the way, too. Make a bull rush check against that second creature. If you fail, your progress in the initial bull rush is blocked. If you win (by any margin), you can push back both enemies at the “cost” (based on the available movement distance from the first bull rush) of 5 feet per creature per 5 feet moved. That is, shoving two creatures back 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement from the total distance of the first bull rush. In this manner, you can cascade the impact of a bull rush through an entire row of invaders.
:Special: Using this feat fires multiple shots and can only be done if the weapon has sufficient ammunition remaining. If you do not have Strength 13 or higher, increase the penalty to attacks to -5, when using this feat with non-vehicle weapons. The effects of this feat do not stack with the extra damage provided by other feats.
===Grade 5===
===Grade 5===
* '''Falling Star Shot''' (Ex) [Ballgame]
:Prerequisites: Precise Shot
:Activation: Standard Action
:Effect: Your ranged attacks ignore the AC bonus granted to targets by anything less than total cover, and the miss chance granted to targets by anything less than total concealment. Total cover and total concealment provide their normal benefits against your ranged attacks. In addition, when you shoot or throw ranged weapons at a grappling opponent, you automatically strike at the opponent you have chosen.
:Normal: See the normal rules on the effects of cover and concealment. Without this feat, a character who shoots or throws a ranged weapon at a target involved in a grapple must roll randomly to see which grappling combatant the attack strikes.
* '''Mighty Hurler''' (Ex) [General]
:Prerequisite: Strength 19, Throw Anything feat
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You are able to throw objects that are up to two size categories larger than you. The range increment of objects used in conjunction with this maneuver is 2 squares. You also can throw objects of up to the same size as you farther. Objects of your size category gain a range increment of 4 instead of 2 squares.
===Grade 6===
===Grade 6===
* '''Flying Juggernaut''' (Su) [Ballgame]
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Effect: When using a ranged weapon, you may fire a powerful shot as a single attack against a target in range. Each character the shot is passing in 2 squares are dealt 1d6 damage, are pushed back one Square, and go prone unless they succeed on a DC 20 athletics check. The target hit by the shot is dealt 8d6 additional damage, pushed back a number of squares equal to twice your Strength modifier, and goes prone if he does not succeed on a DC 25 athletics check. In addition the shot leaves a color trail.
* '''Hail of Shots''' (Su) [Ballgame]
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Effect: When using a ranged weapon, you may fire a shots as a single attack against all targets in range. You take a -6 penalty on your attack roll.
==Flight Maneuvers==
==Flight Maneuvers==
===Grade 1===
===Grade 1===
* '''Cloud Charge''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Cloud Charge'''  
The Pegasus is able to use her speed to increase the Damage against Clouds
The Pegasus is able to use her speed to increase the Damage against Clouds
:Activation: Free Action  
:Activation: Free Action  
:Effect: For every square crossed increase the collision Damage against a Cloud by +2. The collision end the movement.
:Effect: For every square crossed increase the collision Damage against a Cloud by +2. The collision end the movement.
* '''Defensive Spin''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Defensive Spin'''  
A Quick spin to protect you from an incoming Hazzard or Physical Attack.
A Quick spin to protect you from an incoming Hazzard or Physical Attack.
:Activation: Reaction  
:Activation: Reaction  
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* '''Fall Damper''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Fall Damper'''  
Sometimes a fall can not be prevented.  
Sometimes a fall can not be prevented.  
:Activation: Reaction
:Activation: Reaction
:Effect: Reducing falling Damage to you by one Height Level.
:Effect: Reducing falling Damage to you by one Height Level.
* '''Spurt''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Spurt'''  
A short burst of speed.  
A short burst of speed.  
:Activation: Swift Action  
:Activation: Swift Action  
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* '''Wingpony''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Wingman'''  
You are able to fly in an ordered formation with others.
You are able to fly in an ordered formation with others.
:Activation: Free Action
:Activation: Free Action
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===Grade 2===
===Grade 2===
* '''Combo''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Combo'''  
The Good tricks include more than one Maneuver.  
The Good tricks include more than one Maneuver.  
:Activation: Free Action
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: One additional Swift Action this Turn. Only for Flight Maneuvers.
:Effect: One additional Swift Action this Turn. Only for Flight Maneuvers.
* '''Evasive Maneuver''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Evasive Maneuver'''  
With a combination of rolling and zig-zagging movements you are able to dodge some attacks.
With a combination of rolling and zig-zagging movements you are able to dodge some attacks.
:Activation: Swift Action
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: Attacks made against you are subject to a 20% miss-chance.
:Effect: Attacks made against you are subject to a 20% miss-chance.
* '''Flyby Attack''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Flyby Attack'''
You are extremely agile and know how to use your maneuverability and dexterity to assault opponents.
You are extremely agile and know how to use your maneuverability and dexterity to assault opponents.
:Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+
:Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+
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:Normal: Without this Maneuver, a character takes a standard action either before or after its move.
:Normal: Without this Maneuver, a character takes a standard action either before or after its move.
* '''Parade Formation''' (Ex) [Formation]
* '''Parade Formation'''  
When flying in formation with others you know how to impress.  
When flying in formation with others you know how to impress.  
:Prerequisite: Wingpony Maneuver
:Prerequisite: Wingman Maneuver
:Activation: Free Action
:Activation: Free Action
:Duration: Encounter, or until formation is broken
:Duration: Encounter, or until formation is broken
:Effect: A parade formation consists of 3 or more characters. For each additional member of the formation the leading character gains a +2 on Performance rolls, or other appropriate Charisma-based rolls. Each member of the formation also gains a +2 bonus to appropriate rolls. In addition, the character may produce a color trail.
:Effect: A parade formation consists of 3 or more characters. For each additional member of the formation the leading character gains a +2 on Performance rolls, or other appropriate Charisma-based rolls. Each member of the formation also gains a +2 bonus to appropriate rolls.  
* '''Swoop''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Swoop'''  
You can get the maximum speed out of diving through the sky.
You can get the maximum speed out of diving through the sky.
:Activation: Swift Action
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: When diving, you move five times your normal speed. While diving, you retain your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense.
:Effect: When diving, you move five times your normal speed. While diving, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC.
:Normal: You move four times your speed while running, and you lose your Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense.
:Normal: You move four times your speed while running, and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
* '''Wingover''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Wingover'''  
You can change direction quickly while flying.  
You can change direction quickly while flying.  
:Activation: Swift Action
:Activation: Swift Action
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===Grade 3===
===Grade 3===
* '''Aerial Reflexes''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Aerial Reflexes'''  
Your aerial agility allow you to avoid dangerous effects while airborne.
Your aerial agility allow you to avoid dangerous effects while airborne.
:Activation: Swift Action
:Activation: Swift Action
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* '''Aerobatics''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Aerobatics'''  
You understand the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics and how to optimize your situation in the air.
You understand the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics and how to optimize your situation in the air.
:Activation: Free Action
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You improve your maneuverability class by one step when using any ability to fly. For example, a creature rated as a good flier becomes a perfect one with this Maneuver. A perfect flier with this Maneuver ignores the first increment of reduction in maneuverability due to adverse effects. You increase your base flying speed by 2 squares.
:Effect: You improve your maneuverability class by one step when using any ability to fly. For example, a creature rated as a good flier becomes a perfect one with this Maneuver. A perfect flier with this Maneuver ignores the first increment of reduction in maneuverability due to adverse effects. You increase your base flying speed by 2 squares.
* '''Cloud Cannonball''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Celerity'''
Sometimes you have to be quick.
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: One additional Move Action this Turn. Only for Flight Movement.
* '''Cloud Cannonball'''  
To Clean the Sky you need more than Bucking.  
To Clean the Sky you need more than Bucking.  
:Activation: Swift Action
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: For every square crossed increase the collision Damage against Cloud´s by +3 this Turn. The collision do not end the movement.
:Effect: For every square crossed increase the collision Damage against Cloud´s by +3 this Turn. The collision do not end the movement.
* '''Defensive Formation''' (Ex) [Formation]
* '''Defensive Formation'''  
:Prerequisite: Wingpony Maneuver
:Prerequisite: Wingman Maneuver
:Activation: Free Action
:Activation: Free Action
:Duration: Encounter, or until formation is broken
:Duration: Encounter, or until formation is broken
:Effect: A character with one wingpony gains a +1 bonus to both Fortitude and Reflex Defense, a character with two wingponies gains a +2 bonus. This adjustment counts against both ranged and close combat attacks, as long as the formation is intact.
:Effect: A character with one wingman gains a +1 bonus to both Fortitude and Reflex Defense, a character with two wingmen gains a +2 bonus. This adjustment counts against both ranged and close combat attacks, as long as the formation is intact.
* '''Dive-Bomb''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Dive-Bomb'''  
You are trained to attack at great speed from above.
You are trained to attack at great speed from above.
:Prerequisite: Aerial Combat Feat
:Prerequisite: Aerial Combat Feat
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Effect: You may make a dive-bomb attack. You must dive towards the opponent for at least twenty feet. Any melee attack that you make gains a -4 to hit and +4 damage.
:Effect: You may make a dive-bomb attack. You must dive towards the opponent for at least twenty feet. Any melee attack that you make gains a -4 to hit and +4 damage.
* '''Velocity''' (Ex) [General]
Sometimes you have to be quick.
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: One additional Move Action this Turn. Only for Flight Movement. In addition, the character may produce a color trail.
===Grade 4===
===Grade 4===
* '''Ace''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Ace'''  
You are a master of the skies. The air is your home element. You baffle attackers with the ease with which you evade their attacks.
You are a master of the skies. The air is your home element. You baffle attackers with the ease with which you evade their attacks.
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Effect: You are able to dodge area-effect attacks. If you spend a full round action preparing to maneuver, you may immediately move on an opponent’s initiative count after determining the extent of an area of effect. You may take no other action that round. Your initiative count does not change.
:Effect: You are able to dodge area-effect attacks. If you spend a full round action preparing to maneuver, you may immediately move on an opponent’s initiative count after determining the extent of an area of effect. You may take no other action that round. Your initiative count does not change.
* '''Breath Keeping Style''' (Ex) [Style]
* '''Breath Keeping Style'''  
Control your Breath to lower the loss of fatique.  
Control your Breath to lower the loss of fatique.  
:Activation: Standard Action
:Activation: Standard Action
:Duration: Encounter, or until activating another style
:Duration: Encounter, or until activating another style
:Effect: Reduce the fatique cost or upkeep for Flight Maneuvers by one Point up to a minimum of one.
:Effect: Reduce the fatique cost or upkeep for Flight Maneuvers by one Point.
* '''Compressive Spin''' (Su) [General]
:Activation: Move Action
:Effect: Compress a Cloud to a temporary solid state. The Cloud is reduced to two Size categories small than its original size. Treat this cloud like a hardened cloud, as described in Cloud Shaping for one turn per 5 points over Flight DC 15. The cloud may be hardened permanently as normal during that time. With a Flight DC of 25 the cloud is treated as solid, even for non-Pegasi for 1 round plus an additional round for each 5 points higher than the DC.  
* '''Momentum''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Momentum'''  
Keeping up the speed.  
Keeping up the speed.  
:Activation: Swift Action (First Round)
:Activation: Swift Action (First Round)
:Effect: Normally after a round with accelerated speed you are loosing the Speed increase in your next Round. With this Maneuver you can keep the speed Rating of your previous round. Each Round after the activation you lose one fatique because of the exertion. In addition, the character produces a color trail.
:Effect: Normally after a round with accelerated speed you are loosing the Speed increase in your next Round. With this Maneuver you can keep the speed Rating of your previous round. Each Round after the activation you lose one fatique because of the exertion.
* '''Snatch''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Snatch'''
:Prerequisite: Strength 17+
:Prerequisite: Strength 17+
:Activation: Free Action
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: The Pegasus has the ability to snatch flightless opponents off the ground and carry them into the sky. When attacking from the air, the Pegasus makes a normal Grappling attack. If the Grapple is successful, the Pegasus snatches the target off the ground and may carry it away. The target of this attack must be at least one size smaller than the creature making the Snatch.
:Effect: The Pegasus has the ability to snatch flightless opponents off the ground and carry them into the sky. When attacking from the air, the Pegasus makes a normal Grappling attack. If the Grapple is successful, the Pegasus snatches the target off the ground and may carry it away. The target of this attack must be at least one size smaller than the creature making the Snatch.
* '''Spirited Dive''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Spirited Dive'''  
The Pegasus can perform a terrifying dive-bomb attack.  
The Pegasus can perform a terrifying dive-bomb attack.  
:Prerequisite: Dive Bomb Maneuver
:Prerequisite: Dive Bomb Maneuver
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===Grade 5===
===Grade 5===
* '''Formation Aerobat'''
You have mastered the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics and how to optimize the situation of your entire formation.
:Prerequisite: Aerobatics Maneuver, Formation Flyer Maneuver
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You improve the maneuverability class of every member of your formation by one step when using any ability to fly. For example, a creature rated as a good flier becomes a perfect one with this Maneuver. A perfect flier with this Maneuver ignores the first increment of reduction in maneuverability due to adverse effects. You increase the base flying speed of every member of your formation by 1 square.
* '''Celerity''' (Ex) [General]
* '''Improved Dive-Bomb'''  
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: You gain one additional Standard Action this turn. Only for Flight maneuvers.
* '''Comet Fall''' (Ex) [General]
You have done Dive-Bombs some many times that you can now use them without losing sight of your enemy.
You have done Dive-Bombs some many times that you can now use them without losing sight of your enemy.
:Prerequisite: Flyby Attack Maneuver, Dive Bomb Maneuver
:Prerequisite: Flyby Attack Maneuver, Dive Bomb Maneuver
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:Effect: You may make a improved dive-bomb attack at +6 damage and no attack penalty. While doing a dive bomb attack you must be above an enemy, but you can move at double your flight speed and by the enemy.
:Effect: You may make a improved dive-bomb attack at +6 damage and no attack penalty. While doing a dive bomb attack you must be above an enemy, but you can move at double your flight speed and by the enemy.
* '''Formation Aerobat''' (Ex) [Formation]
* '''Pegasus Vortex'''
You have mastered the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics and how to optimize the situation of your entire formation.
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Prerequisite: Aerobatics Maneuver, Wingpony Maneuver
:Effect: A flying pegasus with in 20 feet of the ground can start a small cyclone around them (20 feet tall, 5 feet at the base, 20 feet diameter at the top). The cyclone requires the full and continued concentration of the pegasus to maintain and is considered flat footed whilst in the vortex. The vortex grabs any large or smaller creature it moves over grappling them. The pegasus makes grapple checks at a +4 bonus (as though they were large) and may use their dexterity score in place of strength to resolve the grapple check. Anyone successfully grappled by the cyclone takes 3d6 damage and 1d6 per round and can only escape the cyclone by taking a full round action to oppose the grapple again. The cyclone is considered a distracting environment for spell casters. Once initiated, other Pegasi flying in formation may contribute to the size of the Vortex, even if they themselves do not have this maneuver. For each additional Pegasus involved the vortex grows 5 feet at the top. The damage of the vortex improves by +1 for each additional Pegasus involved. For each two additional Pegasi involved the base of the vortex grows by 5 feet. Other participating Pegasi are also required to concentrate fully on the creation of the vortex, are considered flat-footed and have to invest (5 - Strength Modifier; minimum 1) fatigue per round.
:Activation: Free Action
:Effect: You improve the maneuverability class of every member of your formation by one step when using any ability to fly. For example, a creature rated as a good flier becomes a perfect one with this Maneuver. A perfect flier with this Maneuver ignores the first increment of reduction in maneuverability due to adverse effects. You increase the base flying speed of every member of your formation by 1 square.
* '''Supersonic'''
:Activation: Move Action
:Effect: If the Pegasus manages to fly over 40 squares in a single round, and pass a DC 15 flying check at the end of it, they can produce a sonic boom, which deals 5d6 sonic damage in a 4 square spread centered around the final destination of the pegasus in that round. In addition, the character produces a vapor trail. The vapor trail is equivalent to a light cloud with (6 + Dexterity modifier) fatigue points and a Diffusion Rating of 1.
* '''Sonic Boom''' (Ex) [General]
===Grade 6===
* '''Sonic Rainboom'''  
:Activation: Move Action
:Activation: Move Action
:Effect: If the Pegasus manages to fly over 40 squares in a single round, and pass a DC 15 flying check at the end of it, they can produce a sonic boom, which deals 5d6 sonic damage in a 4 square spread centered around the final destination of the pegasus in that round. In addition, the character produces a color or vapor trail. The vapor trail is equivalent to a light cloud with (6 + Dexterity modifier) fatigue points and a Diffusion Rating of 1.
:Effect: If the Pegasus manages to fly over 60 squares in a single round, and pass a DC 25 flying check at the end of it, they can produce a sonic rainboom, which deals 10d6 chromatic damage in a 6 square spread centered around the final destination of the pegasus in that round. In addition, a rainbow will trail the pegasus who has just completed a sonic rainboom for 1 minute. Apart from looking awesome (and preventing any sort of hiding), the rainbow aura grants the pegasus +5 to all attack and damage rolls while it remains. The aura may be dismissed early as a free action. Failing to pass the dexterity check propels the pegasus backwards to their starting point for that round and they are flat footed for the remainder of the encounter.
==Swim Maneuvers==
* '''Tornado''' (Ex) [Formation]
===Grade 1===
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Effect: A flying pegasus with in 4 squares of the ground can start a small cyclone around them (4 squares tall, 1 square at the base, 4 squares diameter at the top). The cyclone requires the full and continued concentration of the pegasus to maintain and is considered flat footed whilst in the vortex. The vortex grabs any medium or smaller creature or object it moves over, grappling them. The Vortex is able to suck up water, dirt or cloudstuff. Against characters the pegasus leading the vortex makes grapple checks at a +4 bonus (as though they were large) and may use their dexterity score in place of strength to resolve the grapple check. Anyone successfully grappled by the cyclone takes 3d6 damage and 1d6 per round and can only escape the cyclone by taking a full round action to oppose the grapple again. The cyclone is considered a distracting environment for spell casters. Once initiated, other Pegasi flying in formation may contribute to the size of the Vortex, even if they themselves do not have this maneuver. The damage of the vortex improves by +1 for each 5 full points in the Flight skill of an additional Pegasus involved and the vortex grows 1 square at the top. For each 10 full points in the Flight skill of an additional Pegasus involved, the base of the vortex grows by 1 square and adds +1 to the grapple modifier. For each 4 squares the base of the vortex becomes larger, the size category of objects or characters grabbed increases by one category. Other participating Pegasi are also required to concentrate fully on the creation of the vortex, are considered flat-footed and have to invest (5 - Strength Modifier; minimum 1) fatigue per round.
===Grade 6===
===Grade 2===
* '''Hyperspeed''' (Su) [General]
:Activation: Swift Action
:Effect: If the character manages to fly over 60 squares in a single round, and pass a DC 25 flying check at the end of it, You enter another time frame, speeding up so greatly that all other characters seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at normal speed. You are free to act for 1 round of apparent time. You can cast spells, move, or perform maneuvers and other types of actions, subject to the restrictions outlined below. While you move at hyperspeed, other characters are invulnerable to your attacks and powers. This means you cannot target a creature with any attack, maneuver, or spell. However, an effect you activate that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining while you move at hyperspeed has its normal effect on creatures in the area once this power ends. You can affect an unattended object but not an object held, carried, or worn by another creature. When your temporal acceleration expires, you resume acting during your current turn in the standard time frame. Upon your return to the standard time frame move one step down the physical condition track. If you step down two or more steps on the condition track those steps become persistent.
* '''Sky Supremacy''' (Su) [General]
===Grade 3===
:Activation: Standard Action, 1 Harmony Point
:Effect: Emulate a Sky Magic Spell of Grade 5 or lower as a flight maneuver. Make Flight checks instead of any Use Magic check. If the emulated spell has any additional cost, pay as described in the spell.
* '''Sonic Rainboom''' (Su) [Rainbow]
===Grade 4===
:Prerequisite: Rainbow Mane feat
:Activation: Move Action
:Effect: If the character manages to fly over 60 squares in a single round, and pass a DC 25 flying check at the end of it, they can produce a sonic rainboom, which deals 10d6 sonic damage in a 12 square spread centered around the final destination of the character in that round. In addition, a rainbow will trail the character who has just completed a sonic rainboom for 1 minute. Apart from looking awesome (and preventing any sort of hiding), the rainbow aura grants the character +5 to all attack and damage rolls while it remains. The aura may be dismissed early as a free action. Failing to pass the dexterity check propels the character backwards to their starting point for that round and they are flat footed for the remainder of the encounter.
* '''To the Moon''' (Ex) [General]
===Grade 5===
:Activation: Swift Action, 2 fatigue per round after the first
:Effect: As long as this maneuver is active, negate all penalties from the both condition tracks and aerial environmental penalties, such as strong winds or lack of oxygen. As soon as this maneuver ends, count all penalties as normal again.
* '''Horizon Seeker Style''' (Ex) [Style]
===Grade 6===
:Activation: Standard Action
:Duration: Encounter, or until activating another Style
:Effect: Reduce the fatigue cost or upkeep for Flight Maneuvers by half, to a minimum of one.
==Social Maneuvers==
==Social Maneuvers==
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===Grade 1===
===Grade 1===
* '''Annoy'''
* '''Annoy''' (Whelm PHB2)
:Type: Argument, [Discordant]
:Type: Statement
:Activation: Simple action
:Activation: Simple
:Targets: Other character
:Targets: Other creature
:Condition: none
:Condition: none
:Effect: The target of this maneuver is irritated by your words. The effect is similar to the "Dispute" basic maneuver but without a counter-statement from your target.
* '''Fascinating Topic'''
* '''Fascinating Topic''' (Hypnotism)
:Type: Argument, Event
:Type: Statement
:Activation: Full-Round action
:Activation: Full-Round
:Targets: Event (see Performance)
:Targets: 2d4 HD of creatures
:Condition: Upkeep (1 FP/turn), repetitive action, non-hostile action
:Condition: Upkeep (1 FP/turn), repetitive action, non-hostile action
:Effect: Your performance and words fascinate nearby non-hostile characters, causing them to stop and look at you. In addition, you can use their rapt attention to make your suggestions and requests seem more plausible. Make a Performance check to see how many characters you affect (see Performance side xxx). Only characters that can see or hear you are affected, but they do not need to understand you to be fascinated. While the subject is fascinated by this social maneuver, it reacts as though it were one step more friendly in attitude. This allows you to make a single request of the affected crowd (provided you can communicate with it). The request must be brief and reasonable. Even after the maneuver ends, the crowd retains its new attitude toward you, but only with respect to that particular request.
:Effect: Your performance and words fascinate nearby non-hostile creatures, causing them to stop and look at you. In addition, you can use their rapt attention to make your suggestions and requests seem more plausible. Roll 2d4 to see how many total Hit Dice of creatures you affect. Creatures with fewer HD are affected before creatures with more HD. Only creatures that can see or hear you are affected, but they do not need to understand you to be fascinated. While the subject is fascinated by this social maneuver, it reacts as though it were one step more friendly in attitude. This allows you to make a single request of the affected creature (provided you can communicate with it). The request must be brief and reasonable. Even after the maneuver ends, the creature retains its new attitude toward you, but only with respect to that particular request.
* '''Motivate'''
* '''Motivate''' (Cure Light)
:Type: Support
:Type: Support
:Activation: Simple action
:Activation: Simple
:Targets: other character
:Targets: other creature
:Condition: Target indifferent or better attitude towards you
:Condition: Target indifferent or better attitude towards you
:Effect: Your social interaction channels positive energy that cures 1d8 points of fatigue +1 point per Charisma Modifier.
:Effect: Your social interaction channels positive energy that cures 1d8 points of fatigue +1 point per level (maximum +5).
* '''Neutral Point of View'''
* '''Neutral Point of View''' (Sanctuary)
:Type: Attitude
:Type: Attitude
:Activation: Full-Round action
:Activation: Full-Round
:Targets: Self
:Targets: Self
:Condition: Until end of encounter, or until interrupted
:Condition: Until end of encounter, or until interrupted
:Effect: Any opponent attempting to use offensive social maneuvers or deceptions against the pony, must supplement the social interaction with a Harmony point. If he does, the opponent can act normally and is unaffected by that social maneuver. If he does not, the opponent cannot follow through with the social action, that part of its action is lost, and it cannot directly affect the neutral character for the duration of the maneuver. Those not attempting to influence the subject remain unaffected. This maneuver does not prevent the neutral pony from being attacked or affected by area of effect maneuvers. The subject cannot attack without breaking the effect of the maneuver but may otherwise act. This maneuver can be used only once per encounter.
:Effect: Any opponent attempting to use offensive social maneuvers or deceptions against the pony, must supplement the social interaction with a Harmony point. If he does, the opponent can act normally and is unaffected by that social maneuver. If he does not, the opponent cannot follow through with the social action, that part of its action is lost, and it cannot directly affect the neutral creature for the duration of the maneuver. Those not attempting to influence the subject remain unaffected. This maneuver does not prevent the neutral pony from being attacked or affected by area of effect maneuvers. The subject cannot attack without breaking the effect of the maneuver but may otherwise act. This maneuver can be used only once per encounter.
* '''Rambling'''
* '''Rambling''' (Distract)
:Type: Argument
:Type: Statement
:Activation: Full-Round action
:Activation: Full-Round
:Targets: Other character
:Targets: Other creature
:Condition: Upkeep (1 FP/turn), repetitive action
:Condition: Upkeep (1 FP/turn), repetitive action
:Effect: The target of this maneuver is overwhelmend by the sheer flood of words from the character. It takes a -4 penalty on all Mental skill checks and can take only a single standard or move action each round while affected, but not both.
:Effect: The target of this maneuver is overwhelmend by the sheer flood of words from the character. It takes a -4 penalty on all Mental skill checks and can take only a single standard or move action each round while affected, but not both.
* '''Standing Point'''
* '''Standing Point''' (Mage Armor)
:Type: Attitude
:Type: Attitude
:Activation: Simple action
:Activation: Simple
:Targets: Self
:Targets: Self
:Condition: Until end of encounter, or until another Attitude is selected
:Condition: Until end of encounter, or until another Attitude is selected
:Effect: Your Will and Wits Defenses improves by +2.
:Effect: The targets Will and Wits Defenses improve by +2.
===Grade 2===
===Grade 2===
* '''Cherrychanga'''
* '''Cherrychanga''' (Melf's Acid Arrow)
:Type: Argument, [Discordant]
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Other character
:Condition: Upkeep (1 FP/turn), repetitive action
:Effect: By repeated use of a statement of maximum small size the target suffers size + Charisma Modifier Fatigue Damage without changing the attitude. Wits Defense can only be used against the Initial statement but no attack roll is needed in the following rounds.
* '''Encouragement'''
* '''Encouragement''' (Vigor)
:Type: Support
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Other character
:Condition: Upkeep (1 FP/turn), repetitive action
:Effect: Your social support channels positive energy that cures 1d4 points of fatigue +1 point per Charisma Modifier every Round as long as this action is maintained.
* '''Intimidation'''
* '''Intimidation''' (Scare)
:Type: Attitude, [Discordant]
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Other character
:Condition: Upkeep (1 FP/turn) , or until another Attitude is selected
:Effect: The target of this aggressive attitude becomes insecure. If the target attempting to use any offensive maneuvers against the pony, she must supplement the maneuver with a Harmony point or pay 5 extra FP to activate the Maneuver.
* '''Propitiate'''
* '''Propitiate''' (Radiant Aura)
:Type: Attitude, Event
:Activation: Move action
:Targets: Other characters, 30 square spread or Event (see Performance)
:Condition: Until end of encounter, or until another Attitude is selected
:Effect: Make a Persuasion Check as a free action against the highest Will Defense of any character who sees the character. If the roll is successful improve their attitude towards the pony by one step (max friendly). Other characters who see the pony, but have not yet been engaged in a challenge, are subject to this maneuver, however using offensive maneuver against them will break the effect. This Maneuver can be used only once per encounter.
* '''Revitalization'''
* '''Revitalization''' (Lesser Restoration)
:Type: Support
:Activation: special
:Targets: other character
:Condition: Target indifferent or better attitude towards you
:Effect: After a sensitive conversation the morale of your target built up, his Mental condition track improves by one step.
<table width=50% border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
<tr bgcolor=#999999><td><b>Activation Time</b></td><td><b>Persuation DC</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>10 Full Round Actions</td><td>10</td></tr>
<tr><td>5 Full Round Actions</td><td>15</td></tr>
<tr><td>2 Full Round Actions</td><td>20</td></tr>
<tr><td>Full Round Action</td><td>25</td></tr>
<tr><td>Simple Action</td><td>30</td></tr>
* '''Spill the Beans'''
* '''Worm Out''' (Detect Thoughts)
:Type: Support
:Activation: 3 separate actions, not needed to be performed on consecutive rounds.
:Targets: other character
:Condition: Target Indifferent or better attitude towards you
:Effect: Bye using cautious questioning you are able to get information about some of the prepared statements of your target. To get this Information you have to roll a skill challenge Persuation vs Empathy of your Target. If you loose the challenge by more than 10 points, the attitude of your target decreases by one step (maximum unfriendly) and your target is fully aware of your attempt. You get no Information. If you loose the challenge by more than 5 points, your target is fully aware of your attempt. You get no Information. If you loose the challenge, you simply get no Information. If you achieve a draw, you get some information about one of the prepared statements of your target, your target may decide which statement. If your target tries to use this statement later against you, the size of this statement is reduced by 2 steps and you get +5 Wits Defense against it. If you win the challenge you get full information about the highest sized statement your target has prepared. If it tries to use this statement later against you, the size of the statement is 2 steps lower and your Wits Defense is improved by +5. If you win the challenge by 5 or more, you are able to get the information about the highest sized statement (see win skill challenge) and in addition you learn if the statement is a deception or a lie.
:You can use this maneuver more then once to get information about more statements, but if your target is aware of one of your attempts you can not use this maneuver again on the same target.
===Grade 3===
===Grade 3===
* '''Charm'''
* '''Cajoling''' (Suggestion)
:Type: Argument
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Other character
:Condition: none
:Effect: Improves a target's attitude toward you by one step. If the character is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, it receives a +5 bonus to its Wits defense. You cannot improve a target's attitude to higher than friendly.
* '''Forceful Argument'''
* '''Charm''' (Charm Monster)
:Type: Support
:Activation: Swift action
:Targets: Statement
:Condition: none
:Effect: A statement gains the fierce descriptor. That statement also becomes Discordant. Remember, that when you succeed in using a Discordant statement, you may gain a Discord point.
* '''Sublime Message'''
* '''Depressing Facts''' (Crushing Despair)
:Type: Support
:Activation: Free action (max. once per turn)
:Targets: Statement
:Condition: Prepared Statement
:Effect: You apply an additional statement interlaced in your social maneuver for that round. This maneuver provides an additional full-round action, which can only be used to for social maneuvers.
* '''Refutation'''
* '''Insult''' (Mindless Rage)
:Type: Argument
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: other character's Argument or Attitude
:Condition: none
:Effect: Deny an opponent's argument or attitude. Make a Persuasion roll against the target's Wits Defense. Any statement made that turn by your target is canceled.
* '''Witticism'''
* '''Refutation''' (Dispel Magic)
:Type: Support
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Self
:Condition: Trained in a suitable Skill to create a useful statement
:Effect: Sometimes you need a quick statement. This Maneuver is an exception to the normal rule of creating a statement with size bigger than medium. Instead of the normal time to create a suitable statement you only need a simple action to improvise an statement but the size is one step lower than a regular created.
===Grade 4===
===Grade 4===
* '''Bugger''' (Mass Whelm)
* '''Bugger''' (Mass Whelm)
:Type: Argument [Discordant], Event
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Up to half your level other characters or Event
:Condition: none
:Effect: The targets of this maneuver are irritated by your words. The effect is similar to the "Dispute" basic maneuver but without a counter-statement from your target.
* '''Interjection'''
* '''Interjection''' (-; Target immediately rerolls Social Attack or Defense)
:Type: Argument
:Activation: Reaction
:Targets: other character's Argument or Attitude
:Condition: none
:Effect: You disrupt another character's flow of words. Make a Persuasion roll against the target's social action roll. If you succeed, your target immediately rerolls his social action. If your Social Rating is higher than your target's add the difference to your roll.
* '''Reverse Argument'''
* '''Reverse Argument''' (-; "reflects" Statement onto Target)
:Type: Argument
:Activation: Reaction
:Targets: other character's Argument
:Condition: you are target of a social maneuver
:Effect: You use another characters statements against him or herself. Make a Persuasion roll against the target's social action roll. If you succeed,  the other character is subject to his or her own statement, although it looses one size category. In addition your target cannot use the statement again for the rest of the encounter.
* '''Willful Ignorance'''
* '''Spill the Beans''' (Know Vulnerabilities)
:Type: Attitude
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Self
:Condition: can only be activated once per encounter
:Effect: You ignore the first 10 points of fatigue loss in a round, whenever you loose fatigue from a social action, though an fierce action bypasses the reduction. Once the maneuver has prevented a total of 10 points of fatigue loss of your highest social maneuver grade (maximum 60 points), it is discharged.
* '''Worm Out'''
* '''Willful Ignorance''' (Stoneskin)
:Type: Support
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: other character
:Condition: none
:Effect: During conversation you probe your target for informations. If your social action succeeds, you may use an instant application of the Gather Information skill.
===Grade 5===
===Grade 5===
* '''Dare'''
* '''Dare''' (Geas/Quest)
:Type: Argument
:Activation: Full-Round Action
:Targets: other character
:Condition: target must have lower Social Rating than you
:Effect: A dare places a social compulsion on a target to carry out some service or to refrain from some action or course of activity, as desired by you. While a dare cannot compel a character to harm itself or perform acts that would result in certain death, it can cause almost any other course of activity. The dared character must follow the given instructions until the dare is completed, no matter how long it takes. If the dare involves some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete through his own actions the compulsion remains in effect for a maximum of one day per your maximum social maneuver grade. A clever recipient can subvert some instructions. If the subject is prevented from obeying the dare for 24 hours, it moves down one step on the mental condition track. Each additional day, it moves down another step on the mental condition track, up to a maximum of –10.
* '''Harmonic Response'''
* '''Hidden Insult''' (-; as Whelm, but does not change Attitude)
:Type: Support
:Activation: Reaction
:Targets: Discordant statement
:Condition: none
:Effect: You deny an opponent's attempt to mock or offend. Any Discordant statement made that turn by your target is canceled.
* '''Hidden Insult'''
* '''Motivational Speech''' (Mass Cure Light)
:Type: Argument [Discordant]
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Other character
:Condition: none
:Effect: The target of this maneuver is irritated by your words. The effect is similar to the "Dispute" basic maneuver but without a counter-statement from your target. Regardless of how many fatigue the target looses, its attitude does not change.
* '''Motivational Speech'''
* '''Plant Rumors''' (Friend to Foe)
:Type: Argument, Event
:Activation: Simple action
:Targets: Up to half your level other characters or Event
:Condition: Target indifferent or better attitude towards you
:Effect: Your social interaction channels positive energy that cures 2d8 points of fatigue +1 point per Charisma Modifier.
* '''Trend''' (Permanency)
* '''Trend''' (Retributive Image)
:Type: Argument, Event, Social Hazard
:Activation: Sceene
:Targets: see Text
:Condition: Very Important Pony Talent. Trained in a suitable Skill to create a enjoyable comment, interesting equipment or maybe a song.
:Effect: To generate a Trend you have to spend one Harmony or Discord point. This creates a statement of large size. Unlike a normal statement a Trend does not disappear after repeated use. Instead is reduced after one session the size by one step. Everypony how encountering this trend can participate with it and can use it for a statement. The size of the Trend can be reset back to large size by repeating this maneuver but every time the trend needs to change slightly.
===Grade 6===
===Grade 6===
* '''Majestic Aura'''
* '''Cajole Crowd''' (Mass Suggestion)
:Type: Attitude, Event
:Activation: Simple
:Targets: Other characters with lower social status, 60 square spread, Event
:Condition: Upkeep (3 FP/turn) or until another Attitude is selected
:Effect: Make a Persuasion Check as a free action against the highest Will Defense of any character who sees the character. If the roll is successful improve their attitude towards the pony by two steps (max friendly). In addition every target attempting to use any offensive maneuvers against the pony must supplement the maneuver with a Harmony point or pay 10 extra FP to activate. Other characters who see the pony, but have not yet been engaged in a physical or magical challenge, are subject to this maneuver, however using physical or magical offensive maneuver against affected characters will break the effect.
:This Maneuver can be used only once per encounter.
* '''Charm Crowd''' (Mass Charm Monster)
* ''' Encourage Crowd'''
* ''' Encourage Crowd''' (Vigorious Circle)
:Type: Argument, Event
:Activation: Full-Round action
:Targets: All allied characters able to hear you
:Condition: Target indifferent or better attitude towards you
:Effect: Your social interaction channels positive energy that cures 3d8 points of fatigue +1 point per Charisma Modifier.
* '''Ostracize''' (Overwhelm)
* '''Ostracize''' (Overwhelm)
:Type: Argument, Discordant
:Activation: Simple
:Targets: Other character
:Condition: Witness(es), Higher social rating than target
* '''Reestablishment'''
* '''Reestablishment''' (Heal)
:Type: Argument
:Activation: Full-Round action
:Targets: Other character
:Condition: Target Indifferent or better attitude towards you
:Effect: Reestablishment enables you to channel positive energy into a character to wipe away insults and demoralizing effects. It immediately ends any and all of the following adverse conditions affecting the target: confused, dazed, dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, and insanity. It also cures 10 points of fatigue for your highest social maneuver grade, to a maximum of 60 points. In addition the Mental condition track of your target improves by two steps.
* '''The Stare'''
:Type: Argument
:Activation: Full-Round action
:Targets: Other character
:Condition: Upkeep (2 FP/turn), repetitive action
:Effect: You try to stare down another character with your most intimidating glare. After using a statement of minimum large size the target suffers size + double Charisma Modifier Fatigue Damage without changing its attitude. Wits Defense can only be used against the initial statement but no attack roll is needed in the following rounds.
==Swim Maneuvers==
===Grade 1===
===Grade 2===
===Grade 3===
===Grade 4===
===Grade 5===
===Grade 6===
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====Social Brainstorming====
====Social Brainstorming====
* '''Sarcasm'''
* '''Radiant Aura''' () []:  
:Type: Attitude [Discordant]
:Requirements: Charisma 15+
:Benefit: Ponies with this feat are exceptionally beautiful. Make a Persuasion Check as a free action against the highest Will Defense of any character who sees the character. If the roll is successful improve their attitude towards the pony by one step (max friendly). Other characters who see a radiant pony, but have not yet been engaged in a challenge, are subject to this ability, however attacking them will break the effect.
* '''Sneer'''
:Type:  [Discordant]
* '''Vitriolic Remark'''
:Type:  [Discordant]
* '''Insult''' (Mindless Rage; Gr 2)
:Type: Argument [Discordant]
* '''Cajoling''' (Suggestion; Gr 3)
:Type: Argument [Discordant]
* '''Depressing Facts''' (Crushing Despair; Gr 4)
:Type: Argument [Discordant]
* '''Cajole Crowd''' (Mass Suggestion; Gr 5)
:Type: Argument [Discordant]
* '''Plant Rumors''' (Friend to Foe; Gr 5)
:Type: Argument [Discordant]
====Swim Brainstorming====
====Swim Brainstorming====

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